Hashtag: #GladstoneButterfield

Gun Possession: Sentencing Delayed
Yesterday afternoon [Dec.19] Gladstone Eugene Butterfield appeared for mention in Supreme Court, with his sentencing for possession of a firearm delayed pending a psychological report. During last month’s Supreme Court arraignment session Mr Butterfield pleaded guilty to a charge of possessing a 9mm firearm on 25th July 2011. After his arrest... Read more of this article
Man Pleads Guilty To Gun Possession
At this morning’s [Nov.1] Supreme Court arraignment session 26-year-old Gladstone Eugene Butterfield pleaded guilty to a charge of possessing a 9mm gun on 25th July 2011, but pleaded not guilty to possessing three rounds of 9mm Winchester ammunition on the same date. His guilty plea was accepted and Chief Justice Ground convicted him on that plea.... Read more of this article

Man Charged With Firearm Possession
This morning [July 27] 26-year-old Gladstone Butterfield was charged in Magistrates Court for being in possession of a firearm, as well as being in possession of ammunition. Bail was denied, and Mr Butterfield was remanded in custody. He did not have to enter a plea, as the matter must be heard in Supreme Court. The day of the incident a Police spokesman... Read more of this article