8-Year-Old Recognised By Education Minister

February 28, 2011

It’s a case of once more unto the beach for Bermuda’s primary school kids. And the eight-year-old student who suggested an initiative which has resulted in a number of primary schools “adopting” beaches and helping to keep them litter-free was recognised for his idea by the Education Minister today [Feb. 28].

Samuel Bleeker, an East End Primary student, was researching an upcoming science project about the environment. He came up with the idea of writing to the Minister of Education to suggest Bermuda’s primary schools should adopt a beach to clean it up and help the environment. Education Minister Dame Jennifer Smith presented Samuel with a certificate this afternoon:

Jennifer Smith Samuel Bleeker Bermuda

The Education Minister then wrote to all primary schools inviting them to participate, and nine schools haved agreed to “adopt” a beach. Also present at today’s House of Assembly ceremony were Public Works Minister Derrick Burgess and Environment Minister Walter Roban, who both lauded the initiative.

Adopt A Beach Hon Dame Jennifer Smith Samuel Bleeker

Samuel’s mother spoke briefly and explained how the idea stemmed from a school science project. She said the response to his letter to the Education Minister has been “tremendous.”

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  1. Congrats says:

    This is good news and I don’t want to be a downer but school kids really shouldn’t be cleaning up the mess caused by adults. By the time he is old enough to vote he will realise how much trash has really been left for his generation to clean up.

    Real Talk.

    • J. says:

      I think he should be applauded for his efforts.If adults can’t keep their island beaches clean, and children want to do it, why not, I say. Let them learn about community service early, learn organization skills to set up the best way to clean an area.There is so much that can be gleaned by them in this effort. I hope that more schools will enter in the idea.Give children credit for their ideas, especially one that will help our environment.Maybe he will grow up understanding how improtant it is to “Keep Bermuda Beautiful”. “a little child shall lead them”………………

  2. Robert Bryce says:

    It appears that we have an 8 year old trying to save the Island while grown ups are debating about how best to destroy it. Sums up the mess Bermuda is in. Government should hang ther heads in shame, except they have no shame.

  3. BERCAN says:

    Good for you Samuel…lead the way!
    Auntie Arlene

  4. Way To Go says:

    Well Done Samuel,

    We need more people like you in the general population to act as community activists and push proposals to government. His efforts should be encouraged and congratulated just as was done in this situation.

  5. Gail Simpson says:

    Congratulations Samuel, Auntie Gail is very proud of you!

  6. My two cents says:

    This kid is awesome and it gives me hope that the world over, the future may not be doomed. Because many children are being educated on the environment, which is a pretty new concept, maybe the future won’t be full of greedy capitalists trying to make money at the expense of destroying the world’s environment. In fact, when this educated generation grow up, they are going to look at us adults like we are a bunch of idiots because we have sat on our arses for so long and contributed to the destruction of their environment. They are going to look at us with disgust and wonder “how could so many educated people be so incredibly stupid”? And we will not have a credible answer for them.
    Good job Samuel and ALL the children out there that are educating themselves on the importance of the environment!