Alleged Armed Car-Jacker Appears In Court

August 10, 2010

31-year-old Jerome Dublin appeared in Magistrates Court today [Aug 10] where he was charged with robbery and firearms offences that took place this past Friday [Aug 6].

Surrounded by Police officers, Mr Dublin was escorted into the court where it was alleged that at around 12:15am on Friday he was one of three men who stole a car with the use of force, and conspired with others not before the court to commit an offense with the use of a firearm.

The prosecutor also alleged that Mr Dublin is a gang member, and that the same car was used in a shooting approximately 30 minutes later.

Jerome Dublin bermuda

Mr Dublin, of Glebe Road, Pembroke, was represented by lawyer Charles Richardson, and did not have to enter a plea as the matter must be heard in Supreme Court. Senior Magistrate Archie Warner adjourned the case to a later date in August for a further hearing.

jerome dublin bermuda 2

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Comments (12)

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  1. John Simons says:

    I would like to know why it takes a team of police to first of all move one criminal to a court room to let him fae charges of a crime that then a judicial team then processes him and then they repeat it back to the jail cell where the media frenzy captures him to plaster all over the various media outlets.
    My solution would be to take the judicial team and put them in vehicle, with all there various equipment( i.e. laptop, camera, court documents) and take them t westgate and process all those who are on remand or pending conviction as it one doesn’t hold up the flow of traffic in hamilton, second there are better controls in place if one decides to escape, thirdly less resources are used and the taxpayer can save a few bucks as I am sure that you all can see that it is costing a small fortune to move this one person. Well with that said I hope someone reads this and takes these thoughts that i have put here into consideration.

    • TJ says:

      Mr. Simons, your concerns will be addressed as soon as the new Court/Police complex is completed. There will be no public parades, but an elevator to and from the jail to the courtroom within a secure facility. It is all part of the PACE legislation which is regrettably taking so long to implement.

      • johnSimons says:

        Well once again PACE and the politicians are making out off the taxpayer for a building that had so many overruns, when all this time they could have been doing what i suggested in my previous comments.

  2. Truth is killin' me says:

    Nah…that would be too easy. Got to show Joe Public that the police are doing their job and parade around their capture for all eyes to see so that the Blackberry gossips can call and text each other for the next 24hrs and make the local cellular companies rich. “Hey grrrl did you see who they took up to court just now!” “No…who was it grrrlfriend?” “Well you know…it was…etc…etc. Meanwhile taxpayers are paying off police mortgages in no time at all with all the overtime they’re making. Gotta change my job!

    • Lissa says:

      They dont catch somebody – people complain.
      They catch somebody – people complain.
      The police are human, just like you and I they put on pants leg on after the other.
      They are doing the best that they can do.

    • Tough says:

      How else should they do it since you have all the answers? Build an underground tunnel? If he didn’t commit a crime he wouldn’t be in the news and you wouldn’t have to worry about the gossip folks yapping about him. Too bad.

  3. True Dat says:

    ALL I know Its just not adding up!!!! 1+1 keeps coming up 8 something not right people!!!!

  4. Haile-Ness says:

    Ok…I’m lost…what incident is this young man linked with…

    “on Friday he was one of three men who stole a car with the use of force, and conspi

    red with others not before the court to commit an offense with the use of a firearm.

    The prosecutor also alleged that Mr Dublin is a gang member, and that the same car was used in a shooting approximately 30 minutes later.”

    What shooting took place on Friday???

  5. Jenna V says:

    Parade him around, let everyone see what a coward he is for his actions. It seems like the police cant do anything right for some people, even when they have these people off the streets and attempt to charge them with a crime; they’re being criticized for how they bring them to court. Get a grip! Let the criminals pay for their actions, humiliate the hell out of them and let their faces be plastered in the media.

    • BDAGIRL says:

      Parading these guys / girls around, naming them, putting their picture in the paper does not humiliate these people….they love the attention! Hence the t-shirts and gestures to the photographers. This is fuling the fire and making them more notable.

  6. HAHA! says:

    I agree! I love the parades they have. That’s the problem most of these guys are cowards and travel in packs to attack people. Friggin’ idiot. You have to be real brave or stupid you decide-to steal a car in Bermuda. Even if it’s going to be used to go shoot somebody and drive off in then dump. Parade them around and let us see them and yes HUMILIATE them! Lil criminals they probably enjoy it anyway. 31 years old? Stealing cars and possessing a gun? When do they grow up? 31 year old gangbanger? You fail at life.

  7. Dee Green says:

    Carjacking in Bermuda? Clowns!
    Bermuda needs some harsher laws because this is getting rediculous.