Hashtag: #BermudaGovernmentRevenue

Terry Lister: Budget Puts Us In Holding Pattern

Terry Lister: Budget Puts Us In Holding Pattern

“Rather than bringing a post-SAGE implementation Budget, the Minister is still yet to tell the country which SAGE recommendations he will take on though he did explicitly tell us which departments are now on a hit list for some form of privatisation,” Independent MP Terry Lister said. Yesterday [Feb 21] Finance Minister Bob Richards delivered... Read more of this article

PwC Bermuda Release 2014 Budget Highlights

PwC Bermuda Release 2014 Budget Highlights

PwC Bermuda released a Budget Highlight sheet, that breaks down the major points in an easy to read format, with the 2014/15 Budget seeing no changes in tax rates apart from a 5% biennial adjustment of most Government fees, while subsidies currently in place for the hospitality, restaurant and retail sectors will remain in place for the next fiscal year... Read more of this article

Age Concern Bermuda Respond To 2014 Budget

Age Concern Bermuda Respond To 2014 Budget

Age Concern Bermuda is expressing both a “congratulatory and cautious” response to the 2014/15 Budget presented by Minister Bob Richards earlier today [Feb 21]. Advocacy Chairperson, Mr. Charles Jeffers and Executive Director, Mrs. Claudette Fleming offered sentiments of appreciation for the Government’s announcement of a 9 million dollar... Read more of this article

Shadow Finance Minister Responds To Budget

Shadow Finance Minister Responds To Budget

[Updated] The OBA overspent their budget by $45 million, increased the size of Government by 233 persons and increased travel spending by 48%, Shadow Finance Minister David Burt said today [Feb 21]. This comes after Minister of Finance Bob Richards delivered the 2014/15 Budget today, which said that the overall budget balance is projected to be a deficit... Read more of this article

Deloitte Releases 2014 ‘Budget Snapshot’

Deloitte Releases 2014 ‘Budget Snapshot’

Following the delivery of the 2014 Budget by Finance Minister Bob Richards this morning [Feb 21], Deloitte released a ‘Budget Snapshot’ which breaks down the main points in the budget in an easy to read format.  You can view our live blog covering today’s budget here and all our coverage of the budget here. Related Stories Consolidated... Read more of this article

Live Blog: Finance Minister Delivers 2014 Budget

Live Blog: Finance Minister Delivers 2014 Budget

Finance Minister Bob Richards is set to deliver the 2014 Budget in the House of Assembly this morning [Feb 21], which will set out the Government’s financials plans for the upcoming fiscal year. This will be the second budget devised by Minister Richards on behalf of the One Bermuda Alliance Government, who took control following their 19-17 victory... Read more of this article

Govt. Considering Outsourcing & Privatization

Govt. Considering Outsourcing & Privatization

During this morning’s [Feb 21] Budget statement, Minister of Finance Bob Richards said that Government is considering a number of departments for “mutualization, outsourcing, or privatization” including Airport Operations/Causeway, CITV, Waste Management, Parks Maintenance and more. This morning’s budget indicated that the... Read more of this article

Charts Only: 2014/2015 Bermuda Budget

Charts Only: 2014/2015 Bermuda Budget

For those seeking a quick visual view of the 2014 Budget delivered in the House of Assembly by Finance Minister Bob Richards this morning [Feb 21], the charts extracted from the Budget are below. For comparison’s sake, charts from the 2013 Budget are here, the 2012 Budget are here, the 2011 Budget are here, and charts from the 2010 Budget are... Read more of this article

Full Document & Highlights: 2014/2015 Budget

Full Document & Highlights: 2014/2015 Budget

This morning [Feb 21] Finance Minister Bob Richards delivered the 2014 Budget in the House of Assembly, detailing the Government’s financial plans for the coming year. You can view our live blog of today’s events here, and the full budget statement below Some of the budget highlights: As of 31 March 2014, gross public debt will stand at $2.305... Read more of this article

Age Concern Bermuda Pre Budget Statement

Age Concern Bermuda Pre Budget Statement

In anticipation of tomorrow’s budget release Age Concern Bermuda said they are “very concerned about the effects of the upcoming budget on its constituency, seniors in Bermuda.” According to veteran community activist, Mr. Charles Jeffers, Chairperson of Age Concern’s Advocacy Committee, “at a time when many seniors are suffering from... Read more of this article

Shadow Finance Minister Pre Budget Statement

Shadow Finance Minister Pre Budget Statement

[Written by Shadow Finance Minister David Burt] Tomorrow the Minister of Finance will present his budget to the country. The PLP are waiting to hear a comprehensive plan that will lead to growth and diversification in our local economy. We also hope that he will bring forward sensible & balanced proposals for growth that we can support as we work... Read more of this article

Chamber Of Commerce 2014 Budget Wish List

Chamber Of Commerce 2014 Budget Wish List

Chamber of Commerce President Ronnie Viera, speaking on behalf of some divisions of the Chamber, highlighed the local business wish list for 2014 budget, which will be delivered by Finance Minister Bob Richards this coming Friday. “In general, it is our hope that a clear statement from the Finance Minister will be made on when Bermuda can expect to... Read more of this article

Finance Ministry’s Mid-Year Economic Review

Finance Ministry’s Mid-Year Economic Review

The Ministry of Finance today [Nov 14] reported on the 2013/14 first half fiscal performance, saying that both revenues and current expenditures are above budget estimates and the net debt is $1.77 billion. The Ministry said, “The headline numbers for the 2013/14 National Budget were: a revenue target of $871.2 million; current expenditure of... Read more of this article

2013 Q2: Imported Goods Increase By 9.6%

2013 Q2: Imported Goods Increase By 9.6%

The value of goods imported grew 9.6 per cent to $250 million during in the second quarter of 2013, according to the recent Balance of Payments report released by the Department of Statistics. The report said, “The value of goods imported grew 9.6 per cent to $250 million during the quarter. Imported goods from the Island’s largest trading partner... Read more of this article

Bermuda’s GDP Decreased By 1.4% In 2012

Bermuda’s GDP Decreased By 1.4% In 2012

In 2012, Bermuda’s Gross Domestic Product [GDP] — which measures the total value of goods and services produced in Bermuda — fell by 1.4 per cent, and when adjusted for inflation, the growth in economic activity declined 4.9 per cent. A report released today by the Department of Statistics said, “Continued job losses and business... Read more of this article

PLP Respond To Statement On The Economy

PLP Respond To Statement On The Economy

We are eight months into the One Bermuda Alliance Administration and “they have yet to implement or even articulate a clear plan out of this economic downturn,” Opposition Leader Marc Bean said today [Aug 21]. Mr Bean was speaking after the Ministry of Finance released information earlier this week about the fiscal performance to date; covering... Read more of this article