Hashtag: #BermudaGovernment

Dept Wears Blue For Child Abuse Prevention

Dept Wears Blue For Child Abuse Prevention

In solidarity with Child Abuse Prevention Month, the Department of Child and Family Services joined forces by wearing blue. “Today we came together in blue to send a powerful message: there’s no excuse for child abuse, and protecting our children is a top priority in 2024 and beyond.” said the Minister of Youth, Social Development... Read more of this article

Consultation For New Event Lawn At Southlands

Consultation For New Event Lawn At Southlands

The Department of Parks advised of a “proposed change of use for a portion of Southlands Park to accommodate an event lawn for the Bermudiana Beach Resort.” A Government spokesperson said, “In accordance with section 4 of the Bermuda National Parks Act 1986, a Notice has been published in the Official Gazette and public comments are... Read more of this article

Retail Sales Decreased 1.2% In November 2023

Retail Sales Decreased 1.2% In November 2023

The Ministry of Economy and Labour released the November 2023 Retail Sales Index publication, revealing a 1.2 percent decrease in retail sales volume compared to the previous year. A Government spokesperson said, “Today, the Ministry of Economy and Labour released the November 2023 Retail Sales Index publication. November’s volume of retail... Read more of this article

Video: National Disability Register Launched

Video: National Disability Register Launched

The National Disability Register was officially launched at an event yesterday, with the register designed to “keep a centralized database of accurate and current data on persons with disabilities” which will help guide policy to “facilitate targeted support and deliver appropriate resources to advance inclusivity in Bermuda.” Minister... Read more of this article

Bermuda Hosts Corrections Instructor Training

Bermuda Hosts Corrections Instructor Training

“The success of this training course reflects Bermuda’s commitment to excellence and leadership in corrections training internationally,” said Minister of National Security Michael Weeks, following a Department of Corrections [DOC] training course for instructors from across the region. A Government spokesperson said, “Corrections... Read more of this article

Minister Commends Islandwide CCTV Progress

Minister Commends Islandwide CCTV Progress

“The installation of the new CCTV system marks a key milestone in strengthening Bermuda’s public safety infrastructure,” said Minister of National Security Michael Weeks regarding the progress of implementing the islandwide CCTV network. A Government spokesperson said, “Minister Weeks and Commissioner of Police Darrin Simons visited... Read more of this article

National Disability Registration Drive Launched

National Disability Registration Drive Launched

The Ministry of Youth, Social Development, and Seniors announced the launch of Bermuda’s First National Disability Register with a registration drive held for all persons with disabilities and care providers. A Government spokesperson said, “All are invited to attend the City Hall Lawn tomorrow Wednesday, 24 April, 2024 from 11 am to 4 pm. Media... Read more of this article

Photos & Video: Vaccination Week Launches

Photos & Video: Vaccination Week Launches

The Department of Health kicked off Vaccination Week of the Americas with a wave to commuters, aiming to bolster immunization efforts and promote public health awareness. A Government spokesperson said, “Every year as part of Vaccination Week of the Americas, more than 40 countries and territories in the Americas come together to recognise the... Read more of this article

City Plan Public Consultation Deadline On Friday

City Plan Public Consultation Deadline On Friday

The Department of Planning reminded the public that the Draft City of Hamilton Plan 2024 Public Consultation deadline will be on Friday [April 26]. A Government spokesperson said, “Those who have yet to share their thoughts are encouraged to view the document and submit your comments by visiting planning.gov.bm. “The Department of Planning... Read more of this article

Public Service Bursary Deadline Is April 27th

Public Service Bursary Deadline Is April 27th

The Government issued a reminder about the 2024 Public Service Bursary Award Scheme — which offers bursaries valued at $20,000 per annum — noting that the deadline for submissions is Saturday, April 27th. A Government spokesperson said, “The Government of Bermuda wishes to remind members of the public about the upcoming deadline for... Read more of this article

Recognized National Sport Governing Bodies

Recognized National Sport Governing Bodies

The Department of Sport and Recreation released the 27 National Sport Governing Bodies [NSGBs] that are recognized for the Fiscal Year 2024/25. Bermuda Amateur Swimming Association Bermuda Basketball Association Bermuda Bicycle Association Bermuda Bowling Federation Bermuda Boxing Federation Bermuda Cricket Board Bermuda Equestrian Federation Bermuda... Read more of this article

Land Tax Payments Due Dates Elapsed

Land Tax Payments Due Dates Elapsed

The Tax Commissioner’s Office said they “wish to notify all individuals responsible for Land Tax payments that the designated due dates have now elapsed.” A Government spokesperson said, “Please ensure payment is made promptly, or alternatively should you require a payment plan to facilitate the settlement of your obligations... Read more of this article

Country Code Will Change From GBR To BMU

Country Code Will Change From GBR To BMU

The Ministry of Economy and Labour announced “the restoration of the Country Authority Code in the Bermuda passports,” stating that “effective April 30, 2024, the country code will change from GBR to BMU.” During a special Handover Ceremony in Montreal Canada, which was hosted by the International Civil Aviation Organisation... Read more of this article

Govt Launches Child Abuse Prevention Effort

Govt Launches Child Abuse Prevention Effort

The Department of Child and Family Services [DCFS] have launched the “Go Blue for Child Abuse Prevention” campaign. A Government spokesperson said, “The Department of Child and Family Services today announced the launch of the ‘Go Blue for Child Abuse Prevention’ campaign, coinciding with Child Abuse Prevention Month.” Tinee... Read more of this article

‘Bermuda Fruits’ Stamp Collection Released

‘Bermuda Fruits’ Stamp Collection Released

[Updated with video] “To celebrate the variety of naturally occurring vegetation on our small island, I am pleased to announce the launch of a new commemorative stamp collection showcasing Bermuda Fruits,” said  Minister for the Cabinet Office Vance Campbell at the Post Office’s unveiling of the latest commemorative stamp collection to celebrate... Read more of this article

DeSilva Appointed Parks Commission Chairman

DeSilva Appointed Parks Commission Chairman

MP Zane DeSilva has been appointed as the chairman of the National Parks Commission. A Government spokesperson said, “The public will recall that late last year, the Cabinet Office issued a call for interested residents to serve on Government Boards and Committees. “The Government is pleased with the response received and takes this opportunity... Read more of this article