Hashtag: #UBP

UBP: UK Peeved By Lack of Oversight Capacity

UBP: UK Peeved By Lack of Oversight Capacity

Saying that the Premier is using “spin” to “deflect attention from the Government’s failure to sufficiently staff the registry”, the UBP has said that the “lack of oversight capacity is the nub of the UK Government’s concerns given that it has contingent liability for Bermuda’s international obligations.” “Irresponsible... Read more of this article

Pics: Senator Dunked For Nagging in St George’s

Pics: Senator Dunked For Nagging in St George’s

At last night’s Market Nights held in St George’s Town Square, UBP Senator Suzanne Roberts-Holshouser was strapped into the ducking stool and plunged into the water for the “crime” of “nagging her husband” following a brief “trial”. The re-enactment is based on a part of Bermuda’s history, as the... Read more of this article

Politician Accidentally Claims Wrong Party

Politician Accidentally Claims Wrong Party

During the 10.5 hour debate on gaming in the House of Assembly on May 7/8, Bermuda Democratic Alliance [BDA] MP Shawn Crockwell sent everyone into a fit of laughter after he had a brief slip of the tongue and claimed to be with the United Bermuda Party [UBP]. This is, of course, made more notable as Mr Crockwell previously represented the UBP. In 2009,... Read more of this article

Gaming Wrapup: Vast Majority of MPs Against

Gaming Wrapup: Vast Majority of MPs Against

Scroll down for a concise wrap-up of the political debate last night over the controversial subject of gaming in Bermuda. Bernews live blogged the entire gaming debate in the House of Assembly, for the full coverage click here, and below are the major points: MPs who spoke for gaming: PLP Premier Dr Ewart Brown PLP Zane DeSilva PLP Walter Lister PLP... Read more of this article

Live Blogging: Parliament’s Gaming Debate

Live Blogging: Parliament’s Gaming Debate

[Updated with final tally: 32 MPs spoke, 23 against, 7 for, 2 undetermined. Full 10 hours of debate coverage below, and concise wrap-up here] The subject of gaming has been much discussed and debated amongst locals, with it now officially being debated in the House of Assembly right now, with no vote to be taken. Two political parties have already made... Read more of this article

Dunkley: Murder An Attack On Justice System

Dunkley: Murder An Attack On Justice System

[Written by UBP Senator Michael Dunkley, Shadow Minister for Public Safety] Wednesday night’s murder of a man outside a Midland Heights home – the same home that was at the centre of a Supreme Court trial – is tantamount to an attack on Bermuda’s criminal justice system. The United Bermuda Party is alarmed by this latest turn in the downward... Read more of this article

UBP: Gaming Not In The Best Interests of Bermuda

UBP: Gaming Not In The Best Interests of Bermuda

UBP Leader Kim Swan has released a statement on behalf of the UBP which alludes to the need for a referendum on the issue, and also says “Our position is that we do not believe gaming as pushed by the PLP Government is in the best interests of Bermuda or its people“. Saying the UBP has ”carefully considered the pros and cons”... Read more of this article

Former MP Allan Marshall To Run For UBP

Former MP Allan Marshall To Run For UBP

The United Bermuda Party [UBP] today officially confirmed that former MP Mr. Allan Marshall will contest the Hamilton South seat in the next election. The next election is not scheduled as of yet, however must be called and held by 2012. The Hamilton South seat was formerly held for the UBP by Darius Tucker, who resigned from the UBP in 2009, and now... Read more of this article

UBP: Minister Roban Using Age Bias Stereotyping

UBP: Minister Roban Using Age Bias Stereotyping

In a statement today, Opposition Leader Kim Swan said Health Minister Walter Roban’s comments about MP Louise Jackson show Mr Roban to be a “a practitioner of ageism“. Mr Swan went on to say Mr Roban’s words were “code invoking the worst kind of age bias stereotyping“. Mr`Swan was referring to comments made by Minister... Read more of this article

Kim Swan: Road Safety Improvement Measures

Kim Swan: Road Safety Improvement Measures

Opposition Leader and Shadow Minister of Transport Mr. Kim Swan, is calling for increased measures to improve road safety include better road lighting through the use of solar-powered lights, cats eyes on centre lines, traffic-calming measures such as speed bumps, speed cameras, random Police checks, and fast-tracking of random roadside breathalyzer... Read more of this article

Videos: UBP Anti-Crime Platform Press Conference

Videos: UBP Anti-Crime Platform Press Conference

Oppositon Leader Kim Swan, Shadow Minister of Public Safety Senator Michael Dunkley and Shadow Attorney General Trevor Moniz held a press conference earlier this month to unveil the UBP crime platform. Among their concepts was Operation Ceasefire, a programme used in American cities to stop gang violence. Another aspect of the crime reduction platform... Read more of this article

Time Passes, But Does Anything Change?

Time Passes, But Does Anything Change?

[Written by Larry Burchall] Long before the time of the PLP and UBP, the government of thirty-six Independents of the 1950’s segregationist era passed some strong legislation showing some archly conservative and reactionary attitudes. One set of legislation dealt with teenagers and their bikes. Auxiliary cycles – as they were then called –... Read more of this article

Operation Ceasefire: Would it Work for Bermuda?

Operation Ceasefire: Would it Work for Bermuda?

At a recently held press conference, the UBP suggested Bermuda bring in a new plan “Operation Ceasefire” saying: Over the past few weeks we have met with specialists in fighting gangs. We have talked with the Police here and in New York and Boston, as well as academics. Our research has taken us to Operation Ceasefire, a programme used in... Read more of this article

Senator Dunkley: “Totally Inadequate Response”

Senator Dunkley: “Totally Inadequate Response”

Calling the Government announcement concerning measures that will be taken to combat the wave of shootings, “totally inadequate“, Shadow Minister of Public Safety Michael Dunkley says the “government has been soft on crime and, as a result, gangs have had the room to flourish“. Following a six hour emergency meeting of Cabinet,... Read more of this article

Dunkley: We Are Well Passed ‘Enough is Enough’

Dunkley: We Are Well Passed ‘Enough is Enough’

Echoing the sentiments of many, Shadow Minister of Public Safety Senator Michael Dunkley has said “we are well passed enough is enough”, further adding that “gang related gun violence is a catastrophic threat to our way of life”. The holiday weekend has been marred with gun violence, with the daylight murder of Kimwandae Walker... Read more of this article

Wayne Furbert’s Letter of Intent to Join PLP

Wayne Furbert’s Letter of Intent to Join PLP

Scroll down to read the full text of the letter from Former Leader of the United Bermuda Party [UBP], and Independent MP Wayne Furbert announcing to his constituents that he will join the Progressive Labour Party [PLP] tomorrow. Mr. Furbert spent part of today delivering letters to his constituents in Hamilton Parish. Dear Friend, “There are two primary... Read more of this article