Hashtag: #BermudaGovernmentRevenue

ABIC’s Reaction To 2012/13 Budget

ABIC’s Reaction To 2012/13 Budget

The Association of Bermuda International Companies [ABIC] said on Friday [Feb.24] its members support Government’s Budget commitment to targeting a reduction in deficit and debt levels over the medium to long term. ABIC said it is pleased to see that payroll taxes and their corresponding thresholds will be maintained at last year’s levels with... Read more of this article

‘Borrowing Is Short-Term Stop-Gap’

‘Borrowing Is Short-Term Stop-Gap’

Former Premier and businessman Sir John Swan and political commentator Larry Burchall released a reply to the 2012/13 Budget released yesterday [Feb.24] by Premier and Finance Minister Paula Cox. “Government is planning to spend $1,081,700,000 while projecting revenue of $909,634,000. That leaves a shortfall of $172,100,000,” said the statement. “Borrowing... Read more of this article

Video: Education Minister On Budget

Video: Education Minister On Budget

Minister of Education Dame Jennifer Smith said her Ministry’s allocation for the forthcoming fiscal year is $133,989,000, an increase of 5% over last year’s Budget. “I believe that all Members of the House, as well as the general public, understand that money spent on education is an investment in this country’s social well-being,”... Read more of this article

Video: Minister On Space & Sea Assets

Video: Minister On Space & Sea Assets

[Updated with video] Bermuda space and seabed assets could be used to raise revenue Minister of Government Estates and Information Services Michael Scott said today [Feb.24] at the post-budget press conference. “The country assets are vast and varied, when I was Minister of Telecommunications you will know of the potential connected with the exploitation... Read more of this article

Video: Minister Minors On Job Creation

Video: Minister Minors On Job Creation

[Updated with video] Government’s job placement and retraining efforts are being tailored to meet the needs of both those seeking work and employers, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Patrice Minors said today [Feb.24]. Speaking at a Government press conference following the release of the Budget statement, Ms Minors said her Ministry would... Read more of this article

Video: Works Minister On New Initiatives

Video: Works Minister On New Initiatives

[Updated with video] Public Works Minister Michael Weeks announced a raft of new initiatives this afternoon [Feb.24] at a Government press conference held following the release of the Budget Statement. Among other projects, he said in the coming fiscal year the Ministry will tackle upgrades at the Tynes Bay municipal incinerator, the North Shore reverse... Read more of this article

Video: Bean On Budget, Fishing, Tech

Video: Bean On Budget, Fishing, Tech

[Updated with video] Minister Marc Bean spoke at the post-budget press conference this afternoon [Feb.24] about the upcoming plans for the Ministry of Environment, Planning and Infrastructure Strategy. The Ministry’s budget for the upcoming year is $15,745,000, an increase of $1.5 million or 11% when compared to 2011-2012. Minister Bean said the... Read more of this article

Live Blog/Webcast: 2012/13 Budget

Live Blog/Webcast: 2012/13 Budget

[Updated] This morning [Feb.24] Premier and Minister of Finance Paula Cox will deliver the 2012 Budget in the House of Assembly. She is expected to leave the Cabinet Office at approximately 9.30am, and make her way to the House where she will deliver the Budget – setting out Government’s financial goals and expectations for the following... Read more of this article

Chamber: ‘Business As Usual Budget’

Chamber: ‘Business As Usual Budget’

Government is spending far more than taxpayers can afford to pay, the Bermuda Chamber of Commerce Economics Advisory Committee said today [Feb.24] following the release of the 2012/13 Budget. Speaking on behalf of The Chamber, economist Peter Everson noted; “There were no unexpected surprises in this year’s budget, and as many suspected, it was... Read more of this article

Richards ‘Very Disappointed’ In Budget

Richards ‘Very Disappointed’ In Budget

[Updated] Shadow Minister of Finance Bob Richards and Opposition Leader Craig Cannonier spoke about today’s [Feb.24] budget saying it seemed like more of a “story” then dealing with reality. Mr Richards said, “The Budget did not have a great deal of substance I am afraid. We have very critical issues facing Bermuda, involving how... Read more of this article

2012/13 Budget At A Glance

2012/13 Budget At A Glance

[Updated] If you don’t have time to sift through the full 30-page 2012 Budget, some of the key points are below: Expected expenditures of $1.08 billion, with an estimated revenue of $909.6 million. A “National Security Council” is being formed to help combat crime The arrivals area at the Airport will have a ‘channel’ system, with... Read more of this article

Video: UBP’s Kim Swan On Budget

Video: UBP’s Kim Swan On Budget

[Updated] Speaking this morning [Feb.24] after the Premier delivered the 2012/13 Budget, United Bermuda Party Interim Leader Kim Swan said it “was more of a rhetorical presentation” as it had a lot of “well sounding words”. Mr Swan said he will be examining the Budget to see if there has been any “belt tightening”,... Read more of this article

Deloitte 2012 ‘Budget Snapshot’

Deloitte 2012 ‘Budget Snapshot’

Following the delivery of the 2012 Budget by Premier and Finance Minister Paula Cox this morning [Feb.24], Deloitte released a ‘Budget Snapshot’, which follows in full below, and is available here in PDF form. The ‘Snapshot’ says “Build One Another Further Debt Increases”, and included the graph below Budget Deficit Revised... Read more of this article

Airport Duty Rate Returns To 25%

Airport Duty Rate Returns To 25%

In her Budget Statement this morning [Feb. 24], Premier and Finance Minister Paula Cox announced she would be rolling back the 10 percent hike in duty introduced at the end of last year. In a bid to stimulate the island’s stagnant economy, in November the Premier [pictured] formally introduced measures in Parliament increasing the rate of duty payable... Read more of this article

Full Statement: 2012/13 Budget

Full Statement: 2012/13 Budget

The full statement detailing the 2012/13 Budget which was delivered this morning [Feb.24] by Premier and Minister of Finance Paula Cox in the House of Assembly is below and here in PDF form. Highlights include airport duty going back down to 25%, Government removing the stamp duty on transferring mortgages from one bank to another and much more. Click... Read more of this article

Changes To Senior’s Car/Land Tax

Changes To Senior’s Car/Land Tax

Seniors with the largest class of car and with homes valued at over $1 million will now have to pay tax on them, Premier and Minister of Finance Paula Cox said in her Budget speech this morning [Feb.24]. The Premier said, “The yield from land tax will be improved in 2012–2013 by adjusting the ARV threshold that provides an exemption for seniors... Read more of this article