Jayden Parker Awarded School’s Cambridge Cup

June 28, 2014

The St. George’s Preparatory School recently held their 2014 graduation with 88% of the graduating class scoring above three, which is the Grade Level standard and student Jayden Parker earning a perfect score of six in Math, English and Science.

A spokesperson said, “St. George’s Prep is proud of all the 2014 P6 Graduates. The class exceeded the MOED goal with 88% of the class scoring above 3, which is the Grade Level standard.

Student Jayden Parker with school principal Mary Lodge:


“Jayden Parker deserves special mention for a perfect score earning 6 in Math, English and Science. He was awarded the school’s Cambridge Cup. In addition to great family support and a wonderful team of teachers, Jayden’s success is linked to his voracious reading habits.

Jayden, already has a career in mind, hoping to become an ornithologist.

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  1. Just a thought! says:

    Way to go Jayden! Keep up your passions.

  2. filobedo21 says:

    Well done Jayden! You will go far!

  3. Ladeej says:

    Congrats to Jayden and the rest of the P6 students, as well as the teachers, parents, and guardians!

  4. Mary says:

    Congratulations Jayden and all of P6. Way to go Prep!

  5. Gio says:

    Congrats Jayden. Awesome job. And to all the P-6 students.