Drug Case: Alleged Gang Members Charged
[Updated] This morning [Mar.30] in Magistrates Court four men, alleged to be members of the Parkside gang, appeared on charges of conspiring to import cannabis worth over $100,000.
Dahlano Simons, 24; Jahkio Williams, 23, Psanto Eve, 20; and Royunde Stevens- Cyrus; were charged with between a a date unknown and December 21, 2010, conspiring with Shandae Vanderpool – currently in prison – and others not before the Court to import illegal drugs. The four were charged jointly and were remanded in custody.
Shanae Vanderpool – who the men are charged with conspiring with – pleaded guilty in an earlier trial, and was sentenced to 2 years in prison. Crown counsel Cindy Clarke said Ms Vanderpool, a single mother of a six-year-old, was arrested at the airport in December 2010, after Customs officers discovered seven bags containing 2,500 grams of cannabis wrapped around her thighs. Miss Clarke said the cannabis could have sold for between $115,000 and $258,600 depending on how it was packaged.
Update: In the course of making an application for keeping the four in custody, the DPP’s Prosecutor alleged that one of them had initially offered Ms Vanderpool money to bring drugs into Bermuda. They were alleged to have deposited funds in a bank account for the benefit of Ms Vanderpool, and had driven her to the LF Wade International airport so that she could board a flight for Canada.
It was also alleged that one of them had also gone to Canada, had contacted Ms Vanderpool in Canada, and had assisted in concealing the drugs on her person.
The Prosecutor said that the operation was sophisticated and well-organized and that it was likely that it represented the main effort in Parkside’s funding program. The Prosecutor said that in light of the ongoing investigation, the likelihood of flight, the failure of any of the four to surrender, and possible interference with witnesses and the investigation; that it was desirable that the four should not be set free on bail.
After hearing from lawyer Leopold Mills who argued only for Mr Williams, Magistrate Archie Warner, decided to remand all four in custody, referring to the four as “fundraisers” for Parkside.
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Category: All, Court Reports, Crime, News
Wow! Look at these future lawyers and doctors. Such fine young men who were trying to bring in flowers to make the island all pretty for the tourists! I bet they are all outstanding spelling champs too! Dats my biyes dere mon!
ummm what tourists?
@Robert! What lawyers and doctors?
PRESUMMED INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY !!! Posting Pics needs to be legally banned; in the small community that we live in and the narrow=mindedness of the population jury pools can be easily tainted…… I CAN’T WAIT UNTIL THEY STOP PARADING THESE PEOPLE ACROSS THE STREET …… HOW CAN ANYONE (after being showcased on websites and other forms of media) IF PROVEN INNOCENT OF A CRIME HAVE A SMOOTH INTEGRATION INTO THE COMMUNITY AGAIN. I’m just saying.
i agree!
Oh please, it is quite evident that you are only commenting because you have some sort of personal connection with these young gentleman. However, if you didn’t, you being a citizen of this ‘small community’ (which henceforth subjects you to the human nature of your environment); your ‘pokey’ self would have wanted to know their full credentials too.
It irks me when people hum a different tune because it hits close to home. Get over yourself dear its not 1943, as the world advances so does the media.
YO wat t f are you talking about non of these kids gonna be doctors or lawyers stay in the kitchen!
he is being satirical ..
one of them was in school..wanted to go back Bermuda so bad, now look..(hand covering eyes face)
Goood. Glad she pricked. They need time too.
I don’t believe this. This is outrageous. Drugs and Gangs…please. There’s no connection between the two.
I hope they are all “Interns” and that they walk free.
@Terry! It’s all a simple misunderstanding. These guys were out buying books and didn’t bother to check thier bags before leaving the store. They said they wanted high grades but got high grade instead. I heard they were studying to be rocket scientists in Bermuda’s new space programme too.
lol lol lol!!!
Will the new police and court facilities elimate the need for the “perp walk”?
Pretty much yes.
I love and so do others the great work that “Bernews” does and your “Pretty much yes” is valid.
Irony is the names, places and times will still be reported and the chatter here will remain the same.
The question is and is open to debate and the ‘law’ will footage continue even in the confines of a court as it is done worldwide.
Media regulations cover this? Or will we loose the transparenty that is a mater of law……..
yup but that no fun for the Perp cause if they are guilty they donT get to see the outside world until they look out the van window to prison.
Its so sad, because if they could use their brains to count up drug money calculate how muc h money they can make etc….what if the used it legitimately??
Um just saying!!! Come on boys and girls use ur heads
lmawo @ Terry…too funny…but not really, one of those guys was actually working for government…fixing the gov computers and what not…..is that like an intern, in maybe the techincal feild?
27, IT Degree, never worked in my field of study, lookin for entry level intern work, (gotta start somewher) sign me up lol
Yes jakeo was in school. Royunde has a degree! They r so stupid. Let parkside take over. Idiots
Agreed..so smart but so dumb!
Royunde has a degree in what? drug smuggling? Theres a difference in being in school and actually graduating from school!
save your stupid comments that fail to lift you onto some higher intellectual level… he has a university degree since we need to spell it out…
:/ parkside has nothing to do with it!
Yes, I love it!!! Round em’ up. Must say the Po-po have rounded up some “good guys” lately! LMAO!! Punksss! Let us see which one starts crying for the Momma first !! Westgate, maybe that’s where they will get that sweet loving they are all looking for.
This summer is going to be soemthing to see !!!! Will their be ski ride bys, girlz will be jumpin ship to be with girlz and guys will be wondering in their cell wht my girl is doing !!! LOLOL !!!! What a summer this will be …
UM these guys sent more time with each other more then with girls. lol Pranksters lol wow when you think about it Court Street must be pretty quit for a while pretty much all the fool are locked up Three of the big shoot are now locked up.
Work on your spelling and stop trying your best to bring others down! All of you need to get a life and work on it!
it is truely a waste……smh (till it falls off)
Lets c how d judge handles dis situation after leting d intern walk…in england yesterday a judge gave a 34 year old a suspended sentence 4 90grams of crystal meth,90grams of coke,100 ecstasy pills,85grams of amphetamine,and 3 trash bags full of weed….hopefully dis will lead to dicriminilization in d next couple of years..
And therein lies the rub “Serg”. Quick in…quick out. Do you think they really care? And you wonder why no one really gives a crap? Live for today and see how popular I am on Facebook. The Government will pay for all and we will get rid of the lazy buggers and people that don’t look like us and things will be fine for eternity……………………….
Germany 1940………………………………………………
@ terry,wat r u on about wa does ya facebook popularity av to do wit anything?who cares if u got a million people on ya page grow up bruv real talk…r u german?
you sound like a chav. Therefore your opinion has become void.
You sick GPS. Reset your destination button. What the hell does Fairylands have to do with it. Do most lawyers live there and what is their % with regards to skin color.
Divisive? Your on a roll with that……..Ace……………………….
I so sorry If I offended your neighborhood….I should have used Tuckers Town
his hood mite be offshore mate…
I still have yet to see something typical of “gang behavior” to believe we really have highly organized gang activity. At best, everything that comes to light regarding drugs and shootings, have the ‘gang’ label attached to it, but yet the streets don’t necessarily depict typical gang behavior. No doubt we have young, wayward boys out there doing all sorts of wrong, but it seems more like the mainstream media (not Bernews) propagates this ‘gang agenda’ just as much as the U.S. pushes the 19 hijacker theory on 9-11. All it has gotten us is surveillance cams everywhere, draconian legislation, digital chips in our vehicles and wiretaps on ALL our communications…all of which would not have been so easily accepted unless we were all scared into believing it was all necessary to catch criminals, and make us all a little safer… it’s the EXACT same agenda right down to the wording; and like the U.S. none of it has helped in the slightest, and I am starting to wonder if it is at all possible that this “big brother” island that we now live in wasn’t the plan from the beginning? The media takes bad situations, re-constructs them and then feeds it to the public, not as truth, but as an effective method of engineering (collectively) a desired mindset. Yes, it is obvious we have a serious social circumstance on our hands…but I’ll be dammed if it isn’t somehow working for the advancement of something other than what we are being told and/or led to believe.
“Propagates”..?…Never read such a propagandise statement in life that needs rebuttal.
Bermuda Sun
Royal Gazette
Workers Voice
ZBM et al
Lifeblood, this is the only show in town where you can submit something and is edited, vetted and published within reason. Keep off the coolaide.
Re-Read your second last sentence. Really do. The apply it too Bernews and a voice then come back after you make comments like this in/on Royal Gazette etal via a live news feed.
Two bites of the cherry? The Loquat trees are on the way out. Go Figure.
“Wayward boys doing wrong”…
When one of your family members is violated or shot down..give me an update with your social plan.
@ Terry: I am honored that you would think so much of my post to even respond the way you did. Thank you.
@ Jus’ Askin: That’s a good point.
You think you have seen anything? Wait ’til they get rid of “Paper Currency” then and only then will you see.
Hi5 2 this comment. Someones paying attn. They are doing exactly what they want 2 do right in front of ur face behind ur backs. & all u ppl with ur negative comments make it all that much easier.
I feel like if she was willing to bring in the drugs she should solely should take responsibility for her actions. No one made her bring in those drugs, life is all about choices. And it truly amazes me how people can judge these boys without the full story. LET THE COURTS be the judge. A lot of you Bermudians talk because you have mouths without thinking about whats being said or who your comments are affecting. Its sad people take so much pride in seeing black men being condemned instead of doing something to prevent it. SMDH
Candy, not sure if you thought your point through. She may have brought the drugs in but I can guarantee you she was not going to be the one distributing them. The intent of the others she allegedly CONSPIRED with makes them responsible too. I doubt that she pulled those names out of a hat either.
Believe me I have no pride in what is happening in our island, but let’s be real – no way should the girl be solely responsible. I also agree that some of the comments are uncalled for. People are frustrated and don’t think before they speak. They don’t think about what if it was their relative because I assure you they would be outraged if it was their relative at the very comments they are making about someone else’s relative.
@ babyrocko u r funny!!!! u know so much about this situation u sound like a key witness for the prosecution. She could pretty much be the king pin behind the whole situation. It can be her ex boyfriend or they done something to her she dont like.. R u serious u sound like an idiot…
yawn…..you can’t be serious. Now I have to SMDH
@Candy! The people who raised them should have done something to prevent it. I’m sorry but these black men aren’t taking pride in themselves. Maybe the people she was doing it for didn’t offer her any monetary assistance with court fees and what not.
It’s funny how mostly BLACK MEN are in these situations. Is it because black Bermudian men are so bad at spelling and forming coherent sentences in proper English that their lives are so hard and they have to resort to crime? Everyone knows that these guys were well on their way to be some of the greatest BLACK surgeons, astro physicists and government leaders that Bermuda has ever seen. My heroes! Look at how neatlty they dress too! I am black and I love black people but I hate dumb ninjas!
I totally agree, it makes me sad to know that most people get a kick out of seeing our black men killing each other and getting jailed. all they want to do is put down instead looking at at situation and saying hmmmm i wonder what s the real truth behind that and how could we as a island help these boys. i hear how people say oh why don’t they get a job this and that,but have you ever been unemployed and had hell to jet a job, getting turned away everyday is a heart break. there are a lot of young black man like jakio and Roy who have went to college and graduated and can’t get a job with a degree. so in reality what else is there to do if you need to support your family with out people saying oh his unfit as a father or this and that…. smh people , especially Bermuda’s are so quick to judge and throw there own people under the bus. it really makes me upset.
Please if they would go find a job instead of sitting at home on their mothers couches all day they wud have a job. They find it easier to sit at home n chill with friends than working.There just lazy ass hell. I don’t wanna work id rather just cause trouble.Lock them up
So lazy that they spent years in university getting degrees. Clearly they aren’t lazy. They have not been proven guilty either. I was a suspect in a terrible crime once and after much embarrassment I was found innocent.
@Black British- thank you very much…
@ black british Me to it the worst feeling in the world…Plus people forget to mention she was unemployed to sittingon her mothers couch!!!!So what that makes her…
aye, the same thing happened to me too..Ended up losing my nice job during the court process and was found not guilty..
I was lucky enough to go abroad to school. I obtained a Bachelors degree, been back for 8 months now. I jus started working in the last 2 weeks. SO idc what u people say !! I had to eat, so I done what I had to do..
Forget you stupid ppl that dont know the reality of Bermuda !!!
I find it so pathetic that you can sit behind a computer screen and place judegement on people you do not know! You speak as if you know these men and their life stories, what they do day in a day out when in reality, YOU DONT KNOW A DAMN THING. Lazy as hell? How exactly do you come to this conclusion? If a man cant take care of his family he’s judged, if a man cant find employment he’s judged and of course if he resorts to crime in order to provide, he’s judged! I am in NO way condoning the actions of anybody, however I think its time to get off your high horse as well as remembering that these men are loved by someone whether its a mother, father, brother, sister or significant other. Think of those you may be hurting with your ignorant words before you decide to type.
dont’t get me wrong everyone should be held accountable for their own actions, but i just wish we would stop just looking at situations and judging them for what you assume it to be.
we are all human and we all make stupid choices,sometimes not realising the consequences that may be in store. so stop put these guys or this girl shanea down its pointless, unless you need to entertain your self with the negative feed back all the time.
@ Candy, The girl has been charged for her part being involved but her roll would not have taken place if the others didn’t have the money to set it all up… It’s like a play at City Hall that has a beginning and ending which all involved partook to make it happen and now we get to see the whole play. Everyone was suppose to get paid, unfortunately the play was cut short due to poor attendance in ticket sales due to good police work. And now, here is the sequel to that play… Free of charge to the whole public to see.
They have to be running out of jail cells pretty soon?!
Have any of these alleged Stay-At-Home Gangsters been check for gunshot residue???
@GPS! They need to check them for brain activity! Jail time should include mandatory English classes too. No shortened sentences unless the can form a proper sentence and spell correctly. We all make mistakes but flip, the dumb grammar I see is so normal to these days. Dumbness equals no money!
You seem to have a lot to say sir! I am a relative of one of these young men; no he’s not perfect… He has made a few bad decisions in his life but he is a beautiful person. Did it ever occur to you that he may not have had many decisions as far as bringing money into his household?! I see situations everyday in the newspaper about folks losing their employment. Hell, just the other day an elderly woman was caught stealing I believe $16 of groceries from the supermarket. Times are hard! If he did it was this the best choice he could’ve made to support himself/family? No! So who are you to sit in front of your computer screen and judge him based off of this situation? Do you know him personally? Do you know his family? Do you know his achievements? NO YOU DONT!! Quit being a typical Bermudian… He is a very intelligent young man, has great grammar skills and his brain activity is just fine… SMART@$$! I suggest you find out more information about the “dumb ninjas” you attempt to put down… At the end of the day, He’s innocent until proven guilty… FREE KIO!!!
@Relative…..You sound just like that Lady that defended former Premier E-Wart Brown…no matter the badness he does, he’s still a good person…..DAMN, Satan must be good at heart too?!!?
So, your saying to the Bermudian bloggers that being at STAY-AT-HOME So called Gangster is ok????????????????????????????
Help us all understand this foolishness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now Back to Troy Anthony – Black On Black!!…Too Much Of Dat!!!!
Are you comparing these men to Satan right now?! And why do you keep talking about them being “gangsters”?! They are not being charged for being a “gangster”… They’re being charged for conspiracy of importation! I never said that being a “stay-at-home Gangster” is ok… YOU are referring to them as that… NOT ME!! That’s NOT what my relative is… I ask you again, do you personally know these young men?? I am ONLY speaking for my relative… Can you honestly sit here and tell me that you’ve done NO wrong in your life, that you’ve lived sin free?!… If that’s the case, I should be praying to you each and every night and calling you God! No sin is greater than the next sir… I can tell you now that you’ve done wrong in your life but I’m sure that did not make you a bad person. I’m not condoning what these young men allegedly did but I just feel as though you ought to know the FULL STORY first before you sit here and pass judgment…
Look i understand you are a relative..but be real about what your saying..yes they mad bad decisions but i am a young black bermudian and i know all of these men/boys and have for a long time.. Be real if they bought in the drugs n should be punished heavily sorry to say wake up read the writing on the wall…yeah oh n just because the elderly lady stole groceries its ok hahah…like make sense with what your saying..if “times were so hard” they should have sold all their jewelry…Gold is almost at 1500 an ounce and from knowing these guys some of their jewelry would have generated a pretty penny..but thats beside the point they bought the drugs in, and deserve to be punished. we dont have to know the whole story. its cut and clear sorry to say..
@be real plz As I’ve stated in ALL of my msgs… I’m speaking in reference to “MY RELATIVE” and he is NOT one of those young men who prance around in a whole bunch of jewelry!!! I never said that it was “ok” for the elderly woman to steal from the supermarket… Did I sympathize with her situation?! YES I DID!! I found it very unfortunate that, that was the extent she had to go to in order to eat/survive. I don’t really have too much more to say to you, you’re entitled to your own opinion… As usual, you’re another one of “them” that sit behind your computer screen and act as though you’ve done nothing illegal. At the end of the day… These boys are still innocent! So have a nice day…
This cant be the same GPS that posted
about the intern that got caught is it?
I swear the people that comment on this site are less educated then the defendants in these cases, I’d love it if people judged you on one decision that you’ve made in your life.
@Hypocrites n Parasites….yes, it is the same GPS…
No, there isn’t anything wrong with Ganja….but I have problems with so called Gang Members using this industry to fund their Stay-At-Home, drive-by, cowardly shooting business…
Until the Men in suits make Ganja legal Again, small amounts of Ganja should be considered a petty offence…
Please don’t play dumb and act like these accused men are not associated with Gang Activity.
If you a relative of one of these youths, encourage them to be more progressive in today’s society.
Now Back to some Troy Anthony….Black On Black…Too Much Of Dat!!!!
@GPS ALL I CAN DO IS LAUGH AT YOU!!! I CAN NOT BELIEVE YOU SAID GANJA IS OKAY AS LONG AS IT IS A SMALL QUANTITY!!! After that comment, you don’t even deserve a REAL response… Back to your “Troy Anthony”!!! Smh…
Ganja is NOT okay these days like it was years ago when it was as God made it.
Today’s ganja is the product of decades of serious research and development investment by drug businessmen in other countries. They have bred and genetically messed with the plant so as to produce the most potent stuff possible. Now they are reaping the profits off of dumb ass Bermudians and others.
I’m serious. Today’s weed can really mess with your body , while lining other peoples pockets. No joke.
Sorry, it is what it is. Some of these young men have back rounds which have affected SOME of their thinking patterns. Some of these young men have both parents who are crackheads, drunks, some of them have been in Sunshine League or some other home since they were babies, some of them have been exposed to some ungodly things at early ages but in saying this the decision is yours once you become an adult i grew up with some of them and saw the outcome before it manifested itself. Many elements affect the reasons why our young black men have been led in the wrong direction. I made it out so could have they but to decide to do wrong first and then expect ppl to care kills any chance of ppl having faith in you. It’s so hard to reap what you sow and think you will never be caught or exposed! WEAKMINDED, DISCOURAGED, BORED, TROUBLED MEN = PROBLEMS!!!
“Candy” are you for real?? The girl was a drug mule for someone she didn’t bring them in to sell herself. If these guys are the ones dealing, selling etc. and they talk some desperate, stupid person into bringing in their supply for a little cash, then why should they get off scott free? Only the mule should get punished? that’s ridiculous. People are always ready to jump and defend these so called “innocent, nice, good boys” People should wait for the full story? How do totally innocent, hard working, law abiding citizens get arrested and charged with conspiracy to import drugs and be totally innocent. They are obviously doing something wrong or hanging with the wrong crowd. So get off your “Bermudians judging people” tip, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it’s a duck. Nobody is on here condeming black men they are condeming them as individuals. Ever think the reason so many of the young men you see in trouble and before the courts are black is because our island is predominatley black so the odds are higher.
What I find funniest about your statement is that when referring to the woman bringing the drugs ONTO the island she was ‘obviously’ (yes that was sarcasm) “desperate”. Your implying that this woman had no mind of her own or had somewhat of an excue for her action through the use of such language. If thats the case, why is it so hard to believe that anyone or all of these men were also in a desperate and precarious situation? Ive mentioned this a number of times on this discussion that not one of the people passing judgment through the computer understand first hand exactly what these people may have been going through in their lives. Do not speak on what you do NOT understand.
you all are sitting here judging these boys who r finding out the hard way how not to make it in bda. who is giving these young boys a chance to get out of this lifestyle, that so many of our bermudian young men are falling pray to? sit here and judge them or you get off of your fancy computers and try to help them. they may not see any other way to make it in this high society Bermuda. I’m sure they know how stupid their actions are but did it occur to any of you, that they may feel they have no other choice? you knowing better, have you offered them that choice? one in school one working for government, and they still resort to this. when is every one going to realize that from the top to the bottom we are all responsible for the way these young man have gone and none of us are willing to extend a hand to help them out of it!!
They might shoot us in the hands but I’m right behind you unbelievable! Just realize that they are dumb and brainwashed for the moment. Working for the government and in school and they still want to aspire to be be lowly criminals? We aren’t responsible for these idiots. If everyone paid attention to their kids, helped them with their homework, knew who their friends were and expected nothing but the best from them, maybe they would turn out better. I’m not responsible for everybody. I’m responsible for my kids and I’m making sure that I don’t raise any stupid arse fake tough guy, plant matter selling, wall lizards!
i have tried to help many of these boys but the simple truth is that it does not matter what type of job they have if they are associating around the same people. if all their friends are just drinking, smoking, in gangs etc, there is no modivation to change thier lifestyle. unless they want to change all you sound like is a broken record trying to preach to them
blah blah blah its all the same talk from the internet politicians, we let them down rah rah rah, what are U doing to help these boys.
NO WE ARE NOT ALL TO BLAME. Stop trying to blame everyone for the all the problems these kids are facing. Yes, it is a community issue and yes we should all try to help in some way if we can, but WE ARE NOT ALL TO BLAME. People won’t help if they are being blamed for things they did not do.
How about those that can do it step up to the plate as Big Bros.
I read the other day that there are 200 boys signed up to the programme who do not yet have a Big Bro. These young guys NEED mentors and good examples in their lives. They need a window into the rest of the world and the opportunity that lies outside the confines of their neighbourhoods. They need to learn how to interact with the wider world so they can carry themselves with pride.
They are ASKING FOR HELP, and no one has stepped forward.
Get with the program men! If you have something to offer and are willing to make the commitment this is something you CAN DO that will make an enormous difference to the next generation. PLEASE!!!
@Scruffy – I noticed while reading some of the comments relating to this article that no-one responded to your post. I wonder why…..
They are providing jobs for the Police, Judges, Lawyers, Corrections Officers etc, etc.
What a bunch of fools, way to live up to stereotypes. What a way to live that gang life in Bermuda is.
“Relatives”……..Get real. So someone talks about your “relative” and your gonna go balistic?
Bermuda is the mirror of “The Young and The Restless”. You worry about what one wears, what they eat, where they eat, what dicty car they drive…bling bling.
As for your comments about where they would get $100,000, MAD, give me a break. The stuff cost less than $10,000 when sold in bulk from the dudes in Jersey and JA. Your more worried about the cost of the drug itself, retail, wholesale,..what about the cost of the lives, families, social structure. Thats why you have something to say because of my last sentence if not, you would have no reply and we would not even be having this conversation; if you can call it that.
People in Amsterdam get more time for stealing a sliff than they do for anything else. It IS STILL STEALING…………
If you can turn $10.000.00 into $100,000,00 by transporting marijuana form NY TO BDA.
I think we have found the 3 pillar.
These boys should be hired as consultants!
u crazy, man lol
What can be done to help troubled youth???? If they dont want to help themselves what do you think? a speech will help? a job? Community groups?
All those saying ‘help’ these young men what ideas do you have? What have U done and has it worked? Please share.. if you havent then you know what you need to do.
bring in more apprenticeship jobs while they are in school age give those boys that didnt do so well in school a fighting chance to be good at something before they have a chance to say im not good at anything. more trade courses fixing boats avionics. direct their negative energy in a positive way without people like you discouraging the fact that things can change if given the chance…
Ok that’s it!! 4 the ppl who do not know these youngins. Let me set the record straight COAT TAIL RIDERS ok got that!! Got it! Help, you help those who want to help themselves. “Most” end up embarrassing the hand that feeds them they last for 5 seconds!
1. Oh man oz tied this morning went Gravity last nite daz why um late
2. Yah i’m on my way 10 making 9
3. C what had happened wuz
4. You can’t have a flat tire everyday of the week
5. Can’t come in today ot a hangover from last nite
To name a few!!! Please i made a decision last year when i lined this young man up for a job with a lawyer and dude never showed up! B4 that he was on the Corner of Court & Elliott and dat was his final destination.
um… is that job with the lawyer still available…?
She only got two years your already convicted what’s the point. Why start telling tales now should have done your 2 years or just say no #simple
These boys are not allegedly selling drugs because of some struggle to survive!!!! They are looking for FAST and EASY money because they feel some ignorant need to be blinged out like their BET role models. A 9-5 job isnt good enough for them because these boys want to live a flashy powerful lifestyle. Their priorities are MESSED UP. Influencial American culture has them believing that happiness is based on the amount of money and things that you have. Bermudians need a WAKE UP CALL. They dont realise how truly lucky they are to live in one of the most beautiful places on earth where there is plenty of opportunity, it may not be opportunity to live like the houses you’ll see on ‘MTV Cribs’, but if you have an education and integrity and work ethic whether you be black white purple or pink you can find a job that can pay your rent and food and to desire anything more is greed especially if you are willing to profit off of the destruction of others (drugs). Too many people are living in a dream world and need to their priorities streightened out.
@Bermudian I wish you would STFU because you are sounding really silly right now. The fact that you’re saying that the ONLY reason they’re allegedly selling drugs is for some BLING is beyond ridiculous. You mean to tell me that there isn’t a slight possibility that they could’ve been doing it to survive?! Or to support their family?! Mind you, there are countless people that are without employment (not because they want to be) but you’re telling me that these 4 young men are allegedly doing this simply to wear jewelry, look good and drive expensive cars?! LOOOLLLL Ohhh, the foolishness… I know PLENTY of Bermudians with a college level education and are still unemployed OR they have a job that does not support their living in Bermuda. Hell, 25 employees were just made redundant at Bank of Butterfield. Some of these men do not just have the responsibility to support themselves but also their family members. Stop and think before you talk PLEASE!
@ cany n relative,
Yall r the exact reason why this island is goin through some kinda hell right now! Always makin weak azz excuses for these men who you say are intelligent. quit makin lame azz excuses for the free choices these idiots may have made! they know that weed is againts the law and so do you! so if they wanna play games wit da law den they need to accept their consequences like men! some of these lil ninjas be on facebook wit da weed and da money pics front and center. dey want da world ta see the unjust gains but they n their fam neva want da world ta see the just consequences of those twisted choices! n if yall wanna keep supportin their unlawful n ungodly decisions then yall can be prepared ta have year round passes to westgate or monthly flower arrangements for thier grave site! i’m ashamed of the moral state of my country! its almost like we no longer have the sense to discern between right and wrong! let me make it clear…..DRUGS ARE ILLEGAL
i agree 100%!! sounds like a “supported” family member to me. right is right…wrong is WRONG!!! 1 bad decision or not (i doubt this was the first time..only the first time he/they got caught maybe) there are consequences!! lock them up and let them learn…if they even learn!!
Blah Blah Blah… Not even gonna waste too much of my time replying to you! Imma tell you like I’ve been telling the rest of you typical Bermudians… These 4 young men are innocent until proven guilty! Toodles…
unless ur gonna tell me u haven’t benefitted i don’t wanna hear it anyway! let’s hope 1 of those 25 laid off bntb employees don’t hit u or urs for money…just remember they have “reasons” and would be innocent until proven guilty!!
@Concerned I’m confused… What exactly do these laid off employees have to do with these 4 young men being charged with “Conspiracy of Imporation”??????? And I’m sure they would have a reason if they committed the crime, now wouldn’t they?! Now would we necessarily agree or understand their reason… Maybe/ Maybe not… But, they still have a reason! At the end of the day, you’re still missing my point… Quit passing judgment on people and situations you are unaware of!!!
@yall mus like dis island in chaos- I’m sorry, “I’m” the exact reason why this island is going through some kinda hell?!… Because I feel as though YOU typical Bermudians should not pass judgment on these alleged “drug smugglers”?! So I presume YOU have a great influence on the island right?! Cause you’ve done NO wrong right?! It isn’t an excuse; darling I stated facts… I am only speaking on behalf of 1 of those young men and I can guarantee you he is not one of them “lil ninjas” you’re referring to on Facebook that has “weed and money pics”. You’re sitting on here talking about “unlawful” and “ungodly” ways… Tell me your name and I’m sure I can find DIRT on you and possibly unlawful and ungodly things you’ve done. ANYBODY looks bad once put under a magnifying glass. This newspaper is feeding you garbage that they want the public to believe. “PARKSIDE FUNDING PROGRAM”… WTF are they even talking about?!?!?!? And you, being a TYPICAL BERMUDIAN, eats up each and every word… At the end of the day, half of you commenting on this article don’t know these 4 young men from Adam… Yet, you have the MOST to say!!! They want you to believe that this was a “gang operation”… DUMMY!!!
@ relative….lets see….you can make broad generalisations and JUDGEMENTS about so called TYPICAL BERMUDIANS and call me a DUMMY but i can’t state the obvious about importing weed as being UNLAWFUL and therefore ungodly ( cause according ta God we’re supposed to obey the laws of the land) then u must have fallen and bumped your head! further more, i’m familiar with some of these guys through law enforcement BUT if which ever one you’re defending happens to be innocent then i have no problem acknowledging my wrong! further more, i noticed you haven’t thrown out your real name yet so what are you waiting for? and as for doing no wrong, i chose to make a career out of upholding the law not breaking it. If these guys are involved in a life of crime then that makes them CRIMINALS. last i checked that was basic english 101. it never ceases to amaze me the amount of times guys get caught red handed n the 1st thing they do is call their mommas from lock up claimin that the police are lying so forgive me if i can’t see their halos like you can. n hopefully the one u r defending isn’t guilty n he also isnt a target by a rival gang. n hopefully if he is then i pray that u are not a close enough relative that u as an innocent bystander could potentially take a stray bullet. n just for clarification, the prosecutor and the magistrate called the men fund raisers for parkside. and again, if the young man u are defending is truely innocent then u might want to suggest that he stay away from KNOWN DRUG DEALERS. n yeah….i know that at least 2 of them r 100%
@yall mus like dis island in chaos- So I noticed you said that you, “chose to make a career out of upholding the law”… Ssssoooooo you’ve NEVER broken the law?! At all…?! Cause I don’t know not one Bermudian that hasn’t… So if you happen to be the first, my dude, you deserve a reward!!! EVERYBODY on this island has been involved in some sort of criminal act throughout their life… Whether it is minor or major. The only difference with these 4 young men is that, it was brought to the court room. Now I’m not justifying it… Like I’ve BEEN arguing… I don’t feel as though ANYBODY has the right to judge these boys… Because NONE of you are innocent! As for the whole “rival gang” comment… I guess you missed the part where they were referred to as “alleged gang members” huh?! Okay….
Been without a job for almost a year now, but haven’t felt the urge to import drugs or do anything illegal to support my family. Thanks to all those who have supported and helped me during this very difficult time.
@OMG Well good for you…
Exactly HOW do you know what these men have or have not been through in life? I would love to know. You have no right to speak on the lives of people you have no clue about. A wrong decision was possibly made, yes. But do not assume you understand a persons mind and soul simply by what you read.
Once again, FREE KIO!! Hold ya head up…
@terry it is clear that you have never spent a day in the streets and you sit in front of your computer all day and judge people from what the media has to say about them. That girl was offered $$$ to do what she did and she knew full well what she was doing. She needs to just accept that she got caught and LAY DOWN!!!
Jobs are scarce out there, everyone knows that…thats why people are taking drastic measures to get money. The general public needs to just stop judging people until they realize why people do what they do and the circumstances certain people are in at times.
What drew you to that conclusion Nucca. As for media, surely you jest. Tell me. Keep it brief. I can only stand so much garbage in one day.
There’s no simple solutions,theres’ plenty of simple people doing simple things though.Simply put…If you don’t mind me being simplistic,,Just trying to simplify the simplicity of it all…
There is only 1 person in dis situation dat needs 2 b punished n dats d girl…would she av told police if she got thru no i dun think so..she needed money saw a chance for quick cash n got caught..thats 1 of d risks of smuglin,any chance of getin caught..fighting a war on drugs is a waste of money as it is n now 4 such a small amount of drugs lock up 4 people costing $320,000 per year..thats more then what they would av made off the drugs…any1 that drinks or smokes ciggaretts that disagrees is a hypocrite so do not comment….lets face it we live in dis world exposed to theese things n should learn to adapt n realize its time for DECRIMINILIZATION
Looking at the time of most of these posts I’d love to know YTF weren’t you all working? Instead you were on here wasting your employer’s money and time and not to mention our time too!
I may be wrong but I don’t believe god has the internet because unlike most of you he is busy at work, so I am a little confused by all the judgemental comments. ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE US and none of you are god so GTFOH. At the end of the day that broad knew exactly wtf she was doing and she is one lame a$$ person for opening her mouth (#BottomOfThe BarrellBasicBit*h). Im sure she knew there would be consequences for her actions if she was caught. She should have taken responsibilities for herself and done the time instead of ruining other lives along with her own.
NOW to those who have nothing better to do then sit on here all day and talk sh!t I suggest you do something with your time like WORK and if you don’t have a job, A few young men might be out of a job so here is your chance to go get one. Remember that these young men are someone’s son, brother, father and/or uncle so have some respect and think about how you would feel if these young men were members of your family. So GROW UP and if you don’t know what the abbreviations mean google it since you have so much free time on your hands.
@tms…..did u really say, “At the end of the day that broad knew exactly wtf she was doing and she is one lame a$$ person for opening her mouth (#BottomOfThe BarrellBasicBit*h). Im sure she knew there would be consequences for her actions if she was caught. She should have taken responsibilities for herself and done the time instead of ruining other lives along with her own.”…..let your own words hold yo azz up cause if those dudes did do it they knew what they were doin too and i’m sure they knew what the consequences would be if she rolled ova on their asses! So those dudes need to take responsibility for their part n finally become men of integrity. If they were such standup dudes and strong black men they would have done their own durty work! So now we get to have the courts time wasted by a parade of parents, friends and family that will vouch for these momma’s boys! yall need ta crack open a Bible every once in a while cause dat book got a lot more to say then “judge not”. It also says you will know them by what they produce. It also says that you will reap what you sow. its says a fool sees the evil n still heads toward it. it says Dont be deceived, God is not mocked for whatsoever a man sows , that shall he also reap. so yall can keep justifying theis behaviour all day but the reaper is still comin, i just hope it aint da grim reaper for some of these dudes but some of yall be encouraging these dudes ta keep sowing the wrong seeds so be quiet when the crop of corruption and destruction and heartache produces its full harvest! n u can cuss me out all day long but it dont change this natural and spiritual law….they WILL reap what they sow!
couldn’t have said it better!!
Sounds like the pot calling the cattle black! Your judging her “#BottomOfThe BarrellBasicBit*h” and the people writing comments! & who are you to say that we are at work, who knows today could’ve been a day off! & since your so concerned about people doing their work or lack thereof, why aren’t you doing yours? hmm.
.. One thing, is there much of “parkside” left to lock up, because it’s been a good number of them going up on several charges! This should teach the rest of the young boys & girls out there selling drugs, importating, conspiracy..etc: just because you haven’t been caught yet, doesn’t mean you won’t!
& now there is another kid that will have to grow up without his father in his life for a while!
@my ppl r slow maybe you read wrong but tms never once justified what those boys are charged with she was simply making a point to not judge them as we all are not perfect. As for the girl i agree she did know what she was doing and if someone had asked her to tie a brick to her feet and jump off a cliff into the water im guessing she should do it right, and if it proves to be fatal we should charge the person with murder because they asked her to do it. Everyone on here has something negative to say about these boys what about this girl you cant blame the boys for her actions. Point being dont pass judgement if u dont know them. Everyone makes mistakes and wrong decisions and they are being now punished for them or the real story. Not everything the media says is true. But why should they be judged by all of you? Bermudians are so Basic i cant tell anymore when will you all grow up.
As a note – the same note we make every time people allude that a Court story we printed isn’t true – this article presents facts, which the Police/lawyers/defendants themselves can confirm… they were brought into Court today and charged as the article states.
Whether they are guilty or innocent is separate from the facts presented above of them being charged… perhaps that is more what you mean…
@ i cant tell
dont u know that they do charge ppl in the states all the time for influencing others to commit suicide. its even happened online where others have suggested ppl (teens imparticular) to kill themselves and when they have done it a history of the persons emails has been used to convict their influencers. n i’m not blaming the boys for her actions…i’m blaming them for their own, which is ALLEGED conspiracy to import a controlled drug! why is bda insisting on babying and cultivating weak men yo?! yall want the woman ta MAN up but the dudes ta hide behind yalls skirts!?
You Guyzz Havv No Livess Jus Sittin Here N commentin on dis stuff
Go have sex or sumtin wats rung.
@psc n%$ga – haha, you really are the epitome of the Parkside membership! I hope your boys in lockup appreciate your comments. Stand up! Grow up! You want to make a name for yourself then stop following his lowness The Prince and get a minimum wage job like the rest of us. Make your family proud and get off de block, grow a set of your own nuts and get a job. Your bredren are all doing stretches, is that not enough to make you give up the life. Next trial at court, go see how many of your “boys” show up for support. None. Join the $&?! PSC movement. Ya boys ain’t ya boys when the heats on. Run n hide.
I have sat here and read every comment that everyone has made. I am fed up with all of you judgemental people that post stuff about a lifestyle you’ve probably never had to endure. I know everyone involved in this case and yet I still don’t judge them as you people do. This girl wasn’t new to what was going on. They didn’t just pick some random girl off the street and offer her money. Which is why people are pissed that she pricked (if she did).
All of these boys are intelligent young men who just happened to need money to further themselves. This wasn’t going to help them live out of their means or anything like that. This was going towards helping out their families on a whole!!!
All of you people on here casting judgement piss me off, cause just yesterday it was ok for that un-named intern to get a pass because he gave a cock and bull story. What pisses me off even more are the people that came on here talking about stuff that didn’t need to be known (he worked for government or he was in school or he has a degree). That don’t have anything to do with why they are in this case.. Maybe just maybe the money was going to help them further their educations. You all don’t talk this crap when people in positions of trust get caught with their hands in the cookie jar now do you?!? Its so easy for everyone to sit behind their computers and pass judgement on situations that you don’t understand. I’m not condoning what hey did, BUT I do understand their reasons!!!
As far as all the “stay at home gangster” sh!t goes…. That sh!t is for the birds! It seems to me that you all are confused on what you want. Just because you don’t see these boys on the block or running around shooting people they are stay at home gangsters?!? GTFU!!! Some people choose not to be in the streets to protect their images. Its just sad that she snitched (if she did) after she got her time handed to her.
@Silence Is Golden very well said…
@ Silence is Golden !!! that was written very good.
if u read your own words then hopefully u can see that u sound like a dog chasing his tail! either you believe in right or wrong or u dont! either u want a country where ppl are law abiding or u dont! stop talkin outta both sides of your mouth! tired of this wishy washy, left is right, up is down, wrong is right country that cant seem to see the light even at noon day. so keep justifying lawlessness n the law will keep putting them away n the families can keep claiming its a conspiracy! ppls moral vision is clouded thats why they wink at criminality and their ears are deaf to true justice thats why they cant hear its unadulterated cry in the streets. everybodies too busy perfecting their own natural fleshly wisdom and have forsaken the wisdom of GOD. thats why God said “professing themselves to be wise they became fools” this country has forgotten to fear and reverence the Lord despite the fact that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
@hamma it’ll never be a society without wrong! My problem with this whole thing is that she didn’t need to talk because she isn’t some random girl they found!!! She could have easily said no and they would have found someone else!!! Judgement should be left for GOD!!!
If all judgement should be left for God then please tell me why we have courts, jduges, and why ppl are meeted out judgements by a jury of their peers! come on….lets stop playin these lii games cause the truth of the matter is non of really wants our judgement to be left up to God. if u don’t belive me just check out what happened to king DAVID when he asked God to meet out judgement instead of being judged by man.
@OMG you just said why you haven’t felt the urge to turn to street life!!!You have a support system. How in the hell is the poor supposed to help the poor?!? All of these boys come from the back of town area and most of their families live in the back of town area. One of them doesn’t even have a family to go to besides his granny. One of them may have been lucky enough to move from round here but he is still a ghetto yout!!!
As far as that coment “how many parkside ppl are left?” GO LAY DOWN!!! you sound like a 42 groupie
Vatz up bro. Det Psc? Vat de pryce uv Viagra. Still chepaer den det crap yah sallin on dee wall bro….Bless up Bro get it on…….
All you ppl are just on here commenting because its anonymous. Any time you HAD to state your name, your REAL birth name.. None of you all would be talking crap! STFU and worry about your own lives and what your children/brothers/cousins/family members are doing and stop worrying about ppl that can careless whether you wake up in the morning or not!
Couldn’t have said it better!!!
You could if you had an original thought..try it and throw away your puppet garb..
Ain’t a matter of being someones puppet… All you people come on here and just judge people who you don’t know! Say whatever the eff you want about the allegations but DON’T make it personal! All u people on here talk crap because nobody don’t know who you all are!!! And if they’re so much as a wanna be gangster then why is everyone afraid of them?!? Like someone already said if u dont kno them STFU!!!
Afraid cause cowards with guns that hide in bushes and shoot real bullets is pretty scary stuff..It is also the work of punks that have no respect for life and that is both sad and did I say Cowardly?
we noticed u aint using your real birth name eitha
Would love to just worry about my life however you silly, spoiled, albeit needy brats keep making me look over my shoulder…
As for not stating given names, why would any smart person do that, particularly when these cowards masquerading as gangsters hide in bushes, in the dark of night and shoot people in the back. Must take some courage to do that…
Hey, never come across so many colicky peeps since Ole Ewart was runnin round..
FREE KIO FREE LANO FREE ROY end of discussion. You ppl have so much 2 say. You go so deep and most of you don’t have a clue what your talking about. Blah blah blah is all I hear. Judge their alledged actions not them because you don’t know them or their stories. So bascically in the nicest way I can possibly say this. STFU! Thank u and have a nice day!
How difficult is it to understand? The cops have sufficient evidence to charge and the judge to deny bail..What is so complicated about it?
So funny how you are not judging but you are only saying free to 3 of them it sounds like they are the main 3,,,do u know more Than your saying
I only personally know three and no I don’t I just don’t like people judging so harshly. I’m not defending them but u can’t judge somebody you don’t know. That’s why I said judge their alleged actions not them
The people in here that comment and defend these guys make me laugh. Yes the usual “they are sweet innocent boys” while throwing the girl under the bus and calling her all sorts of names. They ARE NOT sweet innocent boys and yes I know 1 or more of them. All you have to do is look at their facebooks as well(some have already been deleted), they snitch on themselves.
The ones defending their “good name” take your dumb arguments on why you think they are innocent to a courtroom and see how your idiotic argument holds up.
@Nicole I take it you’re referring to me… So imma speak for myself… NOT ONCE did I state that these are “sweet innocent boys”! I’ve said that they have bad some bad decisions/ choices in their lives as I’m sure you have as well… Did that make you a bad person though?! Was it fair for someone to pass judgement on you?! Me personally, I did not throw the girl under the bus… Do I have an opinion about her and what she did (I’m referring to her allegedly snitching)?! Yes, I do but it’s my opinion and I keep it to myself… As should the rest of you!
@NICOLE ….. What ever happened to innocent until such a time that a person is PROVEN to be guilty. Stop passing judgment before the facts in the case come out.
P.s that broad is lame u got caught what she snitchin for last I heard the word “no”still exist and its march nearly april she was convicted in December right? She is wack for that. Terry n gps and garlic butter ya’ll have big mouths this is the real world not the fake fantasy u live behind your computer. All the ones tryna sound so smart and holier then thou u sound stupid your talking about a world you know nothing about and are educated only from the news paper. This is life get over it your no better then them. LAY DOWN and again STFU please and thank u”
STFU, whats that stand for. Guess you can’t handle opinions as can be seen by your continuous use of STFU.Anyway, the Courts will decide. You have a great day Mr.”S”…..
You have no reply for this person and now he “cant handle opinions”? obviously neither can you.
At the end of the day..and I believe someone may have posted it in an earlier thread..SHE knew exactly what she was doing..did it ever occur to you that there’s a possibility that this was not her first time and secondly that had she not been caught she would have been preparing for another “run” as we speak? SHE needed the money is what SHE said, SHE was no longer working and had a child to care for..I’m not here to defend either party..but we know what HER story is because SHE has already been charged, tried and convicted..we don’t know these young mens’ stories because they have only been charged and the majority of you that are posting are being judgemental whether you want to admit it or not..just because they have been charged it does not mean that it is going to result in a conviction. EVERYONE breaks the law in one way or another, some of us get caught and some of us don’t..case and point when driving to work today if your doing 38kmph than you are breaking the law..now while this example may be considered “apples and oranges” to some in comparission with the charges these young men (because I refuse to put them down and call them gangsters)it is still a crime..Yes we are all entitled to cast our own opinion but try getting some facts first before we make judgement calls….
@Can you handle this- THANK YOU!! That’s the exact point I was trying to get across…
This ish is funny….girl goes away comes back with package, girl gets caught, girl gets told to talk or take the rep for everyone, girl talks and gets guys in trouble, guys get mad and she is scared, girl does time and gets out, girl has to deal with girlfriends of guys who girl talked about!!! The cycle never ends
I applaud this girl for opening her mouth and YES she deserves the penalties coming her way, but so do the guys who put her up to it. I just hope Dept of Corrections is ready to deal with the amount of A-holes in westgate banding together now that they’ve got their ring leader…Prince gets locked up and these worms aren’t puttin up no fight to get up there either…”yesa masa, we comin as soon as we can”
Freaks til the end inna?!?!?!?!?
Sweetie you sound ignorant as hell. “Put her up to do it”?? SHE WAS A GROWN WOMAN. So many people on this forum are using language which insinuates that this woman had an inability to make a decision for herself. She gets what she deserved and the only reason shes bringing these men down with her is SPITE. Yes they may have been in the wrong also if they did it, but whats funny is that if all had “gone well” she would have gotten her chump change and gona bout her business. But now that she got caught and is calling names, she’s a saint for speaking up. Lets not get confused! this woman was caught and then talked, she did not turn herself and these men in to better the community, guilt or some B.S.
@Undeniably Normal- WWHHHAAAATTTT?! Please never speak again because you sound completely foolish… According to you, they’re not putting up a fight, yet they ALL pleaded NOT guilty and intend to “fight this case”…. I figured if they were all chasing after their “masa”, they would’ve either pleaded guilty or turned themselves in… NO?!?!?!?!??!!! Go lay down somewhere… Take a nap!
get em all off the street!!! the sooner the better.
one thing u bermuda people crazy hate ghetto youths iths all good stay up my n#%gas
Why would you want to use the name dudus and call your friends N#%GAS?
That’s the ignorant mentality right there that keeps these guys from bettering themselves. This generation is going backwards instead of forward. There are more African American men in jail than were enslaved in 1850 and Bermudian blacks are following suit. How many of you have a Scarface poster or t shirt? There is nothing wrong with being a ghetto youth as long as you don’t have a ghetto mentality and carry yourself in a ghetto manner. I lived in poor conditions and got myself out of it the right way. The way that will last longer than selling weed. The way my kids see and want to follow in a positive direction. I gave them more than I had without being bad!
Bermuda is the only place in the world where so called “ghetto youths” own a computer and blog about their friends. It is the only place in the world where so called “ghetto youths” are actually have degrees (like the defendants mentioned in this article).
Actually Bermuda seems to be the only place in the world where some would be idetified as ghetto youths, while every ghetto I have seen around the world they are seeking and striving to leave.
You’re not ghetto. Go to places like Uganda, Cuba, Jamaica etc. if you want to live and be a true “ghetto youth.”
Until then you lot are just wanksters…plain and simple
*Actually Bermuda seems to be the only place in the world where some ACTUALLY WANT TO be idetified as ghetto youths, while every ghetto I have seen around the world they are seeking and striving to leave
@ dudus prsi…..i don’t hate so called ghetto youths. I’m assuming u mean youth from back of town. I grew up back of town so i guess i’m a former ghetto youth but i refuse to let where i grew up mean that i’m above the law. What we hate is crime!
Everybody is jus goin go to back and forward all day. Smh too much drama over somethin that doesn’t have 2 do with non of us. It is what it is. I wish them the best.
We surely have a serious problem going on in our island.I’m just saying this is just the beginning, much more to come lets have real talk people, are you all ready for what has been put in place. We as Bermudians need to pay attention to what is going on right in front of our faces wake the hell up. Do you think they are worrying about our Young Black Males,their doing them a favor let them kill each other your making their jobs easier for them. I’m pissed at everyone in this island we are not holding no one accountable for whats taken place on OUR ISLAND ALL WE ARE WORRYING ABOUT IS THE MIGHTY DOLLAR SAYING THAT AGAIN MIGHTY DOLLAR. WE HAVE LOST IT IF YOU THINK THIS GENERATION IS LOST BE PREPARED FOR WHAT IS COMING NEXT.STOP POINTING YOUR FINGERS WAKE THE HELL UP. FATHERS NEED TO STAND UP AND SHOW THEIR SONS HOW TO BECOME A MAN AND MOMMAS WE NEED TO STOP BABYING OUR YOUNG MEN NO MORE BREASTFEEDING THESE YOUNG MAN .
Who are “they”? Just wondering………
IF NONE of you kno any of these young man PERSONALLY do us ALL a favor & be quiet!!!! You small minded bermudians need to get a life and stop being so bothered with everyone else’s were only human. ppl make MISTAKES!. please and thank you.
“real talk”, are you for real? People conspiring, importing drugs everyday and the youngsters getting caught up in/with it are just continually just “ppl makes mistakes”………….
There must be evidence there to support a charge or the Police would have not bothered.
So people make mistakes, happens all the time and your content just to right it off. Tell that to the addicts that are suffering. Oh!! Thats right; it’s only weed thats they paid little for and are making a great profit.
And you wonder why we are where we are. No big deal right?
Quo Fata Ferunt.
After all these comments, the only thing that I get out of it is that Bermudians love to gossip about things they know nothing of. And my biggest concern is the “black and white” mentality that everyone displays. The world is shaded “gray.” To pass negative judgement on these young men so easily is saying that you want them to be guilty. Why is that? Don’t you all know that there is always more “facts” to be discovered later on? For those who speak about the law like it’s the best thing in the world- I LAUGH AT YOU. (I haven’t had a laugh like that in a while- thanx)The “law” was manifested by people. People are not perfect. So how do you justify the law being so? The law is a calloboration of rules that people, society brought up to control their community. If the law was so great there wouldn’t be such things as bylaws. For those who bring God and religion into it, again, off track. Really? Are they accused of anything that goes against what God believed to be ‘good’? For the people who spoke about morals hit it dead on. And if anyone knows anything about ethics (assuming you dont by ridiculous comments) you would know that making a decision whether they innocent or guilty is way harder than reading an article in the newspaper. People’s backgrounds and their situations differ from each other. Just because you wouldn’t steal bread for your starving family- doesn’t mean I wouldnt. Although i kno stealing is bad (law) letting my family die of starvation is worse (morals) is it not? I’m not saying their reasons for their actions(if they did do anything) was as drastic as this; and im not saying it isn’t either. What I am saying is that I DONT KNOW. Therefore, I do not judge. Maybe I do know one of those boys, maybe not. Point is I am not in that position to tell you what is right and what is wrong. Yes, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But just because you’re entitled to it, you dont have to say it. I am a true believer that everything has a reason. Look back at the past comments. Count how many are negative. Count how many are positive. Count how many are indifferent. Here, you will find Bermuda’s real problem. Women lie. Men lie. Numbers don’t lie.
@ true believer….u sound like u dont know what u REALLY believe. u make a distinction between laws and morals but admit that laws are put in place by the majority of the poulation. usually these laws ARE based on the populations Moral beliefs. and most laws were not put in place to “CONTROL” the ppl as if to keep them in bondage which is the implication that I’m getting from you. Actually most laws were put in place to protect citizens from unscrupulous people and to even the playing field of life. Granted, no govts laws have reached perfection but it beats the antithesis which is “LAWLESSNESS” which would bring us back to square one and reinforce the reason why society came up with laws in tyhe 1st place. u say stealing is bad (law) but i would say it is bad (law AND morals). u say letting your family starve is bad (morals) well i agree (morals {and law if they are your children}). that is why we have options in this world even govt. programs, family, friends, church organisations, charities and the option to start your own business even if it means starting by cutting grass or packing groceries! u mention “ethics” as if this is some higher plane of thinking in relation to morals. well, people make hard and life changing decisons every day from all walks of life and guess what? they have to live with the results of those hard decisions for better or worse. U want to bring GOd to a level of rebellion but HE isn’t there because HE told man to obey the laws of the land. i’m a blk man who has been 100% falsely accused by the law and was eventually 100% exonerated of a crime i didn’t commit or have any part in so u can’t even make the case that i’m defending the law as if i haven’t experienced the negative side of it. but if u want anarchy then what u will have is what just happenened a few minutes ago as a write this post “Man Shot Dead In Border Lane”. Stop dumbing down GOD! HE is still HOLY and HE actually told man to “BE ye Holy as I am Holy” granted this is a tall order for all of us but some us seem like we aren’t even interested in trying. Instead, we choose to say “life is gray”. Keep choosing gray areas and u will keep having what the above poster called a cloudy or murky future. PS……all decisions are easier to make and more accurate to discern when they are made out in the light! i don’t want these guys to be guilty . what i want them to be is stand uo citizens
@ imperfect believer. your name is quite accurate for you.You see, life is gray whether you want to believe it or not. People who believe that the world is black and white, have a narrow, pretty much general “Bermudian” mind. Morals tells you what is good, ethics tells you what is right. Think about that. Ethical decisions aren’t always the “good” decisions yet it is the “better” decision. You don’t have to believe in God to have morals. I can tell you are a very religious man- and thats good. But that don’t mean everyone else has to be. And just because someone believes in a different God or no God doesn’t make them any less than you. Religion is important but it is definitely not the ultimatum in making decisions in life- for everyone. I am not “dumbing down God.” Just stating the facts.
@ true believer
I never said that u have to believe in God to have morals. Everyone has some kind of morals. I know people who dont belive in God and are really good people. Even murderers and mafia have a moral/ethical code that they try to live by so please don’t make the assumption that i think people who dont believe in God have no morals. And i never said that not believing in God makes someone less than me. As a matter of fact i’ll quote what Paul said about my Lord (To me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ). Finally, maybe you should take another look at my s/n which as u noted is “imperfect believer” so why would i then go and say or insinuate that i’m better than anyone. MY life is nothing without out Christ with Christ i have experienced a freedom that i never even knew was possible so forgive me if talking about God may offend u but just like everyone else on here thinks they have an answer, well so do i and for me the answer has come through God and like i said already, i know i’m imperfect so if God can and has answered me and brought me freedom, peace n satisfaction in life then i know that He can and will do it for others who decide to trust Him & realise that HE knows best i’ll jsut say this one last thing about my Lord. HE said, ” For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart”
@ true believer
on another note u mention general ‘bermudian’ mind which i found a little insulting because you seem to be ‘inferring’ that i have a small, closed or unintelligent mind. I’d like to let u know that i have lived in the US for about a total of 7 yrs of my life and am university educated
our young men need 2 get out of Bermy fast!! there is only 1 thing thats gona happen 2 them there, there gona have 2 kill or b killed..
Sounds like you know a lot there “get Out”. I can read many things into what you just put out there for the world to see and I am sure you know where I’m comming. But!! I just SMB and wait and see what you have to say in the comming weeks.
Let me apologize for my emotional response from yesterday everybody has a point but u have 2 understand also that when u see ur friends being crucified by people that don’t even know them is kind of hard 2 swallow. I’ve known them for over 10 years. Also 2 the girl callin her wack even though if she did tell I don’t agree with her actions that’s her perogative and my opion. why she did it IF she did is her buisiness what’s done is done just leave it to the courts now. I’m not back tracking or taking back what I said cuz I meant it but it could have came out different. EVERYBODY is entitled to their opion whether u agree with it or not IF they did this then they have 2 live with it but you can’t judge there characters on a news paper article. Yesterday 25 ppl lost their jobs from the bank not sayimg the economy is an excuse I’m just sayin some peoples options are limited and @ times have 2 take risks. We should be able 2 share our opions with out insulting one another. I love BDA and I love my friends but our island has fell off and no one respectts anyone. We should be able 2 disagree without disrespecting. And no one knows it all for the ones in my opiniom who judge harshly ur blessed that you don’t have to take those risk or watch/read/hear people diss your friends or family. This is life the good the bad and the ugly. NO MORE DRAMA I’m not defending what they have been accused of doing but I do support them.
I have a headache from reading all this…it is very sad where we find ourselves today as a country. Only God can save us from ourselves. The bible predicts all that we are seeing today. It is a sign that we are in the last days. I really believe this to my core. It is time to get right with the Lord. Peace and love to you all.
Uh no. Things much, much, worse then our petty murders have gone on since man was able to speak.
What kills me about everyone on here passing judgement is that most of you have said “stay at home gangsters” or “wanksters” or “punks”… yet your frightened by these same young men if your caught in a dark alley with them. Everyone is passing judgement because they know little of these guys. Let me give you some insight…
When my mom comes home from grocery shopping and these alleged “gangsters” are outside… they have manners enough to offer to help her with the bags. I’ve asked my mom on numerous occasions if she wants to move from around there and I repeatedly get told NO, because these so called “gangsters” are her extended family. Some of these so called “gangsters” would check on their neighbors if they hear they are sick. I’ve lived round Fenton’s drive for 14 years now and have known all these alleged “gangsters” since then.
Most of the ppl that are on here defending them have never claimed these boys are sweet and innocent. They are only defending the cruel comments that people who know little of them have made. I am not condoning nothing what they have done, but simply stating that they aren’t “gangsters” to everyone.
My heart goes out to the families of these people involved, because they are left to deal witht the nasty comments being made.
And if Mr. Jones get shot and he’s not a relative or friend of the hood, water off a ducks back right.
Your Mother feels protected. You feel sorry for the sharks. Keep feeding them.
You are one living idiot!!! First off no one is talking about shootings! This case didn’t say nothing about them committing murders or even having guns! This is an importation case!!! Not once did I say free them, not once did I say my mother feels protected by them, not once did I say they are innocent, not once did I condone their actions. I am simply saying to keep your nasty comments about people you don’t know to yourself!!!
No one that lives in these neighborhoods condones what’s going on in this island! We simply feel the need to protect them from “INTERNET GANGSTERS” who feel the need to try and belittle them on what the media posts!
It’s all relative. Once you recognise that you’ll be better off. I am living but no idiot. It’s not what you thought you wrote, it’s what you infered.
Couldn’t have said it better myself
@Sandra Raynae I completely agree! People are passing judgment on young men they’ve never met a day in their life! Smh…
It’s easy for ppl who no little of living in the back of town area to judge it. They’ve never been round here to the back to school bbq’s or the summer waterfights or the numerous other family stuff that happens round here! All they see is the negative things that the media print & judge them on that! What they have done doesn’t mean it’s who they are
FREE KIO, ROY, LANO AND PSANTO!!! You have the support of more people than you think… All of these people passing judgment will soon have their day… STAY UP!!!
Yeah “Relative”. Spot on. I never met John Hinkley, et al. Now Sadam and Osama, they were just great people. Look at the millions they have rid the world of. Great job.
Oh. And their Mothers loved them. In fact Mrs Bin Laden speaks often to her son. What a great relationship. That bond, mother son……….
“have their day”.? Yours is already here and you want us to deal with it?
Listen, every thief, rapist, murderer and drug dealer has people who love them and whom they love. Based on some of the above logic that should be enough to clear them of all their crimes n punishments. U have people who are going around selling drugs to our youth, shooting at and murdering other human beings and robbing tourist n locals alike and then going home to their loved ones to give them a hug n a kiss. I guess as long as they are being polite to someone then they should be allowed to continue roaming the streets being a menace to those whom they have no personal love 4. Even serial killers have people in their lives who are dear to them so let’s just let them all roam free without consequence because they have someone who thinks they are a good person or they have someone in their life who did not get to experience their criminal acts. Just because u have known someone for yrs n think their great does not give them a pass for the crimes they commit. If your defense is that they never did the crime in your presence so they should be absolved then I guess u are more interested in emotional reasoning rather than truth n logic. If the 4 young men did what they r charged with then they need to accept their sentence n hopefully learn to make better choices in the future.n if we want our young men to stop getting arrested for foolishnes then we all need to do a better job on holding them to a higher standard n stop making excuses for their bad decisions. It seems like we have just accepted that they r too weak to make good sound decisions and upright choices. If that’s the level of respect we have for our young blk men then we may as well give up the streets to them now because all is lost because the only other segments of society where we usually protect n defend bad behaviour are with infants who usually don’t know any better n with the mentally handicapped. Are we ready to abandon our young blk men to these 2 categories? Even infants get the message when they receive a consequence for their actions n they grow in knowledge and wisdom as a result. But what are we teaching our blk young men when we refuse to allow them to be held accountable by the courts? We need to stop lowering the bar for our youth as if they are idiots, incompetent or incapable of making right decisions n living within the confines of the law.
It is so funny that there are so many critics on this island. Those critics who run on and on about how the YOUTH and YOUNG BLACK MEN are ruining this island and are no good etc. These are the same critics that sit back and do nothing to help thje situation but are ready to run their mouths a minute after an event has happen. Why dont you, instead of posting your opinions on a website, stand up and voice your opinions. GO OUT and support the few activist on the island pushing to straighten the youths out!!! As far as making opinions about their education and what not BLAME YOU GOVERNMENT! Point blank most of these boys came out of public school systems that could care less if these boys drop out or do not get the essential educational values that they would need to succeed. The government doesnt question why these boys are not educated they simply write them off as Trouble to Society or Useless, but really a lot of them are nice boys or kids but feel they need to live this sort of life in the society we are living in now or need guidance on an alternate lifestyle. When in fact if these boys had someone really take an interest in their wellbeing and push them you never know they MIGHT JUST BE THE NEXT LAWYER, DOCTOR, ETC. SO FOR ALL YOU READY TO RUN YOUR MOUTH why dont you find the underlying reason that the youth are doing what they are doing and use all the energy you use to voice your opinions and take an actually interest in saving our youth! OR JUST SHUT UP!
@ mad prophet. I feel you. Hopefully the government would at least decide to decriminalize it first.
If the government chooses to legalize marijuana in Bermuda, it’ll be actually doing Bermuda a favor. Imagine the amount of marijuana users in the world. Our second main stream of revenues is tourism…why not make it a part of our tourist attraction. I mean really, why do you think so many people visit amsterdam?
Wise up Bermuda. Marijuana is a plant that was here before us and will be here after us. Why not embrace it?
I agree but it should be taxed and monitored in the same as cigarettes and alcohol. This would ultimately decrease the profit gained from selling marijuana on the streets which then eliminates the crime need to obtain and distribute.
if milk is illegal and I sell it I am going to charge a lot because its a big risk to transport it, but then a bill is passed making it legal and taxable. Big businesses like dunkleys are going to be able to buy more milk then me and sell for better prices. All my boys who usually brought milk from me are now gonna get there milk from dunkleys. Now I there is no point in shooting my competition because I still wont be able to offer a better price.
– ( SILLY analogy )
but because of Bermuda’s size and delicate culture
If it is legalized Bermuda will be only known for marijuana similar to that of Amsterdam; but Amsterdam is bigger in population allowing it to have multiple facets within its culture
Can someone knowledgeable explain how the process would work to increase minimum sentencing for gun crime? Could this legislation be passed by government? Would it have to be upheld in the judicial system? How does the process work? Bermudians should protest for new legislation.
I mean 9 years for conspiring to murder????? 13 years for importing drugs???? What the heck is going on with the higher ups? I am really starting to wonder.
‘The Lord God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you. This is My name forever, and this is My memorial to all generations.’
Then God said,” Let the earth bring forth grass, the HERB that yields SEED according to its kind, whose seed is in ITSELF, on the earth”; and it was so.
And GOD said, “SEE, I HAVE GIVEN YOU EVERY HERB that YIELDS SEED which is on the FACE of ALL the EARTH, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food.
And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb.
2 In the MIDDLE of its STREET,and on either SIDE of the RIVER, was the TREE OF LIFE, which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. THE LEAVES OF THE TREE WERE FOR THE HEALING OF THE NATION.
I am the Alpha and Omega the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last
Bermuda is said to have the most churches per capita….
that shows you how little religion solves