Wage Commission Implementing Methodology

November 21, 2024 | 5 Comments

The Wage Commission announced that it is “advancing its efforts to establish a living wage by implementing the internationally recognized Anker Living Wage Methodology.”

A Government spokesperson said, “As part of this effort, the Commission has entered into a Request for Proposals [RFP] process to identify a qualified research partner to conduct the comprehensive analysis required by the Anker approach.

What is the Anker Living Wage Approach?

“The Anker Living Wage Methodology is a globally respected framework used to determine a fair, sustainable wage for workers, ensuring they can meet their basic needs, such as food, housing, and other essentials, with a small margin for unforeseen events. This methodology focuses on normative standards set by international guidelines, such as those from the World Health Organization [WHO] and the Food and Agriculture Organization [FAO], ensuring that the living wage is both locally relevant and reflective of a decent standard of living.

Why This Approach is the Best for Bermuda

“The Anker Living Wage Methodology has been selected for its transparency, practicality, and adaptability to local conditions. It uses localized data to ensure that living wages are specific to Bermuda’s unique cost structures. By separating and analyzing the costs of food, housing, and other essential needs, this method provides a thorough and equitable basis for determining a living wage. Additionally, it factors in local public services and deductions, ensuring that the final wage supports a decent quality of life without placing undue burdens on employers.

Timeline of Key Activities

“Dependent on publication of RFP and developments in the Commission’s understanding of the data and research work.

  • RFP and Vendor Selection [November 2024 – March 2025]
  1. The Wage Commission is currently engaged in the RFP process and aims to select a research partner in early 2025.
  • Anker Method Research [April 2025 – December 2025]
  1. Phase 1: Cost of Food Analysis
  2. Phase 2: Cost of Housing Analysis
  3. Phase 3: Cost of Other Essential Needs Analysis
  4. Phase 4: Margin for Unforeseen Events and Final Calculations on Living Wage
  • Community Engagement [January 2026– March 2026]
  1. During this phase, the Wage Commission will actively engage with the public, sharing insights from the research and gathering feedback.
  • Final Recommendations [June 2026]

Call to Action: Participation in Household Income and Expenditure Survey

“The success of Phase 3 of the Anker Methodology, which focuses on analyzing the cost of essential needs, depends on data from the Department of Statistics’ ongoing Household Income and Expenditure Survey. This data is crucial for accurately determining the true cost of living in Bermuda. The Wage Commission strongly encourages all individuals selected to participate in the survey to cooperate and engage with the Department of Statistics’ data collection. Accurate spending data is essential to help the Commission understand and recommend a true living wage for Bermuda.”

Contact Information:

For more information about the Wage Commission and the progress of the living wage research, please contact:

  • Wage Commission
  • Email: wagecommission@gov.bm

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Comments (5)

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  1. Ringmaster says:

    This will probably join the timeline for Universal Healthcare. Ongoing and never completed as the basic data changes all the time making it impossible to finish.
    Just more tax payer funds wasted on consultants etc.

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      We can only hope.

      • PAC MAN says:

        Leaderment have the absolutely no right with height of selfishness to even considder give them selves a raise .

        Many of us have gone past the point of lost hope.

        I have been thinking of becoming a covid mask / closed mouth pease full ” sit-down street person “, by doing an all nighter / including shifts, under the verandah. stay off the street.

        In order to present my 4 weekly food bills to. H .M. Customs on Front Steet.

        W & E note 20 +++ Portable toilets are required .

        Degraffe food mobile and Salvation Army music would be more than welcome .Including Bernews and RG .

        This will be for the past year for a 25 % refund of duty to be paid in cash only.

        Nobody will be looking for charity with containers.

        The leader ship well see feel and see the pain and do something to curb imflation

        As paid for food and kitchen and bath room essentials.

        Leaderment ,can increase the duty on alcohol for compensation.

        NO promoters required .

  2. Question says:

    presumably this will be used to help justify 19% pay increases for MPs.

    The rest of us have no idea what the government does, other than draw a salary.

  3. PAC MAN says:

    May i ask is Government diverting or blocking the issue of the dier need to improve this countries economic stability and well being.

    Why do we have to keep hammering on your doors .

    It is more than noticeable that no attempt to was made to ease the burden caused by covid 19 and Inflation that still binds us to day.

    Black Friday no way solves the problem , the temptation makes it worse .

    Taxing us into poverty by presenting so called decoys away from the countries current need and that my dear friends is sustainable income by improving tourism as this country needs income .

    start with a revised agreement with the hotels

    That is part of you job if not all of it.

    Come to think of it you need the OBA to work with you more than ever we the general public have no power in fact we are ignored that is apparent on every street corner may i ask what is the friends and family bit relate too ?

    To day is the new worlds business is all about of seasionable discounts. PRICE MATTERS.

    Say. half price for a hotel room being half a cake is better than no cake at all.

    Bermuda need a million dollars to pass through our door every day , that was 30 years ago.

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