Hashtag: #2011Budget

Premier Cox: Pre-Budget Report

Premier Cox: Pre-Budget Report

[Updated with full report/videos] Premier and Minister of Finance Paula Cox said the Government’s Pre-Budget Report will be released to the public later today [Dec.12] and provided some initial data. The Premier said the data is “consistent with the expectation that the road to full economic recovery will be long and not without continuing challenges.” Estimates... Read more of this article

Senator On Budget, Debt, Finances & More

Senator On Budget, Debt, Finances & More

This morning [Mar.16] Junior Minister for Finance Senator David Burt spoke on the 2011/12 Budget, saying “the headlines of the Budget are widely known, but I will take a little time to review them in more detail this morning.” The Senator went on to discuss various aspects including the planned open budget process, debt, revenue, the sinking... Read more of this article

Videos: St George’s Budget Town Hall

Videos: St George’s Budget Town Hall

Last night [Mar.8], the Premier was joined by Cabinet Ministers in hosting a Town Hall at Penno’s Wharf in St George’s. For approximately two hours, Cabinet Ministers spoke, as well as answered questions from the audience. Topics were wide ranging spanning the economy, transport, crime, employment and much more. National Security Minister... Read more of this article

Premier To Host Town Hall Meeting Tonight

Premier To Host Town Hall Meeting Tonight

Premier Paula Cox and Government Cabinet Ministers will host a second town hall meeting tonight [Mar 8] to discuss the National Budget. The meeting will be held at Pennos Wharf in St. George’s, starting at 7.00 p.m. Premier Cox said, “We have had a week of significant debate on the National Budget, and tomorrow will afford members of the public... Read more of this article

Report: Possible Job Cuts in the BPS

Report: Possible Job Cuts in the BPS

ZBM News carried a report on last night’s [Mar.3] news saying there may possibly be layoffs in the Bermuda Police Service [BPS] due to cuts made in the 2011/12 Budget. Gary Moreno reported that officers being laid off “is a possibility” and a “last resort.” He went onto report that the Commissioner of Police met with officers... Read more of this article

Live Webcast: UBP Budget Press Conference

Live Webcast: UBP Budget Press Conference

[Finished] Follow along live as Shadow Minister of Finance Bob Richards, flanked by fellow UBP MPs, hosts a press conference  this afternoon [Feb. 25]. Earlier today, Mr Richard’s delivered Opposition’s reply to the 2011/12 Budget in the House of Assembly. With Mr Richards at the press conference is UBP Leader Kim.Swan, MP John Barritt,... Read more of this article

UBP Bob Richards’s Budget Reply

UBP Bob Richards’s Budget Reply

This morning [Feb 25] in the House of Assembly Shadow Minister of Finance Bob Richards is delivering the reply to the 2011/12 Budget. Mr Richard’s started off by saying: “Mr. Speaker, my colleagues and I had hoped to come to this Honourable House this morning in support of a Government Budget that had set the country on a path to economic... Read more of this article

Videos: Premier & Ministers Town Hall

Videos: Premier & Ministers Town Hall

Hundreds of Bermudians last night [Feb. 23] attended a Town Hall meeting hosted by Premier Paula Cox — who was joined by 11 Cabinet Ministers — to discuss the 2011/12 Budget. Held at Number Six Shed, the meeting focussed on stimulating growth in both Bermuda’s tourism and off-shore financial services sectors and touched on subjects... Read more of this article

Premier to Host Budget Town Hall Meeting

Premier to Host Budget Town Hall Meeting

Premier and Minister of Finance Paula Cox, along with Government Cabinet Ministers, will host a town hall meeting tomorrow [Feb. 23] to discuss the National Budget. Members of the public can hear first hand from the Premier and Ministers about such topics as the economy, tourism, education, social issues, youth and family, employment and more. Minister... Read more of this article

Works Minister: Full Budget Statement

Works Minister: Full Budget Statement

Deputy Premier and Public Works Minister Derrick Burgess said Bermuda “may be assured that even with a reduction in the current account and capital allocations for the next fiscal year” his porfolio will adhere to its mission and meet its objectives. Speaking at a press conference following the Budget Statement, the Minister said garbage... Read more of this article

Education Minister: Full Budget Statement

Education Minister: Full Budget Statement

The Ministry of Education received the second largest percentage of funding in the 2011/12 Budget, with approximately 11.9% of estimated expenditure going towards education, which was second only to the Health’s Ministry’s 15.9%. But Education Minister Dame Jennifer Smith said at  a press conference following the Budget statement on Friday... Read more of this article

Colonel Burch: Full Budget Statement

Colonel Burch: Full Budget Statement

National Security Minister David Burch said despite cuts experienced by the departments falling under his portfolio, “tough economies make us more attuned to stronger performance” when he spoke at a press conference on Friday [Feb. 18] following Government’s delivery of the 2011/12 Budget.. Lt. Col. Burch said Premier and Finance... Read more of this article

Justice Minister: Full Budget Statement

Justice Minister: Full Budget Statement

Attorney General and Justice Minister Michael Scott said ongoing initiatives to modernise Bermuda’s judicial structure as well as a wide range of rehabilitation and treatment programmes would continue despite “prudent” reductions under the 2011/2012 Budget. Speaking at a press conference following the Budget statement [Feb. 18],... Read more of this article

Minister Wilson: Full Budget Statement

Minister Wilson: Full Budget Statement

This past Friday [Feb 18] Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Kim Wilson spoke at a press conference following the delivery of the 2011/12 Budget. In the budget, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry has been allocated a current account sum of $23,613,696 and capital funding of $667,000. Their budget consists of allocations for the Department... Read more of this article

Mayor of Hamilton Responds to Budget

Mayor of Hamilton Responds to Budget

The Mayor of Hamilton, Charles Gosling today [Feb 20] responded to the 2011/2012 budget released by the Premier and Minister of Finance Paula Cox on Friday. Mayor Gosling said, “We are currently reviewing the 2011/2012 budget and will meet with our partners to determine its full impact on the City of Hamilton’s operations. Our initial reaction is... Read more of this article

Video: Premier’s Post-Budget Speech

Video: Premier’s Post-Budget Speech

Following the delivery of the 2011/12 Budget by Premier and Finance Minister Paula Cox on Friday, Government Ministers held a post-budget press conference, with them all speaking individually about their portfolios. You can view videos of all Ministers speaking here, and the Premier’s 9 minute speech summarizing the budget below: Related Stories Video:... Read more of this article