Hashtag: #CraigCannonier

Premier On Conference: “Very Encouraging”

Premier On Conference: “Very Encouraging”

Premier Craig Cannonier hailed his attendance at the Global Islamic Finance and Investment Group [GIFIG] in London as “very encouraging for Bermuda” as the island was further positioned as a viable option for Islamic Finance. The objective of the GIFIG conference was to identify key global opportunities and barriers facing Islamic Finance... Read more of this article

Cannonier: “Keeping To The People’s Business”

Cannonier: “Keeping To The People’s Business”

[Opinion column written by Premier Craig Cannonier] It is my mission as Premier to bring about change that makes Bermuda work better for Bermudians. This can mean passing legislation that expands human rights, it can mean attracting foreign investment to create jobs; it can mean taking steps to protect our most vulnerable. Our objective is recovery... Read more of this article

Premier, Minister Richards In London For Talks

Premier, Minister Richards In London For Talks

Premier Craig Cannonier is in London this week to resume talks with Islamic Finance stakeholders at the Global Islamic Finance and Investment Group [IFIG] Conference. He is accompanied by the Minister of Finance Bob Richards and the Secretary to the Cabinet Dr. Derrick Binns. The Cabinet Office said, “While in London he will also engage in a number... Read more of this article

Opinion: The Budget And The Road to Recovery

Opinion: The Budget And The Road to Recovery

[Opinion column written by Premier Craig Cannonier] The OBA Government’s Number One objective is to get Bermuda’s economy on track to recovery and renewal, where people are finding jobs, incomes are growing, government finances are stable and there is care for people most in need. That objective may be hard to see given the noise and strife attached... Read more of this article

Opinion: “Fully Engaged In People’s Business”

Opinion: “Fully Engaged In People’s Business”

[Opinion column written by Premier Craig Cannonier] Bermuda politics has always been pretty intense – partisan, divisive, acrimonious, noisy. And these past few weeks has seen things ramped up to fever pitch with all sorts of accusations, name-calling and finger-pointing – all of it wearing down people’s spirits and deepening public cynicism. With... Read more of this article

Burt To Question Premier Cannonier On Landow

Burt To Question Premier Cannonier On Landow

[Updating] On Friday [Mar 7] in the House of Assembly, Shadow Minister of Finance David Burt will be posing two questions to Premier Craig Cannonier about his contacts with Nathan Landow. The Opposition have previously questioned the Premier about his relationship with Mr. Landow, a Maryland real estate developer with a net worth reported to exceed... Read more of this article

Premier: PLP Reply “Dangerous, Irresponsible”

Premier: PLP Reply “Dangerous, Irresponsible”

“The PLP leadership, in its Budget Reply on Friday, has taken an approach to the economy that is dangerous, irresponsible and a recipe for paralysis in the face of immense pressures to grow the economy and get our financial house in order,” Premier Craig Cannonier said this evening [Mar 2]. “I say it’s dangerous for two reasons. “The... Read more of this article

Video: Premier Cannonier On Travel Expenses

Video: Premier Cannonier On Travel Expenses

[Updated] Premier Craig Cannonier responded to the recent criticism from Opposition Leader Marc Bean about his travel expenses, saying that in eight or nine months the PLP spent about $191,000 on travel, while he spent $171,000 in 14 months. The Premier said it’s important to get revenue into Bermuda from the outside world, and that international... Read more of this article

Premier Cannonier’s Travel Expenses: $180,514

Premier Cannonier’s Travel Expenses: $180,514

[Updated] Premier Craig Cannonier “racked up a travel bill of $180,514.92 in just over a year in office,” and he “needs to set the example and cut back on his expenses,” Opposition Leader Marc Bean said this evening [Feb 27]. The Premier has taken 17 overseas trips in an official capacity at the taxpayers’ expense from December... Read more of this article

MP Furbert Calls On Premier To “Come Clean”

MP Furbert Calls On Premier To “Come Clean”

Following Tourism Minister Shawn Crockwell saying that the Premier’s business manager — who traveled on the private jet with the Premier and two Cabinet Ministers last year — attended meetings with the developer, Shadow Tourism Minister Wayne Furbert called on the Premier to “come clean.” Mr. Furbert said, “The contradiction... Read more of this article

Premier: “This Is The People’s Business”

Premier: “This Is The People’s Business”

The most important accomplishment with the Budget presented on Friday by Finance Minister E.T. [Bob] Richards is that it sets the Island on the road to recovery”, said Premier Craig Cannonier. “It gives Bermuda the chance to make amends for the years when indiscipline ruled the public purse, endangering our future. “Our goal was to... Read more of this article

Writs Filed In Supreme Court Against Bean, Burt

Writs Filed In Supreme Court Against Bean, Burt

[Updated] According to Supreme Court records, three writs have been entered today [Feb 21] with Premier Craig Cannonier filing against Opposition Leader Marc Bean and MP David Burt, while Minister Shawn Crockwell and Attorney General Marc Pettingill also filed against Marc Bean. Writ No 74 names Premier Craig Cannonier as plaintiff and MP David Burt... Read more of this article