Hashtag: #MarcusJonesColumns

Marcus Jones Column: Final Days Of The BTA
[Opinion column written by OBA Senator Marcus Jones] “We regret to announce the death of the Bermuda Tourism Authority in its seventh year of existence.” The funeral director has been engaged, pallbearers chosen, and the obituary has been carefully crafted. The BTA family has requested privacy at this time, so there will be no wake. You get the... Read more of this article

Column: Opportunity Knocks, Answer The Door
[Opinion column written by OBA Senate Leader Marcus Jones] We have recently witnessed the departure of scores of expatriate workers returning to their homeland. More than 60 Portuguese nationals quit the Island in a special repatriation flight, some having lost their jobs. Reports suggest many more are waiting to go. With the invasion of Covid-19, we... Read more of this article

Column: The Home-Cooking Renaissance
[Opinion column written by OBA Senate Leader Marcus Jones] Growing up, eating out was strictly a luxury for our family on special occasions. A birthday celebration, wedding reception, or a church event were the only times we would venture out to dine in a restaurant or hotel. Fortunately for us, the matriarchs of our family – most especially my... Read more of this article

Column: ‘Halloween Nightmare Of Policies, Tax’
[Opinion column written by OBA Senator Marcus Jones] As a child growing up, Halloween was my least enjoyable celebration. Although candy and chocolates were part of the bounty accumulated during a night of Trick or Treat, it was those fun-loving children masquerading as witches and ghosts that scared me the most. But the good thing about this annual... Read more of this article

Column: ‘Re-establish Our Leadership Position’
[Opinion column written by OBA Senator Marcus Jones] The Senate recently ratified the Economic Substance Amendment Act of 2019 after passing unanimously in the House of Assembly. Within our democracy it is advantageous that legislation being considered that impacts the economic health of our country be studiously contemplated, rigorously debated and... Read more of this article

Column: ‘Spending Habits & Increasing Taxes’
[Opinion column written by OBA Senator Marcus Jones] This Government saw the need to hold a Pre-budget Report Town Hall meeting and to the discerning eye it revealed that the outlook for stimulating the economy was bleak so let’s maintain our spending habits and cover it by increasing taxes. So which demographic group in our country was targeted as... Read more of this article