New Shadow Ministers: Commissiong & Lister

February 21, 2013

The Opposition Progressive Labour Party today [Feb 21] announced two new Shadow Ministerial Appointments, as well as the reallocation of responsibilities affecting two Ministries.

Rolfe Commissiong will serve as the Shadow Minister of Workforce Development, while Dennis Lister will serve as the Shadow Minister with responsibility for the Quangos.

Also, responsibility for National Drug Control and the Department of Corrections has been moved from under the remit of Shadow Minister of Public Safety Michael Scott, to Shadow Attorney General Kim Wilson.

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Articles that link to this one:

  1. Opposition Announces Shadow Cabinet Shuffle | | April 30, 2014
  1. Concerned Citizen says:

    Interesting! Puts paid to the speculation that Lister is leaving. I’m sure you OBA diehards do not like this development, as you would love to see the PLP weakened. But it looks like the PLP is getting stronger. Good move Marc Bean and the PLP. Now let’s keep an eye on the OBA, and make sure they uphold their promises!

    • LOL (original TM*) says:

      Wrong Lister Terry left………….


      • jackie says:

        Obviously you haven’t seen the headlines where it was ‘rumoured’ that Dennis Lister is the next PLP MP to leave the party…

        • LOL (original TM*) says:

          No I did not thanks for the up-date. However hasn’t Terry Lister quit the party once before? Might be wrong that came from LV once I think.


    • Joonya says:

      Concerned citizen my foot. Concerned citizens want to see the policies put in place to see the economy get back on track and flourish. Concerned Citizens want to be a part of reviving industry such as Tourism and International Business, and want to see our debt decrease. Concerned Citizens want to see unemployment numbers drop. All you are “concerned” with is internal jockeying so your beloved party can get back into power. Politics have ruined this country and what Being Bermudian WAS all about.
      Good Day.

      • Argosy says:

        He became “concerned” when he spotted the shenanigans going on with the deception, kick-backs, cronyism, secret bids, cost “overruns”, BIU bond “forgiveness” etc…etc..under his beloved PLP!

        Yes, cut him some slack – he’s very concerned and voted OBA on December 17th no doubt.

        Good on ya, Concerned Citizen – NOT!

    • Building a better Bermuda says:

      This explains why Dennis didn’t leave with his brother, the real downside is that they have given Rolf the ability to actually speak officially for them. This should be entertaining.

  2. Triangle Drifter says:

    Ummmm…how can this be asked in a nice way…but what the pheck does Rolfe know about work?

    • Islander says:

      Selling phone cards at dockyard, consultant to a study of a study that had already been studied and now shadow of how not to work and get paid for it while developing the idea of working. UHHHHHHHHH!!

    • Rolfe and I have butt heads many times in years pass and have not agreed on somethings but I will say that he is not afraid of work and he is not afraid of putting his neck out on the line for his community and it would only take a jack ass to make a comment that Rolfe dont know anything about work.

      Rolfe for many years has worked hard behind the scenes battleling the ills of our society and has written many papers on the root cause to what we face today and if some of his ideas was implemented back then,maybe we would see less foolishness today.

      While I still dont agree with some of his thoughts and thinking,I do agree with some of his methods and the O.B.A could take a page out of his book in how to deal wit some of the hard core things that is ruining this country,so put your hatred aside and let the man do what he is good at and when the time warrants it and Rolfe steps out of line,then you yank him by his collar.

      Rolfe had a position under the former Premier the Hon Paula Cox and I did not agree with that decision and still dont to this day but this new position I do agree with and wish him well.

      • Triangle Drifter says:

        A job. We are talking about a real job. You know a job where you actually do something, actually produce something. Rolfe has always been on either the Government payroll or otherwise being an expense to the Bermuda taxpayer. All he has done is found a way to get money to flap his jaw & blow hot air giving his opinion.

      • navin johnson says:

        written many papers…..

    • Deliverance says:


    • Just a Idea says:

      He know the Banking industry quite well……

    • Y-Gurl says:

      He knows about how to rob a bank and get caught!

  3. We See Behind The Curtain Fahy... says:

    Friday tomorroe – make sure to take your trash out…

  4. We See Behind The Curtain Fahy... says:

    @ Triangle…LOL!

  5. Victor says:

    Congratulations Rolfe – on having a platform to move another 500 votes OBA next time out.

  6. Watcher says:

    AFter yesterday with Daniels insinuating that the plight of the young black man and the drug trade on the island is being masterminded by white folks in nice areas and complaining about a pic of tuckers point on a document we’ll now have Rolf pratteling on about the white man keeping a brother down. Brand new PLP same old tired racial retoric and fighting boogie men that no longer exist, that turned so many of us off. I’ve said it before and i’ll say it again, having a man in charge of the party who was incapable of running a recreation club, will end in disaster.

  7. Real headline…”Dennis Lister given Shadow Ministry to keep him from joining Terry Lister as Independent MP”….

  8. Exhausted.. says:

    I am so tired of reading the PLP rhetoric on this website. Did the former government make mistakes, mis-steps and just do some things WRONG… OBVIOUSLY! Hence they are no longer in charge. I for one am a die-hard PLP supporter and I am excited to see how they will regroup as a party, as it’s an absolute necessity. However, for all the PLP haters amongst us… News Flash… they are no longer the government okay! So no need for the venom. It’s over, the end.. for now. Wouldn’t your energy be better spent commenting on the things that are going well in our community. I mean, you MUST be excited about the things the new government are doing. Focus on that. Anything else is downright exhausting..!

  9. Bobmarlin says:

    Randy and Terry saw the way forward!