Premier, Minister & Governor On U.K. Visit

February 21, 2013

Premier Craig Cannonier attended a bilateral in London with the Minister responsible for Overseas Territories, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Foreign & Commonwealth Affairs Mark Simmonds.

Accompanying the Premier was Minister of Finance Bob Richards, Governor George Fergusson, Assistant Financial Secretary Wayne Brown and UK Representative Ms. Kimberley Durrant.

This is the first bilateral the Premier has held with Minister Simmonds, and provided for open discussions between the Government of Bermuda and the UK Government. It was also an occasion for the Premier to build a working relationship with the Minister and key senior officials within the Foreign Office, a Government spokesperson said.

Premier Cannonier with with the UK Minister Mark Simmonds:

PremierForeignOffice Feb20_13 (2)

During the bilateral the Premier highlighted on the priority concerns facing Bermuda such as debt, diversifying the economy, unemployment and tackling crime. ”Both the Premier and Minister Simmonds are keen to work in partnership for the benefit of Bermuda,” a Government spokesperson said.

While in London the Premier and Minister Richards took the opportunity to visit the Government of Bermuda London Office and meet the team. The Premier highlighted that the London Office will be a key component in the Government’s presence in the UK and EU.

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  1. M.P. MOUNTBATTEN JP says:

    I hope authorize pump one dude took his armbands with him .

  2. Balanced Facts says:

    What, no Gombays, entourage, security guards? Wonder if they will be off shopping with Government credit cards? Don’t think so! Clearly things are different!

    • Clear View says:

      I bet they’ll be in the box suites at Wembley this weekend though.

    • Impressive says:

      What no acceptance of any debates with his counterparts, no acceptance of any interviews with the local media to discuss pertinent issues?? However, he can shake hands and cut ribbons, well done Premier.

    • J says:

      WTF? Three trips in two months. Incredible! This blind support for everything the OBA does is laughable, yet you have 20/20 vision when it comes to every trip the PLP took.

    • DarkSideOfTheMoon says:

      So you are there? You are with them? I’m not saying that they are doing all of this, but you are not there so you don’t know what they are doing with credit cards, etc.

  3. change? says:

    The trips on government purse has began, this is their what 3rd trip on taxpayers back?

    He can’t speak to the media but can travel. What’s changed?

    • Out of flight says:

      Exactly. 3 trips. Incredible.

    • in the know says:

      If you knew that this trip was about you would have a different comment.

    • Triangle Drifter says:

      You really don’t want the DREB & Cogs travel record dragged up do you. How many trips? what reasons? What was the beneficial yield to Bermuda? How much were they? What hotels? Limos or rental cars?

      No, you don’t want all of that dug up.

    • Dawn L says:

      Ahem, he was in the news last week and no doubt will be in the news about the budget. Where ya been ‘Change?’

    • Balanced Facts says:

      He speaks with the media all the time! If you look at who the players are I would guess that he Home Office called this meeting…hardly a travel excursion…there is some official travel involved in Government business, this sure looks like it! OBA has done nothing but cut the cloth since taking power and address the financial mess that they are left with. People are often unrealistic on what is involved in being a new Government in these circumstances!

    • DarkSideOfTheMoon says:

      I am PLP, but I will not go overboard. This meeting looks like one that the leader of our country should attend. However that trip to DC was a waste of money. I mean the man was down in the “crowd” with the commoners…

    • navin johnson says:

      next thing you know he will be going to India and China and Bhutan and then there is the award circuit to consider…

  4. media says:

    I am disappointed they seem to feel the need to keep the London Office. I thought that would be any easy $1m saved. Hard to justify that kind of Office in these times.

    • Soooooo says:

      Actually the price of the London office is small compared to the ones in the US, and well spent in my opinion!

    • mixitup says:

      You’ll be surprised how busy that London Office is with the amount of Bermudians now living in the UK. Pay a visit there next time you travel there.

    • DarkSideOfTheMoon says:

      Media, please explain why we should get rid of the London office. Please say how it is an waste of money. I am not an OBA supporter per say, but stop just spouting out nonsense with out facts…

  5. Triangle Drifter says:

    Must say Cannonier has a much more diplomatic look about him than the used car salesman or the…um…well…not sure what Premier Silly Hats looked like but she was no Condeleeza Rice or Hilary Clinton diplomatic business look.

  6. Nuffin but de Truth! says:

    I knew a few kool aid brainwashed shepple would be posting their drivel.

    • Mad Dawg says:

      Yeah, those PLP supporters are pathetic sometimes aren’t they.

  7. sharon says:

    I wish they would sort out the driving license….Barbados does an exchange why cant we…..

  8. luso says:

    taken all these trips he needs to find jobs for all his gas station workers… and stop bull****

  9. Really?? says:

    The 3 trips are a direct result of the OBA trying to mend the ties with our greatast ally the UK… Which were so horribly stretched and damaged by the previous regime we have just got out of. Since the December 17th Revolution.

    You know what I would like to point out. The governor is there. The leader of the police, fire and regiment… Good move Premier good move. No need for Gombeys!!!! Haha

  10. polo says:

    people do you know how the premier treats his gas station workers we need brother CRIS FURBERT to put a check on him

  11. Hmmmmm says:

    Leave Tuesday night, arrive in London on Wednesday. Meetings on Wednesday. Back to Bermuda on Thursday night. In the House Friday morning. Boy this all sounds so familiar. Where is you peoples honesty ?! This is a Ewart-schedule, no two ways about it. So why aren’t you criticizing it? Where are the questions about how much it costs for two Ministers and a civil servant to fly on BA to London, their hotel, food, transport. Where are the questions? Well you never ask how much the Governor spends, so at least that is consistent. So, does accountability cease when YOU approve of the travel? Just dishonest…and you wonder why Marc Bean calls you out for who and what you are ?!

  12. hmm says:

    I’m sure they’ll all be in box seats @ Wembley on Sunday.

    • navin johnson says:

      are they leaving tonight after the budget presentation?

  13. Concerned Citizen says:

    I’m a PLP supporter to but it’s not neccesary to make a big deal over this. The Premier should make this trip, as it is part of being the leader of the country. The London office is very valuable to us also, so let’s not make this a big deal. Mind you, I’m glad bob was there, as it at least guarantees a real discussion on some matters. The issue is that when in opposition, the OBA complained about similar trips and the need for the office. Reality of leadership is different from political gamesmanship! Lesson learned? Doubt it.