Hashtag: #WalterRoban

PLP’s Walter Roban Will Not Stand In Next Election

PLP’s Walter Roban Will Not Stand In Next Election

Deputy Premier and Minister of Home Affairs Walter Roban announced that he “will not be contesting the next General Election.” Mr. Roban said, “It is with mixed emotions that I announce today that I will not be contesting the next General Election for the Progressive Labour Party. ‘To everything, there is a season. Front line... Read more of this article

Ministers Visit Ongoing Regiment Recruit Camp

Ministers Visit Ongoing Regiment Recruit Camp

Government Ministers paid a visit to Warwick Camp today [Jan 15] as the island’s newest soldiers settled in to their first full day of training. Deputy Premier and Minister of Transport & Regulatory Affairs, Walter Roban and Minister of National Security Wayne Caines toured Warwick Camp and dropped in on recruits coming to grips with military... Read more of this article

Video: Interview With Minister Walter Roban

Video: Interview With Minister Walter Roban

The review of the airport deal is ongoing, the Ministry is aiming to fill the vacant mechanic positions, and four new buses should be here by the end of the year. These were a few of the statements from Deputy Premier and Minister of Transport & Regulatory Affairs Walter Roban, who sat down with Bernews today [Oct 4] for a live interview on our... Read more of this article

Photos: Minister Tours Airport Construction Site

Photos: Minister Tours Airport Construction Site

The Deputy Premier and Minister of Transport & Regulatory Affairs, Walter Roban, met with the Bermuda Airport Authority board and staff yesterday [Aug 24] and toured the L.F. Wade International Airport redevelopment project. A spokesperson said, “Minister Roban observed the early works at the site, which involves constructing the new terminal’s... Read more of this article

MP Roban To Host Forum On L. Frederick Wade

MP Roban To Host Forum On L. Frederick Wade

MP Walter Roban is inviting the public to a forum entitled “L. Frederick Wade, His Political Life and Legacy.” “Scheduled for Thursday August 25 at the Dr. E.F. Gordon Hall in the BIU Building starting at 6pm, this free forum pays tribute to the former PLP Leader after whom Bermuda’s National Airport was named,” the PLP... Read more of this article

Walter Roban: Brexit’s Implications For Bermuda

Walter Roban: Brexit’s Implications For Bermuda

“It is important that Bermuda’s future interest is not at risk and does not fall victim to any negative consequences the exit of the UK from the European Union may bring,” Shadow Minister of Home Affairs Walter Roban said. The historic UK referendum saw the British vote — by 51.9% — to sever the country’s membership in the... Read more of this article

PLP Condemns Robbery at Continental Motors

PLP Condemns Robbery at Continental Motors

Acting Deputy Leader and Shadow Minister of Home Affairs, MP Walter Roban today [May 8] condemned the robbery at Continental Motors on Friday afternoon saying National Security Minister Michael Dunkley should “provide the leadership and resources needed to combat our growing crime rates”. MP Roban said, “The Bermuda Progressive Labour... Read more of this article

‘Who Is Accountable In Missing $18M Situation?’

‘Who Is Accountable In Missing $18M Situation?’

“The tabling of the loan facility of $26.5 million for the Corporation of Hamilton to repay the ‘missing $18 million‘ raises a number of questions,” Shadow Minister of Home Affairs Walter Roban said, asking “will the truth be told as to who is accountable in this situation?” $18 Million Loan Not Paid Back MIF, an... Read more of this article

‘Immigration Policies Must Reflect This Balance’

‘Immigration Policies Must Reflect This Balance’

The goal of the PLP is to “ensure that the rights of Bermudians are advanced and protected, while recognising the need to support our economy with fair and balanced work permit policies” and “Bermuda’s immigration policies must reflect this balance,” said Shadow Home Affairs Minister Walter Roban. Mr Roban said that following... Read more of this article

Walter Roban Urges OBA To Withdraw Proposal

Walter Roban Urges OBA To Withdraw Proposal

“For the sake of stability we urge the OBA to withdraw this objectionable policy proposal,” as “the unendorsed actions of the OBA” will only serve to “increase the tensions in Bermuda” which are “rapidly approaching their boiling point,” Shadow Minister of Home Affairs Walter Roban said today. Planned... Read more of this article

Column: MP Roban On OBA & Labour Relations

Column: MP Roban On OBA & Labour Relations

[Opinion column written by Walter Roban] The OBA Minister of Home Affairs Michael Fahy needs to take responsibility for the outright destruction he is responsible for of labour relations in Bermuda. The Minister appears to have had a fit of delusion about the impact the recent court case he instituted against virtually all of the Bermuda’s unions... Read more of this article

Walter Roban:  “An Intolerable Act Of Violence”

Walter Roban: “An Intolerable Act Of Violence”

“Once again the peace of Bermuda’s holiday period has been shattered by an intolerable act of violence. The PLP is angered and ‎saddened by what is the latest in what appears to be an escalation of violent criminal activity. Our prayers go out for the victim, their friends, family and loved ones,”  Shadow Minister of Home Affairs... Read more of this article

PLP On Junior Leaders Programme Funding

PLP On Junior Leaders Programme Funding

The Progressive Labour Party [PLP] is calling on the OBA government to “start putting the welfare, health, and future of our youth first and foremost” with Shadow National Security Minister, Walter Roban saying, “We call on the OBA to reassess its priority of neglect and deprivation of our youth, seniors, and families over the past... Read more of this article

Walter Roban: “Bill Does Not End Conscription”

Walter Roban: “Bill Does Not End Conscription”

The OBA’s bill “does not end conscription, in any way, shape or form” and the “government have totally disregarded the trust placed in them on this issue by the electorate and the anti-conscription campaigners,” Shadow Minister Walter Roban said. Mr Roban said, “Friday’s debate on conscription exposed the... Read more of this article

Video: MP Walter Roban On Govt Board Equality

Video: MP Walter Roban On Govt Board Equality

MP Walter Roban said the PLP “support any effort to widen the participation of Bermudian citizens in the government process”, while noting that the “process started under” the PLP, as members of the public could go to the Cabinet Office and fill out aform. Opening Up Of Process To Serve On Boards Last week the Cabinet Office said... Read more of this article

Column: Working Together To Reduce Crime

Column: Working Together To Reduce Crime

[Opinion column written by Shadow Minister of National Security Walter Roban] On November 2nd 2015, Bermuda learned that another armed criminal action had taken place at Southside Pizza House on October 30. Thankfully no innocent person was injured. I cannot imagine the surprise and shock that must have been felt by those present. My heart and that... Read more of this article