Man Charged With Firearm Possession

July 27, 2011

American justice seriesThis morning [July 27] 26-year-old Gladstone Butterfield was charged in Magistrates Court for being in possession of a firearm, as well as being in possession of ammunition.

Bail was denied, and Mr Butterfield was remanded in custody. He did not have to enter a plea, as the matter must be heard in Supreme Court.

The day of the incident a Police spokesman said, “At 2am on Monday 25th July, Police responded to a report of a disturbance at a South Road, Southampton establishment.”

“Police were alerted to a 26 year old Southampton man who was acting suspiciously. At the conclusion of a short vehicle pursuit, the man and his vehicle were detained and searched, following which a loaded firearm was seized.”

“He was arrested and detained pending further police investigations. There were no injuries reported.”

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Comments (54)

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  1. Keisha says:

    way to go dummy! lol

    • Me says:

      U think this funny smh wat a b.$t.c.h

      • Wake up @me says says:

        No not funny…just dumb…and one less criminal off the streets along with his deadly weapon…a weapon that has caused an unprecedented and unnecessary amount of pain to families and friends and uncertainty to the economic and social stablity and security of our island…so go smyh

        • fam says:

          Thng is you shouldn’t be labeling some1 as a ‘criminal’ cause of a DUMB mistake!! EVERYBODY makes mistakes! Even YOU! Some bigger then others! Thats what’s with u ppl(bermudians) judging from a mistake! #FOH with that ish!!

          • EMPORA says:

            yes fam u r right..i know de youth ..just misguided by the wrong company n fustrations in life..father up west too…to bad..

            • Ganja mon says:

              Yea this cat wasnt a trouble maker or anything like that and I’m positive he wasnt out to shoot anyone. Probably jus making sure he had protection.

              He just caught slipping! Misguided and confused but what young black male on the streets right now isn’t?

              While you people try to laugh at this situation, I can tell NONE of you know what the streets are like. You sit behind your monitor and think your life is perfect.

              Remember when you point the finger to laugh, 3 are pointing back at you!

          • IMO says:

            What he did is a CRIMINAL OFFENCE (not a mistake)- which means, if charged, tried and convicted he will be a CRIMINAL.

          • Ya sayn anything says:

            @fam…stay focused…offer your support… cause the negative comments that these belligerent idiots make with the stroke of their fingers..are meant to scar you deeply…DON”T let it….stay strong….Cause note there are a selected few idiots… who would stir the pot of shit as often as they can….guess this is the outlet for the little bit of excitement they will get in their sorry ass lives…..

            • wondering says:

              don’t be so foolish all of you……….he had a gun. that is a crime….mitigate yourselves to death but he was caught red handed with a tool of death. what you think he was intending to do with it……….stop making excuses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Ambassador .. says:

      No cup match for him LOL, loser..

      • yeah 2 says:

        Yeah , he’s prolly real pissed off that he wont be partying and getting laid over the holiday .. More pissed off at that than anything else I bet.

        And I’m a good person too btw , and I know that possesion of a firearm under ANY circumstances = 15 -25 years in the klink

        No intelligent person , no matter how ‘good’ they are makes an innocent mistake like that …. puleeze

        • EMPORA says:

          well who was that univerity graduate n N.F.L SUPERSTAR in newyork..bdaians r so coldhearted.

          • VIgilant Citizen says:

            NFL Superstar? please! you do not need an OUNCE of intellegence to play in the NFL.

        • kim says:

          To yeah 2 and Ambassador,

          You both sound very immature! I know this young fella and he is not a loser. He is intelligent, and made a very big mistake. And as you both should now mistake do happen and people pay the price for it! At yeah2 he dont have worry partying for getting laid it really sounds like u the the one that is not intelligent! At Ambassador I am out and dont attend Cup Match so what the big issue? Both of you pls grown up!

    • Knock Knock says:

      Let’s see if it will be the way to go when it comes knocking on your door (dummy)See if you’re laughing then.

  2. White Christ says:

    I’m Gladstone got caught!

    • kim says:

      Keep your head up and be strong. Anyone who knows you would not even entertain the garbage that ppl are saying. I will always be there for you, you are not a bad person. Things happen and they happen for a reason you made a bad decision and now you will live with it for the rest of your life.

      Luv u Glady!!! and stay strong!!

  3. fam says:

    Keep ya head up Glady!! Any1 who knows YOU knows u aint a bad person! Bad decision! & things happen!! Family got ya back til the end!! Love u Glady!!

  4. Terry says:

    Irony is ‘fam says’, what do you think about Mr. Pond slapping that girl. It’s all relevant if you can follow what I just said.

    • EMPORA says:

      YOU DONT HIT WOMAM SIMPLE..he should have slap her perants..

      • White Christ says:

        I hope he slapped her so hard that her parents feel it :)

  5. fam says:

    What’s that got to do with this?! :|

    • Ya sayn anything says:

      @Terry….such an a-hole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!what does this have to do with this story…..christ let it go already!!! Stay off the damn computer and go enjoy your damn Cup Match…..

  6. Don’t u kno badboys move in silence n violence?Take it from your highness!

  7. George Courtney says:

    unfortunately, this is my godson who has been charged with this crime. after just talking to his mother, my heart is very heavy

  8. Wake up @me says says:

    @ fam…It’s one thing to make a DUMB mistake, it’s another to commit a crime…carrying a loaded firearm without a permit is not a mistake…it is a crime…a crime is a violation of the law…a criminal is someone who commits a crime. We need to stop making excuses and take ownership for our actions.

    • wondering says:

      agreed………..this country is full of excuse makers. look at the Govt (full of anti govt supporters from the 60′s who are now in govt! black pantherites and alla dem)

  9. Get a clue says:

    He is a good yout?? Serious, last i checked guns kill people, allow you rob, rape or whatever you into. If you are a ‘good person’ under what circumstances would you be handling a gun? Thats just not something that ‘good people’ do. Good people make mistakes but they also have limits; judging by his limits i dont think he deserves entry into the good people club. I dont know the guy but he seems like a wana be thug, and last i checked most thugs aren’t good people(thats why their thugs lol).

    Hope some youngins learn from this guys mistake. What fitting in can get you.

    • Young Bermudian says:

      Are you serious! If that is how you feel then every bermudian that has been to the Regiment cannot enter your so called ‘good people club’. I’m not condoning this guys actions but some people can be good people and still make mistakes. Yes I do believe that he needs to take his consequences like a man, just like he made the decision to care the gun like a man. But too me, he isn’t a bad person until he has committed a sin with that gun. Holding a gun is not a sin under God’s eyes, but is is unlawful under Bermuda Governement’s eyes. At the end of the day the law is the law and I just hope he learns from this mistake, takes his punishment like a man, and the continues to become a productive citizen in Bermuda.

      • c-horse says:

        If, within the next ten years, Bermuda can not handle the gun violence then we need to have the ability to carry, because the power is with the pu$$ies on the streets with guns, and the police. I don’t know this person, but if everyone thinks he is soo innocent then MAYBE, just for kindness’ sake, he is. The fact of the matter is that the majority of these shootings are related to people that are involved in illegal activities. The only exceptions are rapes and armed robberies. To be quite frank the chances of this ‘glady’ person of being an innocent who just needed a gun because he was scared in his day to day life is just unrealistic. It must be tough for the family, but really.. it must have been so much tougher for ‘glady’ if he thought he had to stoop as low as carrying a loaded pistol.. SMDH

      • Get a clue says:

        Wow im sorry to say that you sound a bit ignorant. “holding a gun is not a sin under God’s eyes.” Do you understand what you just said? We DO NOT HUNT FOR FOOD in Bermuda. The only reason people have guns in BDA are for CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES. Activities that impact other negatively and damage the quality of their life. Why was he holding the gun? Was it keeeping his hands warm? No he had some sort of criminal intent, even if that was to pass the gun to someone so they could shoot someone. We all wana beleive that those around us are good people, but the reality is that we all aren’t and some would argue most of us aren’t.

        P.S. you can’t compared the controlled enviroment of the regiment to the reckless and dog eat dog nature of the streets.

        • sometimes I have to cry says:

          @Get a clue, thanks I was going to say the same thing, how can they compare the regiment training to these wanna be thugs, but come to think of it they are (thugs) losers, I can’t see how he is a good person, just happen to have a loaded gun?

      • good heavens ! says:

        @ young bermudian … wow , your wires are really f’d up .. seriously . ! Big time ..
        To try and compare what this guy did with being in the regiment is beyond the height of stupidity.
        And don’t even do the dumb sh*t thing of the ‘God’s laws’ stuff .. dumb !

        On the scale of ‘serious wrong doing’ in Bermy right now , there is only one thing more serious than actually murdering someone and that is possesion of a firearm. Any 10 year old could tell you that .

        @ George C .. thanks for your reasoned perspective in what must be a sad time for you .

        • George Courtney says:

          @good heavens, thanx much & what can i say, when you have parents who have brought you up right and at the age of 26 you don’t have a criminal record, never been in trouble & to get areested for such a serious charge

      • kim says:

        I could not have said that any better myself!

  10. George Courtney says:

    he is a hard worker for a long time at the same job making good money. i have an insight from his mother what went on leading up to his arrest but that is no reasin for him to have a gun

  11. CeCe says:

    I don’t know this young man but there seems to be a lot of judgmental people in Bermuda. I feel for his family and friends who are reading these comments.

    • George Courtney says:

      @CeCe, on behalf of his mother : thanx much as this is the last thing that she needs right as she as a very decent woman & this makes the 4th living tragedy that she has had in the last 10 months

      • You got me says:

        His mother is a good woman,these kids….DAMN


    Its amazing how yall call this a mistake. I know the kid, yes he is quiet and cool. But honestly anyone carrying a firearm is not carrying it as fashion. ‘Point’ mistakes get people killed. POINT BLANK, ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE A MAN. BUT A JUDGE CAN LOCK YOU AWAY. Guns kill. And to GANJA MON, you cant be preaching about ‘street life’ in Bermuda. Save that crap for de birds. I dare you to challenge me on that point. Cause no one is pointing fingers. The bible clearly states ‘OBEY THE LAW OF THE LAND’.

  13. quality beast says:

    @ white christ glad wen they catch u

  14. mixitup says:

    I also know this guy personally, and he’s not un-intelligent, but very easy-going, however has made a grave mistake here. Knowing him, I do beleive that he must have felt threatened, he was not one to want to go out to kill anyone. However, there were other way’s, like moving away, eliminating certain company he was around… I hope the judge doesn’t throw the book at him.

  15. wondering says:

    utter garbage throughout this thread….you have have a gun you are a criminal!

    good people do bad things but don’t pamper the situation. that is why we are in this predicament……learned behaviours from our predecessors and our neighbours to the west, complacency, etc. excuses, excuses, excuses…..that is all this damn country talks.

    we had deadbeat dads in the 1900′s, 40′s, 50′s all the way till now. did that stop generations of black males from succeeding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    God bless the fact that the gun and a criminal is off the street.

    good people remain good people until they get caught!!

  16. Truth says:

    One man is no greater than another, one sin is not more favorable in the eyes of the Creator than another. There were many Judgmental comments throughout this thread, not just at Gladstone, but from some of you towards each other. No man is a fool, or idiot, or stupid for stating his belief or opinion.

    Its very easy for us to sit back from our comfortable homes, wherever you may be, and speak from a perspective that lacks understanding in the topic. Clearly thats whats gone on in many of the posts I’ve read. I know that a high percentage of you who responded have not the slightest idea of how scary it can be on the streets, and in the rougher areas in bermuda. I know that those of you who spoke in outrage against Gladstone’s actions have never been next to a close friend of yours as he was murdered violently from close range with gunfire. i bet none of you who spoke against Gladstone have a bullet hole in your wall that you have to see every day to remind u of the nightmare you witnesses. For those people, if you ever get a chance, ask Gladstone about his experiences in those situations. because that little anecdote is an excerpt of his life. That being said, some of u may argue that this gives no reason to carry a gun, and you would be right, BUT not everyone will react according to that belief. If you have the feeling of safety in and around your own home taken away from you by murderers then you MIGHT feel it necessary to be armed for your protection. The safest place in your life has been violated. Be REALISTIC. If you feel that your life isnt safe chances are you’d do everything it takes to make it save. Given Gladstone’s experiences, i dont blame him for owning a firearm. He probably doesnt have a million dollars to buy a new house in a safer neighborhood.

    The General public does not have any idea of the violence and hostility that goes on in the darker areas of this island. Armed robberies are probably happening weekly. We as humans want to feel safe. In the pursuit of providing oneself/ family with saftey, we seek forms of protection. alarm systems, bigger door locks, etc. Guns also provide protection and a feeling of safety.

    i dont condone using guns to offensively harm others. But to protect yourself from people whose intent is to do just that is a little different.

    it pains me deeply to read this article. Glady is a good friend of mine, and i love him like family. i know he isnt violent. Very peaceful and humble.

    i encourage the people who read this article to think outside of their comfortable lives in situations like this. If there are 10 people posting that he isnt a trouble make than, “DUH” he isnt! stop being so self righteous! Its a shame that the Bible says to “Obey the Laws of the land” but the laws of the land never say to “Obey the laws of the bible”! if they did you’d all be CRIMINALS.

  17. Silly says:

    What do you mean by “not a bad person”? They had a gun! Anyone who has access to a gun in Bermuda is involved with crime. If you know of illegal activity and don’t report it, that’s a crime. If you have a gun with you, you obviously know a lot of information that the police should be informed of. I’m glad they were caught!

  18. Bermuda people have some messed up ways of thinking Gladstone might not be a bad guy but he is charged with carrying around a gun gets caught an u all talk about him like he is a angel u make ya bed an u lay in it his bed will be up west gate an he made it that way 4 being good I guess he shoulda been from 42nd or somewhere all every1 woulda said is take them that bermudians are cold an very unfair we are the only race of people that treat each other in such a manner u want the guns off the street an when he gets caught with his its like he wasn’t that kind of person so what kind of person is he a wanna be

  19. Dub City Youth says:

    He allegedly had a gun that’s bad enough, but is was loaded which shows intent to harm. In ny having a gun loaded or not imandatory 3 years. He should to go to jail. How quickly life can change.

  20. King says:

    Ok so half of you that are commenting don’t know anything. Yes guns kill people but the man that this discussion is based on isn’t a bad person. His is one of the most sweetest people you can come in contact with and this action was a MISTAKE last I checked we all make them. There would be a difference if he pulled that trigger and killed someone but he didn’t now did he? And all the little jokes being made, seriously GROW UP! You have no clue what your talking about and should hope you nor any of your family members have to walk this road. Gladstone made a stupid mistake, yes but don’t classify him as a criminal because you don’t know him. Oh and for the retard that made the comment “no good person would make a mistake like this” until you have walked in the shoes of Gladstone DON’T judge him.

  21. King says:

    Also @Truth: you said anything perfectly! Until they have been in his shoes they’ll never understand. No it may not be right but think of him, he has to relive the same nightmare daily. Bermuda’s streets aren’t the way they used to be so some of these comments aren’t necessary. We are all tired of feeling unsafe but let’s not base the opinions of ours on Mr. Butterfield. As Truth said if any of you are ever able to come in contact with Glady ask him about his life and the trials his has to go through and maybe just maybe you’ll get better insight to what’s really going on and I can truly say that as a close friend of his. The man we are talking about isn’t a criminal, he isn’t out his getting himself into this dumb war going on either. Not every man in Bermuda that may be armed is a murderer, because we are tired of this senseless stupidity going on most feel like once your associated with certain things than your a criminal or a murderer. Well I’ve had friends and family killed in this war so yes I have reason to be angry but I’m not going to accuse every man as a murderer just because they are armed.

    • Supporting Glady says:

      Thank You King, couldn’t have said it better myself

  22. wondering says:

    stop making excuses! All of you.

  23. King says:

    @wondering let’s get rid of the small minded mentally you have ok? Did you see where anyone said he was RIGHT for what he done? No I don’t think so! Maybe you should use that brain in your head and think to yourself “what if I was Gladstone”. He could’ve done worst but he didn’t. So excuses? I think not, they are simply true statments made but than again your too small minded to see and would prefer that they “throw the books” at him correct? Smh as stated his action was wrong but to some there’s reason.