Education Ministry: Primary School Entry

January 25, 2012

The Ministry of Education today [Jan. 25] made several announcements important to parents and guardians of children entering the first year of public primary schools this coming September.

These include the extension of the registration period for primary school, a small change in the boundary between the central and western zones, and the introduction of an updated policy and procedures document on First Admission to Primary School.

Registration Period Extended to 1 Week

The Ministry of Education is happy to announce that the three-day period for registration for primary school has been extended to five days.

Registration will commence on February 6, 2012 and conclude on February 10, 2012 for all children who will be five years old during this calendar year. Parents are encouraged to submit applications on time to increase the likelihood of securing a place at the school of first choice; however, places are not allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, but in accordance with the Education Act 1996 and the Education Rules 2006.Late applications will be considered based on the availability of spaces, and in accordance with legislation.

Change in Zone Boundaries

The Ministry of Education would also like announce a small change of the boundary between the central and western zones, which results in Gilbert Institute and Paget Primary School moving from the western zone to the central zone.

The old boundary between the central and western zones has changed from the line from the South Shore at Grape Bay, across Rural Hill, along Stowe Hill to the junction with Harbour Road and then left to the junction of Pomander Road and Harbour Road at the Royal Hamilton Amateur Dinghy Club tothe line on Cobb’s Hill Road, Paget from Harbour Road to South Road, Paget.

This will result in an equal allocation of six primary schools for each school zone. There will be no changes to the family of schools which inform which middle school students will attend after they leave primary school.

Updated First Admission to Primary School Policies and Procedures

The Ministry of Education has already released an updated policy and procedures document governing the entrance of children into P1 at all public primary schools, which brings all of the practices regarding first admission into primary school into a single document for transparency and ease of reference.

Changes were made in order to ensure consistency with the Education Act 1996 and the Education Rules 2006.

The main changes reflect that the Education Act 1996 and the Education Rules 2006 provide that principals may give preference to siblings (including step or adopted siblings) of students already enrolled in the school of choice over other applicants who may live closer to that same school.

The new policy and procedures document also affirms that parents of non-Bermudian children must demonstrate that their children are bona-fide residents of Bermuda at the time of registration through a copy of the children’s entry/re-entry permit or a letter from the Department of Immigration.

Parents of children with challenges relating to mobility, vision, hearing, medical, social-emotional, developmental, or any other special needs must contact Ms Carmelita Smith, the Early Childhood Education Officer of Student Services at the Ministry of Education prior to the submission of a primary school application form to assist in selecting the most appropriate school for the child’s needs. Ms Smith can be reached at 294-0362 or via email at

Parents should also be aware that they may request early or delayed entry to primary school. A letter making the case for said consideration, along with the primary school application form, should be sent to the Minister of Education, who will make a decision after receiving the recommendation of the Student Services Section of the Ministry of Education. The Student Services Section must be able to conduct observations, assessments and interviews in order to make their recommendation to the Minister.

Parents are also reminded of their right to appeal to the Appeals Committee if their child is not admitted to the school of choice. Appeals must be made in writing and sent to the Chair of the Appeals Committee c/o the Ministry of Education.

The Full Education Ministry Policy & Procedures Document Appears Below:

January 2012

1. Primary schools in the Bermuda Public School System are open to all children who are bona fide residents in Bermuda.

2. First admission is for children who will be aged five years by December31st of the calendar year in which registration takes place. (The Education Act 1996, Section 40)

3. Application for admission to primary school must be made on the primary school application formand submitted directly to the primary school of first choice by the date stipulated by the Commissioner of Education (COE). This date will be published each January in printed media and on the Ministry of Education website (The Education Rules 2006, Section 15 (1))

4. Preference for admission into a particular school is given to the child residing closest to the school; therefore proof of address may be required (a copy of a lease or utility bill is acceptable). (The Education Rules 2006, Section 14)

5. Where a school is located close to the end of a zone boundary, priority may be given to children who reside between the school and the zone boundary over children who may live closer, but towards the centre of the zone. (The Education Rules 2006, Section 14)

6. Preference may be given to the application of a child who at the time of registration has a sibling enrolled at the primary school of choice. In all cases, the siblings must reside in the same zone as the school of choice. (The Education Rules 2006, Section 14)


7. Primary school application forms are available at all primary schools, and are available on the Ministry of Education website: Upon request, forms can also be made available by way of mail, fax or email.
9. Parents are required to confirm the child’s name and date of birth by providing a copy of the child’s birth certificate, passport or a letter from the Department of Immigration at the time of registration.

10. Parents of a non-Bermudian child are required to submit a copy of the child’s entry/re-entry permit, or a letter from the Department of Immigration to demonstrate that the child is a bona fide resident of Bermuda.

11. Application forms must be returned to the school of first choice by hand during school hours on any of the registration days to allow schools to verify that the forms are filled out correctly. Places are not allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, but in accordance with the criteria set out in paragraphs 4, 5 and 6.

12. Parents will be informed of the outcome of their application no later than the end of March of the calendar year in which registration takes place.

13. Applications received after the registration period are to be submitted directly to the Ministry of Education. Applicants will be placed based on availability.

14. If a child is denied entry to the school of first choice, the application form is returned by the school of first choice to the Ministry of Education and then forwarded to the school of second choice, pending availability. Children not placed in the school of first or second choice, will be placed in the primary school with available spaces that is closest to their residence.

Special Needs

15. In cases where parents would like to make an application to register a child with mobility, vision, hearing, medical, social-emotional, developmental, or any other special needs, the parent must contact the Early Childhood Education Officer of Student Services at the Ministry of Education prior to the submission of a primary school application form to assist in selecting the school most appropriate for the child’s needs.

Early Entry

16. In cases where parents believe their child would benefit from early entry into primary school(i.e. earlier than the prescribed age), a letter detailing the reasons for the request, along with any supporting documentation must be submitted to the Minister of Education with the primary school application form.

17. In order to assess a child’s readiness for early entry, formal and informal observations, interviews and assessments must be conducted by the Ministry of Education’s Student Services Section.

18. Parents will receive written notification of the outcome of their application from the Minister of Education, or his or her delegate.

19. Priority in placement will be given to children of the prescribed age; therefore early entrants will not be placed until after the placement of children of the prescribed age.

Delayed Entry

20. In cases where parents believe their child would benefit from a delay in entry into primary school (i.e. later than at the prescribed age), a letter detailing the reasons for the request, along with any supporting documentation must be submitted to the Minister of Education.

21. Parents must still complete and submit the primary school application form in order for a place to be secured for their child in the event that the application for delayed entry is denied.

22. In order for a request for delayed entry to be considered, formal and informal observations, interviews and assessments of the child must be conducted by the Ministry of Education’s Student Services Section.

23. Parents will receive written notification of the outcome of their application from the Minister of Education, or his or her delegate. The Minister’s decision may include conditions such as requiring said child to enter, or remain, in preschool during the year of deferment.

24. Where an application for delayed entry has been granted and the parents wish to reverse that decision, a letter detailing the reasons for the request and any supporting documentation must be submitted to the Minister of Education.


25. Where a child has been refused admission to a particular school, parents have the right to appeal to the Appeals Committee. (The Education Act 1996, Section 58)

26. The appeal must be made in writing to the Chair of the Appeals Committee, be submitted care of the Ministry of Education and must specify the decision appealed against, the grounds of the appeal, and include all of the relevant particulars.

27. Please note that the decision being appealed will stand until a decision is made by the Appeals Committee. (The Education Act 1996, Sections 58 and 59)

28. The Appeals Committee may determine the appeal based solely on the facts contained in the letter submitted, or they may hear further evidence.

29. The parent and the Principal to the appeal both have a right to be heard in person. They may also appoint representatives to appear on their behalf.

30. The Appeals Committee’s decision shall be final and will be communicated in writing to both the parent and the Principal.


31. Parents who wish to transfer a child may collect, complete and submit a Transfer Application Form from the Ministry of Education or its website.

32. The Assistant Director of Educational Standards and Accountability will review the application and liaise with the Principals of the relevant schools and if the Principals are in agreement, approve the transfer.

33. If any concern is expressed by the Principals, or the staff, the Assistant Director will liaise with the Student Services Section to interview the parent, Principal and any necessary staff member to determine the reason for the concern.

34. If necessary, the Assistant Director will also coordinate with Child and Family Services.

35. If the receiving school is not in the same zone, the Assistant Director will also liaise with the receiving school Principal and with the relevant Assistant Director (who will liaise with principal).

36. The Assistant Director/s will determine whether to approve the transfer (taking into account all relevant information) and then communicate the decision to the parent.

37. This process must be completed within 10 days of the application being filed.

38. The parent has the right to appeal to the Appeals Committee.

The Education Act 1996 and the Education Rules 2006 can be found on the Ministry of Education website

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