Hashtag: #OBA

OBA Politicians Donate 5% Of Salary

OBA Politicians Donate 5% Of Salary

Last month One Bermuda Alliance MPs and Senators agreed to cut 5% of their parliamentary salaries and donate it to a worthy cause, and recently donated almost $3,000 to charity. That cut was duly made for the first time on March 1, by OBA legislators for the month of March, and the OBA has now presented its first cheque to the Rev Nicholas Dill of St... Read more of this article

Fahy: Licensing Foreign Fishing Vessels

Fahy: Licensing Foreign Fishing Vessels

[Written by Senator Michael Fahy, Shadow Minister for Environment, Planning & Housing] Just after the Premier delivered her Budget Speech a few days ago, I publicly questioned a reference she made to licensing foreign vessels to fish in Bermuda’s 200-mile maritime economic zone. I made two points in relation to this scheme. The first was that... Read more of this article

OBA Candidates: Davis & Stewart

OBA Candidates: Davis & Stewart

[Updated with video] Nandi Davis and Scott Stewart will contest the next General Election for the Opposition, the One Bermuda Alliance announced this afternoon [Mar.8]. Nandi Davis will represent the party in Constituency #2 St. George’s West, while Scott Stewart will stand for the OBA in Constituency #15 Pembroke East. St. George’s West is presently... Read more of this article

Survey Shows OBA Ahead Of PLP

Survey Shows OBA Ahead Of PLP

If an election were held tomorrow, the One Bermuda Alliance would garner 39% of the vote, with the ruling Progressive Labour Party taking 30% of the vote, according to a recent survey by Profiles of Bermuda. The survey was conducted among 301 registered voters between the latter part of 2011 and February 10th and has a margin of error of plus or minus... Read more of this article

OBA Delivers Reply To The Budget

OBA Delivers Reply To The Budget

[Updated] We are facing the greatest economic disaster in Bermuda’s history, Shadow Finance Minister Bob Richards said this morning [Mar.2] as he delivered the One Bermuda Alliance’s reply to the 2012/13 Budget in the House of Assembly. “We have major concerns about the Government’s Budget for the coming fiscal year. If you had asked... Read more of this article

OBA ‘Alarmed’ By Fishing Proposal

OBA ‘Alarmed’ By Fishing Proposal

The One Bermuda Alliance is “alarmed” by Government’s proposal to allow foreign fishing boats to catch fish in Bermuda’s 200-mile maritime exclusive economic zone for two main reasons, Shadow Minister of the Environment Michael Fahy said last night [Feb.26]. Senator Fahy said the proposal “would appear to fly in the face”... Read more of this article

Richards ‘Very Disappointed’ In Budget

Richards ‘Very Disappointed’ In Budget

[Updated] Shadow Minister of Finance Bob Richards and Opposition Leader Craig Cannonier spoke about today’s [Feb.24] budget saying it seemed like more of a “story” then dealing with reality. Mr Richards said, “The Budget did not have a great deal of substance I am afraid. We have very critical issues facing Bermuda, involving how... Read more of this article

OBA: Police Need Adequate Funds

OBA: Police Need Adequate Funds

Opposition Leader and Shadow Minister for National Security Craig Cannonier spoke on the recently released 2011 crime statistics urging Government to give the “funds necessary for our police service to work effectively.” “It is going to be interesting to see where the Government positions the police department in the budget,”... Read more of this article

Richards Expecting ‘Election Budget’

Richards Expecting ‘Election Budget’

In advance of tomorrow’s budget, Shadow Finance Minister Bob Richards questioned whether the budget “will address key factors, or will it be an election budget.” “My guess is that it is going to be an election budget,” said Mr Richards. “Because if there is anything we have learned about this PLP Government, is that... Read more of this article

OBA: Leah Scott To Run In C#30

OBA: Leah Scott To Run In C#30

[Updated with video] This afternoon [Feb.22] the One Bermuda Alliance announced that attorney Leah Scott will represent them in Constituency #30 Southampton East Central. The PLP previously announced that Stephen Todd will represent them in the Constituency. In the 2007 General Election, the PLP’s Zane Desilva won 52.2% of the vote vs UBP incumbent... Read more of this article

OBA’s Richards On Financial Results

OBA’s Richards On Financial Results

[Updated with video] Shadow Finance Minister Bob Richards addressed the recent financial statements tabled by the Government, saying in the corporate world this type of financial planning would “get the planners fired.” “The financial results released by the government on Friday stand as an indictment of its stewardship of the public... Read more of this article

OBA: Land Policy Reversal Welcome

OBA: Land Policy Reversal Welcome

Opposition Leader Craig Cannonier said the One Bermuda Alliance welcomes the land policy reversal, and noted that “Government has been in damage control for most of the past year, scrambling to reverse policies that have not worked.” Yesterday [Feb.17] Minister Wayne Perinchief announced that a policy requiring mixed status couples to buy... Read more of this article

OBA’s Fahy On Ombudsman’s Report

OBA’s Fahy On Ombudsman’s Report

[Written by Senator Michael Fahy, Shadow Minister for the Environment, Infrastructure Strategy, Planning and Housing] People who read this report must surely be struck by three things: First, what an excellent report it is! It is thorough, comprehensive, easy to read and as logical as 2 and 2 make 4. Credit must go to the Ombudsman herself, Ms Arlene... Read more of this article

OBA & PLP On Salary Reductions

OBA & PLP On Salary Reductions

[Updated] One Bermuda Alliance MPs and Senators have agreed to take a 5% salary cut effective March 1, 2012, but do not support the plan to forego pension contributions, Opposition Leader Craig Cannonier said this evening [Feb.12]. “We will set up an escrow account into which we will put 5% of our parliamentary salaries on a monthly basis. We... Read more of this article

Ministers/MPs On Pay Cuts, OBA Reply

Ministers/MPs On Pay Cuts, OBA Reply

[Updated with OBA's counter offer & UBP response] Premier and Finance Minister Paula Cox said that Ministers and Government MPs are prepared to accept a one year cessation of pension contributions, as well as a 5% salary decrease. This afternoon [Feb.9] the Premier wrote to Opposition Leader Craig Cannonier to ask if Opposition MPs would be willing... Read more of this article

OBA Rollout Two More Candidates

OBA Rollout Two More Candidates

[Updated with videos] Peter Barrett and Pat Gordon-Pamplin will contest the next General Election for the Opposition, the One Bermuda Alliance announced this afternoon [Feb.9]. Peter Barrett will represent the party in Constituency #5 Hamilton East, while Pat Gordon-Pamplin will stand for the OBA in Constituency #23 Paget West. Ms Gordon Pamplin presently... Read more of this article