De Couto: ‘Govt Has Not Answered Questions’

September 25, 2024 | 17 Comments

[Updated] “Government has not answered questions about which MPs and Senators are receiving compensation from public funds, over and above their legislative and Ministerial salaries,” Shadow Finance Minister Senator Dr. Douglas De Couto said.

Senator De Couto said, “This is yet another example of the PLP Government choosing to stonewall and fail to provide information in good faith about its activities to the public.

“Last Monday we submitted written questions in the Senate [PDF], asking which legislators are receiving any extra compensation, and how much. In full compliance with Senate rules, we requested answer in the Senate today, and our questions were relayed to the Government via Minister Darrell last Wednesday. However, Government did not respond until the end of the working day on Tuesday the 24th, claiming that it was too difficult for them to answer the question, and that the question was too wide-ranging.

The questions listed in the Senate schedule:

Senator the Hon. O.K. Darrell to provide Oral Responses to Parliamentary Questions from Senator Dr. D.S.J. DeCouto.

Q1. Will the Honourable Minister please provide the Senate with a list of Senators and Members of the House of Assembly who are currently receiving or have received any form of remuneration or compensation over and above their Parliamentary salaries for any work or services performed or consultancy or employment contract with any Government ministry, quangos, Statutory Boards or other publicly-funded entities or agencies, over the period from 1st May 2023 and 31st August 2024; and the amount of remuneration or compensation received?

Q2. Will the Honourable Minister please provide an explanation and breakdown of the amount of monies paid and any tangible outcomes achieved for each case listed in the Answer(s) to Question No. 1?

Q3. Will the Honourable Minister please provide the government protocols followed in each case listed in the Answer(s) to Question No. 1, including details of any Request for Proposal (RFP), procurement approvals and relevant selection procedures that may have been required to be followed?

Senator Dr. De Couto added, “On the face of it, we find it implausible that the Government does now know which MPs and Senators are being employed or otherwise paid, and where. If true, it would be very concerning that the Government does not seem to know who it is paying for what. And if not true, then it is yet another attempt by the Government to avoid providing information to the Bermudian public, counter to what should be the spirit of accountability and transparency.

“Unfortunately, like the Bermudian public, we are not surprised by the Government’s response. We are left to ask, what extra monies are Government legislators receiving, and why won’t Government answer that question?”

Update Sept 26, 9.25am: Senator Owen Darrell said, “Senator DeCouto’s repeated challenges to the authority of the President of the Senate are disturbing.

“This is not the first time he has been found to flout the rules, and has run to the media complaining that the Senate rules also apply to the OBA.

“Like the last time he did this in May, his complaint is baseless and without merit. The Senate President clearly ruled that the questions posed by Senator DeCouto were ‘Out of Order’ under the rules of the Senate, and ruled that they needed to be re-submitted in the proper fashion.

“What Sen DeCouto did not tell the media is that he followed the Senate President’s instruction and has re-submitted the questions as directed. Those questions will be answered according to the rules of the Senate.

“The rules apply to everyone, including the OBA, and attempting to circumvent and disrespect those rules through this kind of political grandstanding is troubling. But it is par for the course for Senator DeCouto and the OBA, who, when they don’t get their way, run to the media to level false attacks in the hope of garnering a media story.

“The OBAs tactics seem to resemble those of Donald Trump. Create an issue where one doesn’t exist, and manufacture false stories seeking headlines. Thankfully, the voters know who the OBA are, and will see right through their endless political games.

“Today in the Senate the PLP Government increased Seniors’ pensions for the 7th time in 7 years. Those are the issues the voters care about, and the PLP will remain focussed and will continue to deliver for Bermudians.”

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  1. Hilarious says:

    Submit a PATI request and see what happens.

    • A Towzer says:

      Let’s submit them for the Airport deal and America’s Cup too. It seems like people don’t mind when certain people behave one way, but other people better not act like they did! Lol!

      • Anonymous says:

        Those were published several times, and even won international awards. The PLP are the only ones who said those were bad deals.

  2. hey says:

    We want the transparency the PLP promised. Am sick of the talk and false promises from the PLP, where is the action PLP? TRANSPARENCY means fessing up on how much you have benefitted off of our hard working backs using our tax dollars. WE WANT THE TRUTH!

    • PAC MAN says:

      HEY BI
      This morning as I turn the pages of Bernews while hoping for a better day.

      I explained with remorse to my family as my wife held back a tear , the events causing the many concerns of the voters locked in battle with our leaders .

      MONEY. ! It got wings . Try this >>>> “The more you do not have the more you need ” .
      On our wedding day we could no be more happy !
      We went to my father an told him , we have no money left?
      Father said ” Good ! then you have nothing to fight over “.

      “What is this island coming to or where is it going too ? Hey ! don’t take this to lightly !
      For both situations, don’t ask, the writing in on the wall !

      The gloom and doom becomes almost uncomprehentdable, as you all are at each other throats in the search for justifications for the expenditures of our tax dollars .

      For the Almighty sake, what are you all doing to one another ?
      Where, may is ask is the gain ?

      These political assignations serve no practical purpose , including the archectural rainbow night mare of congested realestate on the south shore.

      I am some what disappointed that ‘ Hey’s ‘ narration did not include measures by fixing the problem with solutions.

      Then again if we the voters don’t mess up . There would be nothing to fix, you get the day off .

      Here is the spin. !.
      The root problem to all this falls squarely on the shoulders of non other that the voter.

  3. A Towzer says:

    Is it because the OBA did this during America’s Cup that makes them so suspicious and resentful that PLP is doing what they did?

  4. Anonymous says:

    This should concern every Bermudian. If what the opposition is implying is true its textbook corruption. Notice that the PLP is stonewalling and trying to shift our eyes away from the issue at hand. If there is no hanky panky going on, why not produce the records? Best case scenario, the books weren’t kept properly and they are afraid of looking foolish, worst case they are making friends and family payments. Once again the PLP is acting like they’re the opposition, you are the government, act like it.

  5. History says:

    Look oba know one cares about your weak party.

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      “know one cares about your weak party”

      Clearly not a Whitney Institute graduate!

    • Warrior says:

      Run PLP RUNNnnnn

    • What! says:

      this has nothing to do with caring about the OBA. This has to do with the PLP not being transparent , which they trumpeted as part of their platform.

      The fact that Owen tries to deflect, means the PLP has much to hide. Just produce the disclosures. This is the peoples money not yours!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Richard says:

    Bermuda is in trouble after reading what you guys are saying

    • PAC MAN says:


      Some of it are decoys !
      They do not like the way both parties are using us and our tax dollars .
      The can run but the can not hide .

  7. PAC MAN says:

    The O.B.A. got slapped with a crippling vote of no confidence as voters showed their displeasure by staying home on election day.

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