Hashtag: #NonsuchIsland

Ascendant Group Volunteers at Nonsuch Island

Ascendant Group Volunteers at Nonsuch Island

Ascendant Group Limited has made a 10-year commitment [2010 to 2020] to assist Bermuda Government Conservation Services with the ongoing restoration of Nonsuch Island, Bermuda’s “Living Museum”. The first teams of Ascendant Group volunteers worked on Nonsuch Island last week, helping to cull invasive species of trees, such as casuarinas. Under... Read more of this article

Future Is Bright For ‘Extinct’ Cahow

Future Is Bright For ‘Extinct’ Cahow

Bermuda’s Nonsuch Island is now the chief battleground in the Cahow’s war against extinction — and for the first time in centuries, the critically endangered national bird appears to have gained the upper hand. The re-discovery of Bermuda’s Cahow – a species thought to have been extinct for more than 300 years —... Read more of this article

Video: New Boat Donated for Nonsuch Island

Video: New Boat Donated for Nonsuch Island

Today [Feb 21] a new boat for Nonsuch Island, ‘Ascendant’, was christened in Flatts by Minister of Public Works Derrick Burgess and Ascendant Group President & CEO A.L. Vincent Ingham, with the assistance of Town Crier of St. George’s A. David Frith. The Ministry of Public Works, Department of Conservation Services and Ascendant Group Limited,... Read more of this article

Ascendant Donates $500,000 For Nonsuch Island

Ascendant Donates $500,000 For Nonsuch Island

One June 23rd the Ministry of the Environment, Department of Conservation Services and the Ascendant Group of companies announced that they have agreed a public-private partnership to assist with the long-term preservation and restoration of Bermuda’s Nonsuch Island nature reserve. Ascendant, which includes BELCO, Bermuda Gas & Utility Company... Read more of this article