Hashtag: #SeminarsInBermuda

Upcoming Chewstick Weekend Retreat

Upcoming Chewstick Weekend Retreat

The Chewstick Foundation is planning a creative Retreat weekend from Saturday, March 19 until Sunday, March 20, 2011 at Paget Island. The purpose for the retreat is to isolate creatives in an intense, artistic and spiritual environment that encourages personal growth and collaboration. The weekend will comprise of workshops taught by passionate artists... Read more of this article

Upcoming: Dr. Rashidi African Diaspora Lecture

Upcoming: Dr. Rashidi African Diaspora Lecture

This coming Tuesday CURB will present a free lecture: ‘The African Diaspora: Global African Presence, Ancient And Modern’ by Dr. Runoko Rashidi. CURB said, “This presentation is designed for all ages and audiences. It is a presentation that Dr. Rashidi has been perfecting for more than thirty years and has given in more than fifty... Read more of this article

Video: Alpha Phi Alpha Leadership Seminar

Video: Alpha Phi Alpha Leadership Seminar

Last night [Mar.10] the Epsilon Theta Lambda Chapter (Bermuda) of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity [AΦA] hosted a seminar to explore the topic of leadership and its relevance in Bermuda. Panellists included former Premier Sir John Swan, former Premier and present MP Alex Scott, former Bermuda Police Commissioner Jonathan Smith, Bermuda Democratic Alliance... Read more of this article

Centre on Philanthropy’s Conference Report

Centre on Philanthropy’s Conference Report

The Centre on Philanthropy’s Third Sector Conference, held February 24-26, challenged charities and their donors to move beyond accepted norms and into the “Adventure of Change”. For two-and-half days The Fairmont Hamilton Princess was home to more than 175 members of Bermuda’s third sector as they listened, laughed, shared and ultimately learned... Read more of this article

Former Premiers In Leadership Symposium

Former Premiers In Leadership Symposium

Two former Premiers will be among the panellists addressing the question of leadership in Bermuda at an upcoming symposium. Sir John Swan and Alex Scott have accepted invitations from the Epsilon Theta Lambda Chapter (Bermuda) of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity [AΦA] which is hosting next month’s seminar to explore the topic of leadership and... Read more of this article

OECD Conference To Be Held in Bermuda

OECD Conference To Be Held in Bermuda

Premier and Minister of Finance Paula Cox announced today [Feb 27] that the OECD has officially issued its broadcast email to the Worlds financial center jurisdictions, the full membership of the OECD Global Forum of approximately 97 countries, inviting them to Bermuda for the May 31st to June 1st event. Premier Cox commenting on the development said:... Read more of this article

Budget Review: City Meeting Postponed

Budget Review: City Meeting Postponed

The City of Hamilton’s public monthly meeting which is usually held on the first Wednesday of each month will postponed to Wednesday March 9, 2011. Mayor of Hamilton Charles Gosling said, “We have no choice but to delay next month’s meeting by one week. The additional time will give us an opportunity to review in detail how the 2011-2012 Budget,... Read more of this article

BSX Preps For ACSDA General Assembly

BSX Preps For ACSDA General Assembly

The Bermuda Stock Exchange [BSX] today [Feb 21] announced that preparations to host the Americas’ Central Securities Depositories Association’s [ACSDA] General Assembly in March 2011 are nearing completion. The BSX will act as host for the ACSDA 2011 General Assembly being held from 23rd thru 25th March, 2011, with attendees expected from the Americas,... Read more of this article

Upcoming: Character Development Seminars

Upcoming: Character Development Seminars

The Department of Youth, Sport and Recreation will be holding a series of character development seminars in conjunction with the Josephson Institute next week designed to show how character development activities can be integrated into sports and youth programs and enable young people to thrive. The week of seminars will culminate with the Department... Read more of this article

Over 100 Attend ‘Enslaved Black Capitalists’ Talk

Over 100 Attend ‘Enslaved Black Capitalists’ Talk

Earlier today [Feb 15] Bermudian Dr. Clarence Maxwell presented a speech about The Contradictory Lives of Enslaved Black Capitalists, 1600-1700s. This marked Business Bermuda’s fourth community luncheon seminar and provided attendees with a unique, historical focus in honor of Black History Month. With over 100 people in attendance, this was by far... Read more of this article

Upcoming: Final Chewstick Songwriting Seminar

Upcoming: Final Chewstick Songwriting Seminar

The Chewstick Foundation will present the final session of its 3-part Seminar Series on Songwriting. The Chewstick Foundation began a 3-part Song-Writers’ Seminar series in December 2010. Participants ranged in age from fourteen to fifty years old; and had the opportunity to collaborate in ways that may not have been possible otherwise. This last... Read more of this article

Conference to Feature Economist Steven Levitt

Conference to Feature Economist Steven Levitt

Esteemed U.S. economist, Steve D. Levitt, bestselling author of FREAKONOMICS (2005) and its sequel, SUPERFREAKONOMICS (2009), will be the keynote speaker at the 2nd Annual Capital G Private Wealth Conference to be held on May 4th, 2011, at the Tuckers Point Hotel & Spa in Tucker’s Town, Bermuda. Mr. Levitt is the recipient of the American Economic... Read more of this article