Hashtag: #RegulatoryAuthority

Search For Regulatory Authority Commissioners

Search For Regulatory Authority Commissioners

The Regulatory Authority of Bermuda is searching for “applicants to fill the role of regulators of key business sectors,” and anyone seeking to be members of the Board of Commissioners, to whom the RA will report, are expected to have their applications submitted by Friday, February 23rd. A Government spokesperson said, “The search... Read more of this article

BELCO Requested To Provide IRP Proposal

BELCO Requested To Provide IRP Proposal

Further to BELCO being issued with a Transmission, Distribution and Retail [TD&R] license on 27th October 2017, the Regulatory Authority has issued a notice requesting that BELCO submit an Integrated Resource Plan proposal [“IRP Proposal”] to the Authority by 15th February 2018. A spokesperson for the Authority stated, “An Integrated Resource... Read more of this article

RA Updates On BELCO And Electricity Sector

RA Updates On BELCO And Electricity Sector

[Updated] The Regulatory Authority announced that “following necessary amendments to the Electricity Act receiving Royal Assent on October 27, 2017, BELCO and the Government’s Tyne’s Bay power generation facility have been issued with electricity sector licenses.” “The Authority was given oversight of the electricity sector in... Read more of this article

Review Of Electronic Communications Sector

Review Of Electronic Communications Sector

The Regulatory Authority has released a ‘Review of the Electronic Communications Sector – Ensuring the delivery of benefits for Bermuda via Regulation’. This is a public consultation and members of the public are encouraged to send in comments. The RA said, “The consultation can be found on the Authority’s website www.rab.bm under ‘Consultations... Read more of this article

RA Proposed 2018/19 Work Plan Consultation

RA Proposed 2018/19 Work Plan Consultation

The Regulatory Authority has released its new public consultation for its 2018 – 2019 Work Plan, saying that it ”sets out the major activities that the Authority intends to carry out during the upcoming fiscal year 2018-19, with members of the public encouraged to send in comments.” “The consultation can be found on the Authority’s... Read more of this article

Regulatory Authority Electricity Sector Regulation

Regulatory Authority Electricity Sector Regulation

In July 2017 the Regulatory Authority received consent for the final form of electricity sector licenses, and these “licenses, as well as a license application process developed by the Authority, have now been enacted as general determinations, completing their final and formal legislative stage.” An RA spokesperson said, “On 28 October... Read more of this article

Deadline For Submissions On Net Metering

Deadline For Submissions On Net Metering

Update: The deadline has been extended to Wednesday, August 2nd. Greenrock is reminding the members of the public that the deadline for submitting feedback regarding net metering is tomorrow [July 28]. Executive Director of Greenrock, Jonathan Starling said, “Greenrock would like to remind members of the public that the deadline for submitting feedback... Read more of this article

One Communication & Regulatory Authority

One Communication & Regulatory Authority

[Written by Don Burgess] One Communications are in disagreement to the language and manner of the Regulatory Authority’s decision against them. The Regulatory Authority said they have “refused an application made by One Communications [One]to implement the following: 1. Contract termination fees of between $200 and $500 for residential internet/broadband... Read more of this article

RA: Providers Met 4G Requirements For The AC

RA: Providers Met 4G Requirements For The AC

In November 2016, as part of the award of 4G spectrum to Telecommunications [BWI] Ltd [Digicel] and Bermuda Digital Communications Limited [One Communications], the Regulatory Authority [the ‘Authority’] mandated specific coverage and Quality of Service [QoS] obligations. A spokesperson said, “The obligations are in the following phases: 1.... Read more of this article

Column: Job Losses In Telecommunications

Column: Job Losses In Telecommunications

[Opinion column written by Jason Hayward] The Bermuda Regulatory Authority commenced operations in January 2013, just over a year after the Regulatory Authority Act 2011 was approved by Parliament. The Regulatory Authority’s principal functions in relation to any regulated industry sector, are: to promote and preserve competition; to promote the... Read more of this article

Regulatory Authority Electricity Consultations

Regulatory Authority Electricity Consultations

The Regulatory Authority has today [May 8] commenced public consultations in relation to electricity sector licenses. “These public consultations are an important and key opportunity for the residents and businesses of Bermuda to provide their views as to the form and content of the licenses that will be used by the Authority to regulate the electricity... Read more of this article

RA Seek Feedback On Solar Net Metering

RA Seek Feedback On Solar Net Metering

The Regulatory Authority said they recently intervened in the electricity market with regard to solar net metering, via the issuance of an Emergency General Determination in relation to BELCO. “As part of this process, the Authority is now consulting on solar net metering and invites comments and input from the public and all interested parties,”... Read more of this article

RA: Trial For Pypestream Customer Service App

RA: Trial For Pypestream Customer Service App

“A commercial trial for an application to facilitate customer services, specifically aimed at people who may be deaf and speech impaired, is due to be launched in Bermuda by Pypestream,” the Bermuda Regulatory Authority said. A RA spokesperson said, “In 2016, the Regulatory Authority was approached by the Bermuda Island Association... Read more of this article

Regulatory Authority Approves FibreWire Trial

Regulatory Authority Approves FibreWire Trial

The Regulatory Authority has given approval for One Communications to immediately commence a technical trial of its FibreWire broadband services to a small sample of its current customer base. “The Authority has specified various parameters for the trial to ensure it is consistent with various regulations, as well as the Authority’s remit to... Read more of this article

50mbps Download Speed Target For Consultation

50mbps Download Speed Target For Consultation

Minister of Economic Development Dr. Grant Gibbons has written to the Regulatory Authority to request they “provide assistance in formulating and potentially implementing a universal broadband service obligation,” with a 50mbps broadband download speed cited as the “target for consultation.” The letter, dated February 10th,... Read more of this article

Authority ‘Further Investigating’ BTC Billing

Authority ‘Further Investigating’ BTC Billing

The Regulatory Authority said they are “further investigating whether the billing errors by Bermuda Telephone Company [“BTC”] for its business customers [explained in the Authority press release of December 13th, 2016] may represent a wider issue with its billing practices, which may include residential customers.” “All BTC customers,... Read more of this article