Video: No Gambling Referendum, MPs To Decide
[Updating] Government today [Dec 13] announced a reversal on their pledge to hold a referendum on gambling, stating that there will be no referendum and the matter will be decided by a vote in Parliament.
Premier Craig Cannonier said after conversations with members of the Opposition, it was made clear that “the referendum process will be undermined if we don’t meet their demands to change the wording of the question.”
“It is clear to us that the Opposition’s political ambitions have moved ahead of the people’s business, and that the threat to disrupt the referendum, such as a boycott, is real,” said the Premier.
The PLP rejected this assertion, with Derrick Burgess saying, “To lie about the PLP’s position and attempt to blame the PLP for the OBA decision to stifle the people’s voice and break their promise to the people is disheartening.”
Update: Premier Cannonier making the announcement today
This opens the door to a higher chance the island will have casinos, as whereas a referendum was seen by some as having various possible outcomes. The OBA hold the majority of votes in Parliament, so it could be considered likely to pass.
At 11am this morning, the Premier was due to read the Gambling Referendum Act in the House of Assembly for the second time, but “carried it over”, giving an indication of what was to come.
Speaking after that, Shadow Tourism Minister Wayne Furbert said, “The PLP is very surprised that the Premier would delay debate on the Referendum Bill.
“After a year of delays it gives the impression that the OBA is on the verge of breaking another election promise,” said Mr Furbert.
This announcement, which had been rumoured as a possibility, comes after statements that a referendum would be held on the matter.
Last month the Government tabled the Referendum Act 2013, saying the public would be asked: “Do you favour the introduction of regulated casino gaming for the purposes of creating new jobs for Bermudians and encouraging hotel development.”
In August 2013, a Government spokesperson said there is “no change to the government’s position on Gaming. As promised, we remain committed to the Referendum process.”
Update: The Q&A with the Premier at the press conference today
During the run up to the 2012 General Election, the OBA pledged to hold a referendum multiple times, and their election material [PDF] stated they would hold a referendum on casino gaming.
In 2011 when the OBA was in Opposition, Patricia Gordon-Pamplin said, “The OBA has already said that the issue of gaming should be put to a referendum preceded by a comprehensive education campaign.
“This would highlight the pros and cons of the proposal and enable the public to render the most informed decision,” said Ms Gordon-Pamplin.
The Chamber of Commerce previously said they were in favour of gaming, but not a referendum, saying…”cost is another very important reason to forgo a referendum, as a considerable sum would have to be spent on a campaign to provide information to the public and prepare for a referendum.”
The press conference is still underway as of this writing, and we will update with details as able.
Update 1.46pm: The Premier’s full statement follows below
I’ve asked you here today to announce a decision that will no doubt surprise some in the community.
It is tied to harsh realities that Bermudians have been living with for far too long; realities that will become an entrenched and destructive part of Island life if we do not do all we can to change them.
I am referring to the curse of unemployment that is damaging people’s lives every day – hurting families, derailing hopes and draining morale.
Since the election a year ago, the Government has moved with urgency on a broad front to grow jobs.
We have put in place measures to stimulate job growth, but it is not yet enough to get the thousands who remain without work back on the job. People need relief and hope now.
One of the main targets of our Jobs and Economic Turnaround Plan is the revival of Bermuda Tourism – the one industry with the greatest potential to grow jobs for Bermudians.
We are on the verge of launching the Tourism Authority to bring more focused professional leadership to the business of getting more visitors to our shores.
And we have taken concrete steps to move ahead with gaming – a vital component of our Tourism revival strategy.
With gaming, we are confident we can attract investor dollars for the construction of new hotels and visitor activities.
Without it, we believe we will severely damage our prospects for recovery, shutting down possibilities for thousands of able-bodied Bermudians to find the jobs they need to support their families.
The OBA’s approach to the question of gaming has always been based on the community deciding the matter through a referendum.
Two weeks ago, we tabled the Gaming Referendum Act with a question that said exactly why we were moving forward with gaming. That question read as follows:
“Do you favour the introduction of regulated casino gaming for the purposes of creating new jobs for Bermudians and encouraging hotel development?”
Jobs was the point of the question, and we make no apologies about its wording.
This week, after conversations with members of the Opposition, it was made clear to us that the referendum process will be undermined if we don’t meet their demands to change the wording of the question.
Earlier this year the Opposition Leader said he and his colleagues would support gaming if the Government brought the matter to the House without a referendum.
His party’s “support” for gaming at the time, and in other statements, simply does not square with the threat this week to undermine the referendum exercise.
It is clear to us that the Opposition’s political ambitions have moved ahead of the people’s business, and that the threat to disrupt the referendum, such as a boycott, is real.
As the Government of Bermuda, we will not stand for it. We will not play politics with people’s jobs. We will not play politics with opportunities to help people pay their bills and put food on the table.
This matter is too important for political games.
We were elected to fix the economy, to grow jobs and end the misery thousands are feeling each day because the economy is no longer big enough to support them. We cannot allow politics to undermine opportunities for Bermudians.
All energies must be focused on doing what we can to grow the economy. So many futures depend on it.
And so today, the Government will not proceed with the Gaming Referendum Act. This means there will be no referendum on gaming.
Instead, gaming will be brought to the House of Assembly in the form of legislation, where it will be either passed or rejected by vote.
In the weeks to come, we will announce a schedule of events for this to happen, including a public information and consultation campaign on the plan for gaming, making sure all aspects of the issue are addressed.
We recognize this decision breaks an platform pledge, but we made a more important pledge to the people and that was to create jobs.
Now, our job is to do what we believe is right for the country, and that means not allowing the risk of politics to damage people’s chances for jobs and a better life.
We will not risk the future.
Update 1.59pm: Acting PLP Leader Derrick Burgess’ full statement
The OBA have misled the people of Bermuda again and broken another election promise. Their dishonourable actions today have further damaged the credibility of the Government of Bermuda and weakened trust in our political process.
To lie about the PLP’s position and attempt to blame the PLP for the OBA decision to stifle the people’s voice and break their promise to the people is disheartening. At NO time have the PLP advocated a boycott of the referendum. To say otherwise is a boldfaced lie.
The PLP is clear that this should go to the people and we are perplexed of the OBA’s complete disregard for the democratic process on this important issue and attempting to shift the blame for a decision they made onto the PLP.
What does this say about the Premier’s character and integrity that he would willfully and knowingly deceive the people with such a boldfaced lie.
The OBA history of lies, reversals, mixed messages, contradictions, and flip flops are undermining confidence in the OBA at a time when Bermudians need to know that they can trust their government.
The fact that the OBA would break another election promise isn’t surprising, they have done it many times before, however on this issue they have reversed themselves after a year of repeatedly declaring that they would not bypass the people on this decision.
What has changed in the last 3 weeks that has caused the OBA to pull a bill that they tabled 2 weeks ago? Who benefits from the OBA breaking this promise? The people of Bermuda deserve an answer.
That answer cannot be making up stories about the PLP, the OBA have made this decision and they must explain to the people why they do not trust them to make the best choice for Bermuda.
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Articles that link to this one:
- Mixed Reaction To Gaming Referendum Decision | | December 14, 2013
- PLP’s Bean: ‘Time Line Of Gambling Discussion’ | | December 16, 2013
- BHA Support Govt’s Decision On Gambling Vote | | December 17, 2013
- PLP: Listening In To Phone Call Is “Disturbing” | | December 17, 2013
- Terry Lister On Govt’s Decision On Referendum | | December 18, 2013
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Ok, we’ve not heard the exact reason as to why they done this staggering Uturn but it better be good!
Just because they can? Or maybe because they decided that they wouldn’t get the outcome they wanted?
Jobs are all good, but here is my issue.
You vote for someone because they put out a platform saying what they will do.
Then a year later the do the exact opposite? WTF? Surely you have a problem with that?
Tell that to people without jobs.
Referendum costs money, we have no money.
This will create revenue for the government to help reduce the deficit.
Both parties are in favour of it, 69% of people polled are in favour of it.
Other MP’s are stalling by wanting referendum questions
changed….arguing about wording and the like
There is a rumour and I suspect there is more than just a rumour…but perhaps no tangible evidence (people don’t always carry recording devices).
We can’t afford to let the opposition hold Bermudians back any longer.
Great strong leadership !!!! Go Bermuda !
Its hilarious how we are increasingly finding ourselves in a situation whereby the core prerequisite for continuing on with supporting the OBA is to be full of the same crap they insult the publics intelligence with…
Do you even stop to observe how ridiculous you sound?
I support Bermuda, how about you?
Thats your premise for understanding any objection toward the OBA; it translates to not supporting Bermuda?
I support Bermuda, why do you have difficulty in comprehending that?
You are right on the OBA payroll, your talking points are excellent.
There is one thing you are missing however. Your OBA said they would have a referendum on gaming, and now they have reversed course.
Also, its not $500,000 its $345,000.
No I support Bermuda. I’m not on any politican party payroll. I don’t believe in one party being the only party forever. I thought the PLP did OK for the first term, then the wheels began to come off. The OBA are doing a good job, despite the PLP nonsense and games. This country does not have time for nonsense and games. We need action to limit the damage to this country and all its people, if the current crop of the PLP had a clue, they would be b@lls out supporting whatever needed to be done. The OBA would likely be out within two terms. Power grabbing and petty commenting from the opposition will not be good for Bermuda. We don’t have time.
The Premier could have saved $300K if he wouldn’t have hired so many staff for his own personal use. So he better not play the DVD titled WE HAVE NO MONEY for a referedum.
If the man employs any more people, he’ll have the same numbers to his reduced eight (8) Government Ministers.
Job#1 Secretary $77,254
Job#2 Chief of Staff $122,064
Job#3 Special Advisory $105,765
Job#4 Maid $35
Job#5 Press Secretary $113,480
Job#6 soon to be announced
Job#7 Private Jet Pilot
Job#8 Casino Operator working on behalf of the Premier
2 of the biggest things going on in Bermuda could have been decided with on referedum Gambling and Herb!
And MIKE HIND since you’re the BIGGEST TRoll on this blog do you approve this rating?
Um. No. I’m not. Go look up what the word means.
And… What rating?
And if you’re going to make a completely baseless, nonsensical personal attack against someone, at least me a man and have the courage to do it under your own name. It’s pathetic to take potshots while hiding behind a pseudonym. Really pathetic and cowardly.
Silence. As usual. *sigh*
PLP want OBA to get egg on their face while they (the OBA) fix the economy. That way PLP can get re-elected and then enjoy the new and improved economy. It’s that easy. Does ANYONE think the PLP will reverse ANYTHING the OBA has done should they get re-elected?
Black Soil,
This decision has nothing to do with the PLP and it has everything to do with the OBA. Attempts at deflection are just that, attempts!
The OBA are the ones that have gone back on their word, not the PLP.
They will likely reverse the OBA’s stance on land licensing for spoused of Bermudians, if not refine it in the interest of safe guarding against acts for fronting property purchases for foreigners.
They will likely tighten up the OBA’s policy of offering PRC status to, what they suggested would be, senior managers so that it is ACTUALLY limited to chief corporate officers. Unlike the OBAs policy which DOES extend this luxury to positions as low on the ladder as VP. They will also likely increase the ridiculously low cost of 25k the OBA has set.
They will likely reinstate term limits, which to this day have not been proven to have been a driving factor of Bermudas recession.
In short they will likely do as much to safeguard Bermudians interests as the OBA have done to safeguard the interests of well-to-do foreigners.
And ultimately if Bermuda does see recovery going into a potential PLP win come election time, it will be the result of factors that are much greater in influence than the decisions the OBA are making right now. Much like the global dynamics that ACTUALLY caused the recession here AND PRETTY MUCH EVERYWHERE ELSE IN THE WESTERN WORLD.
You mean like all those places that have been coming out of the recession for a while now? Like… The rest of the world.
Dismissing mismanagement is specious.
You’re dammed if you do and dammed if you don’t. Some people you will never please. OBA get on with the job we hired you to do. Stop talking and get on with it!
What an idiot you are??? If you want to show the real story why not compare figures from past vs present? How many people did Dr. B employ and how many non-Mps travelled with him wherever he went? Dr. B’s personal travel expenditures alone would likely exceed the dollar value of the Premiers staff. Please dig up those numbers…if you dare!
laughable that people refer to Platform promises….did the PLP platform ever refer to massive unemployment, overwhelming debt,unsustainable Government,underfunded pensions? get over it and realize that a Government in opposition does not merely disagree with everything…..
OBAubp lying to the PEOPLE OF BERMUDA
This is all about a DEAL they have likely put into place with a Hotel dealer. The deal has been made, “GAMBLING” or “NO HOTEL.” Be honest OBAubp and stand on your feet.
COME CLEAN UBPoba and say what your have done, rather than continue to place blame and Twist this situation as a promise to the PLP.
This government continues to place blame on others, rather than stand up and be HONEST. This was an UBPoba ELECTION PROMISE>>>SEE THEIR PLATFORM OR OBA PAGE>
It seems as if The AG, CROCKWELL (JETGATE 3) are seldom honest and wear a huge ego, that is likely to soon burst. THE UBPoba has now realized they had lost the faith of the people of Bermuda, and therefore the REFERENDUM would not be successful. As a result of this they decide not to take the issue to a Referendum. This issue has been taken out of context by these folks and twisted as is common actions of the UBPoba.
The UBPoba had loss the faith of Bermuda, since their election. Their popularity continues to decline. This has increased their fears. If they were confidence they would have continued to hold such a REFERENDUM. Their continued lies and mis-information has become something folks now recognize. If not their fear of not holding a REFERENDUM would have been carried out. This party is sinking fast and quick.
UBPoba must keep in mind God does not like ugly, and their rearing their ugly heads will come full circle. Stop it UBPoba playing such political games to the people of Bermuda. LIES LIES and more…. STOP IT…THE JETGATE 3 are at it again….
The OBA should let the public decide with a referendum. It’s unfair to the public. Where is the democracy? I wouldn’t be surprised if the majority of Bermudians actually did not support gaming.
Referendums are a waste of money and effort for such trivial matters.
That’s not a good argument especially to disregard the public’s opinion on the matter. There are other ways the government could get the numbers to find out if the majority support gaming or not.
Gaming is trivial? Okay you are saying anything.
Trivial matters?!? Are you serious?? Do you have a inkling of a clue what sorts of VERY REAL problems gaming had the potential to introduce to this island??
List the problems it will introduce for you.
I’m going to, at the very least, give you enough credit for being competent enough to answer that question yourself, as most 13 year olds can…
What problems will it introduce for YOU?
It is not your job to decide whether Bermudians are capable or not to have gaming within it’s tourism product.
Again, tell me what problems gaming will introduce for YOU?
The Public did decide. The public elected them to be the Government. So let them Govern. OBA are making the tough decisions PLP refused to make over their LONGGGG 14yr Rule!
Same old mantra eh, “making the tough decisions the PLP refused to”… Speaking to the OBAs stance on immigration and those “tough decisions” they’ve been making, recognize the PLP is a grassroots peoples party that simply WONT make those decisions. So don’t get it twisted… I can assure you the endless laying out of the red carpet to well-to-do [typically white, largely by default in all fairness] foreigners have not been “tough decisions” for them.
There goes your race card AGAIN!
Stop holding people back, by making out they are lesser than others. WE ARE EQUAL. You do people a diservice.
No. They’re not.
They used to be, but they’re not any more.
That is a lie.
Stop lying.
This is insane! These people have no effin shame!!!!!!
How can they turnaround and flip flop like this?
Craig has been promised something from someone.
“Craig has been promised something from someone”?? Really? Do you think he is the reincarnation of the PLP’s Brown? Lolol!!
Actually, Given the stunt he pulled yesterday, I think that in looking under the hood he found Dr. Browns playbook.
I 100% think he is just as bad, if not worse than Dr. Brown.
Why are you so convinced the OBA MPs/Senators are not capable of the same self serving behaviors as EB?? You naivety is shocking… I figured people in the day and age would have generally evolved beyond things like blind faith in politicians..
The term “we had to deceive you” is going on another level when it comes to the OBA.
Within 1 year you have surpass the pLp with broken promises. If it creates jobs then bring in the Devil. The Government doesn’t really care what the church has to say anyway. Next we’ll see President Obama’s, obamacare at the Bermuda Hospital at this speed.
I’m starting to think that OBA means OverBoard AZZzzzholes.
I get your point but why should government or anyone actually care what the church says? They believe in magic fairies in the sky. They believe in fictitious characters who exist without the slightest bit of evidence.
If I went around talking about my imaginary friend you’d think I was crazy. Politicians get your job done!
Is that really your educated summation of religion and the religious dynamic in Bermuda. Must be the good ole “new age” thinking eh?
President Obama’s Obamacare at the hospital?
Do you even know what the Affordable Care Act is?
How many laws do we have based on the church? Many should abolished for the sake of a successful future. If you wish not to have any dealings with the casino, so be it! Jobs jobs jobs. Render unto Jesus that which belongs to Jesus, render unto BDA that which belongs to BDA!
Pick up a Bible mate. The verse is “Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s”.
The government doesn’t have to worry about what that church has to say. The church is just as corrupt as the government
Maybe they were listening to the PLP supporter’s comments:
“Why have a referendum?
Just push forward with gaming, Bean already said PLP will back you.
Why waste time and money? As each day passes we fall further and further behind.”
“frank says:
June 1, 2013 at 7:14 pm
don’t waste time with a referendum table it in the house before they go on summer break truth is this without gamling there will be no new hotels built and the new breakaway will next season stay away and while your at it bring on a lottery or power ball”
“hmmm says:
November 28, 2013 at 4:49 pm
Did we elect these people to make decisions? If I hire you to do a job and you decide, well this job is hard why don’t you just do it, I’d probably a) think you were an idiot, and b) not hire you again. In this case the politicians are not stupid, just cowardly. If there is one thing Bermuda does not need right now it’s cowardly leadership.”
“Deliverance says:
May 20, 2013 at 10:46 am
FORGET about a stupid Referendum. JUST DO IT! Draft the legislation and GET ON WITH IT. For cryinoutloud! How much more time has to pass us by before we DO SOMETHING”
Because we had to deceive you! You thought you were getting a referendum? syke!!!
All politicians are the same. Say anything to get a vote, then do whatever they like!
Did not the UBP back in the day pass laws where the public did not approve and in some cases the people begged them to reconsider?
The proof that the OBA is really the UBP is that they appear to be doing exactly the same thing.
Did you not read the speech??????
Ah I typed this one before realizing that the speech probably wasn’t up there when you posted….My apologies
The speech is up there now…have a read…seems very reasonable.
Once again we see the UBPoba feed the people of Bermuda with nothing but LIES. A government whom fails to be honest, yet sings out a song called “TRANSPARENCY”. This is not a good thing, and it may be the very thing that will make this UBPoba government a “ONE TIME GOVERNMENT”…what many have failed to take into consideration are the following:
1. What will ensure that Gambling will be successful in Bermuda?
2. What if there are not REAL JOBs created as a result of Gambling?
3. Who will really benefit from Gambling and whom are the owners of such establishments?
Many countries have not had great success with Gaming, in fact on many days their Casinos are empty. The social implication that often result from Gambling will also leave the OBAubp with a huge MESS, hope they can deal and accept that after all is said and done. I think this will make the UBPoba fall down on another blunder..
Folks keep your eyes open,…..the UBPoba will fall, this matter will bite them in the butt hard…just a matter of time… keep your eyes and ears open…look…carefully……
I think they have gained more supporters than lost over this…WE NEED ACTION.
Correct, many countries haven’t had success with casinos, but several have had success. The government just needs to do their homework and follow the right models.
They shouldn’t have done it, but we’ll end up in the same place. Legislation or referendum, we have gaming laws, and thats whats really important here.
It’s disappointing, but I am afraid that the reason is cowardice. They are too cowardly to pose an honest question, and too cowardly to face consequences if they didn’t change it. Here is one of those rare instances where the PLP actually has a point. The question demonstrated a lack of commitment to the democratic process which is now proven by the abandonment of the referendum altogether. Ironically the PLP do not have a great track record in the commitment to democracy area, so it must be pretty embarrassing to have them setting you straight on what’s right.
Where is Marc Bean? Is Mr. Burgess now the PLP Leader? What is going on at the PLP?
Jobs Jobs Jobs Jobs Jobs Jobs Jobs Jobs Jobs Jobs
Lets hope that JOBS will be the outcome, but I what will the UBPoba do and say if this is not the success they are dreaming of? It can turn out to be a blunder and lack success. What will the UBPoba do next. It does tell the People of Bermuda 2 things:
1. This UBPoba government is not to be trusted
3. This UBPoba has not “PLAN” to grow Bermuda’s economy as we move towards the future. The backward step of SAGE, should have included a major step of how to grow our revenue base first.
Looks more and more like a ONE Time government, falling on their swords in a matter of time….
What if it works out fine.
I think that’s what some folks here are scared of!
Everybody knows that all betty is hoping for it that it will be a failiour, because people like you alike your PLP never worry about what is good for the country.
Just hoping there are not too many of you out there!!!!!!
Blind, brainwashed, racist is what comes to my mind.
Ohhh it must still hurt that the PLP lost the 2012 election!!!!!!
I hope you get some help for your anger.
PLP is largely made up and supported by GRASSROOTS BERMUDIANS. I suspect that are the MOST concerned about the welfare of a future Bermuda FOR BERMUDIANS. And it never ceases to amaze me how people like you, as a descendant of TRUE RACISTS and/or beneficiaries of Bermudas worst racism/segregation, have the audacity to refer to the PLP as racists. A lack of trust of whites, by many in the PLP [whether right or wrong, nonetheless stemming from history] does not make them racists. Its traditionally white that show no interest in getting involved in black society not vice versa.
how many have stood up to the PLP heirachy and told them to stop using race to try to win votes?
Whats the point your making?
There are enough barriers in life as an individual, stop building the wall from divisiveness that we have to climb over. Want to change the future, change is required in yourself first, or the future will be the same.
Divisiveness divides….is that what you want? Read your post responding to John. Quit holding Bermudians down.
Getting involved in one society or another has nothing to do with racism. I don’t like country music or rodeos….nothing against Texans.
Jobs FOR Berrmudians?……you hope……..that maybe what you’re being told now………..doesnt mean thats whats going to happen though…………promises are made to be broken……”poliTRICKing” at its best………..
Bermudans are hardly ever hired to waiter at restaurants here let alone being hired to serve at our future casinos.
When it comes to a Bermudian being hired at a games table as the casino mafioso would say FUUURGETABOUTIT.
How many Bermudians apply?
Ahhh isn’t that the billion dollar question?!?! I bet I can’t answer that FACTUALLY & I bet you can’t either. It is an important question that should be found out if we want fix unemployment rates. No? Our government should know this answer. Yes? Since they know they should let us in on these facts so we’ll know that the unemployed are that way because they refuse to work in the same jobs as casinos promise to give them.
Have you been in a casino Mr. Hind? Do you know what jobs there are in a casino?
Why do people associate casino’s with being a waiter or waitress. Lets see, they employ security, chefs, housekeepers, accountants, managers, apprentices, game managers, servers, entertainers thats just when its running. In the runup they need infrastructure (i.e.. masons, electricians, plumbers, it specialists, carpenters, carpet layers). Then the knock on for other business, food suppliers, drink suppliers, truckers, forwarders, airport workers. If its going to generate some investment then lets do it. Investment (local and foreign) plan and simple equals jobs, work and the prospect of finally a bright outlook in a gloomy economy. Its time to think outside the tourism/entertainment box because all staying in it has done has suffocated us all. One of the big reasons many locals don’t apply for the restaurant jobs is that a certain group of originally European (think amazing cars and pasta) have the sector pretty much sewn up and pay absolute rubbish while they buy up more and more restaurants. Its time to look at the big picture and have a longer view, Bermuda as a whole needs to stop wing behind the ball and constantly playing catchup.
How big you think the casino will be? and if there is more than 1, the more there are the smaller they will be. How many accountants will there be for each casino? I think some people think there will be big Vegas style casinos, smh most of the Vegas casinos would take up most hotels’ entire ground floor if not more. Bottom line is, whether it is one mega style casino, or a few smaller ones, most of the jobs available will be jobs that Bermudians (for whatever reason) hardly do anymore.
There’s absolutely no reason that they can’ test art doing them again.
Yep. Lots of ‘em.
Why y’askin’?
“Bermy” actually covers it pretty well with regards to what jobs are involved.
The few who find themselves desperate enough to settle for the exploitive wages geared toward foreign staffing preferences.
People like me, who won’t settle for exploitative wages…
For Foreign Workers For Foreign Workers For Foreign Workers For Foreign Workers For Foreign Workers For Foreign Workers For Foreign Workers For Foreign Workers For Foreign Workers For Foreign Workers
I can see a job availability posting now.
Must have 5 years experience working in a casino & working at crown & anchor tables on cup match do not count.
Here’s a little taste of what the reality will be from a REAL casinos job availability posting.
• Handles floor repair and proper preventative maintenance of all EGDs, including cleaning, overhauls, etc., in accordance with gaming regulations. • Handles the initial setup and checkout of new EGDs. • Assists Management in the breakdown, relocation and setup of EGDs and stands to be relocated. • Assists Slot Floor people in verifying jackpots as needed. • Assists in ensuring EGD integrity when jackpots occur and at other times requested. • Maintains current knowledge of local jurisdiction gaming laws (federal, state, compact, etc.) and attendant regulations, as well as property internal controls, policies and procedures. • Brings disputes and unusual guest activities to the attention of the shift manager. • Promotes positive guest relations through prompt, courteous and efficient service. • Possess knowledge of moving mechanical parts, EGDs, electronics and electrical functions. • Instructs Gaming Technicians on the technical aspects of gaming device repair. • Performs immediate, periodic and overhaul maintenance on EGDs, equipment, hardware and peripheral attachments. • Identifies and isolates electronics faults at board level. • Assists floor personnel upon demand from time to time in guest service and disputes. • Demonstrates proficiency in the use of test metering devices as well as use of all EGD test and troubleshooting equipment. • Performs maintenance and repair functions to electrical/electronic faults on EGDs up to the printed circuit board level. • Researches and diagnoses EGD malfunctions.
This is all a fabrication. There will be jobs for locals. There has to be. That’s how it works.
FABRICATION! How is it? We already have casino type jobs other than working at a games table that have more foreigners than Bermudians working. Do you know anyone that works at a table? I do & they had to go through loads of training before getting a job. A team of card counters could clean a casino out in a night if the dealer doesn’t know how to detect them. Fabrication is OBA telling us there will be a referendum on gaming.
Also if you’re doubting the casinos job availability posting I put up here’s where it came from.
No fabrication there either.
Well, considering you made it up… THAT’S how.
You posted ONE job, for a senior position. That does not an argument make.
There will be few senior positions available, the senior position will probably pay 3 times more as well.
Oh there may be low paying, labor intensive jobs for locals but as usual, the high salary jobs will go to the foreigners.
then you work your way up through further education dedication and experience.
Hah! You really believe thats what “levels the playing field” for Bermudians – blacks in particular?? Thats rich…
There you go playing a race card…… Didn’t take long did it Ian. Holding yourself and others back. Break through barriers like the rest of us.
You guys love that “playing the race card” stuff huh? Its almost cute at this point. But no.. I’m just speaking to reality. You’re gonna pretend like things like disparity in compensation and opportunity between whites and blacks, or even men and women for that matter, don’t exist? Must be that good ole stay-in-denial-for-better-nights-sleep card…
And for the record I’ve managed to do pretty well so no holding anything back; starts with seeing the world for that it REALLY is though..
Key word “starts”.
You are the one playing it again and again. You guys? What does that mean? It holds people back. Keep telling people they are seen as a lesser and they’ll start believing it true. It is not true. Quit holding folks back.
Tommy ,I’m surprised at you . You left out
Must love children
Must have current Red Cross lifesaving certification
Must love large animals
Must have valid driver’s license for all classes of vehicles
Must swim well
Must be fluent in 8 languages
Must be willing to do heavy cleaning
Must be a gourmet chef
Must be willing to work a 24 hour day seven days a week including all public holidays.
You left out:
Must clean windows
Must scrub floors
The job pays $7.50 an hour
Not really .
Your 1 and 2 are covered by the term ‘heavy cleaning’
And my last one is code language for your number 3 . lol
Scary! Nearly 50% of the people voting said ‘dislike” to jobs, jobs, jobs!? that sums up the PLP like the A-G said in the House last night, all they care about is getting back into power, not about the Country!!!
Told you so.
Money is at work here. Money.
Merry Christmas.
Jobs Jobs Jobs Jobs
For who? Do you know a Bermudian who has the, “qualifications” to work at a casino?
I know several. I know a few that HAVE worked in casinos.
Croupier training is a matter of several weeks.
We could even open up a training school here. It wouldn’t take much.
Mr. Hind if we can open up a training school for this we should be able to open training schools for numerous amounts of occupations that we currently have here. Then again, according to another posting of yours you suggest that few Bermudians would apply for those types of positions.
Are we having a bit of struggle with ourselves?
Not in the slightest. Just responding to your posts and asking questions. You inferring something I didn’t mean? That’s on you.
And… we ARE able to open training schools for numerous amounts of occupations that we currently have here. Aren’t we?
What occupation that we currently have here are we not able to open a training school for?
Is there some ban on training schools that I didn’t know about?
We do, we have the Insurance institute, offering education and examinations in the insurance industry.
Terry is right in a way, but it’s not money causing this change of heart. It’s the LACK of money and the lack of jobs. This Government has a responsibility to do whatever it can to create more employment i.e. more jobs, and I havn’t heard of any potential hotel investors saying that they will refuse to invest in our hotels if gambling is allowed. It is just exactly the opposite. Every hotel investor I’ve heard of is saying that building hotels in Bermuda is simply not econimically practical if we DON’T allow casino gambling.
12 months ago the OBA may have believed that they could hold a referendum relatively quickly and get things moving, but this is Bermuda and we have folks now arguing endlessly about the wording of the referendum question. Sorry, but it’s time to move forward and to do it quickly so we can hopefully have some major construction projects under contract.
We can still have public consultation; we can all lobby our MP’s, and we can all express our opinions on the blogs so there is no way that public opinioon can be stifled.
I look forward to the debate in the House and Senate.
THE UBPoba government has lied to the people of Bermuda. They have failed to keep at least one of their election promises. This is merely another example of the old UBP boys spreading their wings again, until they become unable to land and fall on their swords once again. It will be sooner, rather than later that such will take place.
Lets watch, as this the UBPoba has NO PLAN to grow Bermuda’s economy. The reality is if this Gambling does not yield the kind of result that are hoping for, the UBPoba will fall flat. One can examine the lack of success this has had in other countries, and it will reveal that this move by the UBPoba is one that might be doomed.
Jobs Jobs Jobs
Maybe I have memory problems but I can’t recall the PLP actually having any kind of sensible practical plan to grow Bermuda’s economy prior to the last election. In fact the PLP was booted out office for that very reason – no sign of a plan – and our economy getting worse.
Like it or not, the OBA made it clear from the outset that they supported a gambling initiative to enhance our tourism industry, and to be fair, so did former Premier Ewart Brown who was a strong supporter of legalized gambling but was undone by members of his own party.
To suggest in any way that this decision compared with, “we had to deceive you” is ludicrous. When Dr. Brown made that statement he and his inner circle were fully aware before the election that they were planning to remove Jennifer Smith from Office if the PLP won the election.
On the other hand, there is not a shred of evidence to suggest that the OBA promised to hold a referendum but never intended to do so. In fact just the opposite – they have gone so far as to draft the legislation. What they have done is to woffle about a referendum, not realizing how long it would take to organise it, bearing in mind that some folks are even whining about the wording of it ad nauseum.
There has been considerable public outcry about this Government needing to get on with the job of creating jobs, and they have now made the decision to do just that.
To suggest in any way that the public will not have an opportunity to express their views is a complete nonsense. We can all call our MP’s, we can march on Parliament; we can express our views at public meetings, in Letters to the Editor, and on the daily blogs (as evidenced by the comments here today!).
Betty Trump is absolutely right in saying that “It can turn out to be a blunder and lack success.” She can also throw all sorts of ludicrous accusations at the OBA Government and those MP’s who are former members of the old and now defunct UBP, but let’s face it, it was the PLP Government who tried and failed to introduce gambling, and leaders of the PLP while in Opposition seem to be supporting what the OBA is proposing. At the end of the day this matter will be fully debated in the House and Senate which means that the Opposition Party will have every opportunity to stand for or against it. If PLP MP’s vote for it, then the public will be able to blame both the OBA and the PLP if it turns out to be a blunder and lack success.
One thing for sure, we need to move forward and create opportunities for employment, and doing nothing will be much worse than creating new initiatives that may not be the panacea but at least show that our political leaders are doing their best to improve our economy.
The reality is you can spin and spin to make the UBPoba government look like they are working in the best interest of the people. But folks are now aware this is not the case at all.
This government cares little if nothing for the people of BErmuda, except those on the “Friends and Family Plan”. So yes I am right in saying what I have comment on. The facts are simple and UBPoba are now showing their true colours. Now we see a UBPoba who are trying to hide behind the coat tails of the PLP instead of standing up on their own two feet.
The UBPoba are far from being HONEST BROKERS and lie to make their case seem viable. REALLY …..
What a joke this UBPoba are fast becoming /….watch this space folks… carefully….
Betty the PLP friends and family plan were voted out. Please catch up.
The House debate is going to be very interesting. PLP has already come out in favour of casino gambling. All they can argue against is the process. If they vote against the legislation they will voting against growing our economy and getting unemployed Bermudians back to work. Showing further that they really don’t care about Bermudians at all. Of course many of us already knew this from their pathetic handling of Govt. finances since 2004. Good job OBA, keep pressing forward with new initiatives that out Bermudians back to work.
Biased and ill-informed much???
Ian, where is your proof?
Wheres you fellow cheerleaders proof that the PLP “really doesn’t care about Bermudians at all”? Wheres the proof that your fellow cheerleader is qualified to completely dismiss a GLOBAL ECONOMIC MELTDOWN as the leading cause of Bermudas current woes?
PLP overheated the economy. We had full economic employment. PLP then increased the money supply through borrowing. They didn’t put those funds into capital projects that would generate future tax dollars, or if they did it came with a large inefficient price tag. Ultimately the spending was and is unsustainable. The PLP are fully responsible for this. They tried to use the USA economic model for Bermuda…Epic Fail. When the world recession started, we had nothing in the tank, instead we tried to beat up on our main source of tax dollard by hitting it with increased payroll taxes. After a round of political badmouthing of expats, we then went on and pretended all was fine whilst using race based divisiveness which bled out to shareholders and company execs that made them look at other options. The world watches, the world sees. We are no longer in a bubble.
it doesnt even matter if you are for or against it, but for them to do a complete about face on their election pledge and on legislation tabled just weeks ago shows a complete disregard, and disdain for the electorate.
It isn’t Premier Cannonier doing this. Please open your eyes!
Who cares who is doing it? I remember a certain PLP Premier who tried to sneak a gaming bill for the cruise ships through the house and his own MPs voted him down. It would appear the OBA have a more organised approach that relies on having in the least the approval of their elected caucus.
Lol, you dont really believe thar do you ?!!
tough decisions for the greater good of the country. Something the previous administration were not prepared to do.
Was it not promised by the PLP that the streets would be paved in Platinum?
Jobs JObs JOBS….
Don’t you want Bermudians to have an opportunity?
Platinum? I imagine it’s hidden in somewhere behind the two-hundred year old cedar beams
Bitter much?
Who do you want to replace him with, DAVID BURT, give me a break!
Lol, he has more political experience! Might be a step in the right direction!
Hmmmmm alcoholgate, speech gate. Don’t trust him .
No you trust the guys that think Sundays should be just as prone to alcohol-related incidents as the rest of the week… You trust a party that we can all admit told a “bold faced lie” to justify their reasons for breaking their promise [again] on the gaming referendum. You trust our country in the hands of a Premier with failing businesses of his own to TURN AROUND AN ECONOMY, furthermore through an unelected [God send to well-to-do foreigners] minister making all the decisions.
People abusing alcohol will abuse alcohol. It is not your job to say they can’t buy alcohol from stores on Sunday because of that. Restaurants and bars are open on Sunday. I don’t believe a Referendum would have happened for a number od years, because the PLP wanted to play with it, just like Republicans with Obamacare. Sounds like you have a case of xenaphobia. The intenational business and expats who are the primary source of money coming into Bermuda, but you want to hate on them. You just don’t get it do you!!!!!!!!!!!! Prove that Cannoniers business is failing.
The OBA made the Election promise based upon the PLP’s financials–which were subsequently shown to be falsely misleading the public–incl the OBA! Promises are made on facts as they are known(or believed, so when the circumstances change, there isn’t any logical choice but to change the promise! Wouldn’t you?Rather basic!!
What facts do the OBA have that gaming is the solution to our economic problems? Other islands have gaming & it hasn’t made their economy any better.
Who is saying that it is THE solution?
Most folks that I’ve spoken to or read are saying it’s a step in the right direction, not the solution…
Then why would government circumvent citizen’s voices for something that’s not the solution.
Because it’s going to cost $1m to hold the referendum!! Who’s going to pay for that??
Um… you DO get that there is no one solution, right? Just lots and lots of steps in the right direction.
Good sidestep of my point, though…
Wow… desperate reasoning…
But why should they care now, they’re in.
Good! Get it passed, get it done! No point in dilly dallying any longer on the issue.
dilly dallying?? this is a democratic society isnt it?? or thats what they tell us, the public as a whole should have a say on a topic so important..
sure let’s debate every issue shall we!? If you voted, you had your say. no need for a referendum that will take months and moths to initiate, cause campaigns by different factions and further polarization of the already divided electorate which is the size of a small town!
Think of the cost savings from not holding a referundum….Saving $$$$$$ those saved dollars probably saved some jobs in the civil service.
Great!!! Maybe those dollars saved will go towards combating the future social ills brought on by legalized gambling
Gambling already exists on the island.
You’re really gonna play that dumb this argument?
It is true… Therefore not dumb. If you can’t see it then perhaps it is you that is dumb. I won’t charge you for this consultation.
The subject of the day is gaming not the existent of gambling genius. Save the pro bono consultation for your Premier and UBP err.. OBA ministers.
The UBPoba are rearing their ugly heads once again. This will be what you will see going forward..UBPoba old guard back in real form. The reality is this can also backfire on them…. and I not sure they will be able to recover. Let them bath in sea of lies, but all lies come to the surface sooner, rather than later.
There is NO real factor that ensures that Gambling will have the outcomes that UBPoba are expecting.. Be interesting to see the look on the UBPoba MPs faces and fans in a few months time…when the so called hope of Gambling does not have the huge success as they wished.
The UBPoba do NOT have a “SURE ECONOMIC PLAN” for Bermuda…if all they have to offer Bermuda is Gambling. REALLY !!
Right there? That’s your problem. You think this problem is going to be fixed, or not, “in a few months”…
Dead UBPoba man walking Hinds, your blindfaithfulness has you lying like your so call figure-head leader….stop it…get a grip for a change…dude…
Wow… Betty you are truly an ignorant person
None of that makes a lick of sense, “Betty”.
You’ve lost it.
You’re talking, literally, complete nonsense.
PLP had an economic plan…..DESTROY OUR ECONOMY and blame it on everything but themselves.
The term “we had to deceive you” comes to mind.
Don’t try and pin anything on the PLP for this one! This is all OBA/UBP BS!
you lack integrity,, yes it would be good for jobs to have gaming in bermuda, that is common sense. and I dont object to gaming, i object to the way this topic has been handled in such a deceptive manner, if you have an ounce of credibility, you will at least admit that???
yes, the plp made many decisions that came across as deceptive and i not going to sit here and try and deny what was, but how the OBA has been handling this issue is wrong and leaves alot to be desired, come on
But did they do it to create jobs? Besides all the ones in the civil service, that is…
maybe they did mike, but that is not the point i am making, it was an about face turn and its really setting a bad precedent..
Desperate times call for desperate measures. At least they’re DOING something.
For someone who is not for the OBA you sure bend over backwards to defend them nd their lies.
This isn’t bending over backwards. It’s agreeing with a decision they made. This doesn’t make me a supporter.
But you keep ringing that bell, thinking that it’ll come true.
It won’t, but I’m sick of trying to explain reality to you.
Thanks for admitting that OBAubp does not have a REAL REVENUE GROWING PLAN FOR BERMUDA> this is evident by the lies and broken promises by this UBPoba government. what ensures that this will in fact produces 100 of jobs for Bermuda? What will the UBPoba say if this does not take place. This will be a real blunder in the UBPoba’s face…and pot…. REALLY
When did I admit that, “Betty”?
You’re making things up again. Try honesty. It might just work.
Betty , you seem confused… OBAubp and UBPoba in your post.
One thing that has been confirmed is that the UBP didn’t want gaming, therefore the OBA are NOT the UBP as the OBA will bring in Gaming.
I’m sure you feel much better now Betty or Chris or whatever your name is.
I am not confused. YOUR government is following the Secret Report. SO now I have to call them by their first name….UBPoba. …. I see that the real players of party are in the front line, while pushing the others in the back ground.
Those in the background can only speak or say something when they are allowed too…like your leader….while the old guard is back rearing their ugly UBP heads…only blindness prevents one from accepting that… so guess your blind ….. to it……
Betty you completely ignored my post when you attempted to respond to it. Please try and focus. Your comments are
Ike having some yelling ARSENAL at a MANCHESTER DERBY!!!!!! Annoying and irrelevant.
It can not be so ignorant as you like to give others such a perception of….is so why take the time to write a response…..YOUR CALLED OUT ALL THE UBPoba FANS TO VOTE AHAHAH> POLTICAL STRATEGY OF THE UBPoba folks at work…really…
Is anyone surprised? OBAubp does it again.
They certainly did! They took us yet another step in the right direction!
Gambling is the right direction? Really? What would OBA propose next, legal prostitution? Strip clubs? That seems go hand in hand in gambling towns. I supppose that would be in the right direction as well?
What’s wrong with strip clubs? License them and tax them… More revenue
How are they relevant to this topic. That exploits women. Although there are actually some women who will argue it empowers them and exploits men. Why not suggest it to your local MP. I’m not a fan.
Well done, putting words in my mouth.
And yes. For reasons that people have gone over repeatedly, on both sides of the political divide, gaming is a step in the right direction.
Sorry, he had to deceive us! Taking a page from the book of EB I see. Must be proud….
To Everyone against this move….you really don’t wanna work for a living? You don’t want an alternate income to pay your mortgage, take your vacation, buy your boat, and pay your private school tuition? You really don’t want to attract investment money to our stagnant economy? You really want us to die a slow economic death?
Dreamers the lot of you….why don’t you just MOVE
No they just want to bicker among themselves about what should and could until the cows come home and the rest of the world passes us by. We had 14 years of that kind of bollocks, lets get on with is and improve our economy and modernize our society. Legalize marijuana and we will all be rich in a couple of years!
Rich – no. Morally bankrupt – yes.
Both sides are morally bankrupt, by this definition.
Good job OBA!! Great govt. This is why I voted for you.
If you believe the UBPoba lies that Gambling will be the big job producer, than that suggest your drinking all the Kool-Aid the UBPoba are giving you..I think you need to do some research and maybe you learn that this is not the answer to all of Bermuda’s woes. The UBPoba have failed to develop a “Comprehensive Economic Growth PLAN” for Bermuda…this seems more like a desperate move by this UBPoba government.
Stop falling for this short-quick action to suggest that UBPoba have a PLAN..this is far from it…merely..
Saying the same thing over and over and over – how many times have you said this nonsense on this page alone? – doesn’t make it true.
Its like you hiding out following me…as someone said the other day your are following me and I going to report you to the police…stop it…. blind UBPoba fan…
Wow… now you’re REALLY making things up.
Hey, “Betty”? Not only can I not follow you – as I don’t know your name – I am not hiding.
Unlike you, I sign my name to the words I say.
But that level of honesty isn’t in your wheelhouse, is it?
And… report me to the police? For what?
You’ve lost it.
BLindfaithfulness becomes you diehard UBPoba…lacking any creditability… Even if it means you will defend a lies for the government. REALLY …CHANGE I think not..
Another lie from “Betty”.
At least “she” didn’t claim she was going to call the police this time.
Just lashing out with nonsense because ‘she’ has nothing to say.
Somebody obviously got impatient waiting for this to be rammed down the throats of the people. Not surprised by this, but it is a shameful reversal on the part of Government.
THey canned the referendum. Tbh its a waste of time. Lets just get the law passed already in time for next summer damnit!
Good. Make it happen.
From your post I can summarize that you feel that a referendum is unwarranted at this point? Moreover, the government should simply move forward with making gaming a reality in Bermuda for the various reasons already established in early reports?
I am simply asking for clarity so I understand how you feel about it.
You can “summarize” (not the word you’re looking for) from my post that I think this is a good thing (“Good.”) and that I would like for them to make it happen (“Make it happen.”)
But how I feel about it? Gaming is not only essential to us going forward, but it is also an inevitability and, as such, the sooner we get to making it happen, the better.
I support this move and think it’ say good decision and one that should have been made months ago.
Scratch that. YEARS ago.
Do you support them trying to blame the PLP for their cowardly decision?
What? When? What “cowardly decision”?
They promised a referendum on gambling. The decision to scrap the referendum was not cowardly, but the decision to say it’s the PLP’s fault when it is solely their decision is cowardly. All they had to say was that it is the OBA’s decision, but since they knew that the decision to abandon the referendum would not go down well, they decided to say it’s PLP’s fault.
When did they say it was the PLP’s fault?
I’m asking honestly, because I don’t see that.
(I’m confused. You said, first, “Do you support them trying to blame the PLP for their cowardly decision?”
then you say that blaming the PLP is the cowardly decision…
So… how this is reading is “Do you support them trying to blame the PLP for their cowardly decision to blame the PLP?” which I’m pretty sure isn’t what you want to say…
There is a need for Jobs as a result of the PLP mismanagement of the economy.
Yes I blame the PLP for that.
I’m happy that we don’t have to traipse out in the cold weather to vote on a No Brainer.
OBA looking after the senior citizens in winter. Ther you go …some PLPesque spin. Perhaps that’ll make you feel more at home.
If you believe the UBPoba lies that Gambling will be the big job producer, than that suggest your drinking all the Kool-Aid the UBPoba are giving you..I think you need to do some research and maybe you learn that this is not the answer to all of Bermuda’s woes. The UBPoba have failed to develop a “Comprehensive Economic Growth PLAN” for Bermuda…this seems more like a desperate move by this UBPoba government.
Stop falling for this short-quick action to suggest that UBPoba have a PLAN..this is far from it…merely..
Are you just copying and pasting the same thing in response to everything?
Try making sense.
The OBA have clearly stated that the reason for moving to Casino GAMING is to get investors to build hotels, thus creating jobs. You and the rest of the green barmy army either don’t want to see this or are too obtuse to realize the affect…you lack critical thinking…which by the way is the definition of kool aid drinker…green kool aid…keep saying the same thing over and over and it will be believed is what you think, lot of integrity in that!
Short term benefits…long term problems. Not one person has laid out the medium and long term benefits of this proposition.
Short term benefit is the boost to investment and construction. In the medium to long term, however, this will not bring more tourists to Bermuda. The numbers are the problem that will still exist, even with casinos. Instead what you will have will be empty casinos in the winter that investors want to fill with locals. Now I hear the sucking sound…that my friend is the vacuum cleaner that we just built to suck up all of our money.
Based on… What?
Why are you ignoring the hospitality jobs? Why are you ignoring the fact that, with gaming, we hpnow have something to offer that isn’t weather dependent, thus allowing us to extend our season? How can you say “this will not bring more tourist to Bermuda with such surety? And please tell me you don’t think that I’m saying this is the ONLY step that we need to make. This isn,t a silver bullet. I don’t think anyone is claiming it is. It’s simply a step in a necessary direction.
And “all of our money”? Who our? I don’t gamble. How is this vacuum cleaner gonna get my money?
I’m not ignoring hospitality jobs. I have family who work in the seasonal hospitality industry. Regardless of weather or not gaming is weather dependent, gaming is ubiquitous. What is the incentive to game in Bermuda for a $500 plane ticket and $600 per night, when the alternative is to drive 90 minutes away and sleep in your own bed. Even if this brings 5% or 10% more tourists, the numbers just don’t add up. Do the math. Bermuda will not double her tourism numbers just because casinos are here. This marginal stuff is just a smoke screen.
I, and many others in the industry, and many folks that HAVE done the math, disagree.
The whole point IS that we now have the impetus to create that incentive you’re talking about.
Mr. Hinds. Math is one of my specialties, along with risk analysis, engineering and a few other basic sciences.
Name one successful hotel built in Bermuda within the past 30 years. Now ask yourself what numbers it would take in terms of gambling revenue to make those financial failures a success? How many additional visitors would be needed to make the model sustainable and solely dependent on gambling revenue from visitors?
Gambling revenue from locals is actually a negative sum game. It actually takes out of the local economy.
I’m looking beyond the initial investment to the ongoing operations. Yeah, you get a quick boost up front, but it’s not viable in the long term without harming Bermuda.
Hind. It’s not hard to read my name and reproduce it.
Here’s my problem with the things you’re saying…
“…what numbers it would take in terms of gambling revenue to make those financial failures a success?”
“…solely dependent on gambling revenue from visitors”
You’re basing this on gaming being the sole source of revenue.
It won’t be.
Your initial concept is flawed.
Sorry Mr. Hind.
Nothing in my explanation says anything about gambling being the sole source of revenue. So you are making quite a big assumption about my concept and calculation.
In fact, why don’t you explain how this sustainable business model works since you’ve crunched the numbers.
So… when you said “…solely dependent on gambling revenue from visitors”, you didn’t mean “…solely dependent on gambling revenue from visitors”?
That pretty much says “sole source of revenue”, doesn’t it? What am I missing?
(And I never said I crunched the numbers. But I know folks that have.
YOU, however, have never said what numbers you are talking about…)
How about all the business travellers who have nothing to do in the evenings after a meal?
@Bermyluv says:
December 13, 2013 at 4:27 pm Well said Bermyluv…this is why I say UBPoba have provided not alternative “ECONOMIC PLAN” in the event this is not as successful as they believe it too be….it will see the UBPoba fall on their faces merely out of desperation due to lack of a “Comprehensive Economic growth PLan” for Bermuda. UBPoba keep pushes this as the big all and end all…but folks that know the reality of such a thing as Gambling know this is not it…
Nothing you’ve said on this page has any resemblance to reality…
YOur not reality Mike….stop it the police are looking out for you as they believe your might be a sick old man…your obsession with me…is growing sicker by the minute…..following me everywhere I goes…or looking to write every time I write something….who does that kinda thing….. a sick old man only…….go get a life and stop your UBPoba nonsense…..
Again with the police threat?
This is just a load of gibberish.
And… “old man”? 44 is old? Really?
You’re spiralling out of control, “Betty”!
Betty, Please stop making threats in your posts towards Mike. This is not valuable in any way shape or form.
Please Mike I understand that you are a diehard supporter. It is also common for such supporters to Defend, Defend the UBPoba regardless if they are Right or Wrong. There are others on here that do that daily, but they do not write a comment after each person, as if they are stalking them. It is clear, folks can see that…but to write a comment every time I or someone else makes one kinda, borders on the line of taking it a bit too far.
I know it is your blindfaithfulness that drives you, but I pray that you will get a grip and stop it.
I hope BERNEWS will address your negative behaviours and put a stop to your actions. It almost seems to border on falling off the many folks made this point the other day on Bernews.
Please grow up and stop it. Try to engage in an intelligent and mature debate. As difficult as it might be for you.
“Betty”, you keep pushing these lies.
It’s getting tiresome. I have just as much a right to post as you do, until Bernews says no.
I’m not stalking you, I’m just reading the page and replying. If it seems that I’m posting to you a lot, it’s because you’re posting a lot and, as usual, you are posting lies and misinformation and, as you know I speak out against that.
I am not, as I’ve told you repeatedly, an OBA member or supporter. I don’t “defend” them, I simply speak out against lies and misinformation where I see it and ask questions when I want clarity on something.
You’re confusing me with you. What you’re describing is YOUR behaviour.
Please stop doing that.
They have no faith in the electorate to do the right thing, I am willing to bet……….(pun intended).
It’s faith that enough of the electorate turn out, the church going on crusades and rendering the whole thing redundant. We have the economy the size of a medium sized company in the United states, we have to make decisions quickly in order to diversify our revenue streams otherwise it will be another case of too little, too late.
How does gambling diversify our revenue stream? Gambling is basically tourism…and tourism is dead. People will not come to Bermuda because gambling is here. It’s just something to do once they get here. So, in essence it doesn’t change the problem of tourism numbers. What it does do is give the economy a bump on the front end with the investment and construction, then hiring of low wage workers. Then what happens during the times of year where there aren’t many tourists. Will locals be filling the casino halls? I’m sure the investors want that to be the case. But what does that do for our economy? I absolutely sucks money out of our economy and gives it to the rich guy who built the casino. Bermuda benefits for 2-3 years then loses in the long term.
Jobs Jobs Jobs, Payroll tax, regulator jobs, jobs jobs jobs.
You do understand that the quality of life that we experience is essentially based on foreign exchange. Bermudians passing money back and forth between each other does nothing for an economy that relies on everything being imported.
Gambling is a tourism product. It doesn’t work if the numbers of tourists don’t dramatically increase. By itself, gambling doesn’t translate to increased numbers. What makes more tourists come to Bermuda? That is the question. We’re not talking marginally more. I’m talking about double the numbers of airline travelers.
Not based on foreign exchange. You are mixing up terms. Whether the Yen depreciates against the Euro has limited impact on Bermuda. I fully understand what drives Bermuda’s economy froma macro and micro economic level.
I’m going to buy each member of the OBA pair of FLIP FLOPS for the number of times they’ve changed their stance on an issue this past year.
This is NOT about jobs. They realize they wouldn’t get their way via referendum, they are going to FORCE GAMING on us through legislation. How many of their MPs who are personally against gambling will have the testicular fortitude to vote no or at the very least abstain. Bet they will have to tow the party line.
And if you believe they are going to listen to their MANY constituents who are again gaming, then I have a big casino to sell you!
Yeah, I remember when folk were laughing at the PLP for ‘flip-flopping’. Now that the OBA are doing exactly the same thing, those same people are praising the OBA for a job well done. What a confused world…
The people should be involved.
We elected them but we seem to have lost our voice.
This is not a good sign.
You didn’t Terry, don’t lie !
I am definitely FOR gaming but i dont like being played for a fool.
They are playing games with the people of Bermuda.
Exactly, It is like promises don’t mean anything. This is NUTS!
The old adage “a promise is a comfort to a fool ” comes to mind, I’m looking further ahead to what will we do next, if gambling isn’t enough to save our a$$&s .
Boring, miserable, exploitative and non-productive industry. More rich, greedy people looking for someone to exploit rather than raise people up. Sad day for Bermuda.
Unbelieva…..I mean very Believable! And the broken promises continue. I actually support gaming, but that’s MY opinion, not the other 64,999′s. One term government rings loud and clear!
SHOT Bye! Great decision. The PLP dragged it out without doing a thing. Before them the UBP dragged it out. Both of them afraid of the noisy church vote.
Who says Cannonier is not a decisive leader now? And no, he would not have made this decision all by himself ignoring his colleagues. Looks like the OBA has been getting a sampling of the pulse of Bermuda right here online too.
Get on with it. Maybe there is time for the remaining hotels to order equipment, train people & get something going for next season. If not, it is another season lost.
I support the OBA on this one!
Now get on with it.
Thank The Lord the OBA did not let the PLP sabotage the referendum.That is what would have happened.
and what makes you think the PLP would sabotage the referendum? Most PLP MPs seem to support gaming. The issue is how to involve the general public. But the OBA has no regard or respect for the general public.
This is from wikipedia about the last time Bermuda had a referendum (on independence):
“…the Progressive Labour Party (PLP) urged its membership and supporters to boycott the referendum. The PLP stated that the unwillingness of the UBP government to put forward a plan of substantive constitutional reform made it impossible for it to support the referendum. This was despite independence having been one of the PLP’s central principles since the party’s inception in 1963.”
So perhaps they feared that something similar would happen in this referendum which would stymie the process and hold us back even longer. Who knows. Having a vote in the house will hopefully allow a resolution by our representatives voting what they believe is in the best interest of the people rather than politics.
I, for one, would rather have a voice in the implementation than just in answer to a yes/no question. They seem to be pointing to a collaborative process and this could be better for all of us. I’m hopeful.
Exactly… The PLP talked about this for 5+ years and never made a step, now they talk about the OBA dragging their feet….
A referendum would have cost the taxpayers in excess $100K that truthfully Government don’t have, and sure as the rain will fall the PLP would be winding up the churches and Unions to vote it down (just for spite). So it would be a waste of 100K!!!!
Given that the PLP tabled a referendum bill last year, your logic make no sense.
You have no problem with the OBA telling you they would have a referendum and then changing their minds?
PLP TABLED it, but did NOT pass it! Why – because PLP was all about appearing to be doing something, rather than actually doing anything! Good job OBA for at least moving ahead, despite knowing it might not initially be all that popular. Wait until the first casino is opened, all the PLP byes will make sure they get invited, just like when the Queen visited when DREB was in charge….
In my opinion, it wouldn’t have been the PLP sabotaging the referendum. I could be wrong, but I believe that the OBA/UBP were well aware that the majority of Bermudians would vote no on this. But it appears that they want to do it anyway, whether we like it or not; so I believe that’s why they scrapped the referendum.
I say if that’s the way they play, let them continue. Do not react, just continue to allow them make decisions and pass laws that are unpopular with the people. After all by electing them we effectively stated that they were more intelligent, more honest and more transparent than the PLP.
Being experienced businessmen I imagine they are running Bermuda like they run their businesses. Does the CEO of any business take the time to ask the mail room clerk what they like or what they consider important to them?
The OBA apparently knows what’s best for Bermuda and the wishes of Joe Working-Class really doesn’t matter. And from the comments that I’m seeing, I would assume that you are all in agreement?
I don’t know who you work for, but in my last two jobs, grassroots have been involved in ideas generation. It’s good business practice.
Folks….if you vote a Government in then you should respect that their decisions will be for the betterment of the island. When a Government starts trying to please everybody then NOTHING gets done. They have a plan…let them get on with it! If you are not happy after another 4 years…you will vote them out. Enough said!?
Do you not think that people should hold true to promises made to the electorate when elected?
That is my issue here. I have no issue with the decision, my issue is they made it after saying they wouldn’t.
That is my problem!
Take a look at the PLP platforms……. Hmmmm
Yes-i OBA!!! Bermp! Bermp!!!!!! Gettin the jobs!!!!!!!!
I have been saying this for the past year!! just pass the bill and get development moving in this Country, jobs for Bermudians!!!
Well done OBA!!
Great! Get it set up properly and make it classy. And people can work for the casino instead of the Government!
It takes very energetic & very pleasant people to work in a casino if it is going to be successful.
You mean like Bermudians used to be?
We’ve already shown, for decades, that we’re REALLY good at that.
the OBA does not trust the people
the people need no longer trust the OBA
The PLP has did nothing but promote the referendum and ask for a fair question to be put to the people of Bermuda.
Last week the PLP supporters were against the referendum. It was a “waste of time”. It “wasn’t worded properly”. It “delayed making a decision”. It was “evidence the government isn’t prepared to make a decision”.
Well Chris, now the government is going to save that time, speed things up, make a decision, and CREATE THOSE JOBS.
God, you hate the idea that the government might create jobs, don’t you.
First as an independent, what you are saying is false.
PLP have been on record supporting a referendum. Yes, the referendum question was not worded properly.
The issue is not about creating jobs. The issue is the OBA saying this issue should always be put to a referendum. Before the election, after the election, in their platform, and even tabled a bill for the referendum. In a matter of a few weeks, they do a 360 Degree turn around and say no referendum. Meaning, not allowing the people, for or against, to have a voice on such a vital and historic decision.
When someone makes a number of promises and breaks them and does not keep their word, what are they? LIARS!!
Good Day Bermuda
In 2012, the then PLP government tabled the 2012 Gaming Referendum Act. This Act proposed the following question, “Should there be licensed casino gaming in Bermuda?”
After a year of will or won’t we have a referendum, the OBA has tabled the 2013 Gaming Referendum Act which asks, “Do you favour the introduction of regulated casino gaming for the purposes of creating new jobs fo…r Bermudians and encouraging hotel development?”
Do you feel this an honest question to take to the people? Or a thinly veiled act to exploit the people’s fears over jobs? A means to manipulate the process to ensure a certain outcome?
Why doesn’t the OBA just lay the facts out and ask a non-weighted question allowing Bermudians to decide for themselves?
We are not saying gaming will not encourage hotel development and by extension new jobs. The PLP’s Green Paper on Gaming, showed the potential benefits.
Furthermore, the PLP recognizes that Bermuda needs a game changer in tourism and for our product to be improved. Yet we also recognize that there are risks involved.
That’s why we believe in an honest, open and transparent referendum where both pros and cons are given a full airing and where Bermudians are fully informed . The people’s desire for the direction of our country must be clearly heard.
We cannot allow a process that will be used to exploit Bermudians fears, preying upon the economic challenges of our people. It isn’t fair to Bermudians and it simply isn’t right.
Imagine the sentiments if an anti-gaming government, via referendum asked, “Do you favour the introduction of casino gaming in spite of the vast social problems it creates in societies across the globe?”
How would pro-gaming Bermudians react?
Faith in Bermudians
Despite the thinly veiled comments we hear daily, Bermudians are NOT stupid. We are more than capable of making an informed rational choices about the direction of our island home.
We do not need to be manipulated into making the “right” decision. At the end of the day, armed with the facts we may not all agree, but we will be capable of deciding for ourselves.
Between the OBA’s indecisiveness and the dubious referendum question they intend to ask, the Referendum debate is already off to a shaky start.
In the last year we saw our Premier, seemingly indecisive about whether to keep the OBA’s promise to hold a referendum and obey the will of the people.
A year that saw hotel investment fly to competitors like Jamaica, while we were paralyzed. After a year, the Premier has made the right choice and the people will finally have their say.
Now, we need an open, honest and transparent process free of manipulation that will give an open, honest and transparent result.
A chance for Unity
The opportunity exists for collaboration. The PLP is offering to work with the OBA to get the referendum question balanced.
Ensuring that both sides of the gaming debate have their say and on an open process free of manipulation. Bermudians deserve nothing less.
Please continue to share your ideas with us
Thank you
Senator Diallo V. Rabain
This was put out over a week ago
From those wonderful guys who destroyed the economy because they didn’t have enough overseas junkets to find the right consultants and had to put up with lunches down at the Harbourfront – bunch of spoilt brats if you ask me, well worse to be truthful.
I see that letter as a veiled threat. How could anyone interpret it otherwise..
No surprises there…
OBA are moving forward..
Do you want Bermudians to have Jobs ? Y/N
and the people don’t trust the PLP, or they would have voted for them.
Where does this leave us?
Do you want our kids to have a better future? Y/N.
Yep. And this step will at least give us the possibility of that happening… as opposed to NOT taking the step.
Crocodile Tears
Chris Famous and the PLP have no interest in growing our economy. They are people pleasers who are afraid to make bold decisions. They are all talk and no action. If they were about action they would have PASSED gaming legislation years ago. Reason Dr. Brown failed was that so many people, including his own colleagues (rightly so) didn’t trust him. Good job OBA. Keep making bold decisions. You may not win in 4 years time, but you will turn our economy around and we all know the PLP will simply follow your the trail you have blazed, just like they did for their first 5 years in power after 1998. It was when Jennifer Smith was turfed out in 2003 that the rot set in and DREB & Co set him selves up to feed at the trough and drive IB out of Bermuda because IB refused to play the 15% game.
Did you have a hard time getting ahead in school coming up; subjects like critical thinking?
Not that I approve, but at least something is getting done rather than the last lot who were scared to do anything except throw money we did not have at numerous inane projects to buy off the electorate. Let’s hope we get top quality operators rather than some politicians pals who think they know how to do it.
So they bypass the people and now are trying to blame it on the PLP!
how ridiculous.
Craig Cannonier has NO SHAME.
Is there anything he could do that would meet with your approval? Besides crossing the floor or quitting?
No job for you!
I seem to recall that a Opposition foundation tenet is Bermuda’s Independence but when there was the opportunity to move the country towards that reality, the Opposition derailed that chance because “We are not in Power”
Can anyone provide me with a single option that in the space of 3-9 months from right now could potentially employ hundreds of Bermudians? Here is the concern for the people of Bermuda over the politics of Bermuda.
The Opposition has stated publically on several occasions that they are in support of casino gaming in Bermuda for the very reasons that were stated in the referendum question. The Opposition has a track record of “while we support it, we will not let you do it”. Recall 1995. The strategy of the Opposition is not for the betterment of the people of Bermuda but the singular obsession to be in control.
All of the previous rhetoric regarding collaboration are again proving to be outright false from the Opposition. Here was the perfect opportunity to move forward jointly on a topic that everyone knows can provide some relief to the numbers of people that are unemployed and the Opposition wants to play politics.
This is not even a surprise. The OBA is going to take licks on breaking this campaign promise, that is understood, but I would rather increase the potential for hundreds of Bermudian jobs than to watch an Opposition destroy the opportunity for nothing more than “we want power”. #proudtobeBermudian.
There is likely much truth in your statement. Well said.
This is great news. It keeps the churches from getting involved in getting their members to go out and vote against gaming. Less money into their collection plates and bingo nights. Now this money will go somewhere where it can be taxed and used more effectively. Any extra revenue for this Island is a good thing. Many of these anti-gaming people fail to realise that. If Bermuda can take on gaming and brand itself similarly to Las Vegas or Monte Carlo then we can only benefit from gaming.
Once you get off the strip, most of Vegas is crap!
Jobs Jobs Jobs????
I am in favor of Gaming in Bermuda, but I do not believe it is our savior. I do not think that there will be an influx of Bermudian jobs unless Bermudians are being trained while the building(s) is/are being built. Yes, this could stimulate our construction industry for the short term but the long term employment is in the hotels/casinos themselves. Unless we shape the mindset of Bermudians to seek careers in the hospitality industry and unless we train our people up, I see nothing but more jobs for foreigners who can’t annunciate their words properly.
What changed since the Throne Speech? This reeks of secret deals on the sidelines. What has changed from a whole year of publicly stating that the People’s vote would be respected on this issue? Both parties campaigned on a referendum how can the government be so callous with regard to the people. It would seem that this government is acting like it will not be elected at the next election and the urgency of now is about smash and grab.
Croupier training takes a matter of weeks and can be a very lucrative career. The rest of your post is spot on… But think of this, the possibility of gaming, as the impetus to get us back into wanting jobs in hospitality. After all the “service is servitude” messages we’ve been getting, it’s time we start taking pride in our hospitality industry, like we used to.
Second paragraph, however, is all baseless, biased supposition, with nothing to back it up.
Well put.
Jobs serving who? Yeah a casino needs workers, but it also needs patrons. No one has shown me how a casino will result in more visitors coming to Bermuda. The US is littered with casinos these days. People will not come to Bermuda just because we have a couple of casinos now. If the casinos don’t result in increasing visitor numbers on a long term basis its a failing proposition. The numbers just don’t add up.
You keep saying that… What numbers? Where are you getting these numbers?
Everyone on here that is against us having casinos must not understand basics of Economics.
The OBA is trying to make forward strides to keep up with the rest of the world.
Bermuda has NOTHING to offer our visitors apart from pretty beaches. we need to keep visits here happy!
Clue in people!
Please explain the basic economic concept that you are referring to. “If you build it, they will come.”
In your mind, people don’t come to Bermuda because there is nothing to do and gambling will give them something to do. Thus, we will increase our numbers by x% by virtue of having casinos.
In my mind, people don’t come to Bermuda because it is a bad value proposition. Even subsidized by gambling revenue, the hospitality industry will struggle unless the numbers of visitors increase drastically. I have yet to see the equation or series of equations outlining “casinos = x = more tourists = sustainable hospitality industry”.
X = outside investment in the industry
A very disappointing and concerning turnaround. I do not believe that having gambling in Bermuda is of any value for us and I would say that the OBA are taking a significant gamble here by excluding us in the democratic process.
The throne speech was a month ago. What has happened in the past month for the OBA to switch gears and cancel the referendum? Cannonier needs to be honest. If he can.
I am personally in favor of the introduction of casino gaming on the island. If approved, I don’t think it should limited to just our tourists. It should be open to anyone who wants to participate.
Politicos and their die-hard supporters will (as always) play politics with this decision (not to go to a referendum) but the fact is, Bermuda desperately needs to do something to make her a little more attractive to visitors and outside investors.
The decision not to have a referendum is not a guarantee that gaming will pass. Will the vote in Parliament be a vote of conscious? Will partly lines on the issue be enforced? Who knows!
The gaming decision can still go either way. Let’s not draw premature conclusions until we have more information.
About time….there will be no major hotel developement without it but it would seem that some prefer the typical Bermudian method of debating the issue forever …we have little time left without major initiatives thanks to the PLP so get on with it and ignore the tepid opposition that they represent…..the OBA is in charge so stop playing games and use the next 4 years to try to save this place and it’s people…
I need a rum
I’ve taken a liking to moonshine, the apple pie variety.
Whether you are for or against gaming, you have been lied to. This government is dead set that gaming will be passed and they knew that it would not pass with a referendum. They care nothing about what the people want or think. They neither trust nor respect the people. We will remind them who they work for at the next election.
That’s one way to look at it.
The UBP didn’t want gaming, so the OBA are not the UBP
is another way of looking at it.
jobs, jobs jobs !!!
Really? wer u ben the last 14 yrs? I mean really????
Beg to disagree. It would have passed, by a landslide. The OBA just saved hundreds of thousands by not having the referendum.
Take a wild guess who will be first to apply up for the jobs directly and indirectly related to Gaming….the bunch of hypocrites crying over nothing.
Bermuda needs gaming in order to stay competitive. A referendum would simply be too risky because Bermuda contains too many stupid people who can’t see this very simple fact. They think that ‘God’ is going to save us or something equally idiotic.
Let’s not forget about the half million dollars that will be saved by not having this unnecessary event.
How does gaming make Bermuda competitive? Oh you mean for investors, not for tourists. We’ve long passed the point of price competitiveness. Bermuda is just too expensive. For the investor, gaming provides an additional revenue source. But the investor will want that revenue all year round including the low tourist season. That means they will want locals spending and losing their money there too. How does that benefit our economy 5 years from now when all the construction has stopped? It doesn’t.
Will people not work in hotels or services that benefit from Gaming? Will the Government not implement a marginal gaming tax, which will in turn provide tax revenues to ensure civil service jobs and also financing of much needed social welfare.
Tourism dos also not need to be seasonal in Bermuda provided you give the tourists something to do!? We are 2 hours from the east coast.
You do know that Atlantic City is in the east coast? Gamers don’t need sunshine & beaches to be happy. The most famous gaming destination is in a desert for goodness sake.
Bermyluv: Yeah your right, why should we even get out of bed in the morning? Why should we try anything new at all? You are just the sort of person who way back would have complained about indoor toilets and how unhealthy they would be.
Stay in the past – I;m heading for the future. I* hope my fellow Bermudians do too and don’t listen to people like you.
Why are you alive? Guess you’re stuck with it huh?
Essentially, what you are saying is that because this looks good in the short term we should jump at it and not question the long-term ramifications. You are so wrong about me mate. I’m all about the numbers…about the science…about the facts.
You’re naive to suggest that gambling is a new thing. That’s the irony of your post. There is nothing novel about gambling. In fact, Bermuda missed that boat completely. Casinos are now everywhere. So it’s nothing new, nothing transformative. It just means that the man who built the casino will make money on the gambling side. That’s just the dollars and cents of it.
But that guy making money doesn’t necessarily mean good things for Bermuda.
So… where ARE you getting the numbers you keep talking about from?
You haven’t said yet.
Where are you getting the numbers that say this will work? The government statistics and numbers of hotels in receivership indicate that Bermuda as a tourist destination presently is a failed proposition.
What you’re implying is that some combination of gambling and some other fairy dust component will some how turn this into a winning proposition, not just for hoteliers, but for all of Bermuda. I don’t buy it.
Oh, and I like to gamble on a cruise or on the occasional Vegas trip…Oh, and when I used to live outside Detroit too (they have 3 casinos).
I’m not the one that keeps claiming the numbers don’t work. I haven’t claimed to know the numbers.
What YOU’RE implying is that it absolutely won’t work. I’m just asking why. I’ve explained why I think it will, repeatedly.
Sleight of Hand
No more magic tricks please! Neither party is exempt from trying to deceive us, but I’m sure they both know that we are too smart for these things, so perhaps this is not deception then? This is blatant “we can do what we want, we have the money and the power to create jobs, so just be quiet, sit back and know your place.” This is just life in Bermuda, UBP brought Bermuda into prosperity, and if that is what we want, they will do it again, by any means necessary.
lol, didnt see this one coming…. not
Even I am no longer am agaist Casinos here if it gets 1 or 2 hotels built.
But there is no island that has turned tourism around due to casinos. That is a fact. Those who have traveled for 30+ years to the Caribbean as I have know this to be the truth.
All I can say right now is, no matter how you cut it, we need some serious stimulus to get us out of this hole we find ourselves in. In two years time, all the nay sayers will say ” Wow this is the best thing the OBA has done for BDA. Booming economy, investment money for new projects, new projects mean JOBS FOR BERMUDIANS and BDA BUSINESS. We need leadership that leads and makes decisions, I know that they dont have 100% backing in favor of gaming, but better that half that figure want to see this economy turns itself around. What esle do we have to offer. Our beaches and pink sand no longer have the lustre, or its friendly people, or its pastel houses or golf courses. Gaming in my opinion is a good fit for a Tropical Island. The time to act is here, stop the BS people and lets get on with it.
Sounds like we can form another gvt and opposition with all these ideas, and whos sleeping with who etc…
Just saying
Could it be that somebody wants to open up their Casino like yesterday?
Good! _I_ want them to open their casino, like yesterday!
Keep up the people’s work OBA!
Gaming should have been allowed many years ago..all the other Islands have been laughing their combined donkeys off at Bermuda for years and you all know it!
All the other Islands have been laughing? Are you serious? Bermuda has done far better than the other islands for years while they had gaming. Gaming hasn’t taken the third world islands out of that status.
Bermuda would be a 3rd world Island if we didn’t have International Business, something the islands to the south of us are very envious of.
Marc Bean is trying to deceive us on this issue.Who did he learn that from?
Trying to remember the tune on that fatal night on the Titanic.
John Swan (the swans song) and John Barritt must be scratching their balls with gold dust.
You guys just don’t get it.
My friend Benito once said “The truth is that men are tired of liberty”.
Ponder that.
The PLP have always been for independence and yet in 1995 they organized a boycott of Sir John’s/UBP’s indepdence referendum. Why? Well I have my thoughts.
And now it appears that history is more than likely repeating itself.
Power before people.
One thing is that you can’t accuse this Government of simply wanting power for power’s sake. They know full well that such decisions will eat away at their votes which means they taking the decisions to that they know will stimulate the construction and tourism trades as well as provide a new career sector for locals. So it is apparent that they are more than willing to take the hard, but ultimately correct, decisions instead of kicking the can down the road because of their fear of losing or not being able to regain power.
It is about time.
The great comedic genuis Flip Wilson had a perfect excuse for one of his character’s antics: “The devil made me do it” he would say. Personally, I have no issue with not having a referendum. It doesn’t change how I feel about gaming and if they’ve saved us enduring a campaign-style run-up to the vote then fine. What is simply unbelievable however is the Premier’s suggestion that this was some kind of evasive action to mute a likely Opposition campaign to scuttle the whole thing. Sorry, but i don’t believe that for one moment. The word has been out for some time that the Cabinet was divided on whether to hold a referendum and that Crock was terrified to be seen breaking a promise while others wanted to push ahead with something like what today brought. The suggestion that this is the Opposition’s fault on the very day of the debate they pull this stunt is laughable and smells most Grearson-esque in its style.
Good decision Premier, but cowardly and suspect reasoning. So now, not only is the PLP responsible for the rain yesterday but they’ll be at fault for the rain tomorrow too.
Just for good measure, anyone who thinks this gaming thing will bring loads of jobs is a dreamer. Like everything else in Bermuda, blackjack dealers from Germany or Canada will know how to do it better than we can. Watch.
It is time to vote this Government right out of office, I am so sick of their lies and trickery.
Let them keep on thinking we our all stupid and don’t know what’s really going on,they will be the first Government body in history to be marched right out of office, let them keep playing games, keep it up Craig think where playing with you and your UBP games.
Watch and see.
No. It’s not time. This is a democracy. The election is still a ways off. They won’t be marched out of office, they will be voted out. That’s how it works.
In a democracy the people have a voice & a right to chose.
Yes, they do. At the right time.
This isn’t it.
Interesting! You believe it’s alright for a government to revoke rights when they see fit. Must be some dire circumstances then. Funny how in another post gaming is just a step in the right direction. It’s vital that our drug prohibition laws are revised in order for our island to begin to remedy gang violence. Do think government is going to take that straight to cabinet? Surely it’s just as server to get done.
That’s a bold supposition. I’m not sure what would lead you to think that.
Why would you say that?
And I’m not sure why you’re arguing about drug laws, and with me! I’ve been pretty vocal about my belief that we need to make a change there.
I have read your stance on drug laws & know you realize change is a necessity. That’s why I’m making a comparison to how the government have pushed gaming to the forefront but not the solution to where most of our violence stems. I would think someone like you would realize the irony in this. A government should be of the people, by the people, for the people. Casinos should not be priority & can wait while terrorism on our society should be addressed immediately. Either topic should have societies input before choosing the path.
Apples and oranges.
You have your priorities and I have mine.
This ONE TIME UBPoba government will be most likely voted out..due their lack of TRANSPARENCY AND MISINFORMATION THEY SPIT OUT DAILY>>
And you know ALL about misinformation, dontcha?
That is a false “Betty”. The real Betty would never take one sentence to spout “her” opinion. The PLP need to pay attention more if they want to abuse a Pseudonym.
Your UBPoba leader needs each word written for him, while the UBP boys lead him to say what he does…REALLY
Care to back that up with evidence?
I doubt it.
You’ve lied and made stuff up so far. Why start being honest now?
I know I wouldn’t vote for them if they mar my beautiful Island with gambling.
Would you vote for them under ANY circumstances?
‘This is a democracy’?? What side of your mouth are you speaking this time Mike?
I have no idea what you are talking about.
Are you one of those “I’m gonna take a potshot at Mike and make some bizarre, vague claim against him that isn’t true, while hiding behind a pen name, and then run away when asked to explained” kinda guys?
Trolls normally do find it difficult to remember what they say in earlier post… Well it’s on this topic somewhere amongst your 285 posts, of which, 285 are nonsense..
Oh! It’s you, popping in to make some “clever” poke at me. I didn’t recognize you, as I don’t keep track of cowards who attack folks while hiding behind a pen name. Do you have anything to say about WHAT I post? Or are you just morally offended to the core about how often I post? I mean, SOMETHING must have put a bug up your butt enough for you to take the time to post this nebulous insult about… whatever it is you’re mad about. I may have told you this before… look up the word “Troll”. You’re using it wrong.
In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people,[1] by posting inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a forum, chat room, or blog), either accidentally[3][4] or with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[5] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion
For example: Popping in to insult someone for no real reason while hiding like a coward behind a pseudonym.
Unless you want to have a discussion, why bother posting?
You sound like another PLP mouthpiece, like Betty Trump.
Somehow this post moved. It was a reply to tellitlikeitis
Brother Cannonier,you will get my vote.Actually,As you are not in my constituency your representative will get it!
We people need work.and this might help us.
If anybody can spot a “bold faced lie,” it is surely Mr. Derrick Burgess.
He gave the chuckle of the day talking about how he is a church goer yesterday. Must be The 1st Church of United Hypocrites.
He goes for the free sandwiches afterwards.
No turning back now – only hope OBA have of winning the next election is to show significant results – but I think that was the case anyway.
I imagine certain ongoing investigations have the potential to change the political landscape for a generation – billions, not millions is the thinking.
To see and hear the faux outrage by the Opposition Deputy Leader is comical. The PLP talked about, yet did nothing for 14 years out of a perceived fear of a segment of their voter support. Now suddenly as Opposition they are trying to take the high ground. The same as allowing the sale of alcohol on a Sunday. Soon it will be decimalization of marijuana. The majority of the PLP seems to be in favor but avoided the issue. The OBA should never had said they would have a referendum on gaming, that is their main mistake. The purpose of a referendum should be to allow the general public to bring an issue to the attention of Government and the public, not for the elected Government to seek the publics’ input. They were elected to do that, which is what the OBA is now doing.
First, there is really no need to talk about the PLP and what they did or didn’t do in the past 14 years. I think this is an attempt to deflect from the real issue regarding this press release.
Secondly, I don’t understand how people are so accepting of the fact that this government over the past few years have campaigned on the promise ‘we will’ have a referendum on gaming. Earlier this year Bahamas held a referendum to legalize gambling for citizens. Yet, it Bermuda we are denied this right after being promised we can participate in an important democratic process.
How about having some integrity, how about keeping your word, how about standing for something, how about not flip-flopping? Flip-flop on term limits, on the urgent care center, and now this. I am sure there are more in just this past year.
“The PLP talked about, yet did nothing for 14 years out of a perceived fear of a segment of their voter support. Now suddenly as Opposition they are trying to take the high ground.”
Gaming wasn’t a topic of concern 14 years ago, not even 10 or 8 years ago or maybe even 5 years ago. Gaming has come such a hot topic because we are desperate for jobs, it has only been a hot button issue of the past 2 – 3 years. In fact the PLP did try to get the ball rolling with gaming. In 2012, the then PLP government tabled the 2012 Gaming Referendum Act. But that is neither here or there.
I am for more job creation, it is needed. However, in our biasness we cannot neglect the need to hold any government accountable based on their word. If they get away with it once or twice it sets the precedent for any government to do it again.
I leave you with this question.
If with independence comes some jobs, and the PLP are the government. Will it be acceptable if the PLP said no referendum on independence after saying they will have a referendum and the government will decide on this issue?
Independence is a completely different issue. It will not be decided by MPs as it will require a majority vote by the people. That has been established and reinforced in the past to The Government of the day many times.
I could be wrong, but there is nothing in our constitution that mandates that the issue of independence “will require a majority vote by the people” aka a referendum.
But before others comment, this has nothing to do about independence, my question was just and example using independence.
“That has been established and reinforced in the past to The Government of the day many times.”
I take this comment to mean, “that has been established and reinforced in the past by The Government of the day” based on their word to allow the majority to vote to deicide. So based on that, and this news article, a government’s word (PLP or OBA) has to value, holds no water, cannot be trusted.
@We the P
There is every reason why people should continue to remind us of what a mess the PLP made . Do you have any clue how our debt situation is going to continue to affect you and you children’s future for many years to come ? A total mess created by the PLP that had the UBP done it the PLP would still be going on about it in the year 2050 should they have been continuously returned until then .
And it wasn’t just total ineptitude concerning money management either . Their xenophobic stance (YES they ARE xenophobes) scared away the money and will continue to do so for as long as there’s ever a chance they could get back in .
At any rate , it’s your last paragraph that I want to take up . I can’t , in fact , understand why it’s taken so long for this aspect of the discussion to come up , but going over these threads for the last week and seeing the utter stupidity out there , it doesn’t surprise me.
It’s obvious to see who is so in favour of gaming that they’re happy to see government decide to handle it with a vote in the house even though exact details of the vote are not yet known.
They’re presuming that it will slide in easily with a ‘yes’ that will please them , but what if the shoe was on the other foot ?
I’d wager that by and far the largest number of the ‘just do it , that’s what you were elected for ‘ crew are against independence.
What if we woke up one day and found out that they were going to take a vote in the house , and the outcome would be binding, on independence ?
To be perfectly honest I’m surprised that the PLP didn’t do it in the 14 years that they had .
I also doubt strongly that the OBA mp’s will be canvassing any of their constituents over this issue either.
Anyway ,just to clarify , I’m not actually against gaming , but we still don’t have a clue as to who will get the casinos , where they will be or even if us locals will be allowed to participate .
Now , ‘dislike’ away everyone .
Thank you for your comment.
“There is every reason why people should continue to remind us of what a mess the PLP made.”
When I said, “there is really no need to talk about the PLP and what they did or didn’t do in the past 14 years,” because I think it has nothing to do with the reversal in the decision by this government not to hold a referendum. I did say “I think this is an attempt to deflect from the real issue regarding this press release.”
Now, what you are saying may be true ” total ineptitude concerning money management either . Their xenophobic stance (YES they ARE xenophobes) scared away the money…” but my point was not from a position of defending the PLP. My point, to the comment I responded to above, was simply this; Talking about the PLP, this and that, over the last 14 years in relation to THIS PARTICULAR press release, really is a mute point. It serves to purpose. I say that respectfully.
This news article is about this government’s decision to renege on their word to hold a referendum on such an historic piece of legislation that will impact the island as a whole. The jurisdictions to the south of us have done the right thing and held referendums on gaming just earlier this year. I am neither for or against gaming, because I don’t know all the details. Who will be allowed in the casinos, where will these casinos be located, who will they be owned by, how many will be allowed?
To put it simply, a referendum would have been ‘THE RIGHT THING TO DO.’ And it wouldn’t take long. The OBA tabled the bill and the question a few ago, they could have passed it without the PLP, and simply announced the date of the referendum. Correct me if I am wrong (with evidence or a source).
“At any rate , it’s your last paragraph that I want to take up . I can’t , in fact , understand why it’s taken so long for this aspect of the discussion to come up”
First, let me make this clear. I am no way endorsing independence or the PLP. I just tied the two together because traditionally the PLP have supported independence. My question is essentially asking the same question you posted, if I understand it correctly. “What if we woke up one day and found out that they were going to take a vote in the house , and the outcome would be binding, on independence ? I simply asked “Will it be acceptable if the PLP (one day) said no referendum on independence after saying they will have a referendum and the government will decide on this issue (take a vote in the house and the outcome would be binding )?” To my mind it is the same scenario, just a different topic. Independence and gaming could both have a major impact both financially and socially on this island as a whole. I was asking because from a government perspective, it sets the precedence for a government to renege on such an important promise of a referendum. While independent is a bigger subject, the fundamentals of my question and what this government has decided, are the same.
Just let the PLP back in “power” so those PLP supporters can suffer with me! Um tired of Bermuda politics its boring and disgraceful! Get ya gardens ready cuz mine is in full swing!!! Its just amazes me that the PLP put us ALL in this situation and people still support them! SMFH!!! WE are DOOMED!!!
Well done OBA. You were elected to lead the country. This requires bold and decisive moves. This is a good example of strong leadership. It takes guts to make difficult decisions and I, for one, am proud of you. My vote is 100% in your court now. More decisions like this are needed for our country….and soon.
Well done UBPoba for being dishonest to the people of Bermuda, Failing to be HONEST based upon the promise you made to the people of Bermuda. This is far from a good example of good leadership but that of political trickery. Lying to the People of Bermuda does look for any party whom have so far broken every election promise since their election. This Gambling is not a Magic Bullet, but rather a small thing which may not even ensure jobs for Bermuda.
I am so glad the OBA is only going to be the Govt. for 1 term!!!
Let’s give the OBA at least 14 yrs to straighten out the PLP’s mess!
It is going to take longer than that. They destroyed in 14 years what took generations to build.
I doubt that 14 years will be enough to straighten out the mess left behind…the OBA has this one shot so all stops must be pulled out but the PLP faithful do not seem to grasp that….looks like the PLP Central Committee has issued orders to post on Bernews….how many BIU Execs are posting here?
It is that noticeable. It looks like they all get called over to Alaska Hall, get some sweet colourful beverage, maybe some cookies & have a little meeting to plan/be told what to do then get sent back to the field.
Good thing is more & more are seeing the light & walking off the job leaving only a few, in various forms, to carry on.
The OBA are really starting to show their true colors. I guess the good old saying about never trust a politician is very true. One of the pillars of your platform was to have a referendum on gaming. How can you all of a sudden do a a complete reversal on this?
We must hold the OBA accountable for this. If this is something that they promised the people that voted them in, they either have a lot of explaining to do, or we need to vote them out with a vote of no confidence!
Who cares? Really? It’s inevitable, save time and money and get on with it.
i do hold them accountable…they would have lost my vote if they had caved in to the PLP games and nonsense. OUR country is more important than PLP propaganda and points scoring.
This is a true story… kid came home for christmas break last week. My wife hands him the car keys to our 3 month old Jeep Patriot last night..and this morning I noticed a large dent that wasn’t there last night when he left. He didn’t admit to the damage, he didn’t apologize and he certainly doesn’t have the means to repair the damage. He’s now banned for life. Now take alla that and explain to me why would anyone in their right mind give the PLP another chance?
Bring on the gambling…..legalize marijuana……support same sex marriage…forget racism….come on Bermuda …time to start moving forward.
Looks like the OBA has out UBP’d the PLP !!
Oh the indignation of it all!!!! The OBA has taken a leaf out of the PLP playbook & pulled a fast one on them.
They have a long way to go to equal smuggling in people, without even talking to their own caucus, in the middle of the night. Lets not even be reminded of stealing a premiership within hours of an election.
No the OBA is in the Little League when it comes to political tricks compared to the PLP.
I am afraid that in these difficult times perhaps the motto of all politicians should be “Oh Lord make my words tender and palatable for tomorrow I may have to eat them.”
I think the referendum, as per proposed wording, would have been an utter waste of time and money. Whilst I am not for gambling I agree with this being debated and voted upon in Parliament.
I’m going to hone my card counting skills (not yet a crime here) and become financially independent. And to hell with both your houses (especially The Godfather’s) because the only ones that now matter are those with Aces, Tens and Royalty.
I will never vote PLP again.look at the shenanigans at the Corporation.Someone should be locked up.
Just one locked up?
Attention Politicians: Do you you are paid to do. No more messing around, no more delays. Pass the gaming bill already. Bring Bermuda into this century.
Good, now get on with it. Referenda are time consuming and expensive. This is merely a policy decision. I presume there’s a developer waiting in the wings. I hope so.
Gives the PLP some opportunity for bleating, let them enjoy it while it lasts, we’ll be moving on with or without them.
The indignation of Burgess is a joy to behold.
Over 300 comments in a day. This has to be a record.
Indeed, and many of them so negative and hateful.
I really dont understand how some people can want so badly for the current government to be lying scumbags who are out to deceive us and run the country into the ground. Theres nothing wrong with having an opinion and disagreeing on the way things are done but some of these comments make you think some people want this government to fail. Do they not realize that OBAs failure will be Bermudas failure? The OBA is in power now, only they can make things happen, only they can make things work, only they can make things better. While they are in power, i wish them nothing but the best and all i can do is hope they do a good job. If/when the PLP is voted back into power in a few years, i will wish them the best as well. The governments success is Bermudas success, why wouldnt you wish them the best? Less negativity please!
“some people want this government to fail.”
In one word “power”
like children throwing toys out of the pram.
All part of the re election plan from the PLP. Just to bad the OBA fell for it. So PLP when you gonna try a vote of no confidence to force an election thus stealling the government fair and square. lol Don’t be so gullible why do you think 102 on the radio is the way it is please and does the things it does.
LOL can’t even say I’ll wait till the racist ones die they spend all day creating and influencing new ones…
It is so nice to see open govt.The former years 2007-2012 was nothing but take,take take by our politicians.Now we see a transparent govt for the people.
The OBA government flip-flop on a gambling referendum amounts to this; they feared they would have lost the vote on gambling; how else can you explain the suppose wording of the referendum. It was set up so people would find it hard not to vote in favour; Who is going to deny jobs for Bermudians?
But to tell the lie that the PLP was about to call a boycott over the wording? This was an attempt on the part of the OBA to wear a fig-leaf in public hoping that Bermuda’s won’t see that it has broken yet another promise.
Unless they have made a promise to some big gambling interests that promise them that they will built a casino in Bermuda if they can have a Licence ; I wonder what makes them think that there is a line of potential investors just chopping at the bit just to get in here? Recently in Spain some potential gambling interests pulled out of a deal; so there is no guarantees? Besides who is going to pay high airfares to get to Bermuda and than be face with high hotel rates even before you hit the tables. Our focus in on the wrong area as far as tourism is concern. No they did not trust the people; this is the classic mentality on the part of some political leaders; ‘ This is too important to be left to the people to decide’.
Hello Alvin. Ride into town a little late on this one did you?
First of all nobody with any clue on tourism knows that visitors will not come here primarily to gamble. We missed that opportunity many years ago. If they want to gamble the nearest casino is only the next state away these days. Gaming here will be something more to do. Particularly, something to do at night.
As far as not going by route of a referendum goes, no matter how the question was worded only a fool would vote against gaming. Every survey has shown us to be in favour of gaming. The OBA just saved us hundreds of thousands, less than a trip to China or Dubai, in having a referendum.
If you think the change is underhanded, maybe. It looks like the OBA may have taken a page out of the PLP playbook though this is nothing like stealing the Premiership within hours of an election. If that is not messing with the voters, well…..
Alvin – “Our focus in on the wrong area as far as tourism is concern.” You were happy with the focs over the last 14 years? I don’t remember you voicing your concern then.
Well said Mr. Williams, the UBPoba did fear that they are losing the support of the people. If so why not have a Referendum. It is clear, only the blind supporters will attempt to live in UBPoba DENIAL. THe reality is there is no sure outcome for Gambling in Bermuda, and most likely it having a long-term success in Bermuda. We can see that even with a hotel being built, it does not ensure that Gambling will be a big success in Bermuda. The UBPoba are desperate and this is the outcome of a such.
Alvin, didn’t see anything from you on the COH story. The can of worms is being opened isn’t it.
While the usual bloggers are on here berating the OBA Government for being transparent in saying that the issue will be decided by MPs, over on another thread where serious malfeasance and maybe illegal acts have been uncovered involving the CoH there is a deathly silence from the same bloggers. Could it be that the 3 CoH officials share certain similarities to the exPLP Government and that despite the Office of the Ombudsman having been created by the PLP, this was not the type of Report expected from that Office? The PLP needs to stand up and take credit for creating The Office of the Ombudsman, and applaud her for the Report and for uncovering such unsavory matters.
Did the UBPoba run on a Platform which continue to promise the people TRANSPARENCY, guess they did not know that what that really means. Looks like TRANSPARENCY is killing them Quickly and time will be the real teller of them falling on their swords. The UBPoba have told Bermuda they are indeed a government that is DISHONEST and NOT TO BE TRUSTED……at least BErmuda is now aware of what they say, is not what they will do !!!
Transparency is the Ombudsman’s COH report Betty. We can see clearly what motivates the PLP politicians. No different than before. Personal power and self-dealing. That’s all they’re interested in.
No, “Betty”. Dishonest and not to be trusted is YOU.
No, “Mike”. Dishonest and not to be trusted is your beloved UBPoba folks and some of their supporters, like you.
Now call up your UBPoba fans to vote…….it does not matter the real truth is out there, and folks know differently,.
See, like I said. Dishonest and not to be trusted.
I’ve explained time and again that I’m not an OBA supporter, but, because I expose you, you have to try to make it seem like I have an agenda, rather than you just being wrong and false, like, ALL the time.
I notice that you aren’t getting the “Dislike” votes you’re looking for. Could it be because… you’re making the whole “You’re getting people to vote me down” thing?
Oh, yeah. It is.
Dishonest. Not to be trusted.
Don’t feed the troll Mike unless you have lots of time to waste & don’t mind an exercise in futility.
NO, Mike, and the other diehard blindfaithfulness followers of the UBPoba, Dishonest is UBPoba, this week has been a REAL examine of that…keep it up….I love it…its leading to the UBPoba becoming more of ONE TIME government…I am enjoying it…keep pushing the….
Please Mike I understand that you are a diehard supporter. It is also common for such supporters to Defend, Defend the UBPoba regardless if they are Right or Wrong. There are others on here that do that daily, but they do not write a comment after each person, as if they are stalking them. It is clear, folks can see that…but to write a comment every time I or someone else makes one kinda, borders on the line of taking it a bit too far.
I know it is your blindfaithfulness that drives you, but I pray that you will get a grip and stop it.
I hope BERNEWS will address your negative behaviours and put a stop to your actions. It almost seems to border on falling off the many folks made this point the other day on Bernews.
Please grow up and stop it. Try to engage in an intelligent and mature debate. As difficult as it might be for you.
Diehard blindfaithfulness of the UBPoba is making me laugh on most days.
Now who’s stalking who?
You’ve posted this twice… not a word of it true.
Spreading lies… and it’s ME who’s dishonest?
Psht. You’re a joke.
these tyrants haven’t legalized weed yet