Hashtag: #DwayneRobinsonColumns

Column: Revolve Party, Blunders, Missteps, More

Column: Revolve Party, Blunders, Missteps, More

[Opinion column written by the OBA’s Dwayne Robinson] Time and time again this Government has been called out for selective enforcement of Covid regulations, and selective event exemptions. The Premier and his Government have had a slew of public relations missteps including last year’s restaurant debacle, the controversial construction exemption,... Read more of this article

Column: Hypocrisy, Inconsistency & More

Column: Hypocrisy, Inconsistency & More

[Opinion column written by the OBA’s Dwayne Robinson] Bermudians have been under stay-at-home regulations to stop this current outbreak and reduce the spread of Covid-19. When these regulations were announced, many were skeptical about whether they would be extended to the Sail GP event and spectators of the event. The Premier assured the people of... Read more of this article

Column: Vaccines, Business Incentives & More

Column: Vaccines, Business Incentives & More

[Opinion column written by the OBA’s Dwayne Robinson] Bermuda is in a very precarious position in its battle against Covid-19. Our economy is struggling to get its footing and due to the recent surge in cases the CDC has raised our Covid status to level 4. The unfortunate deaths over the Easter weekend, should serve as a wake up call for us that... Read more of this article

Column: Dwayne Robinson On Immigration

Column: Dwayne Robinson On Immigration

[Opinion column written by Dwayne Robinson] Immigration has long been a heated and contentious topic. One side of the political spectrum believes immigration policies have been weaponised to prop up white oligarchs, while the other side believes our immigration policies are not liberal enough and that we have been stifled by xenophobia. Whether you... Read more of this article

Column: ‘Little Guy Takes The Largest Hits’

Column: ‘Little Guy Takes The Largest Hits’

[Opinion column written by former OBA Senator Dwayne Robinson] The worldwide pandemic has put additional strain on our already struggling economy. We are witnessing the beginning of the tough times to come, and now we must question whether our hospital is being properly supported, as it is crucial during this global pandemic. We have seen pay cuts... Read more of this article

Column: Have Young People On Committee

Column: Have Young People On Committee

[Opinion column written by OBA Senator Dwayne Robinson] Bermuda is in unprecedented times. Our economy and wellness are being tested in entirely new ways. The Government is sailing in uncharted waters and has made repeated calls for new and innovative ideas. We saw a Covid-19 Economic Advisory Committee formed by the Minister of Finance, which is “charged... Read more of this article

Column: Prepare Yourself & Help Others If Can

Column: Prepare Yourself & Help Others If Can

[Opinion column written by OBA Senator Dwayne Robinson] Bermuda is in unprecedented times, combating an unseen enemy which does not care who its victims are. It has united both sides of the political aisle and people from all walks of life. It has caused us to assess our privilege and our priorities. The enemy, of course, is Covid-19. Regrettably, it... Read more of this article

Column: ‘They Are The Taxpayers Of Tomorrow’

Column: ‘They Are The Taxpayers Of Tomorrow’

[Opinion column written by OBA Senator Dwayne Robinson] We are heading into the budget period and I am certain we will hear about a lot of new initiatives from the Government, but I would like to take this opportunity to state what I hope to see. The PLP can dismiss the Opposition’s concerns as doom and gloom, but what about concerns from non-political... Read more of this article

Column: OBA’s Dwayne Robinson On Economy

Column: OBA’s Dwayne Robinson On Economy

[Opinion column written by OBA Senator Dwayne Robinson] The first step towards solving a problem is to admit that there is a problem. That is the attitude we should take with our economy because far too often issues are glossed over by propaganda, double speak, and deception. We have seen far too many statements like MP Jason Hayward’s recent opinion... Read more of this article

Column: ‘Method Of Do As I Say, Not As I Do’

Column: ‘Method Of Do As I Say, Not As I Do’

[Opinion column written by OBA Senator Dwayne Robinson] All my life I have heard people say that a true leader leads by example. To many, this is the benchmark of leadership. People look to their leaders for hope and a plan that ensures they will remain safe, secure or in good health. Unfortunately, Bermudians are not getting this from the Premier of... Read more of this article

Column: Proposed $1M RA Budget Increase

Column: Proposed $1M RA Budget Increase

[Opinion column written by OBA Senator Dwayne Robinson] The cost of living in Bermuda remains a constant issue for Bermudians and the increase in fees and taxes imposed by the PLP have not made matters any easier. Now we are seeing a proposed budget increase by an independent authority whose fees directly affect the cost of electricity, internet, and... Read more of this article

Column: Robinson On Reasons For Emigration

Column: Robinson On Reasons For Emigration

[Opinion column written by OBA Senator Dwayne Robinson] The Premier, David Burt, recently told the House that empirical evidence for the reasons people emigrate from Bermuda did not exist. Despite that, he blamed the exodus on gangs and education – and I am sure both issues have an effect. Sadly, there probably are people who feel that in order to... Read more of this article

Column: ‘Reckless Abandon’ With Legislation

Column: ‘Reckless Abandon’ With Legislation

[Opinion column written by OBA Senator Dwayne Robinson] ‘Reckless abandon’ was the accurate description my colleague Senator Marcus Jones used regarding the way the PLP passed the recent Health Insurance Amendment Act. However, I would go a step further and use this description for the PLP’s entire tenure as Government since their victory in 2017.... Read more of this article

Column: Let It Be End Of Embarrassing Crusade

Column: Let It Be End Of Embarrassing Crusade

[Opinion column written by Dwayne Robinson] The Government sustained another legal defeat as the courts rule in favour of same sex marriage. We have heard both sides of this issue, everyone is entitled to their opinions, and beliefs. However, every citizen is owed all the rights and privileges afforded to them in the land they are born. How can marriage... Read more of this article