Hashtag: #Electricity

Minister Meets With Island’s Solar Installers

Minister Meets With Island’s Solar Installers

Earlier this month the Minister of Home Affairs Walter Roban met with the island’s solar installers to hear their thoughts on how to build a shared vision for Bermuda’s energy future. Attendees included representatives from the Department of Planning, Department of Energy, BE Solar, Greenlight Solar, AES, BEST and BAE. A Government spokesperson... Read more of this article

“PLP Welcomes Reduction In Electricity Bills”

“PLP Welcomes Reduction In Electricity Bills”

The PLP said they welcomed the “reduction in electricity bills” as “beginning in January 2020, 95% of Bermudian families will see a reduction in their energy bills.” “This holiday season, we are committed to focusing on the sure and steady progress we’re making for Bermudian policies,” said Acting Leader Walter... Read more of this article

BELCO ‘Welcome The New Rate Reduction’

BELCO ‘Welcome The New Rate Reduction’

[Updated] “Customers will see a modest reduction of overall rates following approval by the Bermuda Regulatory Authority,” BELCO said today. “The new rates were developed with extensive effort by BELCO and the RA to implement the retail tariff methodology issued by the RA in 2018. These new rates will be applied to all meter readings... Read more of this article

BE Solar Welcomes Four New Employees

BE Solar Welcomes Four New Employees

Noting the “growth in the renewable energy industry,” BE Solar recently welcomed new staff, with Paul Gosling, Raphael Knight-Packwood, Jordan Rowse, and Aaron Hooper joining the team. A spokesperson said, “BE Solar, Bermuda’s most established solar energy company, has been focusing on how to achieve its vision of an efficient Bermuda... Read more of this article

Minister Walter Roban On Electricity Tariff Cuts

Minister Walter Roban On Electricity Tariff Cuts

“We are pleased that the Regulatory Authority has today assisted in the delivery of one aspect of our agenda; driving down the cost of electricity via the slashing of Electricity Retail Tariffs,” Minister of Home Affairs Walter Roban said. The Minister’s comments follow after the Regulatory Authority of Bermuda announced that “effective... Read more of this article

Electricity Retail Tariffs Reduced For 2020

Electricity Retail Tariffs Reduced For 2020

The Regulatory Authority of Bermuda announced that “effective January 1, 2020, retail tariffs for Bermuda’s electricity sector will decrease across customer groups.” “The retail tariff is a component of a monthly BELCO bill that is reflected as a ‘Charge’. It is the rate at which electricity per kilowatt hour is sold to... Read more of this article

Power Outages Due To Inclement Weather

Power Outages Due To Inclement Weather

BELCO crews are working to restore power following a “small number” of outages across the island due to the inclement weather. A spokesperson said, “BELCO is aware of a number of small outages across the island as a result of the inclement weather. Crews are working as safely and quickly as possible to restore power to affected areas. “Safety... Read more of this article

Column: “Committed To Investing In The Island”

Column: “Committed To Investing In The Island”

[Opinion column written by Algonquin CEO Ian Robertson] When Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp. [Algonquin] was founded in 1988 to develop and own generating stations in mostly remote regions of Canada, it was imperative to build and maintain strong relationships with the communities in which we operate, primarily through job creation, excellent... Read more of this article

RA Electricity Review Open To Consultation

RA Electricity Review Open To Consultation

The Regulatory Authority of Bermuda [RA] issued a consultation today [Oct 29] to receive feedback from the public on its “Review of the Electricity Sector” in Bermuda. A spokesperson said, “Based on the Regulatory Authority Act 2011, the RA is mandated to periodically conduct a comprehensive review of the electricity sector to identify ways... Read more of this article

BE Solar Raises $2,180 For Hurricane Victims

BE Solar Raises $2,180 For Hurricane Victims

In September, BE Solar pledged to donate $20 per solar panel sold towards Hurricane Dorian relief efforts in the Bahamas. A spokesperson said, “Over the course of the month, 109 solar panels were sold to clients in Bermuda. These solar panels will offset the consumption of fossil fuel and will help to reduce the carbon emissions in Bermuda.” Jo... Read more of this article

BELCO Celebrates North Power Station Progress

BELCO Celebrates North Power Station Progress

Staff from the Bermuda Electric Light Company [BELCO] recently held a roof wetting ceremony to celebrate the completion of the main structure and roof of the North Power Station [NPS]. A spokesperson said, “The NPS is part of the Company’s $250 million capital plan to ensure BELCO can continue to provide Bermuda’s residents and businesses... Read more of this article

RA: New Renewable Energy Feed-In-Tariff Rate

RA: New Renewable Energy Feed-In-Tariff Rate

The Regulatory Authority today [Oct 4] announced that after “conducting a thorough and complete solar PV analysis to establish a new Feed-in-Tariff [FIT] for Bermuda’s solar PV distributed generators [Gs], the FIT has been revised from 0.1736 [$/kWh] to $0.2265 per kilowatt hour [kWh], and will take effect on October 7, 2019.” The RA said,... Read more of this article

BELCO Saturday Morning Update: 28 Out

BELCO Saturday Morning Update: 28 Out

Following the passage of Hurricane Humberto, BELCO’s staff have been working hard to restore power to the over 28,000 who lost power due to the storm, and as of 8.00am this morning [Sept 28], 28 customers remain out of power. The company said, “Customers out as of 8:00am: 28 [0.1%]. And remaining outages by parish, in no particular order: St George’s:... Read more of this article

BELCO Friday Morning Update: 174 Out

BELCO Friday Morning Update: 174 Out

Following the passage of Hurricane Humberto, BELCO’s staff have been working hard to restore power to the over 28,000 who lost power due to the storm, and as of 9.30am this morning [Sept 27], 174 customers remain out of power. The company said, “Customers out as of 9:30AM: 174 [0.5%]. And remaining outages by parish, in no particular order:” St... Read more of this article

BELCO Thursday Morning Update: 964 Out

BELCO Thursday Morning Update: 964 Out

[Updated] Following the passage of Hurricane Humberto, BELCO’s staff have been working hard to restore power, and as of 10.00am this morning [Sept 26], 964 customers remain out of power. The company said, “Customers out as of 10:00am: 964 [2.7%]. And remaining outages by parish, in no particular order: St George’s: 20 Pembroke: 81 Sandys: 57 Devonshire:... Read more of this article

No Electricity At Child Development Programme

No Electricity At Child Development Programme

The Child Development Programme [CDP] on Palmetto Road is currently without electricity. A government spokesperson said, “The Department of Education is advising that the Child Development Programme [CDP], located at 37 Palmetto Road, remains without electricity. “The Department is working with BELCO to establish a timeline for the reinstatement... Read more of this article