53-Yr-Old American Tourist Injured In Bike Crash
A 53-year-old American tourist received minor injuries after crashing his rental cycle into a fence on North Shore Road yesterday afternoon.
A police spokesperson said, “Around 2:50pm on Thursday June 14th, police and first responders attended a reported single vehicle collision along North Shore Road in Smith’s parish.
“It appears that a rental cycle was travelling along North Shore Road when it collided with a fence near the junction with Jennings Road.
“The rider, a 53 year old American man sustained minor injuries and was conveyed to KEMH via ambulance. He was treated and later released.”
The day prior to this, a 37-year-old British doctor was killed in a cycle accident, while on holiday in Bermuda with his wife.
Category: Accidents and fires, All
I’m glad that he wasn’t seriously hurt. And I hope he is able to enjoy the rest of his visit.
I wish TCD would enforce that ONLY Bermudians be allowed to teach/ train tourists wanting to rent livery cycles. How is it that someone from India be allowed to teach/ train tourists for 15 minutes, when they themselves are not that profocient in riding themselves.
We really have to up the anti, if renting of livery cycles is to be a safe option for those toursits who wish to explore our island.
I think what might be more on point with your reference about Indian instructors isn’t their inability to ride it’s their ability to be clearly understood.
We’ve all seen plenty of travel videos where they ride 20 year old bikes they’ve salvaged and made runnable again and you see them carrying 4 passengers a refrigerator and pulling a lawn mower , all without a wobble .
Ultimately it comes down to there being no legal neccessity for a tourist to hold a motor cycle license to be able to rent one. Unlike the requirement made of us when we go to their country and want to rent a car.
Not only the the cycle liveries , but the tourists themselves would scream blue murder if that was made the law . But visitors must be clear that there’s no way you’re going to learn how to operate a motorised two wheeled vehicle AND learn the rules of the ‘left hand side’ either in a 10 minute familiarisation session or a three day holiday.
They think it’s Disney World out there on our streets , probably because of some very old marketing strategy based on a once quiet and laid back Island reputation . Then they have the shock of their lives when they get out on the streets .
I know this because I was in the industry once too and they were in shock at the amount of traffic and the standard of driving 18 years ago. Heavens only knows how any of them have the nerve to rent bikes now .
Stupid comment. Do you know how many people ride bikes in India? Everyone! And usually with 3 or 4 family members and groceries onboard!
straight up racist, man.
see wat i mean! once again.. 15 mins is not enough time to learn our roads
Its not a racist comment. Its something that needs to be addressed. Why is it that Immigration allow the Rental Cycle companies to hire non-bermudians to give a another non-bermudian a 10-15 minute cycle test.
In my OPINION, this is a job that should be held by BERMUDIANS ONLY.
Do we allow non-bermudians to teach us how to drive. NO NO NO NO
So why would we allow this, for tourists, who for the most part have little or no experience riding cycles, let alone on the wrong side of the road and with blind corners and hidden driveways.
and here is a number for you JJR
While road deaths in many other big emerging markets have declined or stabilized in recent years, even as vehicle sales jumped, in India, fatalities are skyrocketing — up 40 percent in five years to more than 118,000 in 2008, the last figure available.
You’d kind of expect figures like that for a country with the population of India ,eh ?
Maybe even moreso when you know that , reportedly , one doesn’t need a driver’s license to own a car. Just walk into the showroom , pull out your Amex and drive out !
Anyway , back to our little coral reef .. Out of interest , how often do you see Indians driving/riding like out of control . lawless road terrorists with no respect for anyone else ?
I can’t really think of any single incident myself , but if you asked the same question about ‘locals’ I loose count just waiting to get out of my gate. Every single day .
Here is another FACT for you JJR:
A total of 4,51,283 ‘Traffic Accidents’ were reported during the year comprising 4,21,628 ‘Road Accidents’. Deaths in ‘Road Accidents’ in the country have increased by 7.3% during 2009 compared to 2008.
20.7% victims of Road Accidents were occupants of ’Two Wheelers’.