Digicel/Transact Launch Wi-fi At Horseshoe

July 20, 2012

Beach goers can now access the internet from their tablets, cellular phones or other PDA’s at Horseshoe Bay Beach thanks to a new Wi-Fi hotspot launched by Transact and Digicel.

The Horseshoe Bay Beach Wi-Fi hotspot, the first area from which customers can use this service, is expected to be popular with visitors and Bermuda residents alike.

Wayne Caines, CEO of Digicel Bermuda, comments on the launch, “We live in a connected world and the ability to use Wi-Fi at this world-famous beach will be well received by many visitors and locals alike. Customers wishing to enjoy high speed internet as they soak up the sun are now able to do so easily.”

When customers at Horseshoe Bay Beach attempt to connect to the internet on their devices, they will be prompted to log into the hotspot service with a username and password. Wi-Fi access may be purchased with a credit card directly from their devices or, if a customer does not have a credit card, from the Horseshoe Concession. Prepaid Wi-Fi cards are available in the following denominations:

  • 1 Hour – $2.95
  • 3 Hours – $5.95
  • 24 Hours – $8.95
  • 1 Week – $11.95
  • 1 Month – $24.95

Mr. Caines continued, “We believe this will be a particularly huge convenience for tourists who may have their data turned off to avoid roaming charges, but who would still like to access the internet from their phones or tablets. In these times, internet access needs to be readily available and it needs to be affordable.”

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Comments (23)

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  1. wizeazz says:

    This is so cool..$2.95 for an hour is 50% less than I paid on the beach in Miami last week.I am taking the kids to the beach tomorrow and now I have a cheap way to watch the British Open.Nice!

  2. Triangle Drifter says:

    Typical for Bermuda. Way overpriced. From time to time in my travels I run into a place, a campground usually that has ‘pay to use’ WIFI. The vast majority these days, like hotels, include WIFI at no extra charge but those that do charge are typically about $3 for 24hours, or about 1/3rd the Bermuda price.

    • wizeazz says:

      wow you missed the point buddie.
      I only want a couple of hours to pass the time on my iPad.
      I could care less what the price is for 24 hours.

    • Logic76 says:

      BT Open in the UK is about the same price (5.95GBP)

    • Ryan says:

      I don’t know where you’re staying, Trinagle, but at all the hotels I’ve stayed at, almost none have offered Wi-Fi for under $15 a day—and I think that’s reasonable! But, as usual, Triangle, you find something to complain about…

      For what it’s worth, I think this is very good pricing, and less even than some airports I’ve encountered that charge for Wi-Fi.

      • swing voter says:

        hotels don’t charge their registered guests and non=guests pay 5 cents/min since the wifi infrastructure is paid for anyway

      • Triangle Drifter says:

        You obviously have a much higher travel budget than me. When it comes to hotels, I am more of a Hampton Inn or Holiday Inn Express type of guy. Same beds as 5 star hotels with $15/day WIFI but the WIFI is no extra charge.

        This message sent to you via a Missouri state park campground at $17 per night with WIFI at no extra charge.

    • WOLF says:

      You must be stupid.
      Those prices for what they offer – if you look at it from a realistic standpoint, or for someone who actually uses technology regularly; these prices are outstanding.

      I for one think this is a brilliant idea.
      Bermuda is a tiny place, with the right amount of push the whole island could have a wifi connection.

    • Bermudian Overseas says:

      you’ve obviously never been to wifi hotspots in the states because right now a good price (i mean the lowest you’ll find in public places like airports parks and cafes) is $4.95 so enough with the Bermuda sucks blah blah attitude and tried to appreciate all of the positive in Bermuda

  3. Shoo shoo says:

    At some point people have to pay for services cantfreeload your way through life it’s Bermuda no one is gonna set up a business that runs at a loss and anyone that thinks we can get mainstream cheap US prices , check yourself in for substance abuse ! This is a great service and great pricing .

  4. Rard says:

    As someone who has stayed in hotels all over the world, I can say that you will only find free wifi in 3-star (and lower) hotels…period. ALL luxury hotels charge for wi-fi, usually between 15 and 20 dollars a day. It is a huge revenue generator, and most guests don’t complain about it.

    I think this is a great thing for Horseshoe Bay Beach. They COULD have charged an arm and a leg for the service and people still would have used it…kudos for keeping the price reasonable.

  5. Exceptional – the times we live in are becoming so e-friendly. BRAVO Digicel!!!

  6. Eyeinthesky says:

    Hey ….. Caines buddy……. Can u just round up that amount!

  7. Peace says:

    Good deal

  8. beach bum says:

    Are people so addicted to their silly electronic toys that they really can’t put them down for a day of relaxation at the beach ? And the beach isn’t exactly the best environment for them either .

    What ever happened to the days when people were pissed off because they left their hamburger rolls at home ? ?

    • Triangle Drifter says:

      Sad inna? People are so full of self importance that they cannot be out of touch from the world for only a few hours.

      Try driving the Alaskan Highway. Might as well turn the device off. You can be days of driving through the forests & mountains with no cell service.

      It is pitful to see all the people who have no lives walking around with their heads buried in their cellphones oblivious to the world around them.

      • J says:

        says the guy who comments on this website all day every day… lol…

        • Triangle Drifter says:

          Well, yeah, for the past few days I have not been drifting. Most of the time I rely on free WIFI wherever I might be, even if it is in a library or a restaurant.

  9. Eh eh says:

    I won’t dream of taking my electronic toys to the beach. Fine sand, water and electronics don’t mix too well. But kudos to Digicel

  10. james says:

    I would have thought that the gov. would have paid for this so tourists could be doing free advertising for them uploading pictures of Horseshoe Bay to the world.
    I cannot believe there is still no live webcam there.

    • Triangle Drifter says:

      Good point on the webcam. People love webcams especially if they are considering a trip. Bermuda has nothing interesting. A Horseshoe Bay, A Dockyard & a Front Street from BNTB or HSBC would be well worth the investment.

  11. Seriously though says:

    can we have neighborhood hot spots, for 24.95 a month that a steal..and will save alot of $$$

  12. Old Furberts kettle says:

    Yawn… More flunky rip off schemes