Hashtag: #Aecon

Aecon Completes Sale Of Interest In Quito Airport

Aecon Completes Sale Of Interest In Quito Airport

Aecon Group — a Canadian company which is involved in the redevelopment of Bermuda’s airport – has completed the previously disclosed sale of its 45.5 per cent interest in the Quito International Airport concessionaire, Corporaciσn Quiport S.A. [Quiport], for US$232.6 million to Grupo Odinsa S.A. and CCR S.A. “The monetization... Read more of this article

Study Completed: Planned Airport Development

Study Completed: Planned Airport Development

Aecon announced the successful completion of the geotechnical study and topographical survey, which they said was “an integral part of the development phase of the airport redevelopment project.” The company said, “The work was performed by three local Bermudian companies: Atlantic Well Drillers, Onsite Engineering and Bermuda-Caribbean... Read more of this article

Airport Geotechnical And Topographical Survey

Airport Geotechnical And Topographical Survey

The “Development Phase” of the airport redevelopment project is now underway the Government said; a topographical survey is ongoing and a geotechnical study will begin on Friday [Nov 13]. The Government said that “Aecon is directing this work which is being performed by Bermudian companies Atlantic Water Development, Onsite Engineering,... Read more of this article

PC Response: Minister/CCC/Aecon Conference

PC Response: Minister/CCC/Aecon Conference

Following yesterday’s press briefing with Finance Minister Bob Richards and senior executives from the Canadian Commercial Corporation [CCC] and Aecon, the People’s Campaign said the “timing of this press conference and the sudden presence of the parties is more than coincidental considering that in the past when CCC and Aecon perceived... Read more of this article

Videos: Minister, CCC & Aecon On Airport Plans

Videos: Minister, CCC & Aecon On Airport Plans

[Updated with videos] Finance Minister Bob Richards — along with senior executives from the Canadian Commercial Corporation [CCC] and Aecon — held a press briefing today [May 20] in relation to the contract to build a new airport terminal building. CCC CEO Martin Zablocki said, “Aecon brought this project to CCC’s attention after... Read more of this article

Minister: Airport Plan Appraisal Now Completed

Minister: Airport Plan Appraisal Now Completed

Today [May 20], Deputy Premier and Minister of Finance Bob Richards announced the “completion of an independent appraisal of the method of procurement for the redevelopment of the L.F. Wade International Airport using the Canadian Commercial Corporation [CCC].” Minister Richards said, “In order to improve the value of this unique proposal,... Read more of this article

People’s Campaign: Airport/Aecon/CCC Emails

People’s Campaign: Airport/Aecon/CCC Emails

The People’s Campaign said they “would like to highlight the following inconsistencies and statements that have been made surrounding the airport development project and request that the Minister of Finance publicly respond to the questions raised in the hope that he will bring clarification to the people of Bermuda.” “Minister... Read more of this article

PLP: Airport Deal Was “Tainted From The Start”

PLP: Airport Deal Was “Tainted From The Start”

[Updated with videos] “These documents prove collusion to extract over a billion dollars from Bermuda in the form of a no-bid contract,” and the deal was “tainted from the start,” Shadow Minister of Finance David Burt said, adding that the “Minister of Finance is unquestionably compromised and “the path now leads... Read more of this article

Video: Finance Minister On Aecon/CCC Deal

Video: Finance Minister On Aecon/CCC Deal

“The notion that somehow we were doing some sort of deal with Aecon before we met and dealt with CCC is nonsense” and the “idea that somehow we had some sort of plot or collusion is ludicrous,” Finance Minister Bob Richards said today [May 13], adding that “there is nothing that we have done that has not been according... Read more of this article

PC Release Airport Development Documents

PC Release Airport Development Documents

[Updated] Questions have been raised over the circumstances surrounding the contract to redevelop Bermuda’s airport, following documentation apparently obtained by the People’s Campaign which is said to show communication involving Aecon, the Canadian Commercial Corporation [CCC] and Bermuda officials. Background In November 2014, Finance... Read more of this article

Videos: Minister Bob Richards On Airport Plans

Videos: Minister Bob Richards On Airport Plans

The airport project is “expected to create over 600 jobs at least three quarters of which will be Bermudian,” it should be finished by 2019, and “the lease appears to be 35 years and a management contract,” Finance Minister Bob Richards said at a Town Hall last night [Mar 31]. The Minister also there has “been some disagreement”... Read more of this article

PLP ‘Strongly Oppose’ Airport Development Deal

PLP ‘Strongly Oppose’ Airport Development Deal

The PLP “strongly opposes the manner” in which the Government” has approached the airport redevelopment and “find it hugely coincidental that the chairman of a prominent local construction firm sits on the Board of Aecon, the company set to receive a contract with revenues in excess of $1 billion without having to compete,”... Read more of this article