Column: Hodgkins On Party Politics & More
[Opinion column written by Karen Hodgkins]
Why Bermuda needs to rid itself of party politics!
In 2009 I involved myself in party politics in order to help my country.
Joining the Bermuda Democratic Alliance was the beginning of my journey in politics.
For the last 15 years I have held many positions in the OBA political party; Executive party Secretary, Deputy chair, woman’s caucus chair and a candidate in 2020.
The experience was invaluable and I have learned so much, however, it has not led me to my original purpose of helping my country. My energy was used to make a political party better and ready to win an election.
What I have observed is the amount of energy that goes into political decisions that are not always based on the right thing to do, but , on the politically strategic thing to do to win the next election.
The same amount of time and energy that could be utilized in making our country financially stronger and socially better. Taking it back to being a leader in the world as we once were.
We need to take all that energy that is focused on political parties and utilize it towards the solutions Bermuda needs to make us the best we can be.
Instead we are embroiled in a constant state of negative bickering back and forth taking us virtually nowhere.
So this is why I believe the best way forward for this country is to just say “no more” to party politics.
More about your candidate:
- I have owned my own business for 33 years.
- I have a great financial background in accounting, investing, marketing and strategic planning.
- I am a person with purpose and vision. I am caring and passionate about our community and everyone in it.
- I believe in a balance of a good economy and social programs.
- I believe everyone has the right to affordable housing, healthcare and fair food prices.
These are essentials for a healthy community.
I am running as an independent candidate as I believe Bermuda needs a new path, new vision and an unencumbered elected government working for the people not a political party agenda.
Vote for your independent candidate in the next election and let’s take Bermuda on a new positive journey.
- Karen Hodgkins, Independent Candidate, #31 Southampton West Central
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