Hashtag: #Electricity

Francis Patton & Gilbert Institute To Reopen

Francis Patton & Gilbert Institute To Reopen

Francis Patton and Gilbert Institute will reopen on Wednesday [Sept 25] after being closed due to power outages. A Government spokesperson said, “The Department of Education is advising that Francis Patton Primary School and Gilbert Institute will open as usual on Wednesday morning, after students and staff were released early on Tuesday due to... Read more of this article

Francis Patton Closed Early Due To Outage

Francis Patton Closed Early Due To Outage

Francis Patton Primary School closed early today [Sept 24] due to a power outage. A Government spokesperson said, “The Department of Education is advising that Francis Patton Primary School has closed early today, 24 September, due to a power outage. “Students and staff were released at 3:00 pm. The school Principal, staff, and parents were informed... Read more of this article

BELCO Making Progress, But Facing Setbacks

BELCO Making Progress, But Facing Setbacks

Following Hurricane Humberto, BELCO said they “continue to make good progress in restoring power” but are “facing setbacks” such as “pole fires due to salt that had been deposited by Humberto combined with a light rain, which knocked out power to a number of areas that had been restored.” A spokesperson said, ”... Read more of this article

Gilbert Institute Closed For Remainder Of Day

Gilbert Institute Closed For Remainder Of Day

The Department of Education is advising that Gilbert Institute has closed for the remainder of today [Sept 24] due to a power outage. A spokesperson said, “The Department of Education is advising that Gilbert Institute has closed today, September 24. “The decision to dismiss students for the day was made after a power outage at the facility. Department... Read more of this article

Fisheries Office Close Due To Power Outage

Fisheries Office Close Due To Power Outage

The Marine Resources and Fisheries office on Coney Island Road is closed to the public until power is restored. A government spokesperson said, “The Department of Environment and Natural Resources [DENR] is advising of the following: “The Marine Resources and Fisheries office, located at 3 Coney Island Road, Saint George, is closed to the... Read more of this article

BELCO Monday Morning Update: 2061 Out

BELCO Monday Morning Update: 2061 Out

Following the passage of Hurricane Humberto, BELCO’s staff have been working hard to restore power, and as of 9.00am this morning [Sept 23], just over 2,000 customers remain out of power. The company said, “Customers out as of 9:00am: 2061 [6%]. And remaining outages by parish, in no particular order: St George’s: 218 Pembroke: 264 Sandys:... Read more of this article

BELCO Restore Power To 95% Of Customers

BELCO Restore Power To 95% Of Customers

Following the passage of Hurricane Humberto, BELCO said they have restored power to 24,905 customers or 95% as of 6:00pm today [Sept 22] explaining that “while work continues on main branch lines, crews are getting to smaller pockets of outages in neighbourhoods in all parishes.” A BELCO spokesperson explained: “It is clear that a number... Read more of this article

Algonquin Joins Electricity Restoration Efforts

Algonquin Joins Electricity Restoration Efforts

A crew from Algonquin Power & Utilities have arrived on the island to support restoration efforts in the wake of Hurricane Humberto’s island wide damages. A BELCO spokesperson said, “In the aftermath of Hurricane Humberto, in addition to the number of BELCO retirees that have joined the effort to repair, a crew from Algonquin Power... Read more of this article

BELCO Retirees Join In Restoration Effort

BELCO Retirees Join In Restoration Effort

BELCO’s staff have been working hard to restore power, and they are now getting a helping hand from some very experienced people, with former BELCO staff coming out of retirement to assist, with BELCO saying they are “pleased to welcome back old friends” as their “extensive training means that they can hit the ground running.” 8,094 Without... Read more of this article

11,081 Customers Remain Without Power

11,081 Customers Remain Without Power

As of 6.30pm this evening [Sept 20] a total of 11,081 customers remain without power due to Hurricane Humberto, and BELCO crews continue to work on restoration and said that is ”anticipated that all customers will have their power restored by end of day on Monday.” A spokesperson said, “BELCO crews continue to work across the island... Read more of this article

Humberto: 28,000 Customers Lost Power

Humberto: 28,000 Customers Lost Power

[Updated] The Bermuda Electric Light Company [BELCO] confirmed that more than 28,000 customers [80%] lost power due to Hurricane Humberto. However, crews were deployed at first light and are working on restoration, with some reports already being received of people’s power returning. Update 2.47pm: A spokesperson said, “Following the passage... Read more of this article

RA Invites Feedback On Preliminary Report

RA Invites Feedback On Preliminary Report

The Regulatory Authority has conducted the analysis of its proposed Principles of Consumer Protection and invites the public to provide feedback on the Preliminary Report prior to making a final determination. A spokesperson said, “The Principles of Consumer Protection is designed to protect consumers’ interests, promote the delivery of high-quality... Read more of this article

CedarBridge Closed For Remainder Of The Day

CedarBridge Closed For Remainder Of The Day

Today [Sept 11], the Department of Education made a decision to close CedarBridge Academy for the remainder of the day due to a power outage. “Around 12 pm, the school facility experienced an outage in electricity and the generator power immediately kicked in. Due to compromised air conditioning units, water levels, and cafeteria lunch, students... Read more of this article

BELCO Ready To Assist Restoration In Bahamas

BELCO Ready To Assist Restoration In Bahamas

BELCO has confirmed that they are “on standby to send crews to assist in restoring power to The Bahamas Islands affected by Category 5 Hurricane Dorian.” “When it became clear that Hurricane Dorian would impact The Bahamas Islands, BELCO management reached out to their partners in the Caribbean Electric Utility Services Corporation... Read more of this article

BELCO Working To Restore Power Outages

BELCO Working To Restore Power Outages

[Updated] BELCO has confirmed there are “significant outages across the island due to a major transmission fault,” explaining that their “crews are working hard to restore customers as quickly and as efficiently as possible.” A spokesperson said, “We’re aware of significant outages across the island due to a major transmission... Read more of this article

Better Energy Plan Team: IRP Is ‘Fantastic News’

Better Energy Plan Team: IRP Is ‘Fantastic News’

The Bermuda Better Energy Plan Team called the release of the Regulatory Authority’s Integrated Resource Plan [IRP] “fantastic news for our island and the planet.” The IRP calls “high levels of renewable energy resources,” with the RA saying the plan includes adding utility-scale solar photovoltaic and wind power via an offshore wind... Read more of this article