Hashtag: #DwayneRobinsonColumns

Column: Robinson On Education System & More
[Opinion column written by OBA’s Dwayne Robinson] It is very clear that Bermudians would like to see changes within our education system. It isn’t a matter of whether Bermuda requires education reform, it’s more about how that looks. The One Bermuda Alliance wants all students to have access to a world-class education, which will enable... Read more of this article

Column: Robinson On Policies, Vision & More
[Opinion column written by OBA’s Dwayne Robinson] The people of Bermuda have endured a front row seat as the government unravels. The signs are all there with Cabinet resignations, existing Ministers being forced to double up, a delayed candidate selection for the upcoming by-election, a resigned Deputy Leader desperately trying to change the conversation... Read more of this article

Column: OBA’s Robinson On Voting & More
[Opinion column written by the OBA’s Dwayne Robinson] The youth should know the power of their vote The political arena is subject to extreme change, as is the flow of democracy. Elected officials change, governments change, and governance systems are reviewed. However, the one thing that must remain the same is the power vested in the people. That... Read more of this article

Column: Robinson On PLP, OBA Record & More
[Opinion column written by OBA Senator Dwayne Robinson] The public have been treated to propaganda op-eds from the PLP recently; it feels like the party is sweating under growing public dissatisfaction and recent poll results. Like a one-trick pony, the PLP clearly is attempting to shift the public displeasure on to the OBA, because, of course, the... Read more of this article

Column: Robinson On Rising Cost Of Living
[Opinion column written by the OBA’s Dwayne Robinson] Bermudians have been feeling the tightening squeeze of the rising cost of living. As a people we have always had to contend with high prices and so most Bermudians have worked out cost saving measures that help them maintain their standard of living. However, we are witnessing those measures becoming... Read more of this article

Column: Dwayne Robinson On Fairmont SDO
[Opinion column written by the OBA’s Dwayne Robinson] The Bermudian public has witnessed back and forth in the media between the developers of the Fairmont Southampton and various groups who oppose the new proposed SDO. As this saga continues, we have seen a gradual breakdown of the discourse from negotiations with the public to thinly veiled threats... Read more of this article

Column: Dwayne Robinson On Hotel & More
[Opinion column written by the OBA’s Dwayne Robinson] The Progressive Labour Party [PLP] Government has said it is putting forward legislation with more protection for the taxpayer than previous deals. A good headliner but are the taxpayers in Southampton being considered? There were discreet meetings held with the residents by Gencom, however constituents... Read more of this article

Column: Economic Growth, GDP, Future & More
[Opinion column written by the OBA’s Dwayne Robinson] I continue to hear this narrative being parroted by PLP MPs and Ministers about consecutive GDP growth. It was used recently to deflect from my colleague Senator DeCouto’s crucial inquiry about Fairmont Southampton by the Premier and again in his budget statement. If it’s one thing the Progressive... Read more of this article

Column: Minimum Wage, Economy & More
[Opinion column written by OBA’s Dwayne Robinson] From my experience, most Bermudians believe everyone deserves a wage or salary which allows them to afford necessities. But the debate I keep hearing is whether a minimum wage which hopefully scales into a liveable wage is the way to go, or will rebuilding the economy cause wages to rise due to organic... Read more of this article

Column: Dwayne Robinson On Throne Speech
[Opinion column written by OBA’s Dwayne Robinson] The reconvening of Parliament is upon us, Bermuda. This is when the elected Government lays out its agenda for the legislative year. I implore every resident of Bermuda to listen to this year’s Throne Speech with scrutiny. In the upcoming year, we should be keeping track of the promises of the PLP... Read more of this article

Column: Healthcare Costs, Reform & More
[Opinion column written by OBA’s Dwayne Robinson] The cost of living continues to increase around the world due to inflation and countries are grappling with this differently. There is no quick fix to this multi-faceted issue, and it will require effective leadership to navigate. The cause of one of the biggest dents in Bermudians’ pocket is the... Read more of this article

Column: ‘It Reeks Of Delusion & Desperation’
[Opinion column written by the OBA’s Dwayne Robinson] The people of Bermuda should be concerned after reading the recent article from the Premier regarding the last five years of PLP governance. It reeks of delusion and desperation. The Premier stated: “The past five years have not been easy, and we haven’t gotten everything right. Yet... Read more of this article