Hashtag: #HealthInsurance

BHeC On Health Insurance Premium Concerns

BHeC On Health Insurance Premium Concerns

Following concerns raised by the community regarding health insurance rate increases, the Bermuda Health Council said they wish to clarify the process to set the Standard Premium Rate annually. “The standard premium is the premium for the Standard Health Benefit [SHB]. This is the basic health insurance package that forms the base for all health... Read more of this article

Minister Atherden: “We Try To Strike A Balance”

Minister Atherden: “We Try To Strike A Balance”

“We try to strike a balance between keeping the Government’s insurance plans sustainable in the long term and working with seniors or those most affected by premium increases,” Minister of Health, Seniors and Environment Jeanne Atherden said. This follows after charity groups highlighted their concerns about the cost of healthcare,... Read more of this article

Video: Charities On Healthcare Cost Concerns

Video: Charities On Healthcare Cost Concerns

Charity groups convened in a press conference today [June 8] to highlight their concerns about the cost of healthcare, saying they are “asking for a freeze on all legislative changes to healthcare provision and coverage until there has been substantive community input.” Representatives from Age Concern Bermuda; the Interagency Committee... Read more of this article

Overseas Treatment: Argus Lift Max. Restrictions

Overseas Treatment: Argus Lift Max. Restrictions

The Argus Group today [June 2] announces that, effective June 1, it will remove annual and lifetime maximum restrictions on its coverage of overseas major medical treatments and also eliminate exemptions regarding pre-existing conditions from overseas medical care. “Argus is the first insurance company in Bermuda to offer these benefits and at... Read more of this article

MPs Pass Bill To Name Delinquent Employers

MPs Pass Bill To Name Delinquent Employers

The Health Insurance Amendment Act 2015 — which allows for the publication of names of employers who fail to provide health insurance coverage for their employees — passed in the House of Assembly, with MPs from both sides of the aisle supporting the measure. Speaking in the House, Minister of Health, Seniors and Environment Jeanne Atherden... Read more of this article

BHeC On Diagnostic Testing Changes On April 1

BHeC On Diagnostic Testing Changes On April 1

Regulations requiring better information on health insurance claims will be fully implemented from 1st April 2015, which health professionals and the public should be aware of, the Bermuda Health Council [BHeC] said. “The Health Insurance [Health Service Providers and Insurers] [Claims] Regulations 2012 are best known for ending the practice of... Read more of this article

BHeC: Home Medical Services Benefit Success

BHeC: Home Medical Services Benefit Success

A pilot health benefit has provided invaluable medical care for patients in their homes, while saving the Island’s health system an estimated $100,000, the Bermuda Health Council [BHeC] said today. “The Home Medical Services [HMS] pilot benefit was launched by the Bermuda Health Council in collaboration with stakeholders in October 2013,”... Read more of this article

BHeC: Are Upfront Healthcare Charges Allowed?

BHeC: Are Upfront Healthcare Charges Allowed?

The Bermuda Health Council [BHeC] and Bernews have teamed-up to answer your questions about the island’s health care system, and this month BHeC answers questions about whether a healthcare provider can charge upfront. Visit www.bhec.bm to submit your queries and look for your response on the last Wednesday of every month on Bernews. Question: I... Read more of this article

Court: Correia Construction & Health Insurance

Court: Correia Construction & Health Insurance

In Magistrates Court this morning [Nov 12], Dennis Correia, on behalf of Correia Construction Co Ltd, pleaded not guilty to two charges. The first charge alleged that, between August 1st and November 9th 2013, Correia Construction Co Ltd had not provided minimum health insurance coverage from a licensed insurer to a person, and the second charge was... Read more of this article

BHeC: Insurance & Pre-Existing Conditions

BHeC: Insurance & Pre-Existing Conditions

The Bermuda Health Council and Bernews have teamed-up to answer your questions about the island’s health care system. Visit bhec.bm to submit your queries and look for our response on Bernews. Question Recently a close relative was denied coverage for a surgery on the grounds of a pre-existing condition, three months after starting with a new employer... Read more of this article

BHeC Releases 2014 National Health Report

BHeC Releases 2014 National Health Report

The Bermuda Health Council [BHeC] has released the National Health Accounts Report 2014. For five years BHeC has produced the report, which is essential for monitoring Bermuda’s health system financing and expenditure trends. BHeC said, “The report details health system costs for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2013 [FYE 2013] and explains... Read more of this article

PLP: ‘OBA Must Drop Ill Thought Out Scheme’

PLP: ‘OBA Must Drop Ill Thought Out Scheme’

[Updated with Minister's response] “The news that the Bermuda Medical Doctor’s Association [BMDA] opposes the OBA’s pre-certification scheme should come as no surprise to most Bermudians,” Opposition Leader Marc Bean said, adding that the “OBA must drop this ill thought out scheme.” The Opposition Leader was speaking... Read more of this article