Hashtag: #RaleighInternationalBermuda

Raleigh Hosts Graduation & Launch Reception

Raleigh Hosts Graduation & Launch Reception

Last night [Mar.4] Raleigh International Bermuda held their Graduation Ceremony and Launch Reception at the Bermuda National Gallery at City Hall. The event served as an opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments of the 2010 participants, and introduce the 2011 participants who are about to embark on the adventure of a lifetime. Proud parents, families... Read more of this article

Raleigh: Voyages of Self-Discovery for Youth

Raleigh: Voyages of Self-Discovery for Youth

The local branch of Raleigh International is looking for a few good Bermudians to take part in its latest adventure expeditions. Founded in 2004 by Bermudian lawyer Michael Spurling, Raleigh International Bermuda is a branch of Raleigh International (UK). The programme’s structure and philosophy are intended to help Bermudians between the ages... Read more of this article