Hashtag: #MunicipalityProposal2019

90 Minute Video: Town Hall On Corporations
The Ministry of Home Affairs is holding a town hall meeting this evening [March 5] on Government’s plans to “reform” the Corporations, and you can watch the full 90-minute video below. On Friday, the Minister of Home Affairs Walter Roban tabled a Bill to “start the process of much needed reform of Bermuda’s municipalities” which... Read more of this article

Mayor Urges Constituents To Attend Meeting
The Mayor of St. George, Ms. Quinell Francis is encouraging all constituents of the Municipality of St. George to attend the public meeting being hosted by the Minister of Home Affairs on Tuesday [March 5] at 6.30pm at East End Primary School. A spokesperson said, “The Worshipful Mayor of St. George, Ms. Quinell Francis, JP. encourages all constituents... Read more of this article

‘Continue These Corporations As Quangos’
[Updated with PDF] Minister of Home Affairs Walter Roban said he will table a Bill to “start the process of much needed reform of Bermuda’s municipalities” which “proposes to repeal of elections in the Corporations of Hamilton and St. George, and continue these corporations as quangos.” Speaking in the House of Assembly today... Read more of this article

OBA: Govt Faces ‘Hard Sell’ To Convince Public
The public consultation resulted in four in favor of turning the Corporations into quangos with 164 against, while four were in favor of Government subsuming the Corporations with 172 against, so the Government is “going to have a hard sell on its hands in order to convince the public.” This is from Shadow Home Affairs Minister Sylvan... Read more of this article

Town Hall Meetings On Bermuda’s Municipalities
The Ministry of Home Affairs will be holding “post-consultation town hall meetings the week of March 4 regarding the future of Bermuda’s municipalities.” A spokesperson said, “These meetings, led by the Minister of Home Affairs Walter Roban, follow a consultation period which ran from February 12 until February 22 where Government... Read more of this article

OBA: What Is Govt’s Motive For This Change?
“The sentiment of the overwhelming majority in the room last night was for the Government to leave the Corporations as they are,” Shadow Home Affairs Minister Sylvan Richards said following last night’s town hall in St George’s. The meeting followed after Government announced public consultation regarding the future of Bermuda’s... Read more of this article

One Hour Video: St George’s Town Hall Meeting
The Corporation of St George’s is holding a Town Hall meeting this evening [Feb 18] to discuss the “future of the Town as proposed in the Municipalities Reform 2019 Consultation Document,” and you can tune in and watch live below. The meeting follows after Government announced public consultation regarding the future of Bermuda’s... Read more of this article

Video: Hamilton Mayor On Govt’s Proposal
One of the Government’s proposals “sounds like” what Government proposed back in 2010 and “that was defeated back then, and I would hope it is being defeated again,” Hamilton Mayor Charles Gosling said. The Mayor comments follow after Government announced public consultation regarding the future of Bermuda’s municipalities... Read more of this article

‘Still Engaged In Consultation, No Decision Made’
The Ministry of Home Affairs said they wish to “remind the public that we are still engaged in public consultation and that no final decision has been made regarding the options presented.” This follows after the Government announced public consultation regarding the future of Bermuda’s municipalities providing two options, to either change... Read more of this article

Column: Why Interfere With Corporations?
[Opinion column written by Shadow Minister for Home Affairs Sylvan Richards] It’s Déjà Vu all over again – Yogi Berra. The more things change the more they stay the same. What I am referring to is the recent announcement by Minister Walter Roban regarding the Government’s desire to take full control of the Municipalities of Hamilton and St George’s. You... Read more of this article

St George Corp ‘Saddened And Disappointed’
Noting they are “saddened and disappointed the Bermuda Government has produced a consultation document with very limited consultation,” St George’s Mayor Quinell Francis said they will host a Town Hall meeting to discuss the future of the Town as proposed in the Municipalities Reform 2019 Consultation Document. Should the Corporations... Read more of this article

Corporations Become Quangos Or Dissolve?
Should the Corporations of Hamilton and St. George be changed into quangos while “increasing the Government’s oversight over key initiatives” or should they be dissolved, and have their functions integrated into the “Government’s administrative structure.” Those are the two options being presented in a public consultation... Read more of this article