Hashtag: #SpaceSpacecrafts

“Full Snow Moon” Lights Up The Night Sky

“Full Snow Moon” Lights Up The Night Sky

This evening [Feb 25] a full moon graced the night sky, which is traditionally called the “Snow Moon,” as the heaviest snows of the year often fall in February in North America. This full month’s moon is also sometimes called the “Full Hunger Moon,” as hunting was often difficult in February so food was scarce for ancient... Read more of this article

NASA Remembers Apollo 1 Flight Crew

NASA Remembers Apollo 1 Flight Crew

The US National Aeronautics & Space Administration yesterday [Jan. 27] paid tribute to three Apollo 1 astronauts killed 46 years ago in a Cape Canaveral launchpad blaze — two of whom had strong Bermuda ties. Virgil [Gus] Grissom, Roger B. Chaffee and Edward White died when a fire swept through their Apollo 1 capsule during a training mission... Read more of this article

Today Is Winter Solstice, Not The Apocalypse

Today Is Winter Solstice, Not The Apocalypse

Although some people were expecting the end of the world to occur, today [Dec 21] is actually the winter solstice and the first day of winter in the Northern Hemisphere. The December solstice occurs when the sun reaches its most southerly declination of -23.5 degrees. In other words, it is when the North Pole is tilted 23.5 degrees away from the sun. During... Read more of this article

NASA Satellite Photo Of Hurricane Rafael

NASA Satellite Photo Of Hurricane Rafael

The MODIS instrument aboard NASA’s Aqua satellite captured this visible image of Rafael — when it was still a Tropical Storm — in the Atlantic Ocean on October 14th. NASA said: “NASA’s Aqua satellite passed over Rafael on Oct. 14 and noticed the bulk of showers and thunderstorms were being pushed north and east of the... Read more of this article

NASA Photo: Tropical Storm Passing Bermuda

NASA Photo: Tropical Storm Passing Bermuda

NASA’s Terra satellite captured this natural-color image of Tropical Storm Leslie as it moved over Bermuda yesterday [Sept 9]. The center of the storm passed to the east of the island, carrying maximum sustained winds of 60 mph [95km/h]. While Leslie was slow-moving for much of last week — often moving at 1/3mph — today the U.S. National... Read more of this article

Last ‘Blue Moon’ Till 2015 Lights Up Night Sky

Last ‘Blue Moon’ Till 2015 Lights Up Night Sky

Last night [Aug 31] saw the second full moon of the calendar month, which is known as the ‘blue moon’. Despite its name the moon does not actually turn blue, with the term said to be used to describe rare occurrences. The last Blue Moon was on March 2010, and the next one will be in July 2015. The photo below was taken off St David’s... Read more of this article

Photo: “Supermoon” Lights Up Night Sky

Photo: “Supermoon” Lights Up Night Sky

The biggest and brightest full moon of the year arrived last night [May 5], with a “Supermoon” appearing in the night sky. The moon was around 220,000 miles away, compared to an average distance of around 240,000 miles, which caused the moon to appearing about 14% bigger and 30% brighter than normal full moons. The photo below was taken at around... Read more of this article

Project Icarus: How MIT ‘Saved’ Bermuda

Project Icarus: How MIT ‘Saved’ Bermuda

At 12:26 p.m. on June 19, 1968 the asteroid Icarus, which is nearly a mile in diameter, will crash into the mid-Atlantic, just east of Bermuda. Its impact — the equivalent of a 500,000-megaton bomb blast — will splash out some 1,000 cubic miles of sea water and form a crater 15 miles across in the ocean floor. Bermuda will be largely obliterated... Read more of this article

NASA Launches Wind Study Rockets

NASA Launches Wind Study Rockets

There was a spectacular light show in the skies between the US East Coast and Bermuda early this morning [Mar.27] as NASA launched five rockets to measure a high-altitude jet stream some 65 miles above the Earth’s surface. The National Aeronautics & Space Administration rockets, known as the Anomalous Transport Rocket Experiment [ATREX] released... Read more of this article

Bermuda Image: NASA’s Photo Of The Day

Bermuda Image: NASA’s Photo Of The Day

A high-altitude image of Bermuda as seen from Earth orbit was issued as National Aeronautics & Space Administration’s MODIS photograph of the day [Mar. 26] The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aboard the Aqua satellite captured this true-colour image of Bermuda on March 16. MODIS  is a key instrument aboard the Aqua and... Read more of this article

ABS Launches Partnership With Satmex

ABS Launches Partnership With Satmex

Regional satellite operators Asia Broadcast Satellite [ABS] of Bermuda and Hong Kong and Satmex of Mexico are joining forces to purchase four Boeing-built telecommunications satellites using a revolutionary design in a $400 million partnership, industry officials said March 12. According to a report in “Space News”, the agreement could catapult... Read more of this article

Video: NASA & Bermuda Agreement

Video: NASA & Bermuda Agreement

NASA and the Government of Bermuda signed an agreement yesterday [Mar.7] to establish a temporary mobile tracking station on Cooper’s Island to support launches from the agency’s Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia including future commercial missions. Deputy Premier and Transport Minister Derrick Burgess and NASA Deputy Administrator Lori... Read more of this article

NASA Takes Aim At Bermuda In Study

NASA Takes Aim At Bermuda In Study

It’s a case of launch madness for the National Aeronautics & Space Administration — which this month will be firing five rockets in the general direction of Bermuda as part of a study of high altitude winds. The US space agency — which signed an agreement with Bermuda yesterday [Mar. 7] to operate a mobile tracking station at... Read more of this article

NASA To Open Tracking Station

NASA To Open Tracking Station

Future American missions to the international space station [pictured] launched from the US will be monitored by a new National Aeronautics & Space Administration tracking station located in Bermuda. The US and Bermuda governments today [Mar. 7] signed a four-year agreement for the temporary mobile station to be erected at Cooper’s Island Nature... Read more of this article

Video: Minister On Space & Sea Assets

Video: Minister On Space & Sea Assets

[Updated with video] Bermuda space and seabed assets could be used to raise revenue Minister of Government Estates and Information Services Michael Scott said today [Feb.24] at the post-budget press conference. “The country assets are vast and varied, when I was Minister of Telecommunications you will know of the potential connected with the exploitation... Read more of this article

Bermuda Role In Historic Orbital Flight

Bermuda Role In Historic Orbital Flight

A computer malfunction at the Bermuda tracking station on Cooper’s Island just six minutes before blast-off almost scrubbed John Glenn’s historic orbital flight around the earth on February 20, 1962. But the problem was quickly rectified and after three years of training, John Glenn rocketed into space aboard the National Aeronautics... Read more of this article