Four More Men Arrested For RAA Shooting
The Bermuda Police have confirmed the arrest of four more men in relation to the Easter morning violence at the RAA Club in St Georges.
On April 4th, 18 yr old Shawn Williams was shot and a 19 year old man stabbed at around 3:05am during a reggae party at the club. Both men are presently in stable condition on a general ward at the hospital.
The police had arrested two suspects shortly after that same day, who have since been released on police bail. They have not been named, nor any details released, as the Police say “they become targets“.
During a press conference later that day, police revealed that the entire altercation involved 6-7 people, and stated “they expect more arrests to be made”.
No details on the four suspects has been released.
The police have arrested suspects in every shooting thus far, but who has been charged? NO-ONE! Why is this?
They say they need co-oporation from the community to solve these crimes, what they need to do, is do some police work.
Get out there and put surviellance on these known perps, plant undercovers, plant hidden recorders, have armed police stationed round every trouble spot, we all know where they are.Do something to form a deterrant!Arrest these guys for petty crimes until you have enough on them to mete out a sufficient sentence (incarcerate them ),you will remove them one by one , until you have them all locked up, therefore keeping our streets safe.
High police presence is needed @ every function from now on.Wherever there’s going to be a crowd, there’s going to be another possibility of another senseless, random shooting, that if allowed to happen, will cause more loss of lives.
What, are the police going to wait until the community decides to take matters into their own hands? Maybe thats’ whats; needed.
Vigilante justice, I call it !