Hashtag: #MichaelFahy

Minister: Streamline Administrative Hearings

Minister: Streamline Administrative Hearings

Speaking today [May 13] in the Senate, Minister of Home Affairs Michael Fahy announced “proposed plans to streamline and rationalize administrative hearings and appeals in Bermuda, starting with the Ministry of Home Affairs.” Minister Fahy said, “Many Bermudians will be familiar with the need to deal with public authorities in every... Read more of this article

Minister Fahy On International Workers Day

Minister Fahy On International Workers Day

Tomorrow Bermuda will join many other countries around the world in recognizing International Workers Day, and  Minister of Home Affairs Michael Fahy said the day is one where we “salute each and every worker for their contribution to Bermuda,” “May 1 is a day where we can reflect on the international labour movement and salute each... Read more of this article

Minister Fahy: Par-La-Ville Car Park & $18 Million

Minister Fahy: Par-La-Ville Car Park & $18 Million

Today the Minister of Home Affairs Michael Fahy issued a statement about the circumstances surrounding the $18 million loan and the Par-La-Ville car park, providing a breakdown of the situation, including information about some of the financial transactions. Last year, Mexico Infrastructure Finance LLC [MIF] extended an $18 million loan to Par-la-Ville... Read more of this article

Minister Outlines Job Makers Act Amendments

Minister Outlines Job Makers Act Amendments

Minister of Home Affairs Michael Fahy said that the process for applications for concessions under the Incentive for Job Makers Act, will now “require that employers formally notify all current employees of their intent to make such applications.” Speaking in the Senate on Wednesday [Mar 25], Minister Fahy said, “Under the Incentive... Read more of this article

Minister On Global Entrepreneurship Congress

Minister On Global Entrepreneurship Congress

Minister of Home Affairs Michael Fahy recently offered an update on Bermuda’s local entrepreneurial progress, touching on the island’s efforts to promote and encourage entrepreneurship not only here at home, but around the world, saying, “we are building Bermuda’s entrepreneurial reputation internationally.” Speaking in the Senate,... Read more of this article

Minister: Definition Of “Sponsored Dependant”

Minister: Definition Of “Sponsored Dependant”

The implementation of the new Work Permit Policies saw the inclusion of a definition for a “sponsored dependant”, Minister of Home Affairs Michael Fahy said, with a “sponsored dependent” being defined as a spouse of a PRC holder or work permit holder; a partner of a Bermudian, PRC holder or work permit holder and child[ren] of a PRC... Read more of this article

Minister Outlines Immigration Amendment Act

Minister Outlines Immigration Amendment Act

Minister of Home Affairs, Sen. Michael Fahy today [Mar 21] provided clarification regarding the Bermuda Immigration and Protection Act Amendment Bill to be debated on Wednesday, March 25, 2015 in the Senate. Outlining the intent of the Bill, Minister Fahy noted: ‎1. The bill will lower the minimum Annual Rental Value [ARV] from $177k to $153k for... Read more of this article

Minister Updates On Labour Meeting In Bahamas

Minister Updates On Labour Meeting In Bahamas

Minister of Home Affairs Michael Fahy provided an update on the International Labour Meeting held recently in the Bahamas, which was attended by high-level officials from 22 countries and territories in the Caribbean. Speaking in the Senate on Wednesday [Mar 18], Minister Fahy said, “The meeting was hosted by the International Labour Organization... Read more of this article

Minister Hails Bermuda Motors Apprenticeship

Minister Hails Bermuda Motors Apprenticeship

Minister of Home Affairs Michael Fahy has hailed the partnership between Bermuda Motors and the National Training Board [NTB] in securing the employment of two Bermudian apprentice mechanics. Tyree Armstrong, 22 and Jabari Hollis, 20, have been recently employed by Bermuda Motors. Both former Berkeley Institute graduates, Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Hollis... Read more of this article

Minister Fahy: ‘Less Than Half Has Been Spent’

Minister Fahy: ‘Less Than Half Has Been Spent’

[Updated] The “Ministry has not spent $1.5 million to obtain advice on voiding the waterfront leases,” and such “assertions are completely misleading and false,” Minister of Home Affairs Michael Fahy said today [Mar 9], adding that ”to date less than half the requested amount has been spent.” Minister Fahy said the... Read more of this article

Fahy: ‘Changes Ensure Bermudians Come First’

Fahy: ‘Changes Ensure Bermudians Come First’

“The Government has implemented many positive changes to ensure Bermudians come first,” Minister of Home Affairs Michael Fahy said today [Mar 3], adding that  ”we remain focused to ensure Bermudians find opportunity.” This follows after some confusion about whether the spouses and children of work permit holders would be allowed... Read more of this article

Minister Fahy To Attend ILO Meeting In Bahamas

Minister Fahy To Attend ILO Meeting In Bahamas

This week, the Minister of Home Affairs Michael Fahy and his Acting Permanent Secretary Dr. Danette Ming will attend the 9th ILO Meeting of the Caribbean Ministers of Labour in Nassau, The Bahamas. The meeting, which takes place March 3rd and 4th, will be hosted by the International Labour Organization Decent Work Team and Office for the Caribbean in... Read more of this article