Minister On Digitization Of Some TCD Services

March 21, 2025 | 2 Comments

Starting on March 31st, TCD “will begin rolling out its digital applications,” Minister of Tourism, Transport, Culture & Sport Owen Darrell said, adding that ”the digitization of these services will reduce unnecessary paperwork” and “the public will no longer need to visit the TCD in person as often.”

Speaking in the House of Assembly today [March 21] the Minister, who recently took over the transport portfolio, said, “I stand before this esteemed House to share an exciting and transformative development within the Transport Control Department [TCD] that will redefine how we interact with government services. s remain modern, accessible, and responsive to the needs of the people we serve.

“Starting 31 March 2025, the Transport Control Department will begin rolling out its digital applications, whilst also marking a significant step towards reducing red tape and enhancing the efficiency of our services.

“As the Department reviews its digitization process, outdated and redundant steps are being eliminated to enhance effectiveness. This rollout is just the beginning, as we strive to modernize and streamline the full range of services offered by the department.

“The applications set for digitization include a wide array of permits, licenses, and services, including:

  1. Project Ride Instructor application
  2. Exemption application for tint, seatbelt, signage and licencing fees
  3. Importation and Replacement of vehicles and vehicle parts
  4. Public Service Vehicle [PSV] Permit
  5. Sporting Association Trailer Permit
  6. Change Vehicle Category for Different Use application
  7. Registration of a Classic Car
  8. Commercial Vehicle Permit
  9. Learner’s Permit / Driver’s License
  10. Public Service Vehicle [PSV] or Heavy Truck License

“This digital transformation will begin with the following three applications:

  1. Project Ride Instructor application
  2. Exemption application for tint, seatbelt, signage and licencing fees
  3. Importation and Replacement of vehicles and vehicle parts

“These will be available for online submission starting 31 March 2025 at In the months that follow, we will continue expanding the digitization process to include the additional applications as aforementioned.

“The digitization of these services will reduce unnecessary paperwork, ensure greater accuracy, and allow applicants to access services outside of traditional office hours. This means that the public will no longer need to visit the TCD in person as often, and they will be able to submit their applications at their convenience, whether they are at home or abroad.”

The Minister’s full statement follows below:

Mr. Speaker, today, I stand before this esteemed House to share an exciting and transformative development within the Transport Control Department [TCD] that will redefine how we interact with government services. As technology continues to evolve and reshape the world around us, the Government of Bermuda has made it a priority to ensure that our public services remain modern, accessible, and responsive to the needs of the people we serve.

Mr. Speaker, as promised in the 2024 Throne Speech, “the Transport Control Department will undergo a transformation, shifting all manual processes to fully digital applications”, the Government is now embarking upon its commitment to digital transformation. We recognize that as technology advances, the expectations of the public do too. To meet these expectations, the Transport Control Department has been diligently working towards the digitization of its services, ensuring that we not only keep pace with change but also lead with innovation and efficiency.

Mr. Speaker, I am proud to announce a major milestone in this ongoing journey. Starting 31 March 2025, the Transport Control Department will begin rolling out its digital applications, whilst also marking a significant step towards reducing red tape and enhancing the efficiency of our services. As the Department reviews its digitization process, outdated and redundant steps are being eliminated to enhance effectiveness. This rollout is just the beginning, as we strive to modernize and streamline the full range of services offered by the department.

The applications set for digitization include a wide array of permits, licenses, and services, including:

  1. Project Ride Instructor application
  2. Exemption application for tint, seatbelt, signage and licencing fees
  3. Importation and Replacement of vehicles and vehicle parts
  4. Public Service Vehicle [PSV] Permit
  5. Sporting Association Trailer Permit
  6. Change Vehicle Category for Different Use application
  7. Registration of a Classic Car
  8. Commercial Vehicle Permit
  9. Learner’s Permit / Driver’s License
  10. Public Service Vehicle [PSV] or Heavy Truck License

Mr. Speaker, this digital transformation will begin with the following three applications:

  1. Project Ride Instructor application
  2. Exemption application for tint, seatbelt, signage and licencing fees
  3. Importation and Replacement of vehicles and vehicle parts

These will be available for online submission starting 31 March 2025 at In the months that follow, we will continue expanding the digitization process to include the additional applications as aforementioned.

Mr. Speaker, this initiative not only enhances convenience for the public but also strengthens the efficiency of the department’s internal processes. The digitization of these services will reduce unnecessary paperwork, ensure greater accuracy, and allow applicants to access services outside of traditional office hours. This means that the public will no longer need to visit the TCD in person as often, and they will be able to submit their applications at their convenience, whether they are at home or abroad.

In addition, applicants will receive regular updates on the status of their applications, ensuring that they are informed at every stage of the process. Clear service agreements will also outline expected processing times, managing expectations and enhancing trust in the department’s ability to deliver.

Mr. Speaker, this digital initiative is not just about improving efficiency; it is about generating greater communication, reducing the risk of human error, and ensuring the Government’s commitment to reducing red tape and improving services. In addition, by digitizing services, we will reduce the environmental impact of paper usage and streamline operational processes.

Mr. Speaker, this is just the beginning. As we move forward, we will continue to evaluate the needs of the public and explore opportunities to digitize additional services. The Transport Control Department’s commitment to modernization will contribute to the creation of a safer, more organized, and more accessible transport system, providing a blueprint for further technological innovations in the future.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

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  1. Kim Smith says:

    And what of the testing that used to be carried out on cars annually or when they were being sole: emissions, brakes, lights, indicators, under-carriage?

    • Triangle Drifter says:

      My understanding is that testing is focusing on the important stuff, such as brakes, signal light operation, tires condition, anything to do with safe operation and much less on cosmetics such as minor panel rust, worn seats, scratches in paintwork, stuff that has nothing to do with drivability or safety.

      Common sense has finally arrived at TCD testing.

      The next big step will be to take the testing out of the hands of TCD and authorise garages to certify testing.

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