Hashtag: #OBA

Dunkley Explains Decision To Run For Deputy

Dunkley Explains Decision To Run For Deputy

Senator Michael Dunkley – who had been widely speculated as a potential OBA Leadership candidate – has explained why he declined to run for leader, instead submitting his name for consideration for Deputy Leader of the One Bermuda Alliance. Senator Dunkley cited his commitment to serving the people of Smith’s North and said, “It’s... Read more of this article

Cannonier/Richards To Run For OBA Leader

Cannonier/Richards To Run For OBA Leader

[Updated] This morning [Sept.1] the One Bermuda Alliance [OBA] is announcing their candidates for party leader, and you can tune in live below. The election will be held on Saturday, September 10th at the Fairmont Southampton at 7:30pm. In addition to Leader, the Deputy Leader, Party Chairman and Deputy Party Chairman will also be elected. The winning... Read more of this article

OBA To Host Town Hall In St George’s

OBA To Host Town Hall In St George’s

The One Bermuda Alliance [OBA] will host their second Town Hall tomorrow [Sept.1] at 7pm at Penno’s Wharf in St George’s. The theme is “Let’s Get Bermuda Working Again,” and the flyer says the “OBA plan to grow jobs, reduce debt and revive the St George’s economy.” An OBA spokesperson said, “Shadow... Read more of this article

OBA On Election: “We Expect To Field A Full Slate”

OBA On Election: “We Expect To Field A Full Slate”

The One Bermuda Alliance [OBA] said they expect to field a full slate of candidates at the next general election. The OBA presently hold 10 of the 36 seats in the House of Assembly, with John Barritt, Shawn Crockwell, Dr. Grant Gibbons, Patricia Gordon-Pamplin, Donte Hunt, Louise Jackson, Trevor Moniz, Mark Pettingill, Bob Richards and Cole Simons all... Read more of this article

OBA: ‘Gaming Should Be Put To A Referendum’

OBA: ‘Gaming Should Be Put To A Referendum’

OBA Shadow Minister for Tourism Pat Gordon-Pamplin addressed Minister Patrice Minor’s recent comments about gambling, saying: “The OBA has already said that the issue of gaming should be put to a referendum preceded by a comprehensive education campaign. This would highlight the pros and cons of the proposal and enable the public to render... Read more of this article

OBA: It’s Time For Responsible Behaviour

OBA: It’s Time For Responsible Behaviour

Trevor Moniz, Shadow Minister for Justice and Attorney General, released a statement following yesterday [Aug.17] withdrawal of services by bus operators saying, “There is no apparent justification for this situation to deteriorate to the point that Bermuda is crippled by a transport strike. It’s time for responsible behaviour all around.” The... Read more of this article

Video Replay: One Bermuda Alliance Town Hall

Video Replay: One Bermuda Alliance Town Hall

[Updated] Tune in below to watch the One Bermuda Alliance [OBA] Town Hall, which is being held this evening [Aug.11] at St. Mary’s Church Hall in Warwick. The panelists are OBA MPs Bob Richards, Patricia Gordon-Pamplin, Dr. Grant Gibbons and Senator Craig Cannonier and they are discussing “the OBA’s plans to grow jobs, reduce debt and make the... Read more of this article

OBA Calls For Water Safety Tests After Fire

OBA Calls For Water Safety Tests After Fire

Shadow Minister for Health Dr. Kathy Michelmore has called on the Health Department to sample water from some of the homes directly in the path of the smoke from the HWP fire this past week. “Our main concern with the situation centres on the possibility that many residents downwind of the mid-afternoon fire did not block their roof downpipes... Read more of this article

OBA To Host Town Hall Tomorrow

OBA To Host Town Hall Tomorrow

The One Bermuda Alliance will host a Town Hall tomorrow evening [Aug.11] at 7pm at St. Mary’s Church Hall in Warwick. The panelists will be OBA MPs Bob Richards, Patricia Gordon-Pamplin and Dr. Grant Gibbons. The theme is “Let’s Get Bermuda Working Again,” and topics to be discussed include “the OBA’s plans to grow... Read more of this article

OBA Leadership Election To Be Held Sept. 10

OBA Leadership Election To Be Held Sept. 10

[Updated with video] This morning [Aug.9] the One Bermuda Alliance [OBA] announced that their Leadership Election will be held on September 10th, with the candidates expected to be announced on September 1st. The election will be held at the Fairmont Southampton, and in addition to Leader, the evening will also see the Deputy Leader, Party Chairman... Read more of this article

Trevor Moniz: “What On Earth Is Going On?”

Trevor Moniz: “What On Earth Is Going On?”

[Written by Acting Opposition Leader Trevor Moniz, on behalf of John Barritt, OBA Leader] What on Earth is going on? We have a Transport Minister saying a former PLP chairman and hotelier has been hired as a consultant to his Ministry, and then a civil servant contradicting him, saying, in effect, ‘not yet.’ On the same day, the National Security... Read more of this article

Dunkley Responds To Questions From The PLP

Dunkley Responds To Questions From The PLP

In the Senate last week, OBA Senator Michael Dunkley suggested we expand the Economic Empowerment Zone [EEZ] throughout the island, something the PLP questioned saying “by extending the EEZ beyond Somerset, St. George’s and NE Hamilton, you take away important incentives for businesses to invest in these communities.” As they did last... Read more of this article

John Barritt’s Final Speech As Opposition Leader

John Barritt’s Final Speech As Opposition Leader

With the closing of Parliament for summer break, Leader of the One Bermuda Alliance [OBA] John Barritt has delivered his final speech before the legislature as Opposition Leader, and possibly his final speech in the House as an MP. On May 17, 2011 at the press conference launching the OBA, Mr. Barritt indicated that he would serve as leader of the fledgling... Read more of this article

Donte Hunt: “No Excuse To Abandon Decency”

Donte Hunt: “No Excuse To Abandon Decency”

Photo taken on a wall in Warwick in July 2011 OBA Shadow Minister for Community Development Donte Hunt said he recently came across fresh graffiti on the wall of a residence rented by a Filipino expatriate, which read “Filipino Go Home” and said, “Only by maintaining the spirit of inclusivity and togetherness can we make a better society... Read more of this article

PLP Poses Questions, OBA Responds

PLP Poses Questions, OBA Responds

Following Shadow Finance Minister Bob Richards statement last week on steps the OBA would take to improve the economy, the PLP posed questions to Mr Richards saying with the OBA’s “stated commitment to transparency,” they should have have no problem answering the questions. Last week Mr Richards spoke on the economy saying, “We... Read more of this article

Richards: Steps To Rebuild Bermuda’s Economy

Richards: Steps To Rebuild Bermuda’s Economy

[Written by Bob Richards, Shadow Finance Minister] A founding principle of the One Bermuda Alliance is opportunity. We believe that if you work hard and play by the rules then you should have the opportunity to succeed. Opportunity depends on a strong economy which today is weak, with job losses and shrinking paycheques pressuring thousands of families. We... Read more of this article