Hashtag: #OBA

OBA & PLP Exchange Words On “Transparency”

OBA & PLP Exchange Words On “Transparency”

The only way Bermudians can keep tabs on Government’s finances is through transparency, however the promise of transparency is “proving to be just another empty, broken Government promise,” OBA candidate Sylvan Richards said. The PLP responded saying it’s “laughable that a party that tried to cover up a secret plan that called... Read more of this article

Transport: Gordon-Pamplin Responds To Roban

Transport: Gordon-Pamplin Responds To Roban

[Updated] If the public were ever asked to vote on the worst-run ministries of the government, Transport would be right up near the top, Shadow Transport Minister Pat Gordon-Pamplin said. Ms Gordon-Pamplin was responding to comments made by Transport Minister Walter Roban at a press conference yesterday, where said the PLP has made “sure and steady... Read more of this article

OBA: ‘Poor Planning’ Of National Aquatics Centre

OBA: ‘Poor Planning’ Of National Aquatics Centre

It “has become obvious” that Government did not have a feasibility study done before it built the Aquatics Centre as it will cost $98,000 to heat per month and will close in the winter months because it is too expensive to heat, OBA candidate C Anthony Francis said. Sports Minister Glenn Blakeney previously said: “Whenever the PLP invests... Read more of this article

OBA St George’s & St David’s Recovery Plan

OBA St George’s & St David’s Recovery Plan

The OBA has released their St George’s & St David’s Recovery Plan, which calls for a fully operational CCTV system in the town, reeopening the St. George’s police station full-time, securing a cruise ship for St. George’s and re-opening the St. George’s golf course. The OBA plan says: “For far too long, the Government has... Read more of this article

OBA & PLP On OBA’s SAGE Commission Plans

OBA & PLP On OBA’s SAGE Commission Plans

[Updated] Glenn Blakeney’s statement yesterday “represents just about everything wrong in politics today – fear-mongering and spin to make a good idea seem bad,” OBA candidate Sylvan Richards said last night. Part of the OBA’s plan is to set up a Spending and Government Efficiency [SAGE] Commission which they said was to “streamline... Read more of this article

Richards: Government’s ‘Anti Business’ Attitude

Richards: Government’s ‘Anti Business’ Attitude

[Updated w/PLP response] The “anti-business attitudes that characterized this Government’s years in office have served no one well,” Shadow Finance Minister Bob Richards said this evening. Mr Richards said: “The only hope to get thousands of out-of-work Bermudians back to work is through private businesses, large and small. The... Read more of this article

Richards: ‘Government’s Record Of Job Losses’

Richards: ‘Government’s Record Of Job Losses’

Bermudians have to ask themselves whether they believe this Government can create jobs as the Premier promised, since the Government’s record is “one of continuing job losses,” Shadow Finance Minister Bob Richards said. Mr Richards said: “Bermudians have to ask themselves whether they really believe this Government can ‘create... Read more of this article

OBA Release Jobs & Economic Turnaround Plan

OBA Release Jobs & Economic Turnaround Plan

[Updated with video + PLP response] This afternoon [Dec 6] the One Bermuda Alliance released their Jobs and Economic Turnaround Plan, which Shadow Finance Minister Bob Richards said will generate 2,000 new jobs in five years. The OBA’s Jobs and Economic Turnaround Plan follows two tracks, providing balance between responsible growth and disciplined... Read more of this article

Slideshow: All 87 General Election Candidates

Slideshow: All 87 General Election Candidates

The 2012 General Election will see a total of 87 candidates vying for a seat, with both the OBA and PLP fielding 36 candidates, while 15 Independent candidates have also thrown their hat in the ring. Voters will be electing 36 Members of Parliament, and 19 seats are needed for the party to win. The PLP presently holds 24 seats, the OBA holds 10 seats,... Read more of this article

Bob Richards: Plan A ‘Win-Win-Win Proposition’

Bob Richards: Plan A ‘Win-Win-Win Proposition’

[Updated] The OBA’s Jobs and Economic Recovery Plan is a “win-win-win proposition” as an unemployed Bermudian gets a job, the employer gets a tax break, and the government earns extra tax income, Shadow Finance Minister Bob Richards recently said. Mr Richards was responding to the PLP’s David Burt who recently said the “OBA... Read more of this article

PLP & OBA To Release Election Platforms ‘Soon’

PLP & OBA To Release Election Platforms ‘Soon’

With less than two weeks to go until the General Election neither of the political parties have released their platform, and while both declined to give a specific date they both said they will be releasing the information soon. A PLP spokesperson said: “We look forward to putting our comprehensive vision to grow Bermuda’s economy, create... Read more of this article

OBA Poll: 70% Think Bermuda On Wrong Track

OBA Poll: 70% Think Bermuda On Wrong Track

[Updated] A recent poll commissioned by the One Bermuda Alliance showed that 70% of locals thought the island is on the wrong track. When asked what one issue or problem is the most important for the next government to address, 46% of people surveyed said the economy, 10% said gang warfare, 9% said crime and 8% said youth unemployment. A statement from... Read more of this article

Furbert: I Saw The Secret Plan With My Own Eyes

Furbert: I Saw The Secret Plan With My Own Eyes

[Updated with Michael Dunkley & Dr Grant Gibbons' remarks] Speaking at a press conference today [Dec 3], former UBP Leader and now PLP MP Wayne Furbert said he saw the UBP secret plan with his own eyes, can verify that it exists, said the term “black surrogates” was used, and also said he himself was probably a “surrogate”. Mr... Read more of this article

OBA On Crime, Gangs & Operation Ceasefire

OBA On Crime, Gangs & Operation Ceasefire

The Government – more than 3 years after gang warfare broke out on the streets of Bermuda – is saying they “on the cusp” of implementing a strategy to deal with the situation which is not good enough, the OBA’s Jeff Baron said. Mr Baron — the OBA’s National Security Spokesperson on Crime and C#21 candidate — said: “There... Read more of this article

Cannonier: “This Press Conference Is Over”

Cannonier: “This Press Conference Is Over”

[Updated w/PLP response] Saying “this press conference is over,” Opposition Leader Craig Cannonier abruptly ended his participation in a press conference this afternoon [Dec 3]. The meeting was originally held to discuss crime, and after Jeff Baron addressed the media the floor was opened to questions. Ayo Johnson asked Mr Cannonier about... Read more of this article

Dr Gibbons: Education Information Is Inadequate

Dr Gibbons: Education Information Is Inadequate

The “selective and limited information” released by Education Minister Dame Jennifer Smith “raises questions about what is being withheld,” Shadow Education Minister Dr. Grant Gibbons said. Dr Gibbons said: “The information Education Minister Dame Jennifer released on high school graduation rates and examination results... Read more of this article