Video: Interview With IND Candidate Cire Bean

December 2, 2024 | 2 Comments

Cire Bean — who was an independent candidate for the bye-election in Constituency 36 Sandys North — joined Bernews for an interview with the possibility of having overseas voting for students, policies that affect the youth of Bermuda, the local real estate market, and the potential benefits of having an independent representative in Parliament among the topics discussed.


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  1. Triangle Drifter says:

    It is not just students overseas who should be able to vote. Any registered voter away for any reason should be able to vote.

    This is really a no-brainer and should have been made possible many election cycles ago.

  2. PAC MAN says:

    Hobsons choise .

    Many of you have heard the sayings .

    ” What they dont want you to know ”
    ” If they wanted you too know, they would tell you “.

    Both parties vote in house for their particular candidate .

    At the poling station the general public “endorses” the parties chosen candidate, that keep it all very simple.

    The public do not realy have to go to the pole as the process had become a done deal .

    Possibly that could be the reason on Election Day so many people just says home.

    Conversely, if a party has a slate of two or more candidates for the position ,then the voting process would be then required.

    Could it be, that there is a shortage of people who are willing or able to sever the country ?

    The last time I went to vote as the poling station , tensions where some what high , I felt intimidated as i did no feel comfortable of safe.

    You can draw you own concliusons .

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