Worry Seems to Grip Bermuda as Weekend Falls
It appears that following weekend after weekend of shootings, and especially the previous weekend which saw 1 brutal murder, 3 others shot, and 1 man stabbed…many Bermudians appear to be in an on-the-ready state.
The local rumor mill was on overdrive today, with texts flying reporting a shooting this morning, which turned into reports of a policeman being shot. Bernews refuted this on Twitter, and shortly after someone called a radio talk show reporting the “shooting”, ZBM’s Gary Moreno, as well as Dwayne Caines of the Police Media relations took to the airwaves to assure residents there had been no shootings, with Mr Caines asking the community to be responsible in the spread of information.
An email is spreading like wildfire describing plans for a savage gang initiation, combined with rapidly growing talk that a recent death the Police clearly stated was not a homicide – was a homicide and it is being “covered up”.
A state of grave concern seems to have gripped some of Bermuda as the weekend arrives, as the last four weekends have all seen shootings; with a total of 2 murders, 7 people shot, and 2 additional incidents of guns being fired with no injury – all on the weekend. The most recent weekend saw an average of one person shot ever 14.5 hours.
The previous 4 weekends shootings are listed below:
Weekend of April 2-4
- Incident at RAA St Georges which saw one man shot, another stabbed [link]
- Driveby shooting at Dandy Town, 2 people shot [link]
- Man murdered in broad daylight in front of 50 people, including his children [link]
Weekend of March 26-28
- Man shot while in a taxi outside of his house [link]
- News arrives that a Bermudian was shot and killed in Dominican Republic [link]
Weekend of March 19-21
- Guns fired with no injuries in both Smiths and Somerset [link]
- 3 men shot in a driveby on Court/Dundonald Street, one man dies [link]
Weekend of March 12-14
- 16 year old shot at a party [link]
As the weekend approaches only those who have done wrong should fear what is waiting in each minute that passes as the weekend continues. Yet I sit in fear of the future of MY ISLAND as yet another tourism season is upon us and we have no solution to the social woes that are ensuring our ultimate demise. Here we have three political parties all jocking for position for an upcoming election for the winner to only make our national debt even more burdeonsome; our education system even harder for the teachers to teach to the children that are out committing the crimes we have now become accustomed to on the fearful weekends. We also sit in our homes and keep our heads down in our cubicles and stay QUIET while our penal system gets overcrowded and all we hear in the background is “it is a black or a white problem”, well i beg to differ it is a BERMUDIAN PROBLEM and all those that reside in her luscious lands and that live off her milk and honey…… and to them I say SPEAK UP so we can end this senseless violence and fear that is plaguing our island home.