Live Blogging: 2011/12 Budget
This morning [Feb 18] Premier and Minister of Finance Paula Cox will deliver the 2011/12 Budget in the House of Assembly.
Speaking yesterday UBP Leader Kim.Swan said: “Virtually everyone in the country is aware that Bermuda is in the grip of its most serious economic challenge in many generations, and that the Government’s spendthrift ways – enabled since 2004 by the Premier/Finance Minister – have made the situation much worse. The Budget tomorrow must lay down a clear plan to get the island back on track; to restore income, grow jobs, impose spending discipline and restore confidence not just in the Government but in Bermuda.”
The BDA’s Michael Fahy said: “Be ready during the budget debate for the Government to blame everyone and everything but themselves to explain their overspending, terrible oversight of capital projects, qualified audits and a ballooning civil service without regard to proper and sound fiscal management. We can also look forward to the Government saying that everyone else is predicting doom and gloom, especially those in the opposition, and that the Government is practically perfect. We truly hope these predictions are wrong.”
The Premier has arrived, and the House is in Session:
10:09: The Premier quotes singer Hubert Smith, saying in economic terms Bermuda is not another world, and Governments worldwide are struggling with the recession. She talks about Europe’s reaction to the recession, the USA’s unemployment stats etc.
10:13: The Premier said while it clear these events are out of our control, it is in our control how we respond. Says “we were elected for our ability to govern this beautiful country of ours.” She says Bermuda like many countries, continues to reel from the effects of the recession. Says “our economy is holding its breathe”.
10:18: Premier is quoting the Fitch ratings report, as well as Standard’s & Poors.
10:20: Says our economy must increase our “ability to absorb labour” – Says Government is planning to shed “zero” jobs, gets some response from those in the House. Recognizes unions for playing their part.
10:23: Says Government is working with Park Hyatt developers. Talks about retraining people who have lost jobs in their field. Says there is no “silver bullet” to create jobs, a multi dimensional approach is required. Says there is no quick fix.
10:26: Says there is more to the budget then slashing programs 15%. Says trimming will be insufficent to prepare our economy for the next step. Says spending cut are needed, but we have to look at the whole picture.
10:31: Says Payroll tax is to be rolled back. Relief from Payroll Tax for Hotel Sector will be extended to March 31, 2012.
10:32: Video of Premier arriving this morning
10:33: Premier says there will be an increase in cost for in cell phone licences. Does not mention specifics yet.
10:36: Proposes a $90 million reduction in capital spending, and $60 million in capital expenditure – to make the $150 million cut promised in the Throne Speech. Gets response from those in House.
10:37am: Says overtime will be slashed by millions, Government jobs unfilled now will remain so.
10:39: Premier says we are investing $3 million for the Xray scanner for Hamilton docks, to assist in public safety
10:40am: Premier says we expect $940 million gross revenue for the year ended March 2012, with total expenditure including debt servicing and capital expenditure estimated at $1.08 billion, which results in over $136 million of borrowing
10:44: Speaks of needy people, saying do we want do act in a callous manner towards them.
10:46: Mentions the closing of True Reflections store, says she mentions it to put a face on the economic issues people face. The Premier says Government is mindful people are anxious about the prospect of unemployment in the current economy and are finding it difficult to make ends meet.
10:50:Says she will work on an “open budget structure”, to foster more engagment in the island’s budget decisions. Says it will empower people, says Government will run blogs and comment sites to get input. “I intend to begin work shortly on the development of an open budget structure,” she says.
10.51: Rolling back payroll tax by two percent to stimulate job growth, extending customs relief to help businesses become more competitive and cutting Governmenht capital and current account expenditure by a total of $150 million are the three key provisions the Premier believes will help to create an economic recovery.
10:53: Says the budget allocates $900 million in spending over the next year on education, health, youth and families, tackling crime, improving infrastructure, human development, improving Government efficiency and measures aimed at reducing poverty Says savings will be made by reducing or winding down less effective programs.
10:55: Says we are all in this together, says assistance from the community is needed.
11:00: Premier says “We need to be able to come out of this together. Not just better but better off.”
11:01:The Premier promised entrepreneurs who want to invest in the economy and create jobs would face less Government bureaucracy and red tape, saying “more red carpet, less red tape.” She said: “We must prepare for the future and put the people, policies and programmes in place today to restore economic growth and stability
11:02: Premier speech ends, applause from those in the House. She is thanked by Speaker.
11:18: Full 36-page statement added below, click ‘Full Screen’ for greater clarity:”
1:00pm: Below is a stream, of highly dubious quality, of the press conference. [We apologize for the quality, we operate off a mobile connection and the reception in the area isn't ideal!]
2:45pm: Live stream now over, with videos to come later. Michael Fahy, BDA financial affairs spokesman, speaks below right after the budget:
3:53pm: Deliotte released a “Budget Snapshot”. Full statement here, snippet follows: The statutory debt ceiling remains at $1.25 billion. In 2011/2012, including debt and guarantees public debt is estimated at $1.29 billion which exceeds the statutory debt ceiling by $40 million. However, in the current year government has excluded $210.5 million of guarantees to bring the 2011/2012 estimated public debt total to $1.08 billion. Including guarantees, public debt in 2010/2011, 2009/2010 and 2008/2009 was $1.175 billion, $970 million and $483 million, respectively.”
4:43pm: Shadow Finance Minister Bob Richard’s spoke with us this afternoon:
4:50pm: Written statement from Shadow Finance Minister Bob Richards:
We are pleased Premier Cox has finally acknowledged the seriousness of Bermuda’s economic troubles, but merely recognizing tough times is not a plan and this is where her new Budget fails Bermuda.
This was a great opportunity for the Premier and her Government to lead the country.
The people were prepared to play their part. They were ready to support steps that could have put the Island on the path to recovery and to help Government to get its financial house in order.
Instead, they got a 15-page statement that simply did not rise to the occasion.
The Budget offered no plan, no direction and very few concrete steps that would give the country hope that recovery was within reach.
The Premier’s statement, rather, was a disturbing study in avoidance. Examples are legion:
- Ms Cox saying the Budget was her “first as Premier and Finance Minister” – a poor attempt to separate herself from her own seven-year record Finance Minister.
- Ms Cox’s head-shaking call for a “credible” tourism plan, as though the Government today had nothing to do with its past 12 years in power.
- The Government’s move to redefine public debt – a shell game to make it look smaller than it is.
- The failure to address soaring public debt, with interest charges set to nearly double to $70 million a year. That’s more than $190,000 a day in interest charges.
- Verbiage about the need to re-tool the economy for recovery without specifying a way to do it.
The Government had an important opportunity to lead by example, with Ministers taking a symbolic pay cut as the springboard for belt-tightening reform of government spending. But this did not happen.
We support moves to cut employment costs for businesses. But these measures in themselves are not enough. The Government could have done much more.
In the end, this Budget statement is a triumph of politics over responsibility to the short and long-term economic health of the island. It is shame and an opportunity lost.
Bermuda can do much better.
We will provide the country with a plan to rebuild our economy in our formal Budget Reply next Friday, February 25th.
5:00pm: The Chamber of Commerce issued a statement. Full version here, snippets follow: “In 2012 Government is expecting to spend $473m on direct employment costs which is 52% of all expenditures. In addition to this is the funding of the approximately 1,400 people employed by the QUANGO’s who receive total grants of $227m the majority of which goes on employee costs.”…”It is these large amounts of employment costs which gives rise to the budget deficits and corresponding need to borrow overseas. The total interest payments will be $71m in 2012.”…”The projected savings of $150m appear questionable.”
5:45pm: Full statement from BDA Financial Affairs Spokesperson Michael Fahy added here.
5:48pm: Statement from Dr Katherine Michelmore – BDA spokesperson on the Environment.
I am particularly interested in the Premier’s stated $27 million earmarked for expansion and capital maintenance of the Tynes Bay Waste Treatment Facility. No one will deny that the Tynes Bay facility is in desperate need of long overdue maintenance. Premier Cox chose to make reference to a quote by President John F Kennedy about “repairing your roof when the sun is shining.” Tynes Bay speaks to a complete disregard for that inherent wisdom. Our island’s current status where we are storing baled trash at Morgan’s point is unacceptable and was
totally avoidable. Problems were identified as far back as 1998, and in 2001 Minister Eugene Cox stated that it was necessary to start a fund to replace the incinerator, and Works and Engineering Minister at the time, the Hon. Alex Scott, stated that his Ministry should assess the island’s waste and the future direction of the island’s waste disposal. Nothing happened. Hence Premier Cox’s promises to reduce dependence on Tynes Bay and restore Marsh Folly cannot be viewed without a degree of scepticism. There is no mention in the budget of any investment in projects to reduce waste production, increase recycling, or to stimulate use of alternative energy sources.Whilst the Premier was keen to mention Government co-operation with developers of the proposed Park Hyatt and Morgan’s Point in stimulating tourism, she did not mention the environmental concerns associated with the clean-up required at Morgan’s Point, or the current hugely controversial SDO proposed for the development of Tucker’s Point. I fear that environmental concerns are often low on this Government’s agenda, as is indicated by their absence from the budget speech.
7:32pm: Minister of Business Development and Tourism Patrice Minors spoke at a post-budget press conference this afternoon [Feb 18] providing details of the financial provisions allocated to her Ministry. Full statement here.
Feb 19: Video statements from post-budget press conference added:
- Health Minister Zane DeSilva here
- National Security Minister Lt Col David Burch here
- Education Minister Dame Jennifer Smith here
- Labour Minister Kim Wilson here
- Public Information Minister Neletha Butterfield here
- Business Development & Tourism Minister Patrice Minors here
- Transport Minister Terry Lister here
- Attorney General & Justice Minister Michael Scott here
- Premier & Finance Minister Paula Cox here
- Minister without Portfolio Michael Weeks here
- Deputy Premier and Public Works Minister Derrick Burgess here
- Environment Minister Walter Roban here
- Sports, Families & Community Minister Glenn Blakeney here
Is there any chance that this could be published with the most recent time at the top? It could make it easier to refresh and read as news is published.
940 million i revenue…..over a billion in expenditures…doesn’t this add up to more money owed…more money borrowed…..would someone like to put a different spin on this….and those are estimates which all governments never get right..
Some years ago we had some Proud Finance ministers that would make their way up the steps to parliament holding the budget case in one hand. When the Finance minister reached the top of the steps the case would be lifted proudly with a great smile for all to see. Today we just see it dragged across the ground like sack full of Pennies.
This is a Premier and Finance Minister who has been in the PLP Government for the last 12 years. She makes it sound as if the PLP, and she personally, has only been responsible since last October. Just as a reminder, the PLP beat the UBP in 1998.
Yeah but its still the UBP’s fault. Or the governors. Or the recession – you know we could never have predicted that.
I hope your joking au contraire. I accept the UBP were at fault for allowing international business to grow too big throughout the 80s and 90s, to the point where tourism was squeezed out. This left our economy much less diversified and leaves our islands economy entirely dependent on international business.
But to honestly think that the PLP is not to blame is simply moronic. You have got to be delusional. The PLP came into office, and have really not made the island better. Tourism has not been revived. Our young black Bermudians still have an appalling rate of graduating from public schools. And up to 2007 when the Recession hit, world economies were in the midst of tremendous growth, yet the only thing that grew in Bermuda was the size of the already bloating government.
Now, there’s Zane DeSilva mentioning a universal health care plan. Where we are we going to get the funding for that? And will this health care plan actually be effective? Considering Bermuda has one of the highest obesity rates in the world, I hope we can dissuade poor eating habits through higher costs for those overweight!
You are already paying for it. Don’t you know that it cost the Government (us) about $2000 every time someone without insurance, visits the Emergency Room with the sniffles. On the other hand,if that same person had regular insurance, and go to their Family Practitioner, it’s about about 10 times less. It’s just so sad how those of us who have, have this selfish attitude about the survival of those who don’t.
The bottom line is, if done right it could actually save the country some money. I would suggest, that when they have the town hall meetings, you turn out and give your ideas, instead of standing on the sidelines and criticize. This will get us no where.
Since when did this become a moral question of helping people who don’t have the means to? Never said anything of that nature. I am fully in support of that. I just believe that when we create our new health care system, we should categorize people based upon their lifestyle choices etc. It is just an unfair system if individual living unhealthy, eating fried foods, smoking cigarettes, not exercising, is paying the same as someone who eats healthy, exercises and does not smoke. That’s it, that’s all.
AND, I actually don’t live full time in Bermuda- if I did, I would get involved.
well you could blame it on lessons learned from the British….never admit fault, never say you’re sorry. But that attitude in itself doesn’t change the facts does it? If you’re looking for an apology, don’t hold your breath. We’ll see if things get better or remain the same in the lead up to a GE
If Zane DeSilva’s UHCP works ,it would be a good thing. IF. Remember, this is the same person who blamed the UBP for the PLP’s wildly, insane spending spree for the past 12 years. “We would not be in debt if the UBP hadn’t balanced their budgets, nor an $80+ million dollar cushion when they “left” office. The UHCP, if it works, would benefit those persons gainfully employed who have to pay their own insurance i.e. gardens, construction workers and so forth. Most/all of those persons cannot afford private insurance companies, so use Governments HIP which provides the absolute basic coverage. So the bottom line is we will end up paying for this also.
Government proposes to reach the $150m savings goal by a $90 million reduction in capital spending and a $60 million reduction in capital expenditure. This doesn’t make sense. Unless Government accounting polices differ wildly from the private sector, reducing capital spending has no effect save for lowering ‘potential’ depreciation/amortisation charges in future years. Capital spending is discretionary so choosing not to spend the money is not really saving anything. It’s akin to me declaring that I will not buy a $5m house (which I couldn’t afford anyway) in one breath and in the next taking credit for slashing $5m from my budget.
Can someone please explain this to me?
EXACTLY !!! Essentially, we can’t afford to do something anyway and are now calling it savings.
That’s a cheat.
See how many people buy this BS when their homes are being repossessed.
Guess the more things change, the more they stay the same.
Home repossessed en mass? Nah man, we’ll see the market open to ‘foreign investment’ before that happens. We all know the banks prefer repayment over repossession.
thakns for the explanation..
lol seems to go hand in hand with the “we cut our salaries last year when we declined to increase them”… again, “not raising” doesn’t equal “cutting”… it simply means “staying the same”…
… common govt with your funny wordings…
To save money in my household, my daughter has decided to take up smoking, and quit, saving us over $12 a day, or $4380 a year. What a trooper!
That’s an awesome awesome comment
So is it the ‘in thing’ to announce a completely imbalanced budget?
They’re made up numbers anyway. It’s a budget. A political fairy tale. We don’t get the real numbers until the Auditor General has been through the books. And even then the Auditor’s opinion has been “We can’t tell if these numbers are right or not ….”
Waffle Paula. Waffle.
Give us something substantive.
Politics at work ay? -_-
BLAH…BLAH…BLAH…BLAAAH! Explained enough!!!
Glad I did not actually listen. Would have probably puked. She has no clue but that is OK with the workers out in the field, she is, after all, her fathers daughter.
“workers out in the field”
I applaud the lengths that Bernews goes to encourage free speech and giving everyone their own soapbox but TD, do you realize or care that your comment can be viewed as very offensive to people?
@I’m just sayin…… Grow some will you. Minister Burch has said a whole lot worse on the news and hasn’t appologized for it…”Plantation” remarks…remember?!
And of course that makes it right.
Are you 6 years old and in kindergarden?
Maybe you need to rethink your version of TRUTH……
Did you find Burch’s remarks offensive? If not then many people see things differently don’t they. Perspective!!!!!!!!!!
Yes I did, but for the avoidance of doubt did you find the remarks above offensive? If not then many people see things differently don’t they. Perspective!!!!!!!!!!
So I guess its ok when its not directed at whatever race you happen to be huh?
Dude/ Gal what ever you are I find people in Bermuda to be very offensive in the last 12 years more so than ever before. Thank you to the party pulling the strings. If you have ever read any of my posts you would find that I find racist remarks offensive. But you can pick and choose as you like it really tells more about you than me. After all if you think I’m offensive for pointing out irony it shows whats in your point of view. Where have I hear that before I wonder must have been some papers on the race debate from Alaska no not where Palin comes from. So I guess its ok as long as its not directed to whatever race you happen to be huh? Thanks for the laugh may soon you will get where I’m coming from you seem to be heading in the general direction now.
By the way I happen to be a worker in the field so get a clue open your eyes and meet someone new. Keep hanging with the same people and you become very limited.
Racism is alive and well isn’t it??? What’s up with the “workers in the field” statement???
Nothing. Nothing is wrong with it.
That’s exactly the problem – you don’t see anything wrong with your comments. Sad really – yup, the more things change, the more they state the same.
And yes it is a term, a term that has racist connotations and is offensive whether you like it or not. For the record, right is right and wrong is wrong whether you are black, white or other.
Sorry see above you are just as wrong iron and Perspective. Do you people know that white also work in the field soon you will not be able to open your mouth cause what ever you say will be offensive. So watch you mouth! Did you find that offensive maybe you should form now on..
I work in my chosen field every day….So does my mother and my friends…
It’s a term…not racist…
but hold up, wait a minute…because a white person said it, it absoulutely must be racist…
Sorta like how Col. Burch hung up on a white caller to a talk show after he asked her is she was white…or how he labelled women guest workers as prostitutes…or how he called another black Bermudian a House Ni**er on air because he didn’t agree with his views (cause he shoulda known that all black people must think the same as the PLP, or they don’t meet up to their blackness standard…
but hold up again…Col Burch is black…so it can’t be racist…he is just speaking pain…
“workers out in the field” vs. “I work in my chosen field every day”
Lets get beyond a trying to turn a sows ear into a silk purse for a minute, I hope that you are not really going to defend that but hold up wait a minute you did.
If your justification for supporting bigotry is “someone else said this….” well please don’t be put out when it continues to happen and when its not directed at those “workers out in the field”.
ALL forms of bigotry are wrong, if ALL of it isn’t stopped it will never ALL stop.
I’m a worker in the field… and I work hard out there… I am also a professional and my skin is brown…
The comment is not racist unless you choose it to be and internalize it so that you feel disrespected.
I agree!! My skin is brown and I work in my chosen field after graduating from college with two degrees.
Comment doesn’t bother me…..
Thank you Not offened. Persective and who one veiws themself is the key to all of this.
Au Contraire….detz my line dood….De Yoo Bee Pee…….
Bermuda is in dee sheet………
See yah.
That probably means that you over-payed, over-borrowed, and under-prepared.
@Bermyluv And who doesn’t overpay on this island!?A loaf of bread pushing $10 a loaf. So keep your sarcastic comments to yourself!!!
@ bermyluv how can you comment to someone that you don’t even know that they have probably over-paid (correct spelling), over-borrowed or that they are under-prepared? are you serious?????? They may well have been prepared until their work week was shortened…Paula Cox makes $224,092 per year..that is almost a quarter of a million you realise that there are some people taking home as little as $109.00 per week?
Sounds like you are talking about our Government………..
Bermuda could learn a lot from Canada, not the U.S. not th E.U. or the U.K. Canada emerged out of the recession in 2009. So we may not be able to copy everything that Canada had to do, in order to bring its economy out of recession but we certainly can use some of their tools. I am not suggesting that we introduce the taxes that were introduced but we need to at least open our minds and hearts to some of Canada’s methods that work. I just hope that it does not get to a position were we see our people losing everything and such as homes and businesses and then our leaders start to see people robbing each other in order to survive. We have to look at our friends to the North and see what they are doing right which methods can work here and how we can use those same methods long term to make our country work. Or one day we may wake up to see a mass Exodus of the companies who’s taxes our Government use to keep our economy afloat.
Good idea Trucking, but we are not Canadians. maybe if we were disciplined and resilient as the Jamaican people we would probably come out fairly well.
The Government has once again significantly underestimated their revenues for (at least) the (third straight) year. The initial estimate of $1,059m has been revised to $977m leaving a shortfall of $82m. On top of that they spent $15m more than they budgeted for ($1,073m vs. $1,058m) thereby creating an annual operating deficit of $97m, which, on top of last years deficit of $84m, means that in two years the PLP have spent $180m more than they collected from taxpayers plunging us all further (yet again) into debt.
This is utterly pathetic, unacceptable and reflective of a Government that is bankrupt of ideas, talent, know how and integrity. If you can’t fire a drunk ferry boat captain or a fraudulent bus worker what chance do you have a balancing a budget. Sadly the sheeple will still vote them in … all the way to the outhouse.
32n, u sound like a man with all the answers.
Why dont you drum up support for your ideas? Do you have coworkers you can talk to? family friends? etc.
Lobby them with your ideas and tell them your opinions.
Anonymous blogging and complaining is one thing.
Giving advice is another.
Why don’t you send a letter to the Premier if you think everything the government is doing is wrong?
or do you get more satisfaction out of simply criticizing and complaining?
@Sigh … my suggestions are not new. The Government has been ignoring the same words from various parts of the community for the last five years.
da da dum ………………..
I simply don’t “get it”. All the man on the street knows is that we’re working harder and harder every year for less and less. We’re losing jobs; we’re losing our homes; there’s no infrastructure to help those who are legitimately out of work through no fault of their own. And now we’re subjected to all this smoke and mirrors bs in an attempt to make us feel like they’re FINALLY doing something??? It really is pitiful.
what happened to the pain supposedly to be dealt in spending cuts to public payrolls that was alledgedly behind Lister’s step down last week?
Why suffer now and risk an election defeat when you can put it off until later and let future taxpayers feel the pain.
And in the 26 comments now posted….not a single solution presented….not a one…pathetic..
We are all in this together…Bermuda Inc is sinking and you are on the boat…what do YOU suggest we do?
There have been plenty of suggestions. Too late for that now.
How about hunting down all the millions that have been spent/wasted/embezzled on capital projects? We could probably make up a quick $100mil there.
There is not much they can cut as most of the costs come from paying the bloated civil service. They are not about to start cutting jobs the year up to an election.
What’s done is done, and we can only say they should have listened years ago when people warned of an over heating economy and prepared for it rather than continue to spend like drunken sailors.
I do have one suggestion. Get a new finn-aance minister.
lol @ finn-aance
Well, the roll back in payroll tax only is half the story – she didn’t touch the salary cap so it was, as usual, a half assed gesture.
However, in no particular order she could have:
- Allowed the payment of duty at point of sale for retailers.
- Remove work permit term limits
- Reduce restrictions on property ownership – encourage foreign buyers to stabilise property values – increase liquidity and get the banks lending again which in turn stimulates the construction industry.
- Reduce residency red tape
- Reduce business formation red tape
- Set the tone that we are open for business.
- Tackle waste in government (described over and over again in all the blogs)
- Actively pursue and prosecute those involved in theft of taxpayers money.
- Commit to unqualified audits – build business confidence
- Set an ethical tone – fire the bus driver, the drunken ferry driver. A no nonsense approach.
- Ask the BIU for the Berkeley performance bond back.
- Resign. She’s out of her depth.
I could go on…
Work permits is not a budgetary item.
Correct. But what a great opportunity to signal to IB that it’s on the table and we’re open for business.
Didnt the govt do that when the Throne Speech highlighted extending the tax exemption?
Didn’t go far enough.
Of course not. Nothing would be far enough except giving expats and foreign workers unlimited rights to any and every job, any and every piece of property, any and everything they want, even to the detriment of native Bermudians.
Listen to me….
You need to generate cash flow, foreign currency and liquidity. Right now your only option is IB. And it’s leaving as a direct consequence of the actions of this government. They have neither the wit nor ability to run the country.
I agree Sandgrownan. The whole “Get the foreigner out” attitude is what’s putting us in this situation amongst other things. We are loosing there money, which contributes to our growth and economy. And if we continue to make it impossible or uncomfortable for them to be here they will LEAVE and never look back.
Tourism is gone! We don’t grow enough ONIONS to sell to the world to support our country. We Export Nothing!! The ONLY thing we have right now is IB and frankly they have the money to keep this country going. So may I suggest that all Bermudians put their ego and vanity aside for long enough to see that you need this money to survive. And it will also create jobs that will employ you and keep food on your table.
Stop thinking that you are gods gift. There is no such thing as a True Bermuda native. We all came from outside. Last I checked none of us were natives living in Teepees when this island was found. So sick and tired of the foreigner bashing. I AM BERMUDIAN, but not very proud to be at this moment in time!
all of this will make Bermuda a great place for those in the re-insurance industry, but Bermuda is already a place where those not in that industry, making those salaries, cannot afford to live there.
Bermuda is essentially a small town with a couple of high-paying industries and all Bermudians with only Bda citizenship who chose or cant get in those industries are not going to have much choice but to move to the UK where they can find work and afford housing.
Guess what Princess – it’s a global economy, you’ve got to be in it to win it.
Funny how over the past years whenever suggestions were made the retort was “we don’t care what you think”; “haterz”; “alarmists”; “UBP”; “genetic predisposition” and so one. Now the ship is sinking the plea is “what can we do”?
Simple, be first in the lifeboat.
Exactly what I wrote below…
I find it absolutely hilarious!!
Called us all sorts of names and gave us all sorts of nasty labels when warnings were given about the direction of the economy…
Now that these predictions have just about all come to fruition they are still labelling us as part of the problem…
The rollback in payroll tax is odd. The jobs have already been lost due to last year’s hike … it’s unlikely they will be refilled because of it.
411, you sahn like Lawern………..or ah beckbanhar looking four ah jahob………
Yah nut related too “911″ are yoo……
What is funny to me is that most of you on here are only here to criticize. Premier Cox could have done all of what you have suggested and you still would find that it wasnt good enough.
People asked for the payroll tax reduction and it was given. We are investing money into the areas that are sorely needed, especially the social issues.
The areas that are getting the most expenditure are the areas that will most affect mr and mrs bermuda.
100.8 National Security
The government is showing their concern for ensuring the safety of Bermuda by investing in the security of our people.
66M to Youth, Familes, Sport & Community Development
Under the PLP government, we continue to invest in social programs that will assist the general public through this recession and also assist in building our communities.
40.3 to Business Development & Tourism
This budget will assist in devising a long term strategy to rebuild and rebrand our Tourism product
172.2 Health
Investing in a 1st class health care system is vitally important.
I could go on and on but what i will say is this. No government is perfect and no government will get it 100% correct. But what this government is doing is trying to navigate through a cloudy situation.
To blame the PLP government for every financial problem in Bermuda does not even require a response. Any one with common sense knows that the reason for our financial woes are multi-faceted. The budget is released and people then want it to be all things to all people. Well, that is never going to happen.
The Government has tried to make it palatable for the majority while still ensuring the government receives the revenue.
All I keep hearing and reading is about why we are where we are, and other disparaging remarks about the Premier. Whatever your opinions are about this, we are where we are and we have to take measures to solve our financial woes.
I supposed your venting is therapeutic, so vent away, but i don’t see many of you offering any solutions.
Plenty around if you open your ears and eyes.
While the worldwide global recession is not Cog’s fault, granted, we have no way of seeing our way through the recession because she failed in her duty to manage OUR money. The pot is empty and it’s her fault.
She had some options and she failed to take them with one exception – payroll tax.
The venting is due to serious concerns.
The current premier was in control of the purses and still in. That is the problem. A band-aid approach has been tacked out a struggling ship.
If we seriously look at the budget there are not as many cuts and one expects. Yes, there are good initiatives, but where is the funding? We are hedging our beats on a revenue which we grossly over estimated last year. And since then we have had more business leave, more hotels close, more local business shut down, which creates less tax revenue. Not to mention the foreclosures on property and in increase in the related taxes.
Closer scrutiny and comparison highlight the similarities between the previous budgets. sandgrownan makes some very prominent points that also relate to the budget as they effect the running of government. Those same departments you list as getting an increase also have net decreases thus effecting their overall ability to produce.
You can’t squeeze blood from a stone, and slapping a “fresh” coat of paint on something still makes it worse.
As much as it pains me a “cog” will forever be a “cog”
I suspect the Opposition will present a number of solutions to improve our collective financial condition, however, the PLP will shoot them down as in prior years due to an unwillingness to recognise their own fiscal shortcomings which have been clearly documented year, after year, after year. Just look at the accumulated deficits since 2007 and the projected debt inxs of $1.25b.
This budget is manifestly vague on details, solutions or specifics yet you accuse others of misplacing blame on the PLP for the island’s financial troubles when the Government themselves have yet to take honest ownership of the problems they’ve participated in creating through irrational, capricious and piss poor management of the public purse.
If you prefer not to appreciate or understand the circumstances surrounding “why we are where we are” and don’t want accountability and transparency when it comes to when, why and how tax payer dollars are spent please feel free to write me a cheque. This carefree attitude and implicit acceptance of the PLP’s fiscal immaturity is one of the very reasons why they have continued to abuse their position.
The Government works for us, not the other way around. The PLP, however, honestly believe it is their job (destiny) to govern and our job to let them.
But, as I sigh…. there is no money to invest…. Oh, I forgot… just put it on credit… lol
Guess you really cant please everyone Mrs Premier. It is so sad that when you read the comments and listen to the talk hows, its the same old people who have been criticizing the PLP since the they were defeated way back when. What they fail to realize is we ALL in this together. If we float, we float together, if we sink, we sink together. This has nothing to do with race or party affiliation.
Its funny that these same complainers, had us enslaved, stole our land, gave us the worst jobs with the worst pay when they were in power and did nothing for the average Bermudian, all while building their multiple homes,guest houses and lining their pockets. All you had to do was walk along Front Street and Tuckers Town and Fairy Lands.
Lets not be blinded by your BS and lies when you saw an opportunity in International Business as a way to further fatten your bank accounts in the 80′s and 90′s. It was YOU who paid no attention to the core of Bermuda’s foundation, Tourism back than, and we been trying to fix it every since.
So either offer some realistic solutions, or shut the H*** up.
Agreed TOTALLY!!!!
The PLP have failed.
Excuse me but not all white ppl are descendants of slave owners, the same way not all black ppl are descendants of slaves. Not all white people live in Tucker’s Town or Fairlylands and not all are rich or got rich from underhanded tactics. Actually not all white Bermudians own their own property, like me and mine. I guess going off your “logic” you would have no issue with me labelling all black Bermudians as gunslingers and gang members right? Of course you would, so why don’t you try to do unto others instead of your generalizations and stereotypes.
But anyways, when all us “former slavemasters” warned about the overheating economy, the squandering of taxpayers money on frivolous expenditures as well as the “misappropriation” of public funds by certain political representatives you called us “white supreamcist racists,” “Uncle Toms and/or House Ni**ers,” “haters,” “the Combined Opposition” and generally mischevious, fear mongerers who were spouting nothin but lies in an attempt to undermine a black Govt.
Now that some of the forecasts of these racists have come to fruition you all want to preach unity and how we are all in this together and that us complaining is nothing but part of the problem. Jokers…
Jokers is right “we’re all in this together” blah blah until elcetion time when whites will be called all sorts of names in public and behind doors. Would you like to help the person who slaps you in the face over and over again judeging from the past seeing how some people are acting now the answer in no so why do you think that if you keep acting that way things will change when will we as a mature country lean the leasons from the past and leave it where it is the past. Do not go where the path has been trod but blaze a new path for others to follow. Think about it if you dare.
And what land was stolen?
Stolen means taken with no reimbursement…
If you are referring to Tucker’s Town it was a “compulsory purchase” at market price by the Govt at the time….
Actually, descendants of my Portuguese family were also required to leave under the compulsory purchase as advised by my grandfather…Yes, the majority of residentws at the time were black, but not all…
I definitely don’t agree with it, but that was almost 100 years ago now…but i also don’t agree with the rewriting of history by folks such as yourself in an attempt to drum hatred for others based on false premises either…
So stop trying to rewrite history to justify your hatred for otehrs..
I feel what ya saying mate, but my great grandparents were from that era to, and in their own words was the govt back then STOLE all of it! That ‘compulsary purchase’ u are talking about was a sham. Im not tryna show you up or anything, but we have got to read read read and then read some more to find out the truth. Do not just take somebodies word for it. I cetainly did not take my families word for it because you know how Bermudains can add to a story when telling it. But i found out the truth for myself and I cna honestly say it was taken. A bunch of fancy words thrown in to fool everyone and mislead them from the truth.
@ Ya’ll
“A bunch of fancy words thrown in to fool everyone and mislead them from the truth.”
Funny how this still works today…
I don’t know if your being serious or sarcastic? So i will reserve my comments all for two
1. For Some time people have neen on Bernews not only complaining but offering real suggestions. I being one of them and did so a few times yesterday. I also would like to ask you to offer your view on how you think this budget and the government have helped you to advance?
2. I will agree this has nothing to do with race or party affilaition, but has everything to do with who is in government, the people running the country that have no experience in the ministries they are in and who have selfishly made choices that hvae benefited themselves (proven) and are currently still overloading the boat. These choices were of NO benefit to the country economicall which is turns will sink us all including you.
Perhaps if the PLP hadn’t been so focused on pay-back politics, we would be in such a mess. Why do you even bother to bring up slavery when no one who was actually affected by it is still alive? People did awful things back then, true, but what’s done is done and it’s time to move on, already!
If Bermuda as a people can’t stop dredging up race issues, then we’ve already lost.
Wouldn’t be not would!!! (oops)
And now its your own who will have you enslaved, steal your land and sell it to foreigners, leave you with no jobs at all as the foreign dollars that feed you move away as your homes are foreclosed, your guest houses close, and front street is deserted…
The past decisions on how Bermuda Inc runs are already impacting the island… there is no turning back… just moving forward with new ideas for today’s world…
and yes I am bermudian… the kind of which some think are the only real b’dians… even though no one lived there but the pigs before the shipwreck …
I’m glad referring to her disrespectfully gets your rocks off…but it doesnt add any more credence to your posts, than if you called her by her name.
The only good thing is…she didn’t do anything really stupid.
Given past experience of the PLP, this is a minor victory…
10:53: Says the budget allocates $900 million in spending over the next year on education, health, youth and families, tackling crime, improving infrastructure, human development, improving Government efficiency and measures aimed at reducing poverty Says savings will be made by reducing or winding down less effective programs.
Tackling crime? By cutting the police budget.
Improving Government efficiency? Ha. Now that’s a joke. No one in a Government job will loose it. Threatened bus strike….remember that. Duhhh!
Every Ministry got cut. You can’t have it both ways. YOu can’t ask for a reduction in expenditure and then complain when ministries lose funding. That’s just basic common sense.
And for clarification, cutting the police budget doesnt automatically equate to not tackling crime. The tackling of crime has more to do with operational logistics than the $$ applied to it.
That’s very true. Now that I’ve had a chance to look at the budget report. Reducing the police budget does not equate to a reduction in its ability to fight crime. But lack of man power does. And as for ministry budget cuts. Government inefficiency has been rampant for years, even before the PLP developed it into a fine art.
You folks truly amaze me. Your inconsistency is precisely why we “in the fields” ignore your otherwise legitimate criticisms. This Premier has been a part-time Minister for 12 years and only became full-time when she became Premier. Not once was she criticised for this, no once, by any of you. But you couldn’t find enough ink to criticise her predecessor for being full time as Premier and Minister of Tourism and Transport and spent his four years asking if he was getting tow salaries. She has been driving with one hand on the wheel for 7 years in Finance and NOW you have something to say? Accountability to be real has to be consistent not seasonal folks. Your criticisms are ringing hollow for that very reason. YOU made her the antidote to Ewart, YOU called it a coronation, YOU refused to attack her until 2010, so now to us in the field it sounds like sour grapes or whatever it is you do to every PLP leader. More than that, what’re you moaning about? you got everything you wanted: payroll tax decreased, financial assistance decreased, more money to Business Bermuda than the Small Business Development Corp, Music Festival cancelled, Global Hue gone, more staff for the Auditor General….this is YOUR budget cause in the fields it ain’t looking like we got much at all.
Correct. Because hse failed, the PLP have failed.
It’s not correct that she was not criticized before she became Premier. Her lack of pushback on out-of-control spending in the various Ministries was a source of much unhappiness during her term as Finance Minister.
It’s also not the budget critics of the government wanted. This budget _still_ plans to borrow $300 million this year; there are no significant cuts to government operational expenses. That’s $5,000 for every person in Bermuda, this year alone.
This government is selling the young people of Bermuda into financial slavery with these nudgets – because Bermuda’s young people are going to be paying these huge ‘credit cards’ debts off for years to come.
Wrong. Many criticised then Finance Minister Paula Cox for her lax attitude towards the public purse. Her “cog” remark and inability to reign in the spending of other Ministries (especially Tourism & Transport and W&E) attracted significant negative attention.
In fact one of the reasons we’re where we are today (+$1B in the hole and growing together with $millions of improperly accounted for expenditures) is because she failed to LISTEN to the concerns of the Opposition and taxpayers regarding growing debt, poor fiscal controls (as identified MANY years ago by the Auditor General together with his successor) and an over-heated economy. None of these are new concerns since she became Premier and certainly all of them have been previously voiced, written about, debated and/or discussed.
You would have to have had your head in the sand not have realised these issues and concerns have existed for many years already.
Never read so much crap in my life. Government, Civil Service (define civil) will continue on and their children will have a few bucks.
When the gravy runs out, the cool aid will kick in whilst they lavish on their last dollars before catching the last ferry to Murrys anchorage.
‘They came, they left. They returned and are now shunned. They bring food to the table but it is thrown to the wind as trash. They bitched, they moaned about wastage.
At 4pm on March 3rd 2011 the Deliverance on Ordinance Island will be refloated (courtesy of HSBC). Captain Pond Dog will be at the helm. Don’t worry, he’s been there done that……
ALL ABOARD………………………………….
“this is YOUR budget cause in the fields it ain’t looking like we got much at all”
Every working day Gov spends $1 million more than it takes in. If it were a business, it would go broke. But cuz it’s a Government, they simply borrow the money from your children.
Even with these so called cut backs, the “theft from future generations” is still happening.
Asking Gov to be responsible in its spending is not a “victory” for “us” … if they don’t have the income they can’t spend it on you or me.
HI Bernews.
Reset your clock.
Thank you.
Think you’re still an hour ahead.
Some things that stand out to me….no reduction in ministerial pay,benefits,costs, as usual…no job cuts in civile service as that means votes..the tax increase last year was never intended to be permanent? come on why did you do it then at such a critical time? But the thing that should send shivers is the veiled reference to a 3 year rolling budget….in the first year of it we need more time in the second year we get reelected and in the third year it fails… can plan for 3 years but you dont do a 3 year rolling budget…totally agree with the $90 million in Capital Expenditure cuts….what specifically is being cut to make up that $90 million? yes you are correct…nothing….another comment was no debt or reduction until 2014…since the Hospital is not going to be paid for until its complete according to Zane DeSilva please tell me where that money is coming from in 2013 or 2014 …The tax increase last year sent so many IB people packing and they are not coming back so hopefully the roll back will make it appealing for others to hire people but they will not be in IB…spending like drunken sailors and this budgete almost sounds like a kissy face exercise…long on words but short on real cuts…
Navin, your just pissed off. Go back to your own site and BIAW.
Get real dude.
make too much sense to you?
Is this sort of post allowed?
Are posters allowed to tell other people to go post on other sites, implying they shouldn’t post here?
Why is this ok?
**Tired of nonsense **
I guess your conscience is pricking you, because nowhere did i state White People anywhere in my statement.
I was told by a wise man if it looks like, smells like than it must be…….
So before you want to criticize Mr SLAVEOWNER (your words not mine) read what i said.
Its people with your mind set, that have kept this country apart for so long.
I’ll say it again for you
**If we float, we float together, if we sink, we sink together. This has nothing to do with race or party affiliation**
uh, sorry, didn’t you also say this (and how does this have nothing to do with race or party affiliation?):
Its funny that these same complainers, had us enslaved, stole our land, gave us the worst jobs with the worst pay when they were in power and did nothing for the average Bermudian, all while building their multiple homes,guest houses and lining their pockets. All you had to do was walk along Front Street and Tuckers Town and Fairy Lands.
Lets not be blinded by your BS and lies when you saw an opportunity in International Business as a way to further fatten your bank accounts in the 80’s and 90’s. It was YOU who paid no attention to the core of Bermuda’s foundation, Tourism back than, and we been trying to fix it every since.
nowhere did i state White People anywhere in my statement.
Its implied weather you meant it or not. When do people ever talk about black slave owners in thes discusions. Thanks again for pointing out your irony I fell out of my seat ……………………………
83% of Government workers are people of colour/or
Payroll Tax has been “ROLLED BACK” is that a saving for the average man in the street? what has been ROLLED FORWARD? Cellphone tax i hear and other government fees. well yes! folks! we pay again. just the average man in the street that is. Time to see my Boss about a cost of living increase ha! ha!
**whatever** I Sure did and if you knew your history, black and white people of the UBP stole the land, built Front Street ( 40 Thieves ) and lined their pockets. So whats your point. Do i need to name both the black and white people from the UBP for you, or how about I name where they worked, when ALL of the Government purchased vehicles from, and had insurance with. So dont try and be smart with me, get your facts straight first.
@it’s me – haha let’s have it. air out ya agenda…cuz I know u wanna. Let’s hear all this proof within names etc. Even if ya theories are true…wah bout d guyz currently doin d same thing?! and ya prolly voted them in 3x haha.
U know people can say any old thing on-line. But the facts are that a certain sector of this community lined their pockets for generations upon generations, in your face type of stealing and enriching themselves on the backs of another sector. But that was all in the past they’ll tell you.
My point is that on the one hand you are saying that we should all have a big group hug and sort this big stinking pile of poo out as one big happy family, but then on the other hand, you are taking sides, as the UBP are slave owning, property stealing, money robbing thieves. You can’t draw a line in the sand and then straddle it. If you honestly think that working together is the solution, then perhaps it might be prudent to bury that hatchet that you’ve got hiding behind your back. The past is the past, get over it.
Anyone have an extra fiddle……
The economic planes are in a holding pattern as the red ink continues to flow and the debt grows^^
Yes, the red ink continues. we have to pay, As of April 1st i am out of pocket yet again, look at the fine line people! it will almost double, starting with the CELLPHONE TAX which will probably double.
I don’t know who this “Terry” is who keeps makings these assinine comments…… but it is really tiresome. I think he has made this his life and has nothing else better to do.
he has been banned from other sites….only a matter of time here
The great dream of 98 has turned into a nightmare & there are still many who refuse to wake up.
Way back in the late 70s the then Premier, or maybe he was Finance Minister at the time, was asked why the PLP should not become the Government of Bermuda. His response was “Bermuda cannot afford a PLP Government.” How true that sage remark has turned out to be.
Perhaps when the PLP finally admits that they have failed, perhaps when the sheeple who blindly follow finally open their eyes, perhaps when polititians work together & stop treating politics as a game but as a very serious business of running a small Island, then some progress will be made.
The Great One has left the building. He ploughed the field & left it a stinking mess where nothing will grow. Mission accomplished. He left behind those who enabled him to create this distruction to run the plantation. So, what are those of you who enabled the failed PLP 12 plantation experiment going to do about it? How about, the next time you get a chance, voting for somebody purely based on their proven ability? Now that would be a novel idea in Bermuda.
Some people would long for the days when societies shoes fit “Them” perfectly…at the expense of the wider community. The so called disaster u say we face now Pales in comparison to the nightmare the wider community went through in the 60′s 70′s and decades before that.
I will bet your bottom dollar that you wouldn’t dare pin your “REAL” name to the pathetic comments you just made!
“The so-called disaster u say we face now Pales in comparison to the nightmare the wider community went through in the 60’s 70’s”
So, just out of curiousity, were you actually _around_ in the 1970s to see what it was really like? Somehow (given your orthography), I doubt it. (Not perfect, but better than today.)
And as to whether the predictions of the future are correct or not, I suspect Benjamin Franklin was thinking of people like you when he said “Experience is a dear master, but some people will learn at no other.” something wrong with you? Why are you so fixated on the past? The things done years ago are being repeated by the PLP. The lining of pockets, stealing, etc are still being done but to the peril of the people. Bermuda was doing great up until 1998. People were working and there were many rich black Bermudians. Those that weren’t rich were OK or struggling because of their own doing. Today, the whole country is in trouble because of the PLP and you all are justifying it because you feel you are getting back at whitey. Just to let you know..I am a black born and raised Bermudian who has lived the struggle but my eyes are open to today and what’s going on with my people. We just cant seem to get over being duped by Dr. Brown and are still living the mess he created.
@ Reality – amen!! it’s called brainwashing…been used thousands of years
How am I fixated on the past? I did not open that can of worms, I was mearly replying to the poster who did. I am over this foolishness of “Bermuda was doing great” until 1998.. Great for who? The PLP has invested far more in “the people” than any other group prior, have they made mis-steps, sure they have, but this “Life was a bed of roses b4 1998″ foolishness needs to stop. And where did u get that there were many rich Black Bermudians before 1998? There must be something wrong with you. There are more Well off Black Bermudians after 1998 if anything.
“Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.”
Sorry, you have it wrong….there are lots of rich black bermudians (i’m not talking about Tuckers Town rich but well off). Bermuda WAS doing great up till 1998. The PLP has invested more into the people buy giving us free bus rides? The PLP has taught us how to look for and accept handouts rather than making us work and support ourselves. The past is gone and I refuse to live off the PLPs handouts just to get votes. Wake up Bermuda
Dude you need to go to Southhampton and see who has the house up by Turtle Bay as soon as you turn ni on the road that mansion there is owned by a black man whos wife does not have to work and have houses in the states you must not get around much. Their are many places like this held by Black people in this country. But as I have said before to you you have your core believes and are upset when they are challenged. I do not think you will ever see the succsess that Balck Bermuda has had or will have in the future to you they will never by anthing but slaves. Free you self and become positive only then will you see positive.
Bermuda continues to be small minded. Prosperous and still small minded……..we use race as an excuse (who voted for the UBP all those years> Imaginary white people or the majority black/ethnic groups that make up historically 65-80% of the population?
Do the maths! Complain about the “system” all whilst supporting it quietly in your vote.
(The system is referring to Babylon system so I have been told but weren’t they ethnic too???Just saying)
Does anyone think that whites actually control this country alone? who the heck sold out the African slaves who mysteriously were all captured by the “white man” who dang near died trying not to succumb to the tropical diseases and the savages who indeed were light years ahead in technology and their own “system” of justice, civil matters, government was superior. then along comes a small flotilla of individuals armed with nothing even so much as a map of unknown territory and took a nation captive??????????
Once Bermuda gets past holding its slave legacy close to her chest as a priority instead of making Bermuda for Bermudians that needs a bit of support by foreign entities (a necessity) we will continue the crab in bucket syndrome………….
sink we sink, float we float……all from a collective effort not by that of the 20% who seem to be armed with 80% buying power!
We are global now and the nest egg has cracked as we tried to cook it instead of incubating it……….after all, all good things come to an end sometime and a key statement I see in the Budget is to not just plan one year at a time but to project past the end of the proverbial nose.
Let us all make it happen together and not look for failure instead.
most of these posts are so predictable, as usual it’s the blame game again.It seems that the budget was disappointing becaus it was’nt the gloom and doom that so many had predicted.In fact considering the economic climate here and world wide, the premier has done a good job in producing a budget that is reasonable. I know some people will continue to demonize the premier, every PLP leader since 98′ has
been demonized and called all kinds of disrespectful names, but Ms Cox is a lady of integrity,moral values, a keen intelect,and class. She is able to stand tall against all of the nasty, insulting comments that some of you are making against her.Many in this country seems to think that Bermuda should be insolated against,the hardships that other countries are going through, Like the premier said, Bermuda is not another world. just ask the people in the UK,Ireland, Greece,Egypt,Tunisa, and Wisconsin.We are still creatures of this planet, even little Bermuda, all of the troubles and problems of this world if not natural is man made,we must stop tearing people down, but intead try and work together to solve our problems, This is not about party, or who’s in power but it’s about living together on this rock in harmony and showing respect to people even if we don’t agree.
I disagree Ms. Richardson. The public was calling for austerity measures and fiscal prudence. We’ve ended up continuing with a bloated civil service (50% of the GDP goes towards salaries alone – in all of the countries you mentioned above the average is significantly less than that, as it is in the rest of the 1st world) and an increased debt burden. We’ve only deferred the pain rather than tackling it straight away. This is a sweetheart budget for the Government of the day to go to the polls with. Why else would they make erroneous and illogical comparisons to social spending programs of the UBP 12 years ago?
exactly – These are all PLP haters, nothing they do short of handing the reigns back to their UBP will suffice. But they live in a dream land, those days are gone – forever, they just can’t come to terms with it. So its either you work with the current government or you continue complaining.
I love how people are so much in love with their PLP, more so than Bermuda, its people and the future for their children/grandchildren. I voted PLP ever since I was able to vote up until the last election when I was awake and voted with my commonsense. Again…I am a black Bermudian who has lived the struggle but now I have seen how it all works and see that the PLP does not have it all together and are failing Bermuda as a whole.
“nothing they do short of handing the reigns back to their UBP will suffice. But they live in a dream land, those days are gone – forever … So its either you work with the current government”
I wasn’t aware that it was illegitimate for people to advocate giving the ‘other party’ in a multi-party system a turn – it sounds like you think it’s beyond the pale? You sound like you are in favour of the PLP being in power indefinitely? Is that what you’re really calling for, effectively a one-party system?
You do know the old saying ‘be careful what you wish for’, right?
“the budget was disappointing becaus it was’nt the gloom and doom that so many had predicted.”
No, it’s disappointing because it predicts borrowing _another_ $300 million this year. That’s $5,000 per person in Bermuda for just this year that the yound people of Bermuda will have to pay back (plus interest, which will probably double it at least). This government is selling Bermuda’s young people into financial slavery.
Borrowing another 300 Million this year???? Where did you get that from, or are you staying true to your UBP roots and making figures up.
Budget says $147 Million. Would it be better if it was zero, maybe. However I would prefer reduced borrowing as we got as opposed to your option of no additional borrowing. Meaning a payroll tax rate staying at 16% and 1200 more unemployed Bermudians(civil servants being fired). When given that alternative, i think the Premier did the right thing.
If you don’t agree with above, instead of complaining like everyone else, why don’t you share how you would have gotten zero borrowing.
“Borrowing another 300 Million this year???? Where did you get that from … Budget says $147 Million.”
Good point. I was using the Bermuda Chamber of Commerce’s figure. They don’t detail how they arrived at their number, alas. Looking at the Budget, I can see a couple of places they might be getting their number, though.
The CoC might be including off-budget stuff like the Hospital – that debt is also going to be owed by the public, even if it’s not technically ‘government’ debt. One other thing the CoC might be counting is accrued liabilies like unfunded future pension costs. I don’t believe the Govt budget discusses accrued liabilities at all – it seems to be mostly just straight cash flow. Of course, most governments pull this dodge. Still, companies cannot (for a reason); try that in the private world and you can wind up in jail.
The bottom line is that no matter how you slice it, even according to the budget Bermudians owe a _mimimum_ of $1.1B, or about $16,000 for every person in Bermuda, which they will have to pay over the years to come – and which will likely double (or more) by the time you include interest paymets on it. (Note that interest payments this year, at an estimated $70M, are close to 1/10th of the entire government spending. It’s going to keep going up, as the budget continues to run in deficit.)
Mrs. Richardson with all due respect it is all about party for I could not agree with you more about living on this rock in harmony and showing respect to people even if we don’t agree..Sadly we are saddled with a form of Government that pits people of opposing views against each other..You are in power and you are right I am in opposition and I must disagree with you otherwise you are always right and in power and now those in power make way too much money with too many perks to give up..If there were no parties and the best people for the job were running Bermuda I do not feel we would be in the mess we are in…and we are in a mess.
Sorry but I have never seen Mrs. Richardson advocating that we should all get along miracles do happen I guess the price had to by high. @ Mrs. Richardson rember the KKK in the police comments. I actually spoke to you about them.
Ms. Richardson, What are your thoughts on the increased debt projected for the next year?
Yup… all of Bermuda’s current problems are due to the World Wide recession… that’s PLP Politricks 101 and you just bought it hook, line and sinker.
**bermyshotta** It becomes boring when the only people who constant complain are some of the same people who when in a position to make change didn’t, and now want to complain about everything. If you must know, i was born and will die PLP, as i believe in what they stand for. Does it mean everything they have done is right, NO. Only a fool would believe that. I look at the similarities in the US and Bermuda. President Obama found a partial sinking ship when he took office, and try to make it better for ALL and not just the RICH Republicans, ( sounds so much like Bermuda now doesn’t it. )
All i am saying instead of you people complaining so damn much, why not try and be part of the solution.
“i was born and will die PLP”
Now there is the Kool Aid drinking attitude that has put us in this mess. Ability to Govern means nothing. The greater good of the Island means nothing. It is all about The Party. No different that being devoted to a sports team, no matter how bad it is.
What itsme & others of similar brainwashed views can’t bring themselves to accept is that with our political system as it is, the UBP/BDA/WHATEVER is the lesser of the two evils. The UBP never put Bermuda into a debt that will take generations to pay off, currently running at $100,000.00 per day interest. The UBP never did capital projects that ran almost 100% above contract price. There were suggestions of corruption sometimes in how the UBP did things but in 12 years of the PLP having every opportunity to audit any UBP corruption, nothing has ever been found. The Auditor General never issued a qualified audit under the UBP.
The die hard PLP supporters just can’t bring themselves to admit that the PLP has failed, & they have failed miserably.
This budget is no better than paying off the interest only on your credit card. The bill is still there. It must be paid. The longer the minimum is paid the more it will cost. People were prepared for something real to get back to fiscal responsibility. It did not happen. It is business as usual only, this time we have a stealth Premier.
Sorry Drifter, The die hard supporters just don’t agree with you that the PLP has failed. Just because people disagree, doens’t mean they drink the “kool-aid”.
You have your view and others have a different one. Don’t get upset becuase people don’t share yours. You say no spending, PLP spends 2.3 Billion on social programs over the past 10 years. You call it failure, others call it progress.
Oh, so in your opinion this huge debt is just my opinion & not real money that is owed by the people of Bermuda. Here is an idea, maybe those who support the PLP, & think all of this debt with little to show for it is just fine & dandy, would like to register themselves with the Finance Dept & make themselves personally liable for paying the interest & paying off the principle.
No…don’t like that idea? Didn’t think so. That would mean being accountable for something. Being accountable is not one of the PLPs strong suits.
Sorry…I believe in living within my means, not borrowing & leaving the debt to future generations to deal with.
Plato, I hope you & others who think this drunken spending is prudent management never get old. You will have to answer to your children & grandchildren. Try telling them that the debt that they have been saddled with is progress & see what type of seniors home they will dump you in.
Hopefull i will get old, and i will be able to tell my grandkids what we’ve built and what we’ve accomplished. You say little to show for it, we say progress.
If you dicussued the issues rationally instead of being a UBP soundbite “drunken spending” then maybe people would actually engage you constructively. But from your statements, there is nothing that could be done short of a non PLP government that will satisfy you.
That is your view, you are free to have it. Last time i checked since 2007 every country has run up massive deficits due to the financial crisis. One would think you would applaud a reduction in the deficit, nope, you criticise. Not like we’d expect anymore.
Why does everyone compare Bermuda to the rest of the world? we are a DOT in the ocean, a small TOWN a large VILLAGE, we basically still wear Grass Skirts. Obama must be laughing at the PLP, mind you, he could not come over here to run this country if we asked him because we have a little problem with some of the members of the PLP past & Present. Debt and poverty means nothing to this government as long as they can stay in the wicket until TIME FORGETS.
Since the solution is not a PLP govt… there is nothing to be a part of…
Shirley – the budget was disappointing because it was “do nothing”.
Cog played the blame game, distanced herself from the last 7 years as finance minister and offered nothing tangible.
Only someone blind couldn’t point the the fact that nothing tangile was offered. 150 Million is savings, reduced payroll taxes, multi year budgeting, open budgeting.. nothing tangible. OK…
How about this, what would you have preferred to see? 1200 civil servants out of a job?
Idiot. You utter utter moron.
You have to insanely deluded to think this was anything other than a p*sspoor budget.
I’m absolutely stunned by the ignorance shown by those that think this was somehow a good budget.
Nothing in that budget stimulates the cash flow beyond the acceptance that increasing payroll tax last year was a good idea. Nothing stimulates business. Clowns utter clowns.
Good to see you made some concrete points… (joking of course). Confirmed exactly as I suspected, You’d have hated it no matter what was in it.
Yeah, really. I pointed out over and over what she COULD have done to stimulate the economy.
And for the clowns who think she deserves “respect”…guess what…she needs to EARN it.
She sat idly by while Ewart and his cronies mismanaged and plundered, and now she comes up with…nothing.
She re-set the dial. so in other words we have to forgive her of the past. You have to remember Dr. Brown many say was like a castro or saddame at very worst, she could have stood up to the tyrant of the day but she chose to stay on, self interest? you guess.
“she could have stood up to the tyrant of the day but she chose to stay on”
Yes, exactly – that’s what it takes for a real democracy to function. But I keep forgetting, this is Bermuda, and the rules of the rest of the world don’t apply to us.
But there is an option. The people in the middle east are taking that option as we speak, Egypt settled their affairs, just like Chris Furbert and the BIU did.
Shirley the Government has made our economic future worse not better the numbers don’t lie^^
@ bermyluv how can you comment to someone that you don’t even know that they have probably over-paid (correct spelling), over-borrowed or that they were under-prepared? are you serious?????? They may well have been prepared until their work week was shortened…Paula Cox makes $224,092 per year..that is almost a quarter of a million you realise that there are some people taking home as little as $109.00 per week?
Now I do have a question, as my backgroud is not in accounting, but didn’t the Premier make the right decision and not cut civil service?? Let’s say she trimmed 200 + jobs in civil service and dumped these people into the bucket of currently un-employed. Wouldn’t that be akin to shooting yourself in the foot? Not to mention the even longer line outside Governments Financial Assitance office.
“Let’s say she trimmed 200 + jobs in civil service and dumped these people into the bucket of currently un-employed. Wouldn’t that be akin to shooting yourself in the foot?”
When the outside lenders Bermuda is borrowing that $300 million _per year_ from (including the coming year) turn off the taps (like the did for Greece, Ireland, etc – and Bermuda is a small fish compared to those), those 200, and a lot more, are going to wind up unemployed, whether anyone in Bermuda wants it or not.
There is going to be more pain – the only question is when, and how much. There’s that old saying “a stitch in time saves nine”?
Again with the 300 Million.. Stop making stuff up. 147 Million, at least be honest with yourself. 146.6 Million to be exact.
No one is making anything up. Look at the borrowing for 2010/11 and projected borrowing for 2011/12. In aggregate it’s inxs of $300m.
Oh, so you meant to say over 300 million over 2 years here . One problem, you didn’t!! You said 300 Milliion this year, which is exactly what you meant above.
I dont mind debating the issue, but at least get your facts strait.
Debt is there for everyone to see, no need to make up numbers, it makes your arguement less credible.
I replied up above about this, at:
My comments at times proves my theory, as can be seen by the same people attacking the messenger. This is a true fact about most Bermudians.
Frustration has taken it’s grip with so much force that they need an escape and the internet has provided a source. The bitcher and moaners are the problem, faceless and hidden.
Anyway, I’ll let you all froght it out. I gave up years ago knowing full well this day would come and the camels back would be broken throw greed and revenge.
As can be seen by Navin’s comments, it’s all about them, control. “won’t be long”…..thats ‘yoo lutts whole purpose. Only yopu are correct and know it all.
Anyway, your gonna need a bigger bucket for bailing and the price just went up on them too.
**Triangle Drifter** Thank you for opening my eyes to see your blue and yellow and not my gren and white in 2011. Because we dont sit on the same side of the church or board room, does that give my remarks any less value than yours. Its realing amazing that you believe i am brainwashed because i choose to follow a party whos views differ from yours.
I have sat and listened to your party for the past 5+ years or so, and they have not offered any sound realistic suggestions that could have helped BERMUDA and the people of Bermuda even before we arrived at the economic crunch the ENTIRE world faced. To make matters worse are they the UBP/ BDA or just plain tired.
Bermuda may be another world, be we are not alone in this economic crisis.
Just incase you were living on MARS or under a rock, prior to 9/11 people were travelling more freely worldwide, and the WORLD’s econimic picture wasnt as bleek as it currently stands.
Republicans controlled Washington, and only looked out for the wealthy and really didnt give a damn about the average middle class person. Sort of sounds like Bermuda huh.
It amazes me that you would mention the Auditor General never having checked on the UBP, probably because he was a part of the original 40 thieves.
My guess is you feel what little power (you think you have) slipping away in your ripe old age, as your weak UBP/ BDA oppostion are just that. WEAK.
No more days of exclusitivity, no more just me playing golf at Riddles Bay or Tuckers Point. No more board rooms filled with people that look like you, making decisions for people that look like me.
What YOU need to realize is that YOU are no longer in control and there is NO need to be scared.
The last time i read some of the constitution, if Bermuda was at BAD as you people make it out to be, ALL the corruption and gloom and doom, why hasnt the Governor stepped in and told MAMA England to dissolve Parliament and that he’ll be in charge until such time.
The reason i think, is because MAMA England sees it as business as usual.
Its time to STOP the madness and lets get on with the work of the day, for ALL Bermudians to enjoy this place we call home. The sooner YOU can come to terms with that, the better Bermuda will be
“My guess is you feel what little power (you think you have) slipping away in your ripe old age, as your weak UBP/ BDA oppostion are just that. WEAK.
No more days of exclusitivity, no more just me playing golf at Riddles Bay or Tuckers Point. No more board rooms filled with people that look like you, making decisions for people that look like me.
What YOU need to realize is that YOU are no longer in control”
I guess we understand your priorities, then. Who cares if Bermuda is sinking like a rock under more than $1 billion of debt that young Bermudians are going to have to pay off (several times over, when you include the interest). What’s _really_ important is that you’re getting some sort of revenge on a bunch of people who are mostly now in coffins. Nose, meet face. Face, meet nose.
Thats just about the size of it inna? Nothing matters more than having power. Corrruption does not matter. Gross negligence & waste does not matter. Incompetence does not matter. It is all about who is in power. The hired race baiters have done their jobs well. Pitiful.
Sorry to dissappoint but I’ve never been a member of the UBP. Truth be told I’d rather not have party politics. My preference would be proportional representation by independents. Something along the lines of each voter has 10 votes for 10 candidates out of a pool of many. Top 36 candidates get in. Each candidate gets equal $ as campaign funds…but that is another topic. Sorry
Wow you seem a little insecure there. Hope it all pans out for you.
“its me”, What are your thoughts then on the increasing debt, the imbalanced budget?
There you go being all racist and partisan again. Sounds like YOU are slipping away into your ripe old age, satisfied that revenge has been exacted against the “40 thieves”, et al. Shame that Bermuda is falling apart.
So what is madness are we trying to STOP?
“its me says”……
Your onto something there but it applies to all creeds…..
So wah it means when yet again….Cricket, Football, and d mirrors program all have funds and spending cut??? HAHA wat a joke….”Ya were looking out for d youth of today”. gimme a break…
It’s a shame that the prima donnas that came before raped and pillaged the ridiculous sums bestowed on both those sports for what return? A select few cricketers were flown around and around and around the world to achieve mediocrity at best.
What was done at grass roots level to entertain and instil pride and discipline in the children of Bermuda through these 2 sports….well, I don’t know but my impression is that the $Millions got spent on fancying up our National team, paying inflated wages for these lot, charter flights and nice hotels.
The Mirrors Programme seems to be making a real difference and is a great concept….more money to that please.
Just reading tihs stuff makes me want too puke.
Local bloggers want to shut me out once again. Yet we have now, here on Bernews half of BIAW posting. Irony eh?
You tell um JNC with you MIT as you sit in your home far away from home.
This brings a new meaning to dominace, control………Haters the lot.
Can’t wait to hear about Terry has a problem……
We all do. And excuse my french…….Yoo lutt will…..nver mind……won’t lower myself…..control…………………………….
Thank you, Yes it does apply not EVERY person who calls him or herself a Bermudian. I am PROUD to be a Bermudian and unless WE ALL work together, we will fail together.
I am not a person who lives in the past, but i am reminded of it every day, but what i see, what i hear and what i read.
Progress has a price, and unfortunately it seems we are paying a lil more than we bargained for. For a lil old country of 65 thousand people, who imports 90+% of our day to day living, we have to decide what we want.
Do we want to be able to compete with our destinations for tourism. If so we have to improve our product. Who gonna pay for that. US, we Bermudians.
Do we want new buses, new fast ferrys, new Airport, new schools, new Hospital and the list goes on and on.
If we intend to compete Globally, than we need to stop complaining and let the Government of the day get on with it.
Would you rahter we go back to the way we did business back in the 80′s when the rest of the world, caught us and overtook our model and product. All you have to do is look around, and see that NOT everything the PLP has done is bad. Programs to help the seniors, programs to help those who for some reason or another need a lil extra help to stand on their own 2 feet.
This Government is about helping the people, which happend to be the middle class, which happens to be more black families than white families.
What i see and hear, from those that had an oppurtunity to do right when they where in power and their l;oyal followers, is that the current Government, is giving away everything they worked so hard to build.
Well i ask you, who the HELL did they build it for? Its quite obvious that it was for a select few.
I am not an econimist, so i wouldnt even know where to start about balancing the budget. It doesnt take a genious to know that you cant continue to spend more than you make. But what would happen if we dont spend the money to upgrade our infrustructure. Would you come, i wouldnt when i know i could go somewhere else who offeres a similar product for a competing price.
Enough said
“Would you rahter we go back to the way we did business back in the 80’s when the rest of the world, caught us and overtook our model and product.”
Are you talking about tourism? (Surely not IB – it was only in the 00′s that the rest of the world ran past Bermuda in that business.) If so, Bermuda has been pricing itself out of that market for a while – ask Guilden Gilbert how futile it is to try and resurrect Bermuda tourism to what it was in the ‘golden age’.
“NOT everything the PLP has done is bad.”
Perhaps – but any good is heavily outweighed by the bad (of which the $1B in debt is the least, actually – just the easiest to put a number to).
“what would happen if we dont spend the money to upgrade our infrustructure.”
Alas, most of the money that is being spent is not being spent to ‘upgrade our infrustructure’. Have we moved the freight docks out of Hamilton? Have we built a better airport terminal? Have we replaced the Causeway? Etc, etc, etc. Most of it is going on salaries – gone with the wind.
And if you believe everything Vexed Bermuda and the infamous Smoking Gun say…….well your wrong.
Three wisemen milleniums ago had a mission.
These three talk about how to save their ass.
Yeah…bring it on.
This thread shows something about the psyche of PLP supporters. They’re stuck in the past. It’s still about getting back at “the man”, it’s still about “revenge”. They would rather destroy the country through fraud, theft, incompetence and mismanagement than admit it’s bad for everyone.
Thought it was largely buried, but it comes out like puss out of a sore anytime the government is criticized. You can’t help yourselves, you can’t see past cutting off your nose to spite your face to realise just what a complete bunch of c*ck the PLP have made of things. So full of idiotic rhetoric, you just can’t think rationally.
You do not live here Terry so why not take a hike
As per usual, Navin jumps in and talks crap. Talk about derailing a post/threa/topic.
Define “live here”. You don’t know me or where I live, spend time/own. Buddah Bunny and your crew no nothing except what I tell them in confidence yet pass commments on to ….’navinmind’……………….
Jokers the lot.
Are we not allowed to post here if we post on BIAW?
Is this the policy here?
If not, why are Terry’s personal attacks allowed through moderation?
This discussion is now becoming asinine … gone from the ridiculous to the sublime…
in fact there is very little meaningful discussion. there is a continuation of the this one v. that one thinking rather than a discussion of how the country needs to move forward … remembering the past to plan a better future…
get your lifeboats ready… this is a sinking ship…
“in fact there is very little meaningful discussion. there is a continuation of the this one v. that one thinking”
Yes, but at least the two sides are communicating. I have a feeling this rehashing of old scores is a phase that has to be gone through before anything else can happen. Alas, the egg will have fallen off the wall before we get to that stage, I suspect.
So here we go again. Elvis to the rescue. I found Navins comments about me not living there and to take a “hike” a personal attack also. Now go print that on your site like the rest.
You’ll find someone else to attack as you always do. It’s personal and you will never let it go.
Thanks Pat for allowing me to post here. I shant anymore.
And what please tell, does any of this BIAW stuff have to do with THE BUDGET?
Take your personal bickerings elsewhere.
Not one piece of that is remotely true.
Every single word in that post is demonstrably a lie.
It’ll be interesting to see how long the disruptions will stop.
I’ve read the budget, I’ve read the ridiculous statements on this site. Many negative and while I reflected on many, I have come to the realization that there is no way on this earth that all Bermudians will be satisfied with anything the PLP do! CORRECT?
I, Like many others are very satisfied with some of the things the PLP do! CORRECT. Will i vote for the PLP at the next General election? NO, WHY? because a lot of things that the PLP have done, have not been done CORRECTLY.
I don’t think people are complaining about the things they do correct.
It’s the things that they aren’t doing correctly that people are complaining about.
“Honestly”, what “ridiculous statements” are you referring to?
“And where did u get that there were many rich Black Bermudians before 1998? There must be something wrong with you. There are more Well off Black Bermudians after 1998 if anything.”
Hey mixitup,
Do you have any stats to prove your theory noted above? I Or is it just your opinion? I mean do you have hard evidence of this fact or is it along the lines of your statement that 70% of white Bermudians were not born Bermudian and that you don’t need stats as you can just look around and see that? I mean you stated that it was a proven fact and the Dept. of Stats can prove it. But funny enough you never responded to my request as to what exact stat I should request (because it doesn’t exist, except in your narrow and intolerant mind). By the way what does a “real” white Bermudian look like anyways?
I knew and know of plenty of black families who were thriving before the PLP came into power. I am so sick and tired of some you lot rewriting history in order to feel better about your party and yourselves or simply regurgitate a “fact” without ever verifying it on your own. So tell me what the difference is now and 1997 and please enlighten to me as to what a “real” white Bermudian? You say whites made money off the backs of black Bermudians under UBP rule right? How?
Mixit up is confusing the US with Bermuda it ok we can see them off of our shores can’t we? Sounds like Palin’s answer to if she had any foreign diplomacy skills…………………
Slavery was abolished before the UBP was in power. So that quote that some how they got rich of black’s labor is false.
Blacks and whites worked for the Government under the UBP reign and were paid for their work as well.
So if that is your whole premise on going on and on about how SOME whites got rick off black people’s hard work then I guess the same is happening right now in regards to black Govt employees employed within the PLP govt?
Or am I missing some of your revisionist history which “justifies” your hatred and arguments? Please enlighten me…