Hashtag: #HurricaneIgor

Premier’s Speech at Press Conference on Igor

Premier’s Speech at Press Conference on Igor

Premier Dr Ewart Brown held a press conference today, calling Hurricane Igor “one of the worst hurricanes to ever threaten our shores.” International media are in attendance at the press conference including The Weather Channel, CNN, and Reuters. After his speech, the Premier said he “learned his lesson” from Fabian as he came... Read more of this article

Huge Line Forms At Tynes Bay Incinerator

Huge Line Forms At Tynes Bay Incinerator

Part of Bermuda’s normal hurricane preparation is to clear away anything that can blow around, and today the long lines visible at the Tynes Bay Incinerator show Bermudians are clearing out for the onset of Hurricane Igor. Long lines were visible this morning [Sept 18], with what appeared to be at least a fifteen minute wait in a long line of traffic.... Read more of this article

Reporting on the Reporter: Jim Cantore

Reporting on the Reporter: Jim Cantore

In a nod to the severity of what we are facing from incoming Hurricane Igor, the international media has descended upon our 21sq miles, and amongst them is Jim Cantore, considered a superstar in the “weather world.” Mr. Cantore is best known for his live field coverage of major weather events for The Weather Channel [TWC] including Hurricanes... Read more of this article

Photos: Waves Crash Over Barrier on Road

Photos: Waves Crash Over Barrier on Road

The photos below were taken this morning [Sept 18], and show waves crashing over the barrier onto to the road in South Shore, Smiths as the massive Hurricane Igor churns in our direction. As of this morning the US National Hurricane Center says Igor is 475 miles away and is carrying maximum sustained winds of 110mph. The road started to flood yesterday,... Read more of this article

Burchall: Bermuda Hurricane Drill

Burchall: Bermuda Hurricane Drill

Bermuda really does have a hurricane drill. In fact, Bermuda started getting ready for Hurricane Igor, four months ago in May 2010, when Bermuda’s Emergency Measures Organization (everybody knows it as EMO) held its annual Hurricane Preparedness Exercise. This exercise always takes place in May of every year, before the start of what Bermudians know... Read more of this article

Video: Waves Crashing at John Smiths Bay

Video: Waves Crashing at John Smiths Bay

The video below was filmed at 6pm tonight [Sept 17], and shows greatly increased wave activity at Johns Smiths Bay on the South Shore as the massive Hurricane Igor churns in our direction. Photos taken at the same time are here. The road is starting to flood and sea spray can be felt yards away from the ocean. Government has confirmed that portions... Read more of this article

BELCO On Standby, Preparing For Worst

BELCO On Standby, Preparing For Worst

BELCO says if Hurricane Igor hits the Island as forecast, they expects there will be extensive damage to the electricity distribution system. The company says they are preparing for the worst, and have positioned equipment at both ends of the Island with crews standing by. They will try to respond to emergencies, such as pole fires or downed live lines,... Read more of this article

Photos: South Shore Showing Signs of Igor

Photos: South Shore Showing Signs of Igor

Two days before Hurricane Igor is due to hit, the waves are crashing in on South Shore, the waters at John Smiths Bay Beach have risen considerably, the road is starting to flood and it appears as though the Police are in the process of closing the road to traffic. Onlookers were gathering in the area this evening, many expressing shock at how severe... Read more of this article

Igor: Hospital Closed to Visitors from Sunday

Igor: Hospital Closed to Visitors from Sunday

Bermuda Hospitals Board today [Sept 17] announced that due to the expected impact of Hurricane Igor, its visiting hours at King Edward VII Memorial Hospital will be suspended from Sunday. A decision on when to reopen to visitors will be made following the official all-clear from the Emergency Measures Organisation (EMO). Visiting hours usually run... Read more of this article

Government Warns of Unscrupulous Contractors

Government Warns of Unscrupulous Contractors

Addressing the possible damage that may be caused by Hurricane Igor this weekend, Government has warned of being scammed by unscrupulous contractors saying that after Hurricane Fabian they received “numerous complaints from consumers about various types of tradespersons who had taken advantage of some consumers,” and that “in some... Read more of this article

British Navy On Standby In Bermuda Waters

British Navy On Standby In Bermuda Waters

[Written by Larry Burchall] Standing by, probably to our west and south is the UK Royal Navy’s HMS Manchester, a Type-42 Destroyer. HMS Manchester has a helicopter and a crew of about 280 with a wide range of technical skillsets as befits a ‘little town’ floating about the ocean. Of particular and timely interest to Bermudians is that a modern... Read more of this article

Full Text: Dr. Mark Guishard on Igor

Full Text: Dr. Mark Guishard on Igor

The statement made earlier today [Sept 17] by Dr. Mark Guishard, Director of Bermuda Weather Service on Hurricane Igor follows below: This storm is one that should be taken extremely seriously – as the Minister has already stated, the threat is high. A Hurricane Watch is already in effect. We at the Bermuda Weather Service, in consultation with... Read more of this article

Full Text: Colonel Burch on Hurricane Igor

Full Text: Colonel Burch on Hurricane Igor

The full statement from Minister David Burch from this morning’s press conference follows below: Good afternoon, As I address you, we are just over 24 hours away from experiencing the beginning of what is expected to be the ferocious impact of Hurricane Igor. We have all heard the reports from the Bermuda Weather Service that this storm will be... Read more of this article

Bermuda Regiment Partial Embodiment

Bermuda Regiment Partial Embodiment

Due to the severe threat from Hurricane Igor the Bermuda Regiment has been partially called in, and are expected to report in at 8am on Sunday. The full statement follows: The Acting Governor, in the exercise of the power conferred on him by section 32, as read with section 35, of The Defence Act 1965, and in consultation with the Chairman of the EMO... Read more of this article

Igor Press Conference: Live TV, Radio & Web

Igor Press Conference: Live TV, Radio & Web

[Updated] Minister of Labour, Home Affairs Lt. Col. David Burch, Commissioner of Police, Michael DeSilva and the Director of the Bermuda Weather Service, Dr. Mark Guishard will hold a press conference to provide residents with the latest EMO information regarding Hurricane Igor. The powerful hurricane is expected to strike Bermuda this weekend, with... Read more of this article

International Meteorologists To Descend on Island

International Meteorologists To Descend on Island

While many visitors have canceled their plans to visit to the impending Hurricane Igor, others have made plans specifically to come to Bermuda because of Hurricane Igor.  What is reported to be a “couple of dozen” meteorologists, both professional, media-affiliated and amateur “stormchasers” are set to arrive on the island today... Read more of this article