Hashtag: #ChamberOfCommerce

Chamber Not In Favour Of Gambling Referendum

Chamber Not In Favour Of Gambling Referendum

The Chamber of Commerce said they support some form of gaming in Bermuda but is not in favour of a referendum on the subject because of concerns of the uncertainty around what gaming would look like in Bermuda and how questions may be phrased in a referendum. Bermuda Chamber of Commerce President Ronnie Viera said,“The Chamber has been on record for... Read more of this article

Chamber “Fully Supports” Government Action

Chamber “Fully Supports” Government Action

The Chamber of Commerce “fully supports” recent action by the Government in relation to the UK meeting as well as the plans to borrow $400-$800 million to cover three years of deficits, Chamber President Mr. Ronnie Viera said today [June 21]. Mr Viera said, “The Chamber of Commerce fully supports recent action by the Government to defend... Read more of this article

HSBC Economist Ryan Wang To Speak At AGM

HSBC Economist Ryan Wang To Speak At AGM

The Bermuda Chamber of Commerce announced this year’s Annual General Meeting keynote speaker, Ryan Wang, HSBC US Economist. Mr Wang is in Bermuda to attend the Luncheon to be held at the Fairmont Hamilton Princess, Gazebo Lounge on 22 April 2013 from 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. Mr Wang is going to sharehis knowledge based on economic research in a presentation... Read more of this article

Chamber Reacts To Ratings Agency Review

Chamber Reacts To Ratings Agency Review

[Updated with PLP response + 2nd Chamber response] The recent actions by Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s are not a total surprise nor a major concern as rating agencies tend to look at past performance to project what could happen, said the President of the Chamber of Commerce Ronnie Viera. Earlier this week Moody’s placed Bermuda’s... Read more of this article

Changes Made For 2013 Harbour Nights Season

Changes Made For 2013 Harbour Nights Season

The Bermuda Chamber of Commerce said the 2013 Harbour Nights season will encompass a number of changes including incorporating Reid and Queen streets, busker style entertainment scattered along the route and a more culturally focused approach. Chamber Executive Director Joanne MacPhee noted; “The Chamber is pleased to announce a number of exciting... Read more of this article

National Concierge Day To Be Held On March 6

National Concierge Day To Be Held On March 6

The Bermuda Chamber of Commerce, in consultation with the Bermuda Hotel Association, and in partnership with WEDCO, the Fairmont Group, Swizzle Inn, Island Tours and Winsome Tours and Transport,  will host the National Concierge Day on Wednesday March 6th. Chamber Executive Director Joanne MacPhee noted; “The idea came to us as a result of a staff... Read more of this article

‘Business Lifecycle In A Challenging Economy’

‘Business Lifecycle In A Challenging Economy’

Capital G and Deloitte, in association with the Bermuda Chamber of Commerce, will present a three-part workshop series, “The Lifecycle of a Business in a Challenging Economy”, during March. Each workshop will provide insight and guidance for mid-sized business owners looking to maximise value at different stages of a company’s life cycle. Hosted... Read more of this article

Chamber: ‘Encouraged By Honest Approach’

Chamber: ‘Encouraged By Honest Approach’

The Bermuda Chamber of Commerce responded to the 2013/14 Budget delivered this morning [Feb 22] by Finance Minister Bob Richards, saying they are “encouraged by the refreshingly honest approach taken by the Finance Minister to the 2013 Budget.” Peter Everson, Co-Chair of the Chamber’s Economics Committee noted: “The Minister did not... Read more of this article

Finance Minister to Speak At Chamber Breakfast

Finance Minister to Speak At Chamber Breakfast

In keeping with a long standing tradition the Bermuda Chamber of Commerce will host its Annual Budget Breakfast on Monday February 25th. Chamber Executive Joanne MacPhee noted; “We are delighted to confirm that Minister of Finance, the Hon. Bob Richard, JP, MP has agreed to address the membership at our Annual Budget Breakfast, to be held the Monday... Read more of this article

Upcoming: Internet Governance Presentation

Upcoming: Internet Governance Presentation

IT professionals across the island are being invited to attend a special Wired Wednesday on Internet Governance, presented by Nigel Hickson, Vice President of Europe ICANN, on January 9th at the Royal Bermuda Yacht Club. The topic of discussion will be: “What business needs to know about the governance of the Internet; the role of ICANN and new... Read more of this article

Chamber Of Commerce Congratulate Marc Bean

Chamber Of Commerce Congratulate Marc Bean

Following Marc Bean’s successful run for Leader of the PLP, Bermuda Chamber of Commerce President Ronnie Viera said: “On behalf of the members of the Chamber of Commerce, I wish to congratulate Mr. Marc Bean on his election to leader of the Progressive Labour Party. “It is our hope that as we enter the New Year, a new era of politics in Bermuda... Read more of this article

Chamber: Throne Speech “Lacked Specifics”

Chamber: Throne Speech “Lacked Specifics”

Bermuda Chamber of Commence President Ronnie Viera said this morning’s [Nov 2] Throne Speech “lacked specifics on how Government plans to reduce the escalation of debt and service that which is outstanding”, in a brief response to the 2012 Throne Speech. Mr Viera said, “The Chamber welcomes any improvement in fiscal management however... Read more of this article

Weather: Harbour Nights Cancelled Tonight

Weather: Harbour Nights Cancelled Tonight

This evening’s [June 6] Harbour Nights activities have been cancelled due to the inclement weather. A Bermuda Chamber of Commerce spokesperson said, “It is with regret that The Chamber has had to make the call and cancel this evening’s Harbour Nights activities. The decision to cancel the popular Wednesday night event is never taken... Read more of this article

Chamber Of Commerce Responds to ABIR Report

Chamber Of Commerce Responds to ABIR Report

The Bermuda Chamber of Commerce has added its support to the conclusions of the Bermuda Economic Impact Survey, which was recently released by the Association of Bermuda Insurers and Resinsurers [ABIR]. “The fact that employment in the International Business sector has been in decline since 2007 is borne out by the Chamber’s own research, and by... Read more of this article

Minister Responds To Chamber On Immigration

Minister Responds To Chamber On Immigration

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry today [Apr.4] responded to recent public comments emanating from the Chamber of Commerce regarding the Ministry’s work and term limit policies. In a speech to the Hamilton Rotary Club yesterday, Chamber executive vice-president Joanne MacPhee said “major immigration reform” was needed to make... Read more of this article

BEPRO Session: Being Your Own Boss

BEPRO Session: Being Your Own Boss

The group Bermuda’s Emerging Professionals [BEPRO] is holding the latest session in its “Lunch and Learn” series this month with “Jump Start Your Business: Learn Tips from the Pros” taking place next Thursday [Mar. 22] at the Chamber of Commerce. From noon until 1pm, you can listen to entrepreneurs Kerry Judd of New Beginnings... Read more of this article