Alleged Burglar Now In Police Custody

November 4, 2010

nov 4 2010 burlgar (1) 4 The alleged burglar from this morning [Nov 4] has been arrested, and is now in Police custody.

The suspect had spent much of the day in hospital after receiving injuries after allegedly being caught attempting to break into a home[s] in the area.

He was found sprawled on the ground, and received medical care at the scene prior to being taken away by ambulance. Read the full story here.

Police earlier said that “It is alleged that the victim, a 43 year old Sandys parish man, was discovered attempting to burglarize an area home. The Sandys parish man was apparently injured by members of the public as he tried to flee the scene on foot and has been taken to King Edward VII Memorial Hospital via ambulance for treatment.”

“His injuries are not believed to be life threatening. Inquiries into this incident are underway. Police are appealing for any witnesses or anyone with any information to contact the Hamilton Criminal Investigation Unit on 295-0011.”

Area residents have sent a message with a sheet flying in the area saying “Don’t Steal in Loyal Hill.

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  1. ok says:

    That’s what he gets they should have chopped his fingers off. Its too much of these people breaking into peoples homes to do god knows what. In most places in the states he would have been shot. So consider yourself lucky “Scally” lol

    • Lissa says:

      LOL LOL LOL. Was wondering when someone was gonna out him. LOL.

  2. Todd says:

    I was guessing that it might have been him… an alleged KNOWN breaker. Allegedly Stole my brother’s moped before he was even 16, yet got off scott free.

    • Legacy says:

      He got what he should hve got a long time ago. A good cut a$$ next time Stay up in somerset people like that come into your home and steel your flat screen that you paid $2000 for then go around the RD sell it for $50. That guy has been allegedly estealing all his life they should give him life without parole. Big up 2 the people that beat his A$$!!!! You should get a GOLD MEDAL THAT’S WHAT I CALL STREET JUSTICE………….

      • Brasco says:

        Geese Scaley…..How many chances have you had??….You really deserve a life sentence…..You were the Best Goalkeeper Bermuda has ever produced but you let drugs get the better of you…Very Sad!

        Bermuda needs the 3-Strikes law ASAP….Way too many reoffenders!!!!!!!!

        Throne Speech on now….Crime…Same Old Same Old…Hopes, Dreams and Wishes!!!….Get Real with crime, That’s all that Bermudian’s want!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. DipSet says:

    Terry and Mark, from the people of Bermuda go f@%& yourselves!!!! You obviously never grew up in Bermuda where most people didn’t have a key to any locks in their houses for many many many years! just of late have we had to lock up our doors and spend $$$$$$$$ on security because these addicts cant balance their highs with reality! drugs have been around and they where here back in the 70′s when Bermudians had no keys for their doors but we didnt have this crime!!!! Its just this day in age everyone wants to make an excuse for their down fall instead of manning up and providing for themselves on all fronts!!! At some point the majority of this island has suffered financial downfalls or some sort of hardship but that doesn’t mean we have to steal from each other or live life in a criminal way! Ive had my house robbed twice and both times the culprits have taken @ss whoooooooooooooopens!!!! I lived in two different locations and they are two separate matters. But check this we all know who the culprits are and they will reveal themselves eventually! both culprits have seen me face to face and when i pass them this day in age they are scared of me! I bet that guy will have the same fear when he passes that person who DEFENDED their-self. All you read in the paper these days are burglaries weather it be in a home, these cheap guest houses, old folks at the beach, etc. My grand mother always told me “leave well enough alone!!!” and today this guy decided to bother “well enough” and it back fired! I don’t need any comments back because i will not reply but to Bermuda take this as a stepping stone and lets get like the Argentina’s and the Jamaica’s and the Columbia’s and get off our @sses and force our police and our governments to do the RIGHT job!!!!long have we sat back with all the right ideas and voices and let the leaders of us benefit themselves while leaving us in a bigger wake than when they began their duties and responsibilities!!!! TIME TO TAKE OUR OWN STAND!!!!! this guy today was the beginning!!!!!

  4. terry says:

    “Dip Set”, obviously you have no clue as to what you speak about or whom I am. I won’t get into a slinging match with you. Why would I waste my time.

    I was born in the ’40′s’ in Bermuda and remember a lot more than you. I also served 20 years as a Police Constable.

    So before you engage your vulgar mouth engage your brain.

    As for “today was the begining”, words like that affirm that society in Bermuda is totaly finished and the people are in revolution mode for the wrong reasons.

    Have a great day.

    • insiDe man says:

      I am starting to belive that you are just a troll Terry. You critised me for aiming to move abroad when you’ve been living aborad for years.

      I respect that you were born in December of 1949. As far as I’m concerned, once you leave this island, you can no longer truly know what want is going on. You have to be here to experience it for yourself.

  5. Not Surprised says:

    I have to say I agree with Dipset. And not in a violent way. I will also say this. terry if you were born in Bermuda in the 40′s then you will remember the days that this would have happened to a burgular…. If you were caught breaking into a house the homeowner would teach you a lesson.Not only that, but if you yourself did wrong, your teacher, neighbour, store owner, or even a stranger walking in the street would grab you smack you and take you home to your parents where you would then proceed to get into even more trouble…..We as a whole have shyed away from that mentality sometime ago and look at where it has brought us. Teachers no longer correct children, young parents go to schools and tell the teachers off. Or worse go out and fight right along side their children. Strangers and neighbours turn their heads and take the “I don’t see anything” attitude.

    So to you and others take a good look at the past when things were no where near as bad as they are now and pick the differences apart one by one. We had drugs then, we had vagrants and all the bad elements that we have now, yet we were safe to leave everything wide open and even go for strolls late at night. A woman never had to worry about being attacked or bothered, because everyone looked out for her. A stranger would keep an eye on the saftey of others. If something did go bad the entire community would be appauled and do something about it. Children grew up with morals and were terrified if they did wrong becuase they new the consequences. A good deterent. We took all of that away as a society.

    This is what we get for trying to follow the rest of the world with there new age rearing of children. And giving criminals rights and making the actual victims the ones that are wrong by making excuses for the actualy criminals and “poor babying” them with social inquiries and hand holding them because “they can’t help it”. A Robber back then would think twice about robbing and would offer to do yard work for you to earn money, not rob you because they knew the consequences of that as well……..

    I could go on and on, My point is I absolutley agree that we have to turn the pages back and take notes of what it was like then and how safe it was versus what we face today. And parents of today, instead of hanging out at the bars with your kids trying to be their freinds, Why don’t you try teaching them and being parents instead of friends they have enuugh of those being a bad influence they don’t need you to do that too. Stay home and lay down the rules and the family law and teach them morals!!!! I for one am tired of having to look behind me to see who’s there and locking my doors or going out to my laundry room and running, just in case someone is out there. Or jumping at every noise and grabbing my dog and my bat! That’s not the Bermuda I want!!!!And i’m sure there are alot of other out there that feel the same. This particular man is well known and he had it coming. You as an ex law enforcer should know him well! No sympathy for him here.

  6. terry says:

    @insiDe, where did I speak about you. Refresh my memory.

    Someone voices an opinion about current events in Bermuda and one becomes a “troll”? People who live in Bermuda cannot be “troll” after voicing their thoughts/opinions?

    You seem to know me quite well and arew probabley one of those on local blogs with a comeback like that. Hey, I don’t mind at all not being part of the ‘FFP’.

    When I start to attack people here, the you may have just cause. I am just voicing an opinion like the rest. Address the current situation and what remidies are available.

    Your comments bring new meaning to “shoot the messenger”.

    Hell, you want to beat up people on the streets, on the net. Go at it.

    Let the Jihad begin.

    • D aka insiDe man says:

      That reference to Jihad is very offensive.
      I am certainly not the first one to call you a troll.

      Clearly there is a new meaning to ‘shoot the messenger’ as that is far from what I’ve done in any of my posts.

      I have a large amount of respect for the older generations. It saddens me to think that others of your generation are as intellectually circumcised as you.

  7. terry says:

    @ D aka insiDe Man….your talking garbage. If anyone is a troll it is you. And you can’t even get your threads right. I was speaking on another when I was attacked here.

    As for “Jihad”, I’m not far off the mark when it comes too recent events of shoorings and beatings. It’s a matter of time and since you condone this type of behaviour then I am correct in my assumstion that the crap will hit the fan and people will suffer even more than they are now.

    Once again. A person who comments is a “troll”? Get real dood. Your just pissed off because I don’t condone this type of behaviour and think it’s cool to do what was done. Your living in a dream world that will bite you in the butt sooner than you think.

    As for your opening sentence, please. Tell that too the guys that are shooting up neighborhoods, holding people in fear and their children. The Jihad has been issued by them and you are subject too it.

    Shooting people and home invasions, burglaries et al all are not offensive?

    Quo Fata Furunt. (Non-inclusive)

    • insiDe man says:

      I never shared my views on the incident and never will. I did not attack you, I stated an opinion based on you behaviour on this comment board. Thank you for your 20 years service on the island.

  8. Call as it is says:

    20 years as a PC…
    I wonder why you didnt get promoted?

  9. terry says:

    Lean times. They promoted all the English guys. You know the guys that are retired and run the backrooms at Banks, Mortage companies, Wholesale places, Security Firms, hang out in bars and pubs all day…

    Nothing wrong with being a Constable. Those days it was all about control.

    Do I care? No way. I have more than they will ever have yet lead a simple life.

    Call as it is says,,,,are you a troll?……bawahaaaaaaaa

    • Dragging A Lure says:

      I have a special award for you called. The Dragging A Lure Sucker Award. Advice, Trolling is gracious and controlling. Terry I was born 1940 and I remember you framing me for stealing some cotten candy at a fair when I was 15. You wore khaki shorts and khaki shirt with a red hat on your head. Will never forget the crack of the bull whip.
      Good & Happy Hunting/Fishing. Be careful of those Green Freaks.

  10. terry says:

    What ever your dragging, don’t bottle it.

    Now back to the subject. Talk about trolling………

    • Dragging A Lure says:

      you don member? I do!!! and you should.Your right hand controlling the bull whip that caused a 15 year old’s back to have scars for eternity because he thiefied cotten candy. I will always and never forget the smell,sound and taste of the bull whip’s tip that left slashes and gashes across my young back.Wife say’s you must ave been very brave.
      That’s what took placed in 1955.
      Check History.

  11. terry says:

    You got the wrong guy dude.