Video: SailGP Highlights Keeron Wilson

September 30, 2024 | 3 Comments

Bermudian Keeron Wilson’s inspiring journey as a boatbuilder at SailGP Technologies in Southampton, England, has been spotlighted in a recent video.

At just 25 years old, Mr Wilson has found success as a full-time technical team member for SailGP, having moved to the UK nearly a year ago.

His path into the industry began with a scholarship to the prestigious Landing School in Maine, where he earned qualifications in composite boat building and marine systems in 2020. His talent and passion for the craft only grew from there.

In 2022, Mr Wilson participated in the SailGP Inspire programme, a global initiative designed to foster talent in the sailing world.

It was through the programme that he crossed paths with Joel Marginson, the director of SailGP Technologies.

Recognising Mr Wilson’s potential, Mr Marginson offered him a job, leading to the Bermudian’s relocation to the UK in January of this year.

Mr Wilson quickly made his mark. After excelling on the “shop floor,” he earned the opportunity to return to his homeland with the SailGP team.

There, he played a role in tuning and repairing the F50 catamarans before the Apex Group Bermuda SailGP Grand Prix in May.

“Growing up, I didn’t hear about boat builders – it was something that talked about as a youth,” Mr Wilson said.

“I was always in the water – swimming and fishing. As a a teenager, I started liking boats more but never thought I’d become a boat builder!”

Tom Herbert-Evans, SailGP’s head of commercial and community engagement, recalled discovering Mr Wilson’s talents during Season Two of the SailGP competition in Bermuda in 2021.

“Keeron actually knocked on our door, and we set him up with a boat-building team for a week-long internship,” Mr Herbert-Evans said.

“Two years later, I got a call from Joel Marginson, and within a week, he was working on the shop floor working with composites.

“He’s a very skilled young man, and I can’t wait to see what will happen. He could be leading this team one day!”

Mr Marginson said he offered Mr Wilson a “job on the spot”, having remembered him from his time with the SailGP Inspire programme.

“His story is really cool,” Mr Marginson said. “He’s been absolutely fantastic. He’s willing to learn and is enthusiastic.

“He has every opportunity to become one of the best composite boat builders in the world. He can go as far as he wants.”

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  1. Joe Bloggs says:

    No! You must not say anything positive about SailGP. It is Americas Cup light and we all know what damage the Americas Cup did to Bermuda. The KPMG Report is all lies!

  2. Lion Paw says:

    Well done Keeron look forward to seeing and hearing about your progress as a boat build.

    Applaud SailGP and their initiatives in Bermuda for offering young people alternatives for career paths.

    May you both keep inspiring

  3. Triangle Drifter says:

    Without Americas Cup this story would have never happened.

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