CedarBridge To Perform “A Raisin In The Sun”

May 8, 2014

Following their ‘To Live is to Dance’ event to be held on Friday, May 9, CedarBridge Academy will follow up with a performance of ‘A Raisin in the Sun’ on Saturday, May 10, 2014.

A spokesperson said, “On Saturday, May 10, the public can enjoy “Showcase 2,” featuring a GCSE Student Examination presentation of an abridged version of the first black Broadway play, “A Raisin in The Sun.”

cba-raisin in the sun

“The show will feature students of excellence in visual arts and the public can enjoy our first galleried show in the lobby of Ruth Seaton Auditorium, a photographic and media works show by students of excellence in media arts, instrumental musical selections by students of excellence in music, and dance presentations by students of excellence in GCSE Dance.

“Showcase 2 is an adjudicated showcase where students will receive feedback on their work. This is a free ticketed event. To confirm your attendance, please contact patricia.nesbitt@gmail.com.”

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