Meeting For Bus Operators Moved To Monday
There will be a meeting for the Bus Operators & Allied Workers Division at 11.30am on Monday [March 9] at DPT Headquarters, with the agenda to be “cancelled runs” and “all overtime for time and one half.” The poster says “There will be no suspension of service”.
Bus cancellations have been an ongoing issue lately, with multiple runs cancelled on a daily basis, and last month representatives from the Transport Ministry and BIU met to discuss the disruption in bus service, and Transport Minister Shawn Crockwell has said there are 10 bus operators out on long term sick leave, and the department has implemented a ban on overtime, so the combination is impacting the scheduling.
This is what I posted on Thursday:
“The next move is for the BIU to attempt to force through the overtime. If Government “stand strong” (to borrow a phrase), then I predict that the drivers will all get sick again.”
It’s coming.
Does Bro Chris not understand what shop stewards are for? Is he really suggesting that services will not be affected if he calls a meeting for “11.30am sharp”?
The guy is a disgrace to Bermuda.
Disgrace, no more than a poor excuse for this so called Government.
Just in the last month we’ve had Exhibition Gate and School Gate, cant wait to see what next month’s Gate is going to be.
Wrong. The lack of action and contrary motives of the drivers are the disgrace. Yet again a small cadre of drivers have disrespected their profession at the expense of the electorate. Yet another example of the PLP’s modus operandi in action.
This so-called union (BIU) needs to be broken – as they are slowly but surely destroying the Island and making “fools” of the OBA… Which is what I think their real intention is!!
Thanks for helping to bring our island to her knees.
“There will be no suspension of service”.
Why, because they already decided they’re going to be “sick” on Monday?
it is time for the bs to stop if they don’t want to work there are other out of work people that will take their jobs
the ones that are playing sick need to be fired
That’s hilarious. Couldn’t get anyone to show up on a Friday evening so they move the ‘meeting’ to just before lunch on Monday.
Furbert has messed up…..and the drivers are not happy.
This could be the end of him.
Don’t put any $$$ on that one!!
No overtime that is good as it is saving Goverment money that has been Borrowed.
2days ago was going into town in the afternoon,saw 4 busses one going to dockyard and three
3 going to beparked at dockyard EMPTY.
Do we need three empty busses driven from town or wherever EMPTY going to park in Dockyard every afternoon.As i saw them again the following afternoon.
They where going to Dockyard because that’s where they leave from Fool.
They’re just proving we don’t need them, fool.
And this is a major part of the problem!!
The schedule allows for so much wasted time in “travel”time there is no effort to use the routes. In a more efficient manner because the drivers won’t accept.
The managers need to implement the appropriate schedule and the drivers need to drive or leave . The hours of work and benefits are the same but the chilling time is gone.
not so foolish.. in light of cancelled routes.. why send an empty bus up when it could have picked up passengers on the then then parked…
What…and you are surprised. .. go figure. ..
A Thought For Today:
Their only means of transportation is disrupted. It’s so selfish of the Union leaders / members and D.P.T. employees to do as they feel regardless of anyone else needs…
“In some circumstances, the refusal to be defeated is a refusal to be educated.” -Margaret Halsey, novelist (13 Feb 1910-1997)
How can “u’lot” that work for D.P.T. feel so confident and be so damn arrogant towards the general public; yes, them that pay your wages?
Here we see people out of work and them that have a job having to face even further obstructions while attempting to make ends meet
A Thought For Today :
“The thing worse than rebellion is the thing that causes rebellion.”-Frederick Douglass, abolitionist (c.February 1818-February 1895)
How can “u’lot that support U.B.P./oba feel so confident and be so damn arrogant with your Government, yes we who pay their wages.
Here we see people out of work and your Government is legislating amendments for cheap labor and threatening to Privatize to undermine Organized Labor that has been established in our country by our for fathers because of the injustice from the Oligarchy.
Are you for real? Do you actually read any of what you write? Just say no to drugs.
I suggest you do a bit more research “Mockingjay” and cease repeating “hearsay”. It’s them that view the glass as half empty as oppose to half full who are causing the disruption in our Island…Sad yes but true
That’s your perception, most people who benefit or who are opposed to ideology’s or events that don’t effect them or have no interest in, looks at the glass differently from those who are directly effected.
That’s how Unions started in Bermuda, those who benefited from greed and injustice wanted those who were oppressed to look at the glass the same way they did.
We all know that this Regime wants to BUST the Unions and those like you and your ideology, but there will be a fight to uphold what our for fathers fought and died for.
Where is the justice to the people of Bermuda of disrupting services.
Where is the justice to the people of Bermuda in running up a huge debt , which has shackled this country.
Where is the justice to the people of Bermuda that people can be employed to do a job, yet they take an enormous amount of sick leave when they are not actually sick.
Where is the justice for the people of Bermuda Mockinjay?
Everything you stand for is an injustice to the people of Bermuda.
People like you will NOT be satisfied until you are farmers or fishermen!! Everyone else with a UK passport is going to leave!!
It actually quite incredible how many PLP supporters ran out and got UK passports as soon as they were available to Bermudians. Like rats leaving the ship they clearly had plans in place in case this island was completely destroyed by the PLP. Yet they kept on “standing strong” at election time….safe in the knowledge they could leave if things got too bad. The irony is that the UK could cancel those passports with the press of a button and WOULD if we became independent.
The fleas wagging the tail wagging the dog.
Meanwhile all of Bermuda suffers as a direct result of the selfishness displayed by a small group of self absorbed and militant drivers who put their own interests ahead of the taxpayers. Behaviour that was promulgated at the feet of the PLP elite who have and continue to treat voters with disdain and disrespect in much the same way.
PLP – betraying opportunities for Bermudians to succeed since 1998; $2,000,000,000 ways and counting.
The plan.
All about the plan.
The Plan is ” If I Can’t Have My Way,Then Everyone Will Pay”
CF and the days of the biu/plp stranglehold are over!
The biu /plp founding fathers must be screaming in their graves at what you have become and the troubles you have caused Bermuda.
The B.I.U/P.L.P Founding Fathers are screaming from their graves at how we are allowing this Government to eradicate from us ALL that they fought for and the troubles that we are causing for our children.
The PLP are screaming at how the OBA is causing trouble for our children. Shouldn’t they be screaming at the PLP? They caused this mess.
please ignore the zombie above.
Wake up from your brain-washed state!!!
Why do we expect the Government [either party] to supply transportation ? Get rid of Government subsidized public transport or privatize. Brother Chris will have his noise makers out for a day or two, then we will all adjust [or as DREB says "This too will evaporate"]. The money saved could go towards paying off the billons of dollars debt the PLP left us. The soon to be unemployed DPT “workers” can become “self employed”.
Brown always said, this to shall pass.
There are over 100 drivers and 100 rosters to go along with these drivers. 10 drivers are out meaning that roughly 10% (give or take), of scheduled rosters will be canceled. On a good economic day these rosters would be covered by drivers that are off on a particular day. Now, add in those drivers that are on vacation into the mix we are looking at more than 10% of bus duties that need to be covered. Due to the fact that the government has decided that they are no longer supporting overtime, no one (but the drivers that are “legitimately” out on sick leave can cover these runs. They cannot cover these runs because they are out sick, duh. Even when you work for the government you still need a medical certificate to state that you will be out for “X” amount of time. Unlike the some private companies, it seems when you work for the government if you are truly sick you can stay out for as long as you need and still have a job when you return. I catch the bus every day to and from work (private sector), some drivers go above and beyond their duties as a driver and others well, they honestly need to be fired. The age old saying one bad apple spoils the bunch, shouldn’t stand in this case. Honestly, I see the point of both sides. The government is trying to cut cost. Is it really a good idea to cut the cost in this particular manner? Are all the gp cars that are on the road needed? Is there a gas allowance also provided for these cars? Do the cars really need to be driven to and from work? To and from the store/saloon/personal business? Are all the positions that are held by a government official needed and at the particular salary offered (sorry stepping on your toes/reaching in your pocket)? Do the rude and disrespectful school children, who are not only loud but feel that they are entitled to everything, have to ride on the bus for free? I’ve heard so many of them curse the drivers off and seen these children give drivers the “finger” just because they are asked to quiet down or give an adult a seat. I get frustrated when I know my tax dollars are paying for these same children to get on the bus at one stop to get off at the very next stop! Don’t get me started on the roach parties that are carried out on these buses, might I add for free! It’s nasty and very unprofessional. It seems to me that this problem will linger on because there is no money to get rid of the creepy crawlers. I guess I pay to ride with rude and outright disrespectful children, roaches that I thought were nocturnal but not a day goes buy that I don’t see a few roaming around on the windows, floor and seats. Not to mention, standing at a bus stop waiting for a bus that was canceled. Just this past week I was a bus stop with some tourist waiting for a bus that got canceled. It’s quite embarrassing.
Now, on the other hand, how long is too long? What constitutes how long you can be out sick? How many times are you able to call in sick before notice is taken by a supervisor, and then notice given to the driver and if it happens again they are fired? Oh right, I have heard that you cannot get fired from government jobs unless you do something drastic. Okay, how about rubbing me and everyone one else including your, above and beyond, coworkers (they pay taxes as well) of their money.
I’m not looking at one side in particular on this matter because not all the drivers are wrong. Just like not every politician is sly. You cannot blame 100% of the drivers for the 10% that maybe milking the system. Just like you cannot say that every politician is out for themselves.
Now, I don’t think that the entire 10% percent of the drivers are doing wrong because when I think of extended medical leave, I think about cancer, heart problems, surgery ect. In relation to those that just call in sick, I do know that there are some drivers that go to work even when they are sick. It’s not safe, you have other people’s lives in your hands (hope your taking the non drowsy/non alcoholic meds) depending on the type of sickness that you have.
I’ve noticed that in an effort to get this island back on its feet, decisions need to be made. How much thought and research is put into these decisions? I know summer time is coming and if we think there is a problem now, it’s going to be a whole lot worse. In between the break down of buses, buses used for sightseeing tours, charter to the beaches and back, and those drivers that will be on vacation over the summer months, and don’t let me forget about those that will call out sick. Something has to be done before the cruise season starts!
Hopefully, this is what the meeting on Monday is about. I’m assuming that there is not interruption of the schedule because the meeting is for the bosses and those that are off on Mondays. I believe it should only be the higher ups in the meeting anyway, maybe a representative (or two) from the group of over 100 drivers that are legitimately off. Along with Mr. Crockwell and his team, and Mr. Furbet by himself, he seems to be enough of a bully on his own. Nothing will get resolved unless all of you get off you high horses and humble yourselves to resolve the issues that are at hand.
You either want the job or you don’t.There are plenty of drivers out of work right now.
you want to stay home stay home.
As some people would say, “word up bie’
“Enough of this crap whereby we the Public are being held hostage by the Union/s and D.P.T. Privatize the service and the crap will cease!
Sounds like a Reaganism and Thatcherism Tea Party speech.
Bust the Unions and we will have a smooth running society.
To my “favourite critic” and associates…I hope this helps you
As a matter of fact every Bermudian should take a moment out to read / contemplate this message, it’s titled “Inspirational Integrity”
“The Carpenters House”
An elderly carpenter was ready to retire. He told his employer-contractor of his plans to leave the house building business and live a more leisurely life with his wife enjoying his extended family.
He would miss the paycheck, but he needed to retire. They could get by. The contractor was sorry to see his good worker go and asked if he could build just one more house as a personal favor. The carpenter said yes, but in time it was easy to see that his heart was not in his work. He resorted to shoddy workmanship and used inferior materials. It was an unfortunate way to end his career.
When the carpenter finished his work and the builder came to inspect the house, the contractor handed the front-door key to the carpenter. “This is your house,” he said, “my gift to you.”
What a shock! What a shame! If he had only known he was building his own house, he would have done it all so differently. Now he had to live in the home he had built none too well.
So it is with us. We build our lives in a distracted way, reacting rather than acting, willing to put up less than the best. At important points we do not give the job our best effort. Then with a shock we look at the situation we have created and find that we are now living in the house we have built. If we had realized that we would have done it differently.
Think of yourself as the carpenter. Think about your house. Each day you hammer a nail, place a board, or erect a wall. Build wisely. It is the only life you will ever build. Even if you live it for only one day more, that day deserves to be lived graciously and with dignity. The plaque on the wall says, “Life is a do-it-yourself project.” Your life tomorrow will be the result of your attitudes and the choices you make today.
British unions helped “bust” themselves by alienating the body politic.
Reagan and Thatcher merely appealed to public frustration with such profligacy and prepared to outlast the more militant unions in their respective countries.
I am no fan of CF but I do think the in this case the “sick out” is not sanctioned by the unions and the meeting is likely an attempt to get them back in line. The reality is that this is largely affecting the unions member base negatively.
It seems that the dept is badly managed in general. If you have long term sick people and people on vacation, the managers who draw up the schedules should have that factored in and their absence should not affect the schedules.
What does seem to be obvious is that many government workers consider overtime a norm and part of their wages. The question should be asked as to why that is ? Are wages in these jobs so low that overtime is needed to make a living wage ? Perhaps the whole pay structure should be looked at. It cannot be tenable from any angle that overtime is a norm in order for departments to perform their daily functions.
The complete demise of Bermuda is well underway. These fools will scare away the only thing we have going for us – the AC. Investment opportunities will vanish, people with means will leave and the only industry here will be fishing.
Bermuda is clearly headed for the bottom of the ocean.
Largely due to PLP-people
That’s the same thing that was said when P.L.P got in power and we saw an increase in I.B.
If that be true “Mockingjay” then please explain to the people of Bermuda where / why hadn’t Bermuda seen any International Business increase or return of the foreign investors until the One Bermuda Alliance became Government?
Mockyou: Yes it took the PLP several years before they actually were able to ruin Bermuda. As they will again if Bermuda is ever stupid enough to vote them in again.
The PLP is taking credit for post 9/11 business ? That is what generated the increase in insurance business here during the PLP reign. It hid the decrease in other business, like Fund Administration, which is now mostly done in Cayman.
I bet tomorrows meeting will be canceled cause they’ll all have a hangover from the weekend lol
Here is a solution cut back the scheduals and of the slowest routes on the slower days by say 20% and we will not need the extra drivers or buses. We all need to learn to do with less not more.I cannot wait to see the reduced new bus scheduals coming out later this month!
Fire them all …………re hire people who want to forward bermuda n promote our beutiful n precious. Island. Instead of being suck ur teeth attituded n arc off@ visitors for no reason,wish I’d filmed our last trip on grotto bay to st Davids bus trip. Wait till next time………..whoever she was was was on a power trip n no body being a tourist or local needs to be talked to like that. ……..I’m a bermudian and hate the attitude of some bus drivers,most are really owesome and really happy
there’s others that can’t give a@@@@ why are we held @ ransome all de time…..bermuda needs change and soon or we will all loose out on the future and good for us all……..
.ps in love bermuda always X
How about we talk about the fact that the buses never make time? And that there isn’t a timetable for each stop, or even bus tracking to know where and how long the next bus is going to take to get to you?
Someone suggested a while back to implement that functionality at all the bus stops, but don’t think it even made the planning stage, sadly.
Meanwhile they erected a terminal with giant TV screens that now sit idle with who knows how much rust gathered over.